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Adam Lambert livestream Q&A for Q102 Philadelphia

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, August 12, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, August 12, 2010


Anonymous said...

Great interview... thanks Adam! Hey guys watch what you say on twitter... Adam creeps at them... lol

Anonymous said...

Liked the General Admission question by the audience member.

Um, don't think you should do any moshpitting, jumping into the audience, audience surfing BB - don't think you'd make it out alive ;).

and BB - love your honesty, and you're so dang charming I hurt, but lawdy hope that Snooki comment doesn't come back to bite you in the lovely behind, demographics and all that. I personally LOVED your response (and honestly, think more highly of you for it :)), but yikes, you know how these things go in the blogosphere ('though I think most of the planet would feel 'ya on this one, lol).

Liked this interviewer.


Anonymous said...

Perfect! Honest! Just being himself....Loved it!
Loved the "I got needs" comment. This was a good interview.

There's only backlash when sooooo many people feel the need to "shine a light" on ______ fill in the blank. So, how about we not comment on what he says that could be construed as negative.

Thanks to Adam for another great interview.

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely correct Anon @ 4:52pm! Point taken. ( crap, is there a delete button on this thing, :)...shoot). MGF

Anonymous said...

Thank Goodness they have finally started talking about his music and not being gay for goodness sake. Yea!! He said "Change is going to Come" and you know I think he is right. So happy to see him so happy!

Anonymous said...

That interview got to me. He feels pressure from us crazy fanatical fans who check this website 10 times a day among other Adam things. OK, I know he loves us and, in many ways, needs our support. But now I'm on a guilt trip. Sorry Adam. Just keep a-doing what you're doing. We love you for you, flaws and all. Don't completely understand it, but might spoil things if we did. Just enjoy our adoration and keep making music.

Anonymous said...

Flaws? What flaws?

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:39, I thought the same thing! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Yes, 7:39, that's exactly the problem. It's like when you first fall in love. You simply can't see or imagine any failings of your partner. That's the viewpoint some of Adam's fans have, so when something happens--and it will--there's a big fall off the thrown where we've put our king. All I'm saying is what Adam is sayin--that's a while lotta pressure going along with the WLL. He's a dude doing his music. Love and enjoy. But be realistic. JMO

Anonymous said...

Saw the pics of ADAM with his 'friend' on the other thread & that guy does not look like the type of guy I would assume ADAM would be attracted to. Not the 'pretty' boys ADAM says he likes ... oh well! Glad to see ADAM having some fun.

Great to see ADAM so relaxed on the interview ... I VOTE for IIHY everyday as often as I can on that site. Come to think of it ... I VOTE on ALL the sites that ADAM is on .... hope you all are doing the same.

BTW ... the new format here kind of threw me ... thought I was on another site ... correction ... didn't know where I was for a minute! ..LOL


Anonymous said...

Guy looked just like Drake. In fact I thought it was at first. Anyway, just having conversation, flirtation and a few drinks doesn't mean they hooked up. Doesn't matter. Whatever. Yes, I've been voting like crazy.

Anonymous said...

Dear Adam - no pressure, just don't ever change. Being exactly who you are is inspiring, friendly, honest, intersting and you can't help the sexiness so don't even try. LOL

Anonymous said...

Interesting.......the word is interesting!! Would help if I proofread before snap click!!

Anonymous said...

pssst Adam: Keep private stuff closer to the vest. Sometimes tmi. We don't really NEED to know you got some. k?

Anonymous said...

Great interview and like the interviewer, too! Love it when the interviewer plays some kind of game cause Adam's good at them. It's good to know he actually scans what we twat to him! I always wondered how he could even read everything between fan twats and all those he follows.

Anonymous said...

Guess I need to listen again. Adam said he got some?

Anonymous said...

Don't you know that Adam has thousands of tweets every single day. Good scanner to pick through them. But lots of time on that lonely bus. Awwwwwwwww.