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Adam Lambert moves up two places on airplay chart

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, August 2, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 02, 2010

As Adam Lambert continues to climb the genre charts for new single "If I Had You", he also is moving up in the right direction when it comes to his fellow alum.

In the newest sales numbers courtesy of USA Today, the "American Idol" singer has slid up to #8, passing up old hits by Daughtry and Carrie Underwood. His total spin count -- which includes numbers across all formats -- is at 2,418.

Now that Adam has reached his new position, it could take a few weeks before we see any new movement. He may be able to pass Daughtry's "September" soon, but following that he needs to pick up an addition 1,500 spins to take on the big guns at the top of the chart.

As for "Whataya Want From Me", Adam's smash hit is staying strong with over 5,700 spins across the country. Underwood is currently at #1 with hit country tune "Undo It".

1 1 Carrie Underwood, Undo It (9133) (#3 Country)

2 2 Adam Lambert, Whataya Want From Me (5748) (#8 AC, #9 Hot AC)

3 3 Kelly Clarkson, Already Gone (4359)

4 4 Daughtry, Life After You (4174) (#7 AC)

5 6 Fantasia, Bittersweet (4036) (#16 Urban, #4 Urban AC)

6 5 Kris Allen, Live Like We're Dying (3992) (#9 AC, #23 Christian AC)

7 7 Daughtry, September (2614) (#13 Hot AC)

8 10 Adam Lambert, If I Had You (2418) (#28 Top 40)

9 8 Daughtry, No Surprise (2381)

10 9 Carrie Underwood, Before He Cheats (2281)

Source: Examiner


Arta Arias said...

First one?!?! Where's Captain Fan4Fun and all the gang?!
Ok... personally I think Adam seriously needs a tv exposure sooner or later in a talk show or sth for his new single! Or it won't be going that big that we like it to be.
What he definitely needs is an award show where he can sing his a** off - with his much more increased confidence as a performer due to his tour - marking his signature falsetos, high notes, operatic "soaked-like" voice and his deep bass voice, in not just one single song, but in an exciting and blood pumping mix like his tour starter or the bowie one he performed on the AI tour. And who knows... maybe he'll want to end that mix with a powerful cover of The Queen or a power duet with someone like Christina.
Anyways he needs to boost his popularity, record sales and perfectly professional image with this performances and close his album with a smash hit new single which fromm the sounds of it, it seems it's gonna be sleepwalker for the middle of the fall, and then maybe take a short haitus to recreate himself and then come out even bigger with his new album. I hope he considers his sophomore for spring, cause it'll be too soon I think. Although we Glamberts can't wait but if he releases another single or even if he doesn't and continue to tour until the end of the year and then reappear too soon he'll become a little predictable for the non-glambert audience. (Although we KNOW this ain't true and he'll never get cliche!!! :)))) )
OMG somebody stop me! I think I need to star a blog or sth, I knew I had to order decaff...

Arta Arias said...

24/7, I hope you guys don't get mad at me for these really long comments every once in a while. It's just because you haven't created a blog, this place thanx to you has become a base for us Glamberts and I really am grateful for that. Anyway if anyone thinks I'm crossing the line, please just tell me and I'll be shorter next time.
peace, Arta Arias.

LIVA said...

Arta Arias - LOL!! You can write as long as you can! 24/7 has said that they allow anything written by fans. They just don't like haters or anti-Adam comments.

And I definitely agree with you. Adam needs to go on a show to promote the single and album ASAP... he needs exposure. Maybe he'll do it after the tour ends?

Anonymous said...

wasnt adam on Oprah last week? Did the sales increase?

Anonymous said...

Arta Arias, Say as much as you want. As I was told ppl. can always scroll past something they've not interested in. I like reading what others have to say! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam did a lot of promoting already. I think talking about it won't help Adam... if we do our part to increase airplays by requesting it from your favorite radio stations ones a day would be ideal.

And by supporting him by buying his album and singles then we should see results... just my opinion and observation.:)

BieberGirl said...

I LOVE WWFM!!!! :3

Anonymous said...

I think being on tour itself is a big promotion....

But I admit I would love to see him perform on some late night shows sometime. Maybe this Christmas?

Arta Arias said...

Thanx guys for the support and observation and to fellow Glambert 10:32 - He hasn't been on "O" recently, it was a recap of his last visit. ;)
@ Liva: Special Thanx! :p and... I just hope he leaves A gap between this album and all it's promotions and the next album, at least say 3 months...?
@ AdamLuv: Thanx for the encouragement! I seldom post comments (And when I do I go on and on and on...), but I always enjoy reading your commnets and your passion for Adam. ;)
@ Glambert 11:11 - I completely get what you're saying. Actually I recently suggested we start a campaign to go buy ourselves another FYE album each so we can make it go Plat. But I don't know if it's good for Adam's pride and reputation as an artist. I think it'll trigger the haters... anyway if you guys think it's a good idea "Doug" OMRG's Webmaster is a friend of mine and he can help us with a campaign.
@ Glambert 11:19 - Christmas would be great, but when is the grammys?

Anonymous said...

Maybe he'll be on Ellen, Oprah or Leno again in the fall. His website has him scheduled again on Ellen on Aug. 26th and the next day on Oprah. They dont say but I'm assuming they are reruns again. I dont think the new shows start until Sept. or Oct.? I guess the appearance on Fallon this Wed. but not true. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Hey the guy is working his a** off and doing great. Applause for Adam. He's still the new kid on the block, even though he's not really a kid. Spins will probably decrease here when he heads for international concert tour.

Anonymous said...

Gosh its all so political, I didnt realie this till Istarted following Adam, just how all this worked. I think all we can do now is exactlty what we are doing, buying the music, playing the music, voting is very important,also the tour is one big promotion. IIHY is doing okay here in NZ, tho a slight drop in our top 40 this week, which was disappointing, but it is played a lot on our radio $ TV music channels.

KatieP said...

Why do they keep rerunning ELLEN and OPRAH? Maybe it has huge ratings.

Then maybe they should ask Adam on their show again.

Anonymous said...

@ Arta Arias
Hye, Hye, Sir Baby Boy, so... you are BACK and I am CAPTAIN??? LOL, Captain, my Captain, have you started already using eyliner??? Did your girl friend freak out? Did you find the message I left to you about men using makeup, many, many days ago, when you were «missing»??? I MISSED YOU Arta Arias!!! Don't you dare, never more, to disapear for so long, or I may ask the new president of Club Weird (Glambrit Isle of Wight UK) to expel you out off 24/7 Paradise! Glamshit, Baby Boy, I thought about those mountains you said have to drive through to reach the university, and really got worried. But now you are back, alive, healthy and «talking» more than a parrot with our new «came out» Anonymous! HA! So many new tags in less than one month! It's the Universal Power of Adam Lambert, connecting ALL with love! The new commenters are so welcome here in Paradise, and you, Wonder Glambert, are specially welcome back! To all of you new fellows, my Diamond Boy, the Iranian glamfan's Wonder Boy says... «Thank you, thank you so much!». And now, talking more seriously, is it possible not to fall in love for sweet Adam when we see that shining look in the picture above?
«Captain» Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Arta Arias! You are fantastic writer! Don't stop, please.
Absolutely agree with idea to go buy another FYE album.

Anonymous said...

Arta Arias - post away, as much as you want! We love to hear everyone's perspective on Adam!

- Adam Fix

Catharine Sloper said...

What's the matter with Simon Cowell? I'm just responding to some other entry here on this website. Why doesn't he want to give Adam's his telephone number? Is he nuts? If I had a chance to give my telephone number to Adam, I'd give him my home, work, cell, mobile, double mobile, email, second email, third email, any email, plus any other contact information he wanted. Simon could learn a lot from Adam plus have a great, meaningful, creative relationship. Some people have no brains.

Arta Arias said...

:DDD CAPTAIN!!!!!! How's everything?!?!?!?! Good to hear from u!! I'm feelin' the looooooove!!!!
I missed u 2. I checked the comments every now and then, but I was too occupied with my exams so I couldn't write any. And I didn't get your comment captain but I left u a comment last time we were talking on a same subject and it seems you didn't get it either. I told u that I'm thankful for your leadeship and encouragements in voting for Adam in Vh1 and afterwards your positivity when we were down he slipped down a little bit therefore I would call u Captain from now on and told u how great it was u upgraded Adam form Goldenboy to Diamondboy and suggested it's time to upgrade him to Wonderboy cause he's too freakin' darn good to be materialised.
So there u go! I'm here and I'm gonna stay here and I love InterAdaming with u and of course the other glamily union , and ur the captain and I love ridin' on your ship cause it's full of love, positivity and Fun captain.
I send u lots of Adamly love mixed with Persian delight from all the Iranian fans of Adam Lambert. Show us the way captn'.... ;)

Anonymous said...

@@ Arta Arias,
Thank you for your kind words, fellow, I don't know whether I deserve such a deep consideration from you. or not... I can't even speak or write a good english, just relearned it to be able to love sweet Adam better! You know, voting is really important but the most important is that sweeet Adam got a fan base like no one, we qare all so die hard, we know it and so does sweet Adam. No doubt, we are all connected with an intense love and doing a good job rising together our shining star, at least YOU are doing it perfectly! Thank you and to all the iranian glamfans; let's keep our love fresh and delivered to sweet Adam 24 hours a day.
If you think that my comments are full of love and made me Captain of a ship, this means that my ship is the «Love Boat»??? Ha, ha! The way to go is «UP», man, always UP ....higher and higher... this ship is going to FLY, man! LOL..... You say sweet Adam is «Wonder», Glambrit Isle of Wight UK says he is «TONIC»....I say that «sweet tonic wonder boy» could do alright replacing «Diamond Boy» in a next promotion...maybe? Cp. Fan4fun