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Glam Nation Tour in Tempe, Arizona

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, August 2, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 02, 2010


Picture of Adam backstage! (Photo Credit: ninadonline)



MAD WORLD (Another version)







FEVER (another version)








Anonymous said...

Wooow! great videos ever!!! very clear and Adam looked sooooooo gorgeous last night!!! He just looks different in a very good way! I want more videos not enough!:))... I know Im being greedy... but these videos are just awesome!!!

Thanks 24/7, a lot of posts again to greet us first thing in the morning... hahaha More dose of Adam... it's always a good thing!:)))

Anonymous said...

I've really enjoyed following Adam on tour but for some reason, I just can't wait to see Adam get back into the music..there's a whole another side to him that we're all waiting to see..

LIVA said...

I agree with you 10:23...I just want Adam to get back into making more music. I'm not saying I'm bored with the album but I need new music!!! Maybe a new single and a new music video will do! But I'm relieved that the new album will be released next Spring. Not a long wait....

Anonymous said...

Loved the concert! Ready now for ICLYG!!!
Would love to see him sing it like Christina does her song, sitting on floor and just gushing his powerful sexiness and heavenly voice..I don't need anymore than that voice. He is beyond words when it comes to his voice.

Anonymous said...

We Adam fans hear his album over and over and crave new music. But, you would be amazed how many people don't have a clue who he is, or as the young guy at Brookstone said the other day, "Oh, he's the one who won Idol." That's all they know. So it's so important to keep requesting his music and get it played on radio. That's the business along with the creative part. So call or e-mail your stations today to play his music. And don't forget the VH1 voting. It's already Monday.

RainingDay said...

Good thing I checked back to this thread. It's updated with FEVER and STRUT!!! yay....

Did he sing WHOLE LOTTA LOVE last night?

Anonymous said...

Adam did not sing WLL last night. The crowd went wild after he sang Mad World and left the stage. We chanted ADAM ADAM about 5 minutes hoping he would come back to do WLL but he did not. I posted on the Vegas Thread that some comments were he did not look like he felt good that night.

Adam was AMAZING in Tempe!! He was to go on at 9:00 pm but did not take the stage until 9:15 (we were getting a little worried - not sure what caused the delay though).

If he stil was not feeling good last night still it would explain why he did not sing WLL.

We LOVED the whole concert -- and YES YES YES he was GORGEOUS last nigth!!

One other really cute thing. After ADAM sang aftermath, MONTE kissed him on the head -- they are all such good friends and family all rolled into one.

Soooo sad that Longineau is leaving the band -- he will probably regret his decision later -- ADAM will be iconic for many years to come!!

ADAM please take care of YOU!!!! We want you to be healthy and happy !!!


Anonymous said...

I was wondering what Adam does if he eats something that doesn't agree with him. I know at times I can not leave my bathroom. Just maybe if he take med's to stop cramps etc. it may take time to take effect. These things do happen to people and Adam may seen super human to us, but bottom line is our sweet man is still like the rest of us. This could be why he gets on stage late, or has to take more times between sets.
Love the new 24/7 format. It is easier on the eyes. Now I read comments first, so I know what to look for, as you all point out little, or big things to look for.
Thank you all so much for loving Adam and each other.


Anonymous said...

I need to see the band intro to see the interaction/dance between Adam and Brooke! Check out this very HAWT pic of Adam and Brooke!

(by weelassie:
08/02/2010 at 3:38 am on the Planet Fierce website)


Anonymous said...


You need and give too much information.

Anonymous said...

I'm anxious to see Aftermath - I want to see Monte/Adam bromance and I can't find it posted anywhere :(

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

OK, here's something that stood out in my mind when I saw Adam live in Seattle. When he sang Ring of Fire (my FAVE song of his) and was down on his knees, he then extended this one LLLLOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG leg, down onto the stair in front of him. For me, time slowed down. It was like that leg just kept coming towards us, in slow motion, with no end in sight because it was so freakin' long!

Funny the things that can stand out in your mind.

- Adam Fix

GlammyLadybug said...

@DC Canadian
If you did't find a video yet..go on this YT link
(at aprox. 4:00) :)