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Adam Meeting Fans After the Concert Last Night in Springfield, Missouri

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 8, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, August 08, 2010

After the concert ended last night, Adam came out to sign autographs and posters for the fans.

Thanks BlooDragons for the video!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful man. Love you Adam, you are so good to you fans.

Anonymous said...

Poor guy he looks like he is ready for bed! I Love Adam's
" Hi "... so cute! :))

LIVA said...

So adorable, this gorgeous man!

Anonymous said...

this is so cool! check a news coverage of the anti-protestors..

so full of love~


Anonymous said...

Glambrit isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

i love it when Adam is on front page of major sites...


Anonymous said...

Those bodyguards look mean! haha
Adam is friendly and smiling as if it's his first concert. What a professional! Who can't adore him?

Anonymous said...


thanks for the yahoo link. :D he's headline news hahaha. it's been a long time. i remember during american idol, he was headline news everyday!

Anonymous said...

Hey Adamluv - are you out there friend? Hope to see you posting again soon (hope that other silliness from a previous thread isn't keeping you away!!) Post on glamsistah.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to vote VH1 Vote early in the week. Let's make it count. Start NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

aww what a lovely start to my day....AND, a lip lick at about 10 seconds in sighhhhhh...Adam you delicious gorgeous man :D

chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

Ok, glam addicts...
Your A fix : (all songs there, I think) Enjoy the trip!


Anonymous said...

Oh my... WLL...

Not at all for midday use! Can't take a cold shower where I am now. I'd seriously advise against watching it before sunset.


Anonymous said...

could someone maybe answer a question.. i'm voting at VHI, would love to see Adam in the top 5 again, when watching his video i don't see how many people viewed and i can't read the comments...this just started yesterday...did they change something???

Anonymous said...

Adamluv = Glamsista..dont let the negative rude post stop you from posting! your part of our 24/7 glamily.....please post soon xx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Thank you GL!!!


Anonymous said...

@GL August 9 4:31AM -
Oh my... WLL...

Re your "...Not at all for midday use!..." SO TRUE :)!!!!!!

Still forming coherent thoughts on WLL from viewing it in the wee hours of this morning... haven't even watched all vids yet... but this WLL - top 5 easily IMHO :)


ps. @ Sweetie 7:36am - did I ever ask you what you thought about Nigel L.'s "androgyny" comment to Billy Bell when Bell got eliminated on SYTYCD??? I'm curious about your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

WoW...thanks GL that was a Delicious WLL, Adam just ooooooozes sex appeal.....mmm yummy
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Pssst...Adamluv...we miss your posts Glamsista