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Adam's Twitter Party: Questions and Answers!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, August 1, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, August 01, 2010

Here are the questions and answers from Adam's twitter party. Credits to matertenebrarum (Thanks!)

Q: @adamlambert have you ever been to Ireland? You should do a show here. You have a lot of Irish fans.

A: @ChloeMythen doing a show in Dublin in December I believe! :) I was there once years ago. Love the accent.

Q: @adamlambert Are you going to do concert tours? I really love you and I want you to come to vegas!! :)

A: @GabyBieberLover Just in Vegas last night! If you wanna know when I'm visiting your area on the Glam Nation Tour, go to go to events.

Q: @adamlambert When do you expect to get this tattoo sleeve action going?

A: @catcherofdreamz Workin on it! Prob gonna do some classic Iconography then fill up the rest w some baroque swirly action :)

Q: @adamlambert are you coming to the UK for a tour? I love you!

A: @24793x yes! Touring the UK in the Fall. Stay tuned for dates!

Q: new @adamlambert drawing on Twitpic: via @addthis

A: @DreamBeliever08 Whoever drew this is a fantastic Artist!!

Q: @adamlambert , can i PLEASE have your hat from the 'If I Had You' music video???

A: @simmalamb it wasn't mine! Ha! Borrowed from costume house.

Q: @adamlambert what's the strangest place you've woken up

A: @lovelyfreak in a park in the bushes. Many years ago... W a killer hangover. That was a wake up call!

Q: @adamlambert What was the inspiration behind Rabbit Hole?

A: @MsBroadwayBound The expansion of ones consciousness

Q: @adamlambert how tall ru?

A: @pearliaj I'm 6'1". Upon meeting me, one of the most common comments is "omg you're so much taller than you look on TV"

Q: @adamlambert what do you have on replay on your ipod right now?

A: @deb_forman I am currently addicted to two pop tunes I just downloaded: Mike Posner's "Please Don't Go" and Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream"

Q: @adamlambert Favorite movie 'character'?

A: @NotClaraBow Brian Slade - Velvet Goldmine

Q: @adamlambert why aren't you coming to LA?? Your biggest fans are here!! I would do anything to get you to LA!! lol

A: @DinkaKartinka workin on it!! Ask my agent! Hahah

Q: @adamlambert Is there a single moment U can think of that is ur biggest regret? Did it change everything? AND would U change it if U could?

A: @vampyvet Absolutely NO regrets

Q: @adamlambert Does Dusty Madrid have potential for a handlebar mustache?

A: @Jessica0206 yes! Someone Photoshop one in!!

Q: @adamlambert incase twitlonger hates me - what is your actual eye color? looks different in all my photos. need it for my tattoo :D

A: @ZaraLipstixx it changes. Pale Blue/gray/green

Q: @adamlambert If you went to a foreign country today which would that be?

A: @alrahrahahahah I am so excited to visit both Italy and France. :) Glam Nation is coming!!! Would also love to vacation in Greece, see the ruins of Egypt, and party in Spain.

Q: @adamlambert do you and @TommyJoeRatliff ever kiss off stage? or is it just for the show?

A: @LAMBERTLUST hahah. That's entirely up to your imaginations! Fantasy is so much hotter than reality most of the time.

Q: @adamlambert what does Dusty drink? Margaritas or beer?

A: @Bluelens1 Paps Blue Ribbon

Q: @adamlambert just wondering.. do you shave your legs?

A: @rachel_fabs95 hahaha fuck no

Q: bwhahahahahaahaha wow RT LoveRatliff: @adamlambert IS TOMMY STRAIGHT?!!?! YES OR NO?!?!?

A: @GlittahOnMyFace yup straight! He's just sensitive and likes lookin pretty.

Q: How much do I miss you? Haha RT @adamlambert: Twitter party time!! Ask me some stuff. I will answer!! :)

A: @BambolaBambina not a much as I miss you!!!

Q: @adamlambert how much do u love me!??

A: @alisanporter I adore you from the bottom of my soul

Q: @adamlambert when are you coming back to CA and how did you get so badass?!? ahhhhhh! *fans self, etc. :P

A: @simoncurtis not home till December...

Q: @adamlambert how'd you get to be so cool???

A: @IlseyJ 'shutup! :)

-interjection from adam: K ladies you know u love you to death... But where are my gays at?? :) -

Q: @adamlambert Are you planning on writing more on the next cd?

A: @AriesWomanMarie yup :)

Q: @adamlambert Would you like to share Spaghettios with Colton and I?

A: @Nick_Mo sounds divine

Q: @adamlambert Do you keep a scrap book of all your shows? B/c if so I have some great photos you could add from your show in Chesaning, MI

A: @Tree_10 nope. Not materialistically sentimental...

Q: @adamlambert questions...just love you...xox

A: @scarlett_cherry I love YOU!!

Q: @adamlambert Why so many video nazis at venues? Don't you like the fan vids? If ur mgmt doesn't like them, why don't they do it themselves?

A: @Glambert1904 I know!! My Mgmt has nothing to do w it though... It's the venue rules. I truly don't mind

Q: @adamlambert here! Busy choreographing a striptease to "Fever". Lol!

A: @JoeRHarris werk

Q: -protected tweet-

A: @stayingcrazy sounds delightful. :)

Q: @adamlambert um cmon! I'm around!!!

A: @jairodriguez break legs in Vegas!!!



Anonymous said...

OMG, YES YES YES - come to LA! It's your home, homeboy! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

"K ladies you know u love you to death... But where are my gays at?? "


Anonymous said...

Glam Nation Tour heading to UK in the Autumn...Yay
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

K :) what I wanna know is how old was Adam he woke up in a park in the bushes. Many years ago... W a killer hangover? And what kind of friends you had then?

And last but not the least, Yah! how did you get to be cool? I love Adams answer on this one! :)))

Anonymous said...

Looks like he's just starting his tattoo adventure. It's nasty to me, especially when people get older and start losing muscle tone. Flabby tats are just not sexy. Yes, I know. It's what this generation does, but it will always carry a stigma for me. Adam is so perfectly beautiful now so hate to see him compromising that beauty. Know I will be flailed for this opinion, but it is, afterall, only my opinion. Thanks 24/7 for new format for for posting all the Q's and A's.

Anonymous said...

So happy about Adam having a tour in the UK!!! <3

We did it! Glambrit Isle of Wight UK!

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam is not serious about this one! :( ewwwwwwww

Q: @adamlambert When do you expect to get this tattoo sleeve action going?

A: @catcherofdreamz Workin on it! Prob gonna do some classic Iconography then fill up the rest w some baroque swirly action :)

Anonymous said...

To 9:46 Everyone around Adam is getting or have these massive tattoos, so I imagine it is getting to him. It's amazing tho that he went all those years without even one, and now he thinks he has to do this. In his group, it is common, accepted and encouraged. Monte's new one almost made me ill. It is so ugly and he is so proud of it. Just wonder how Adam survived and flourished all those years without permanently covering his bod. What does mom and dam think, and does he care. Doubt it at this point in his life.

JakeL said...

Am I the only one who wants to see him get a sleeve tat?

Anonymous said...

JakeL Don't you think it's a generational thing. I'm a boomer, and folks with tats were considered lowlife. It's something guys did in the military when they got drunk. Generalizing of course, but it's just the way things were. I'm pretty tolerant and will accept anything (almost anything) Adam chooses to do. It's just a matter of personal preference. I don't think tats are pretty, but clearly many people do. So, it's all good.

Anonymous said...

No Jake, I would love to see him get a sleeve too! But I'm from Seattle and everyone and their brother has a tattoo here. And people come up with such creative ones around here, too! Tattoos are so common here that sometimes it kind of weirds me out to see musicians withOUT tattoos! They seem vulnerable and naked. Ha, ha!

I have 5 tattoos, however, they're in places where I can let them show if I want, or cover them up (lots on my back). However, I do think sleeves are super sexy, and Adam would look fierce with one!

But - tattoos are one of those polorizing either love 'em, or hate 'em. So that's my 2 cents.

PS - HI GIOW/UK!! Did you finally recover from your That's about the last we heard from you! How was your Hope it was a great day! We missed you.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:17PM

I also thought people who were tattooed were people who were in jail. It's their way of marking them. That's what I heard from my folks.

Anonymous said...

While I've never been in jail Anon 11:17, I have see documentaries on gang tats prevalent in jail. They are homemade, very distinctive and not very pretty. Again, I really think it's generational. Folks consider it body art. I've had friends that have gotten tats just for image it creates and not for the artistic value. Along with piercing, it's a type of body mutilation that appeals to some people. I also hear it's somewhat addicting. Once you get one, you want another and another. Now, if we were talking about gold jewelry, I could grasp that immediately. I can pile that stuff on. Adam is just so much fun to watch and to see evolve. He is very sure of himself in his style as he should be, so if he wants a tat, he will get one. And most of his fans will love it. C'est la vie.

Anonymous said...

I also do not like tattoo's. I have a friend who had lots of them on his arms and is like 55 now and is spending lots of money trying to get them removed. He says it's pretty painful. One has to consider this in their older age!! They do not look cool in old age in my opinion.


Anonymous said...

Found a tweet that is good news about Tommy's Dad:

RT @cynthilu: On Sunday 1st August 2010, @cynthilu said:


Here is some totally awesome news!!!
Tommy's father, Ron, sat up today and also stood up for the first time in 2
weeks .Mr Ratliff has been hospitalized for a severe infection that destroyed his liver.
The plan for next week is for him to be transfered to Cedars Sinai Hospital and will be
scheduled for a liver transplant.

Here are a few things that you can do to help Ron and his family:
~ For those of you who wish to make a blood donation at your local blood bank in
Ron's name, we will be posting his recipient number here as soon as it is made
available to us.

~ If anyone is willing to be tested as a potential liver donor and you live in
the California area, further information is coming as soon as it is available.

Have we helped Tommy and his family in any way?
Most definitely, YES!

Tommy's mom, Dia, feels like she is surrounded by so much love from thousands of
Tommy has kept his PO BOX for those who would like to send cards.
So, keep rockin' the looooove, makes a huge difference in their
lives! Being lifted up on the wings of love from thousands of caring fans is the
best kind of medicine in the Universe for this family.

Please RT this to all of your Followers..The more donors he has the better!
Any questions ? Please feel free to tweet me.

Cindy Cichon


Anonymous said...

I don't get the tats. Kind of creepy to deface/disfigure your body but love you anyway!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam...I love you just the way you are

Think hard about tats and piercings

If you get a sleeve can't wear that vest

it will be too the freckles more.....

Anonymous said...

tats and piercings do not change who he is. he can do what he wants. hes a grown man. jeez.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

like every A and Q except the tattoo one. . . . no adam not on your whole arm!!! haha please don't :)

Anonymous said...

Mixed feeling about tats. Big difference in the talent of the artists that do them. At least Adam can afford the best. And I think he and Tommy Joe have kissed off stage. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Tats and piercing don't change how he is

It's just the look...I mean those basketball players look

ugh....hate John Mayers sleeve too.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no sleeve tattoo!!!!

Anonymous said...

Did not no this exsisted....wonderful! I was beginning 2 think no 1 asked any questions last eve, or Ad didn't want 2talk 2 us! waited 4 2 hours on twitter, must have left 2 soon. new member now! (realnottooldyet)

Anonymous said...

Love Adam but despise tattoos and amsad and slightly turned off by the ones he has and his plans to get more. Thought Tommy was beautiful until I saw those god-awful marks all over his arms, put me off him as well.
Adam will do what he wants regardless of what any of us say but I do hope he realises one day how unappealing they are, not to mention near impossible to get rid of when you get tired of them.
Saggy and fat and old + lots of tattoos = Major Fail

Fransisca Milani said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I like the tattoos he has but please, Adam no more. Read the opinions of your "older" fans. They do know what they (we) are talking about. A few small ones here and there are fine looking but not a whole sleeve.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above post, really dislike tatoos. Hope he changes his mind but I doubt it. Will still be a fan whatever he does.

LIVA said...

I agree. I despise tattoos. I'm not a fan of it at all. I like it natural.

I hope Adam doesn't get any more.

Anonymous said...

Like what Adam has so far but please no sleeve tatoo! Good friend of mine is spending a fortune to have all hers removed by laser! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with almost all the blogs about tatoos...NO!!NO!!Why would Adam want to be like all those olddddddddddd rock and rollers...Some look awful now...He is better than they ever were and doesn't need to change! I'm really disappointed that he thinks he has to change every week. We love his voice, spend your money Adam on making us a new record (Love CLYG). By the way, if you can pllllllllllease check out Matt Bomer on White Collar..what a couple you would make and he's even intelligent!

Anonymous said...

Another NAY for the sleeve tattoo - please no!!
Adam is so perfect just how he is!!

Anonymous said...

And yet ANOTHER huge DONT DO IT about the sleeve tat. My reason is more professional. If You (Adam) want to follow an all-encompassing career as an entertainer in many forms of media, which you have expressed an interest in, look toward the future. Sure, a sleeve would be "awesome" now, but how will it look on the big/small screen? Do you want to limit yourself to playing weird/odd biker/bad-boy parts or would you actually like to be more of a "leading man" type? The biggest names, the box-office/Nielson draws do NOT have stuff inked all over themselves. It's distracting and hard to cover. If all you want is to "rock on", then by all means go for it. If you want more (and God knows you have the talent, looks, and fan-base) then PLEASE look to the future. I dont recall any Oscar/Tony/Emmy winners with this kind of look. Make a choice: do you "want it all" or do you just "want it now"??

Anonymous said...

Agree with nearly all the above, whilst I quite like some tattoos, and the 2 small ones he has are fine, would hate for him to get a 'sleeve'. Just don't like it, and can't imagine it would look good at 60....

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Of course Adam will do what he wants to do!!!! He is a grown man and has made some pretty good decisions, hasn't he? The anti-tatters (is that a word?--it is now) are just expressing their opinion. We "over-40" folks have too many friends who regret their youthful tats, especially the really busy ones that are hard to hide. I guess if you're going to spend the rest of your life as a rock star, it's OK as long as you keep in shape. Sagging tats are rather unappealing. It's just that he's already so beautiful. He doesn't need them. Adam, why be like everyone else? This is not entitlement. This is simply expressing an opinion, and last I heard, that is still OK. Any young folks here who want nothing better than to have Adam covered in tats? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

Very good points you make 3:50 p.m.

Anonymous said...

I find it unbelievably fascinating that so many Adam fans feel compelled to be so vocal over anything he does that they don't like.

Adam asks absolutely NOTHING from all of you! He just wants to entertain you and wants to put out his message of positivity. He makes no conditions of his gift of performance to us. He does it happily. Seriously folks, he works tirelessly to give us an incredible experience.

So I'm curious how the hell any of you think you have any right to make negative remarks about him. Regardless of what you think, didn't your mother's teach you not to say anything if you have nothing good to say?

I'm sure I'll get piled on, and I get that you all have opinions, sometimes you just need to keep them to yourselves.

IMO Adam can do whatever he wants to his own body, it's his! I will still support him no matter what.