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Sexier Than The Original Music Video?

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, August 7, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, August 07, 2010

Some boys made a "different" and "sexy" version of the "If I Had You" Music Video.

This version is sexy and hot but Adam's version is definitely a lot more sexier and hotter. Haha.

What do you think of this fanmade video?


Anonymous said...

I think my eyes are burning. Quick , I have to go watch Adam's video.

Anonymous said...

Sexy but no one can beat Adam. He's the sexiest man alive.

Anonymous said...

Don't know what to make of it. Um....I think Adam's is better.

Anonymous said...

Love fan made videos. With the exception of the one guy wetting his hair and then flipping it back (found him hot) the rest were just funny! It isnt easy being sexy, is it? Our Adam can just stand there clothed from head to toe with a hoodie on, doing nothing and he just oozes sex and sensuality! Getting hot and bothered just thinking about him!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:41...
Thats EXACTLY what I was thinking. I also thought about removing my eyes with a spork because they hurt so much. But then I realized I would not be able to watch Adam anymore if I did that, and decided against it. lol

Adam's video is SOOOOOOOO much better.


Anonymous said...

Hey fans - 24/7 might post this article - but if not - thought it might be of interest to some of you, given VH1's Countdown placement today:

Also, it might already be on the Lubbock concert thread (way behind on all things 24/7, probably won't go back to catch up) but on YT there is now a pretty good vid of Lubbock WLL - don't have link right now - but from someone with, I think, Margaret in the name.

Anonymous said...

STRANGE........couldn't watch the whole thing....

Shirley said...

LOL this video is kind of a mess. Hot guys but they don't dance to the beat of the song!!! It doesn't sound right....

like I said, hot guys, but not sexier than Adam's!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sexy? No!! Hilarious? Absolutely!!

Anonymous said...

Funny that, 1:08pm ...neither could I - watch the whole thing, I mean.

Anonymous said...

I tried to watch the whole video, but stopped after the guy in the tree with the cucumber sticking out of his speedo. Ewwww

Anonymous said...

This is not sexy....LAME...more like a Jockey, Hanes, or Fruit-of-the-Loom ad! realnottooldyet

Anonymous said...

omg this is kinda sexy....don't get the hate!!

Anonymous said...

Not funny, not good. Boys jealous of or intimidated by Adam is what I saw. Plus Adam wouldn't be caught dead on tape in a speedo or thong. I agree with 1:48, only I threw up in my mouth a little. Yuck

Anonymous said...

1:52 if you find this sexy, you need to get out more often.

TrueBloodNatalie said...

Nope! Not sexier than the original AT ALL!

Anonymous said...

Can this be considered blasphemous ????
I couldn't finish watching.
agree with 12:41 my eyes are burnt.
Have to go get my Adam fix, in order to remove this memory. YIKES !!!!!

Anonymous said...

This was tongue in cheek Full Monty.

Anonymous said...

pretty stupid but brave, I guess. No complement to anyone.Just silly.

Anonymous said...

Off Topic again - but Adam's on one of the main page's for Open House Party - kinda cool, here's link if you want to check it out:

Geez, I feel really compelled to call in tonight or tomorrow night now... so frustrating trying to get through, but I guess I should try.


Anonymous said...

The actual Home page I think. Interesting. We should give it some hits if we have time


Anonymous said...

@2:08 As the viewer, you are right, but I don't know if these boys know what the Full Monty is. haha

Anonymous said...

Sorry boys, merits on the efforts and enthusiam... otherwise NO CONTEST with the real one! :)))

Uranus said...

Nice try, boys.

Anonymous said...

if this was the video that VMAs saw, no wonder Adam was overlooked. It was just plain stupid. What kind of party was that, all boys, Adams party at least had some girls,lol

Anonymous said...

i don't think they're adam's fan.

Anonymous said...

Not so hot in my view. Oh well dude, maybe Adam could give some lessons - LOL!!

Anonymous said...

It's mocking Adam. Free tsupa for Adam.

Anonymous said...

I thought the video was obnoxious!!

Unknown said...

i dont know sexy i dont think so nice try you now you either have IT or you dont-this video does not have IT Adam has It coming our of every pore of his body he sizzles sexuality and he is stunning so B- for trying this is it not my cup of tea- but no need to hate just nothing...

JakeL said...

This looks like it was done as a joke... It wasn't sexy OR funny...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't think I would have even dignified this video by posting
it (tho I did laugh a couple of times..)
I agree with an earlier post that Adam doesn't even have to do
anything to radiate sex appeal. These guys just don't get it haha

Anonymous said...

@8:12 PM
Absolutely agree. This is very stupid video. Hope Adam never will see this video!

Anonymous said...

Just plain dumb!!!!

Anonymous said...

These boys were enthusiastic and I didn't feel they were mocking Adam, just cutting up and trying to get a laugh and some attention. If they're gay, maybe hoping to get Adam to notice! The mother in me wanted to tell them to put some clothes on! Adam oozes sexuality just by being himself and when he amps it up I turn into a puddle of glitter with no maternal instincts! Now Adam in a speedo in a secluded place is another story. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I have to admit those oversized boots were kind of cute. Didn't even look at the mankini's though.

Amelia said...

I personally don't think they were mocking Adam. I think they're fans and wanted to create some drama. People do that with Lady Gaga's videos too. It's a form of flattery.

Anonymous said...

WTF?? I took this as super funny! LMAO!

Nobody can touch Adam, tho (and I don't think these guys were trying to) - not with a 100 foot pole!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

This fan made vid is no more ridiculous than some of the other ones I have seen. I thought these guys did a great job, loved the clip where the guy gets his hair wet and flips his head back, now that was sexy!! Seeing guys in the wonderwear doesn't really do anything for me, if they had no shirts and ripped up jeans on, then that would have been much hotter!!!

Anonymous said...

ok, these guys were kinda funny. they are uncomfortable with how sexy adam lambert really is. still i get the joke.

Anonymous said...

SEXY....not really
FUNNY...not really apart from the oversize boots
Silly and Embrassing...yes very but THEY seemed to be having harmless fun
WISHING THEY COULD ALL BE AS SEXY AS ADAM LAMBERT....100% for chance boys dont give up your day job!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

glitzylady said...

Well, finally got around to watching this video and thought it was quite funny, really...not very sexy, but funny....And my biggest thought was this: How did they manage to do all of that without getting arrested in the process???!!!! Pretty brave and a bit nuts.....Wondering if there were a few "beverages" involved....

Anonymous said...

yes it was kind of sexy cause they were young with nice bodies, but a different kind of sexy. still cute and funny tho

Anonymous said...
