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Yahoo Interview with Lea Michele and Mark Salling about Adam Lambert

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This is an old clip from last year and the interviewer is apparently Lyndsey Parker (who is a huge Adam fan). But Lea Michele brought up Adam herself and she says she really likes Adam etc. Let's hope Ryan Murphy (GLEE producer) loves Adam as much as Lea does so they can get him on the show!

Glee will return for its second season in September on Fox.


Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly from the red carpet when Glee actress Lea Michele was talking to Adam and mentioned to the interviewers that she wanted to sing with the best in reference to Adam being on the show, Adam got an awkward disposition. In tune with that I also recall another interview where they were talking about some of the TV show appearances that have been going around as possibilities and Adam said he wasn't sure about some of them because he doesn't want to be "that token gay guy" acting the same old gay stereotypes on television. So I'm not entirely sure Glee is something Adam wants to do. I'm also not sure that Glee is an Adam fit, but you never know.

True Blood though, now that is something I'd love to see Adam on :P

That said, I agree, he's totally a vocal freak.

Anonymous said...

LOL Lea acted like a total fangirl. Love her on GLEE. I think Adam may fit in with that crowd. But I much prefer Adam appearing in movies.

Anonymous said...

On one of Adam's interview from Australia, I think, he said that he actually auditioned for Glee. The casting director told Adam that he was very talented but he looked too old for the show.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam not wanting to play the "token gay guy" was in reference to Saturday Night Live. Fans were hoping it would happen and Adam said fine, but didn't want to get into the gay stereotype thing. I could see him on Glee though, as a glamrocker that Sue would hope would corrupt the Gleeclub with glamfashion, rock and roll, only to be foiled by Adam's example of professional, hard work ethics and dicipline. Trueblood is a perfect fit! He probably would upstage the other actors, as he is such a huge presence, but the ratings would be through the roof! I'm hoping they will play voodoo too. So many things to wish for him and us! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Lea Michele is definitely a strong enough singer to hold her own with Adam in a duet. It would be beautiful and I would like to see it happen as well as one with Christina A. Lea is another talented artist that recognizes a magnificent voice! Whenever I see a hater posting the ridiculous staement that Adam can't sing. I have to question their mental ability and have done so on different sites. He can sing anything. funbunn40

Stephanie said...


Anonymous said...

Anon 9:02pm - ah ok, I knew I heard it somewhere, but wasn't entirely sure what about - in reference to SNL does make more sense.

Anonymous said...

Being on Glee would be great exposure for Adam and I love her for saying she wants to sing with him. I was lucky enuf to go to the Glee concert here in LA back in May and they are a gifted group of performers. It was a great show and the fan favorite was Kurt! Adamluv

Anonymous said...


"Adam got an awkward disposition." Please expand on that.

Anonymous said...

I heard that interview where he said he'd auditioned for Glee, but was turned down for looking too old. And whenever he's asked about Glee, he always seems a bit reticent (sp) and not very forthcoming, always manages to change it round to say he'd like to appear on True Blood.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

HKfan, Yes I also picked up on his hesitancy about Glee. I think that is too bad since it would be a good career move IMO. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@10:21: It's essentially what 10:32 just said. If I recall correctly he shifted his weight, and changed the subject.

Catharine Sloper said...

I've listened to a lot of interviews of Adam and he often talks about leaving his studio apartment and renting a nice house. What I would like to ask him is, since you are totally on tour on the time, when in the world do you have the opportunity to actually BE in the new lovely home you are renting. Isn't it an incredible waste of money to have this beautiful home you are paying oodles of money to rent and then be on tour all the time. Anyway, I was at the Providence, RI performance and I didn't even get to see the kissing--I totally missed out! Bummer being at the way back of the crowd!

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe Glee would turn Adam down because "he looks too old". He could always play a role like a visiting vocal coach or teacher or whatever. Can't believe they couldn't find a role for him especially if some of the cast members want him. It probably will eventually happen when they can get the two schedules to match. Now Sat. Night Live, Jimmy Kimmel--what's the hold up there???

Anonymous said...

I have the same take, get the same impression, as HK fan @10:32 PM. MGF

Anonymous said...

I'm outside US and I don't know this Glee. I saw that sneaky gays clip and I didn't get the joke. Maybe I would have needed a translation. If it's about a High School choir, it's probably not for Adam. I've seen episodes of Madtv and they made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

He may have given up the house he was renting or sublet it because he knew that he would not be living in LA for six months. You are right, it would be a waste of money if he is now continuing to rent it. It would be different if he a bought a house in LA and was paying a morgage.

I would love to see Adam on Glee. It is one of my favorite shows, I think he auditioned for one of the roles of the students. See, I think that they were right, Adam was too old for the role of the students, but too young to play Mr. Schuester, the lead male teacher, who is supposed to be in his thirtys. But, if he made a guest appearance he could play a vocal coach, or teacher, or something. They could find a role for him.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Adam is too old to play a high school student but so are all the other male actors in the show! But if he had been given a part, he wouldnt have been on Idol and . . . . . . ! I believe that most things happen for a reason and look where he is now! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Oh Adamluv - AL not delivered to us via AI - I shudder to think of it!!


Anonymous said...

MGF, there is a question poised at about how you heard about Adam. Results so far with 4 more days to go - Idol- 67%, Internet - 30%, TV - 6%, word of mouth - 5%, Mag./newspapers - 2% and Other - 4%. This is with 118 responders. Happy to see all the % not connected to Idol! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

That's interesting Adamluv, cool, thanks. And I probably should have said "AL not delivered to us" - I shudder to think of it. LOL. MGF.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Glee turning down Adam was the BIGGEST mistake they could have made. It was funny the week that Adam mentored on IDOL that the entire GLEE cast sat in the audience and seemed to hang on his every word.

But this was actually a blessing in disguise for ADAM to be turned down. It forced him to take a hard look at where he was and what he really wanted to do - make his own music and entertain in his own way -- WICKED -- was too constraining.

SO GLEE your loss was the entire world's GAIN!!!


Anonymous said...

@HeartAdam4Ever - they did seem to hang on his every word that night didn't they?!! lol. Of course, I suppose we all did :). MGF

Anonymous said...

Ryan Murphy is from my hometown, Knoxville Tenn., and he said in an interview that he wants to get Adam on Glee. Adam says that he would like to be on Glee, if the part was right. I have read and heard in interviews that Adam is a favorite with Ryan Murphy, Lea, and Kurt. BUT- I would just Die if he would be on True Blood, my favorite show - he would have a blast being a Vampire, and he could "let it all hang out" and not be constrained in language or actions. I can't wait for Adam to get into acting. He is going to be soo good.

Anonymous said...

Hah laughed at the comment of how he always turns it around to true blood ..... Totally agree

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, 3:02AM! Sue could set it up, thinking the parents and school board would think Adam was too over the top, but he would foil her and parents would be won over as Adam would create better understanding between themselves and their kids. A great venue to allow kids to accept themselves and to understand the value in being unafraid to express their individuality. It would also give Glee fans an opportunity to see another side of Adam. I think it would be good for Adam as well, putting him in a positive light to those unfamiliar with him. funbunn40