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Pink Performs "Whataya Want From Me" with an "Adam Lambert" introduction

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, September 4, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, September 04, 2010

Remember a few months ago when Pink first performed "Whataya Want From Me" for the first time at her world tour in Germany? Some people were confused as to why Pink referred to Adam as "that guy". But here's another one of her "WWFM" performance that she performed back in June in Berlin, Germany and she introduced Adam by his name and said he can sing way better higher than she did.

Thanks Merrick for the tip!


Anonymous said...

I love PINK but her version of the not that good.

Good for her to introduce Adam though!

Shirley said...

She said the title is "What the hell do you want from me?".

Did Adam changed the song title?

Anonymous said...

Pink is great and wrote a great song that Adam turned into a huge hit. I could see them doing a duet. She has a strong voice that would also compliment Adam. Nice that she mentioned Adam's higher notes! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pink for writing this amazing song.

Anonymous said...

I know Pink gave the song to Adam, and he has done super well with it. He even said "well she wrote it, so she can sing it"I wonder if Pink performing it has helped Adams sales, since he has done so superbly well with this song. I would love to see some day Adam singing to a crowd that large.Awsome

Anonymous said...

Pink is nice.

Anonymous said...

Did you all notice that her fans were singing along? They must be hearing Adam's recording to know the words and liking it to be able to sing like that.
I could be wrong, but I don't believe she includeds WWFM on any of her albums.

Just sayin..

Anonymous said...

about time it took her long enough,and NO pink singing the song has no helped Adam's Sales he did that all by HIMSELF..WELL DONE ADAMxx

Anonymous said...

ADAM has a concert coming up in Manila that has capacity of 100K ... so mabe we'll be seeing him in a huge concert soon. HOPE SO!!


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be fun to see Adam walk on stage an do a duet? Did you see that crowd?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be fun to see Adam walk on stage an do a duet? Did you see that crowd?

Chelsea said...

I'm straight but Pink is the one woman in the world who I would totally dyke out with!

Anonymous said...

Pink is my favorite of all the current singers out there! Adam so nailed that song, sorry Pink! Adamluv

Kris Allen said...

I can't sing at all!

Anonymous said...

I don't think it was a good idea for Pink to sing the song. No way she can sing it after Adam nailed this song.

Anonymous said...

adam 100 points pink nil pois pfft

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sorry should be @3.23 not 3.32

Anonymous said...

Pink is a really versatile artist just like our beloved ADAM! I love Adam first... then Pink!:)

Anonymous said...

Pink has become boring the ladette attitude has worn off now,she may have wrote the song,but ADAM made the song a MEGA HUGE HIT,and put even more money in her pocket,she sings this song with no emotion,dont like the badass little bitch,just saying

Anonymous said...

let's vote people on vh1 top 20 and 100 greatest , is working

Anonymous said...

I love Pink, but her singing sounds pretty bad after hearing Adam sing this song. She shouldn't even try it.

Anonymous said...

I agree about the ladette attitude, it's so 90's. Did it originally come from Britain?

Anonymous said...

I know she wrote the song but out of respect for Adam.......who made it a hit....I don't think she should sing it......she's already a star and making money off the it because she has no hit song at the moment and trying to steal some of Adam's glitter...anyway I like Pink...but I don't think this is right....

Anonymous said...
vote people

Anonymous said...

She is just trying to help promote the song in Europe, especially Germany where it was a #1 hit and is still the #8 played song on German radio 4 months later. It only makes since for her to help promote the song, since she wrote it, and will make royalty money off the sales. Go Pink!

Anonymous said...

Adam had other people write songs on his CD...I don't see them out there singing their work....No one can sing it like Adam...she wrote it....he owns it......

Anonymous said...

i wish some of you would not keep praising pink for making WWFM a hit for Adam..Adam made WWFM a hit all on his own with his Amazing Talented Voice..i don,t think anyone went and brought WWFM just because pink wrote its all because of Adam and his Beautiful Heartfelt singing..IMO.. No i don,t think she should sing this song..its ADAM'S HIT..she sings it without passion and kills it..she doesn't need to sing it..its only to let folk now that she wrote it...well thats my view
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Glambrit, you might have misinterpreted what I said about Pink. Me liking her has nothing to do with WWFM. As you said, Adam made it a hit, not the songwriter! I have liked her a long time before Adam came on the scene. Just clarifying . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Chill Adamluv..wasn't meaning your comment at all xx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

The song is a HUGE hit in Germany. I'm sure both Pink and Adam got good money off the song's popularity.

Anonymous said...

Go Pink ! Go Adam !

Anonymous said...

It sure seems strange seeing people smoking in a crowd. Just another lost freedom in America. Thanks to the uber leftists.

Anonymous said...

I love Pink independent of WWFM. I thank her for thinking of Adam for that song. Good choice girl. And smoking is starting to be prohibited all over Europe. Smoking prohibitions are not a product of left wing--the restrictions are a reflection of the desire of the overwhelming numbers of people who don't wish to inhale poison. Smokers may do their thing in private, but we people who have allegeries to smoke shouldn't have to sit there and inhale that alful stuff. It's not political. In view of the health risks, it's just plain ol' common sense.

Anonymous said...

@Glambrit Isle of Wight UK...
i agree with you, pink is only singing the song to let people know she co-wrote it..but there's no emotion so i don't get the same feeling from it ( and as Simon would say it's not authentic or believable ha ha ) but maybe i'm biased...once Adam has sang a song i can't listen it by anybody else as nobody comes close...

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

Adam made this song famous....he sang his face off when he returned to AI to sing it.......Pink is just embarrassing herself
because Adam blows it away......

Anonymous said...

To Anon@ 5:12 PM

BTY...I would like to steal some of Adam's glitter...wink...wink

Anonymous said...

I don’t think we should say nasty things about Pink. If it hadn’t been for her writing the song and giving it to Adam, he wouldn’t have had a huge hit from it.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised there wasn't a cheer when she named the song (guess as an Adam fan I am used to that). I think it is great that she is singing it and giving him a shout. Then more people check it out and get introduced to Adam. Win win!

Anonymous said...

I didn’t like the way she spoke about Adam before she sang it. She didn’t need to make a noise about how high Adam sings. It wasn’t clever or funny. However, she sang the song better than I expected. It suits her voice but she doesn’t sing it with the emotion and passion that Adam does.

Anonymous said...

I think the crowd recognized the song because of Adam. Well, if not, at least Pink is making it known to people and mentioning Adam will surely make people curious and maybe look out for Adam.

Anonymous said...

What i would like to know is
did she give this song personally to Adam ?
or was it just in a list of songs that Adam choose from?
i believe it was the later and from a list of songs going around for the taking!!
..please correct me if i am wrong :)
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

This is a tough audience.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:26, Thank you for the smoking comments - you said it very well. On twitter last nite from Rockford, ppl. were complaining about the smoking going on - they'd never seen that allowed recently at a concert! When you watch your adored father die a slow and painful death due to emphysema, you might have a new perspective on this issue. But maybe not! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Love Pink, but I agree, Adam Lambert sings it better.

Anonymous said...

Pink likes Adam and recognizes his talent. She gave him the song, for which he said he was honored. He more than did it justice and she complimented him by saying she couldn't hit his high notes. Nothing wrong with her singing the song that she wrote. She still gave him props and knows the audience is aware he made it his own. Dolly Parton wrote "I Will Always Love You", giving Whitney Houston the song to record. No one bashes her for singing her song. I think Pink singing it just gives more attention to Adam covering it. Nothing negative about it IMHO. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Pink is a good entertainer and she writes great songs. But Adam is the king of all singers!

Anonymous said...

please do not slag pink off she is a very talented singer ,song writer . this was wrote around the time she was writing for funhouse , so it does fit well with how she was feeling at the time . her split for hubby . so she sang it at her gig so what !!! if it was to get more people looking at adam it did the trick . cos thats what it made me do tonight . well done pink . just going to order his cd now . oh and she is amazing live the best i has seen . not a note out of tune .

Anonymous said...

Adam lambert created that song so he sould sing it and only he unless he wants someone else to sing it.