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Video of the Daily 10 Apology

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, September 20, 2010

Posted at : Monday, September 20, 2010

Thanks to mjsbigblog!


Anonymous said...

They apologized without mentioning anything about what happened!! It's just “sorry if we offended the GLBT community”. pathetic. What a joke!

Urethra_Franklin said...


Anonymous said...

That was not an apology. They should have saved their breath. Besides, I am not in the GLBT community and I was offended.

Anonymous said...

I am also not part of the GLBT community. But I was offended as well.

They didn't apologize to us.

Heck, they didn't even apologize to Adam directly!

Anonymous said...

My problem with this is they were apologizing to the gay & lesbian community (who also deserved an apology) and not directly to Adam Lambert. The homophobic remark was aimed specifically towards him, so he should of been the center of the apology. The apology was lame and not sincere in my opinion!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so they think they only offended the GLBT community?
They also offended the human beings around here that have a touch of intelligence and a dash of tolerance. DUH!

Anonymous said...

OH, give me a break. They offended humanity!!! not just the "gay and lesbian" community. What supreme idiots. This abbreviated remark made me more upset than the original stupidity because this was apparently thoughtout and sactioned by E management. Sorry Adam, but light and love only go so far.

Anonymous said...

I am also offended and I am also not part of the gay and lesbian community. Not much an apology considering how insulting the comment was. They should apologize for how insensitive that guy was and what a disgusting thing he said. Adam deserves better - he is a class act.

Anonymous said...

they dint mention adam lambert-for thier apology tupid E D!)-i think is insincere apology. fired mike catherwood now. ur E D10 is down most of teh people dont watch this bully media E d10 garbage.

Anonymous said...

Those in the Know: Who do we contact to object to this piece of crap that was suppose to be an apology. The "indeed" at the end was about the most insincere nonsense I've every heard. I ask you, would you allow your child to apologize in this manner? I think not. Grrrrrrrr.

Please, any e-mail or snail mail addresses to contact regarding this. What has Glaad done? I thought they were suppose to investigate. If Adam was removed from networks because of his kiss, this guy should be fired because of his uncivilized and hateful remarks.

Anonymous said...

Apology? That was total BS! But I didn't expect much from them anyway...

Anonymous said...

Nice try Daily 10... BUT it didn't cut it! :((

The mention of a specific name like ADAM LAMBERT would have made it a SINCERE apology! ha! What a joke! Daily 10 might as well have given one cuz it didn't mean a thing!!!

Anonymous said...

What a joke!

Anonymous said...

What apology??? This is another BAD joke! This people is the scum of the earth! Shame on them!

The Dark Side said...

I can't speak for Adam or anyone else, but I think it's time to let it go. Adam made his point and it was heard by everyone. I am not turning the other cheek, but I know when it is time to move on. Things are changing, but to continue on will only bring out more haters and more bashing. These people like a platform. The subject of saying the same thing to Lindsay is a issue, but she did not speak up for herself and neither did anyone else. A pity. Lets throw our support behind Adam's GNT going global.

Anonymous said...

Not only did they owe Adam an apology directly, but they should have directed it towards the general public as well. They should have also apologized for the guy saying "Celebrity Adam Lambert...and I use the word "celebrity" loosely." Frankly, that was very offensive as well. Adam is an amazing superstar celebrity, so the guy was out of line on so many levels.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, they just don't get it ... yes, right, like you peeps said - they owe the GENERAL PUBLIC an apology (& Lambert) and this is just another brand of offensive, and a subtle brand, thereby a dangerous brand... And this was NOT off-the-cuff, gosh - quite foolish on E's part when you really think about it.

Anonymous said...

The page in this chapter needs to be turned. Many say that the extreme uproar by fans is a detriment to adams career!!!! Fans are too volatile. Chill people! We all want whats best for Adam.

Anonymous said...

more legally crafted pr bs that really missed the boat (which could have been on purpose!)...and now everyone is even more pissed.

i have decided to vote for adam on vh1 to protest, trying to put my pissed-off-ness into positive action, even though my blood is still boiling.

Anonymous said...

They still don't get it . It wasn't just the gay and lesbian viewers. It was all of us Americans despite our sexual preference. Wow they are just stupid !

Anonymous said...

The "apology" was not that what was said was out of line. They basically said, "We're sorry you got offended," which throws the fault back to the offendee and not the offended.

Anonymous said...

As an addendum to the above, I don't believe it was necessary to repeat what was actually said as that would just fuel the fire. What they should have done is taken responsibility for it as an insensitive, homophobic remark and indicated that they would work with the hosts to ensure insensitive remarks do not occur in the future.

Anonymous said...

This is complete 'BULLSHIT'. He offended our Glamily. They once again are labeling. "E" you need to understand the depth of that remark!!!

Anonymous said...

They don't need to repeat what was said on the tv, the offending host repeated it over and over on his radio show while having his friends back him up that it was an innocent remark. Then he called us fans rabid, and had "planted" people call in and again say that it wasn't offensive. Blah, blah, blah. This is how bullies work. The tv apology was just as lame. This is our hateful, teaparty society folks.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that he kept it going on his radio show. So obviously, he has learned nothing from this. Well, you can't change creatures like that, so there is no use giving them more publicity than they deserve.

bec said...

I agree Adam got ignored in this so called apology. I think on purpose. They didn't mention the remark about celebrities that indicated he used the term loosely when talking about Adam Lambert. I think that was uncalled for and I listened to him on a radio program where he aknowledged that that might also have upset people & when asked why he said it, he said it was on the teleprompter, which I doubt. If that is so the program needs to apologize for that as well, but it sounds as if they felt forced to apologize at all. So, I don't see that happening and I imagine AL would rather let the whole thing go, so, I suspect bombarding the program now would do more harm for Adam than good perhaps.

Any, thoughts on this.

Anon. 7:28pm
I just read what you had to say and you say what I was trying too, probably better than I did. I do think there is some backlash, although I think "Access Hollywood" liked the big response to their survey. I think it may be good that Adam is going overseas for a while.

Anonymous said...

A rock star don't have to be nice to the media. There have been many difficult personalities in the rock scene and still people buy their records and go to their concerts. I remember even Jon Bon Jovi acted like diva.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't Mike Catheter (insult intended) himself
apologize directly to Adam? This was a poor excuse for an apology - even pre-school kids have
to do a better job to make it real...

Anonymous said...

Do you guys still try to keep making a fuss about this? Chelsea Handler made the same joke about George Michael going to jail and I'm sure none of you care. Seriously, lots of Adam fans need to stop being so OTT and take a hard look at what rabid Clay Aikens fans did to his image. They also went around foaming at the mouth and attacking anybody who dared to make bad comments about their precious Clay. They thought it’s their personal mission to defend their favorite. They could not understand why the whole world doesn’t see the specialness of their worshipped Idol. And they so put off people and really contributed to make haters. It’s really shame that Adam’s fans are going down exactly the same path.

Anonymous said...

I also didn't find the apology sincere...just made me more angry. But I don't want Adam's career to be negatively impacted so I'll just go back to voting on vh1 and y100 for jingle ball. One step at a time and we will win. I'm waiting for the next call to defend and conquer. Now back to vh1 to vote for IIHY. Adam Rocks!

Anonymous said...

I disagree with those saying standing up to continued homophobia, insincerity, and bullying will hurt Adam's career. Homophobia has already hurt his career. And, this has gone way beyond Adam and I will let E know that they've crossed the line numerous times. As a member of the viewing public, I am offended. If others want to let it go thats fine but you don't get to choose for all of us.

Anonymous said...

>Anonymous 11:03 PM September 20

You are offended because a joke was about Adam. If he made a same lame joke about Clay Aiken or Lance Bass you wouldn't care. If you really want to stand up to continued homophobia, insincerity, and bullying then your time would probably be better spent attending the rally to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". Look at what Lady GaGa and her fans are doing to support gay rights now.

Anonymous said...

What is this Don't ask, don't tell? Openly gay can be recruited by US Army? What is so great about that?

Anonymous said...

11:03 Do not tell the us the only proper way to stand up against homophobia. Stop spamming sites for Lady Gaga.

Anonymous said...

>Anonymous 2010 12:46 AM

You think harassing the guy who made a joke about Adam is proper way to stand up against homophobia? What a joke. Why not demand an apology from Chelsea Handler who made the same joke about George Michael?

Anonymous said...

The only thing I can say about people not
backing up Lindsey and George M..
Adam's fans...There is something there and I can't explain it that makes you want to protect
him because he wears his heart on his sleeve...he's honest..sensitive..entertaining..
it's there abd I just can't explain....
but I want LOVE AND LIGHT for him.

Anonymous said...

And when we stick up for Adam...we really are sticking up for all gays!!!

Anonymous said...

i hope next time these people will be more careful on how they express their comments. they always sensationalized things, talking about jail time, what a freak!

Anonymous said...

Mike C said on his talk show that he wasn't talking about "prison rape" just that Adam being good looking he would have a "good time"
with the male he thinks Adam would have sex with just about's like he's calling Adam a whore....Mike matter how you look at it ...YOU WERE WRONG

BTY...I never heard of Adam has really put you on the map and not in a good way.

Anonymous said...

Reading all these comments (most posted by anonymous who should get a tag before saying their opinions), in face of my not american language, eyes or mind, I feel that some of you are right, some are wrong and some should really cut the crap!

No matter my opinion on the comments, the only thing I'm pretty sure is that I feel it is sort of a crime to use the sweet name and being of Adam Lambert with any of those scum homophobic people names in the same phrase. Call it bulshit from me if you want, I don't care at all... I myself call it just RESPECT at my shining star.

Anonymous said...

I watched The Daily 10 once a long time ago and found it very offensive. Another show that makes money by making fun of celebrities, and invading their privacy. Don't watch it, it's garbage.

Anonymous said...

I don't get bashing other people. It isn't entertainment. No wonder Adam did so well on his tour - it was pure talent and entertainment!

Anonymous said...

Chelsea Handler is late night, is less mainstream to begin with, is known to be highly provocative comedy, is not set-up as an entertainment news delivery format really, more roundtable w/ comedians... Etc.

Anonymous said...

"E! News" is returning to an hourlong format Oct. 25, with E! canceling 7:30 p.m. companion show "Daily 10."