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Adam Lambert's Fan Club Calendar cover!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, October 22, 2010

Posted at : Friday, October 22, 2010


Anonymous said...

A masterpiece! Mosaics are actually thumbnail photos - very clever. I heart AL Fan Club - thanks for offering this to the glamily.

Anonymous said...

ohh, now I can't wait til mine gets here.little squares with Adam's picture and a big Adam face. cleaver.

Anonymous said...

Do we have to buy it on the fanclub site???

Can we order it on AMAZON ?

Due to certain circumstances, I can't join the fanclub and I want to buy this.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:49 PM Yes. It only costs $9.99 to be a member for a year! Then you can renew after a year or not.

Anonymous said...

Little lump forms in throat... no calendar and no fan club for me, had to put family finances and the kiddies first... momentarily sad... but as long as I can enjoy his music, it's all good, thank goodness for i-tunes gift cards, lol.

Anonymous said...

Lee Cherrie does beautiful work ... but look at the subject!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to see the next page, it's like Christmas! I wanna take a peek... lol I know Santa, I've been naughty...haha

Anonymous said...

I already preordered it :) it's going on my wall soon.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:49 Go to the link below and you will buy the calendar here. No, you donot have to join anything to buy this calendar. Actually the calendar is free, with the purchase of a raffle type lifetime membership purchase. If you are the winner you are a member for life. If not, you have your calendar. That's it!!

Anonymous said...

Calendar cover: Stunning, clever, worthy of the brilliant Alpha male subject. Lee Cherry captures and distills the essence of Adam's imagination and aspirations. Both so talented. Ad astra.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 8:11pm - I'm not anon 7:49, but thanks for the tip, I'm gonna check it out. MGF.

Anonymous said...

WOW I hope Lee does his album cover. This is amazing! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Gorgeous! I'm so glad I ordered mine on the Fan Club PreSale! Can't wait to put it up on my wall! What a fantastic Calendar Cover...kinda took my breath away!!!


Anonymous said...

Brilliantly creative! this would make a great next album cover! Lee Cherry is a genius and look at who he has as a subject! I met a highschool classmate of Lee Cherry, who also knows Scarlett at a 50th B-day party last week.She said Lee started out as a dancer.She was tending the bar and said Lee is a great guy and multi- talented! Can't wait to see what the subsequent pics will be like!! Funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I did not buy one...but I hope 24/7 will post each pic for the month! That cover pic. is as always, Beautiful because Cherry does such an incredible job as Adam's official photographer.

Anonymous said...

I also dd not get one, but I am sure we will get to see it some day, postal fees are very expansive outside US. But I will buy whatever is available in Canada. Wish for an acoustic CD or GNC DVD for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I hope they offer it to the general public and international fans. If it isn't going to be, I will be sol. Just one more thing to miss out on. bummer

Anonymous said...

i was soo excited too pre order mine from the fan club...$30 i thought ooh a bit expensive but heck it's adam and his beautiful face so it's worth it....then they wanted $45 for shipping it to the uk :'( boo hoo hoo hoo. excitment to heartache in a split second... i couldn't afford it but i want it so bad....
oh well i've still got the meet and greet to look forward to.... 5 weeks and counting...

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

There is no one on the planet as fabulous as Adam Lambert! Lee Cherry seems to be able to reveal Adam's soul in his photos - he's very talented. How luck is he to have Adam for his muse. There are millions of us who could spend the day just looking at pictures of Adam. When you realize that Adam has this beauty along with all his other mind-blowing talents, it's well "shocking" as Kara said on idol. I have another award Adam should win - Face of the Century! Hmmmmmm, but then that wouldn't include his body. I don't understand why everyone in the world would not want Adam to endorse their products, I mean just look at him - gulp (now I'm shaking - oh mama!!!!!!!!!!)


Anonymous said...

Hope my arrives it so far.....

The Dark Side said...

To Anon 7:53, the kiddies, of course, must come first. But don't be down hearted, almost every picture of Adam taken on this planet is posted at one time or another. I am sure you will get to see the entire calendar. Also sorry, it cost so much to ship calendar to UK. Maybe if Adam hears about these exorbitant shipping costs, he will make arrangements to sell this calendar in other countries. BTW, Aloha to all Adam's Hawaiian fans.

Anonymous said...

if you know someone in the US they could order it and have it posted to them, then they could forward it to you with normal postal charges.


Anonymous said...

Just got my Glam Box. It is great having the DVD of Adam. The CD also has all of the bonus songs, 18 songs total. You can get it at CD Wow, which has sites other than US.