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Update on possible new US "Single"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 21, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, October 21, 2010

RCAEd from Adamofficial commented on an upcoming possible single from "For Your Entertainment".

"No guys, like I said at the start...there's been no final decision yet about whether to pursue another single or not here in the U.S. (other countries may continue to work different singles, if it makes sense to the local market), and Adam won't vanish from the radio because the songs will keep playing as recurrents. Plus, radio isn't the be all, end all of the music industry anymore, not even here in America. When that pause between albums finally comes, we'll keep dropping new products (hint, hint) into the marketplace, working on projects here on AO, and working the press with news of Adam's ongoing activities, TV appearances, etc. Adam will get a chance to focus his creativity on some new songs instead of on endless public appearances and visiting radio stations for the 3rd time in 12 months, also giving everyone who isn't a complete addict a moment to actually MISS him again, in the process. I've seen comparisons below to Katy Perry (her singles are being fast-tracked because they have no staying power - quantity does not equal quality), Daughtry (just 3 singles off the latest album, which was released 4 months ahead of Adam's, also reflecting the current state of radio), but each artist is a different story. Anyway, we could go on and on, but just wanna say I appreciate the passion behind your comments here."



Anonymous said...

I am crying out for the help of 24/7. Please see if the commercial banner at the top of the page can be moved to another place. It covers the first paragraph of every thread. Many thanks,,,ff

LILY said...

hi guys, please continue to vote for adam ON People Choice awards by adding his name for 4 categories. according to matt carter of Examiner, adam and susan boyle who were both ignored have now the best chance to be nominated, their fans are filling the box (OTHER). PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN FOR ADAM GUYS. THANKS.

LP said...

@anon9;10 I think the problem is with your pc. No one else has had this problem. You probably need some adjustment.Also go down to the bottom of the message, and click on source, and you will get whole thing. Hope I have helped.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:10

The banners are there for a reason. Every click pays. So, if it is near the "home" link for example and you mis-click on the banner...wha-lah! $$$$. I doubt they will be moved. It helps pay for the cost of the website. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, please vote for Adam. Go to this site and vote:

If you adjust your internet options to save form entered datas, all you have to do is check "Other" and in the box when you click on letter "A" it automatically fills Adam's name and then you click "cast vote". Adam's name may not be on the list but you can find ways with their forms to make it as if his name was there with fewer clicks and using different tricks. If you are savvy enough you can download programs to do this for you automatically and let it run forever. Come on people don't be negative about this. Please don't give up.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I hope someone has told Katy Perry her music has no "staying power" on the airwaves. Too bad it (Californ. Gurls) was also a people's choice for song of the summer. Cuz it was (Still is)on the radio ALL THE FREAKING TIME!!! Maybe she can incorporate that into her acceptance speech (if she wins) at the Grammys, for which at least HER team got her NOMINATED!! Nor was she shut out of the MVA's cuz HER team got her out there. "Out of sight, out of mind" is very true in this new era of the 2.3 second attention span. Somehow, I don't think a new single/video would hurt sales of the next album. Hmmm...maybe we should ask Gaga or Beiber about that?! And if radio is as unimportant as you suggest, then why is an artist's popularity dependant upon airplay time? Just sayin', RCA dude.

Anonymous said...

yes, please continue to vote on People's Choice awards, no need to refresh just scroll down and choose Music then choose categories to vote for adam.

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with you anon 10:01, this rca guy is out of touch. i hope they will do their job first in promoting adam rather than badmouthing other artists.

Anonymous said...

Is Katy's new single really underperforming? Last I heard, she was #1 on the Hot 100...

Her company sure as hell doing a good job promoting her...

I hope Adam gets to have a #1 soon.

Anonymous said...

Kind of agree with 10:01. I think it's a cop out by RCA. Read the long comment on AO following the RCA statement, and it was tremendous. If you haven't done so, go over there and read the comments section. This person talks about Adam working with fantastic artists and those efforts being squandered. They mention SFW and my favorite, Music Again. I just don't get it either. IIHY has been out a long time. It's time for another song. I think there's something else going on, and RCA has another agenda. They seem to imply Adam could be overexposed??? Never. What the hell are they thinking.

glitzylady said...

I must agree with those who say this RCA guy was, in my humble opinion, talking in circles a bit..And he did say there was no final decision yet, leaving that possibility open.There MUST be time for one more before the new album, although I do recall that the first single released from the new albums comes well before the new album release, so maybe not so long??? Just trying to talk myself into believing that it will be sooner than we think...and maybe this guy does know more than he is telling "hint, hint"..)..which would explain the evasiveness of the comments ...maybe... : ) Still jealous of Canada's new single "Sleepwalker" the saying goes.."What are we, chopped liver???!!!" LOL!! Luckily I live very close the the Canadian border, so will just have to tune into those Canadian stations...Now, I could understand the hesitation if it were "Fever" (slightly risky...) but "Sleepwalker"??? Why not?? Guess I just don't understand the way things work...Regardless, looking forward to the new album next year.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:41: that was me who posted that long comment on AO -- and thanks for your vote of confidence. And I was trying to be polite to the RCA folk because honey works better than vinegar. I mean, I do realize that people who have bought the CD have heard all the songs, and people who have gone to the concerts have heard the songs, and that's a lot of people. But there are millions of people out there who haven't done either and all they get of Adam is from the radio or from watching the Oprah, Ellen & Letterman appearances when he's on. I have to think that they're going to sell lots more albums if they release another single. As I said in the post, it would be a different story if we all cast aside our love for Adam and REALLY felt the rest of the tracks weren't good or radio-worthy. But that is not the case. It isn't just ONE track is left that is good for radio -- there are AT LEAST 3 and maybe as many as 6. My 5 favorite tracks that I wanted as singles actually aren't included in the 3 that have been released!

Anonymous said...

Here's the AO link for super quick access


Anonymous said...

I think the RCA guy was hinting about a DVD out for Christmas. That would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

Well since I don't listen to the radio, I did hear Adam's baby, "Aftermath" on cnn's morning news with Robin ?. they'll play different songs between breaks, & I was at the frig, & there he was, singing "Aftermath". it was soooo beautiful to hear!!!!!!!! It made me very happy to hear they were playing Adam's music.

Anonymous said...

Awesome Anon 7:38am - thanks for posting. Was it leading in or out from a particular story do you think/recall? Was it just the audio? That's great.

Anonymous said...

I think Sleepwalker should be a single. Once its in your head, you sing it all day long. It would give Adam a hit record while he's writing and producing his next album!!!Please.

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't believe it has anything to do with the songs off of FYE, it's the climate in Corporate radio today.

In radio's heyday DJ's would have been all over Adam's FYE and (they) would have played cuts from it without thinking twice about it. DJ's use to be edgy, experimental and more independent music promotor's but not any longer.

Anonymous said...

RCA: ONLY, and I emphasize, ONLY if Adam's name is kept in the media until his next album comes out. The music biz is not like the movies where an actor can be away from the screen for long periods and come back successfully. If Adam's name is not kept at the forefront of all media (electronic, radio, tv), the attention will go to other artists. It's the way the biz works these days.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:32; you are absolutely right. And in the old days, labels schmoozed the major-market stations to make sure their artists stayed in rotation, played at least 4 times a day. I met many artists whose management/label brought them around for a meet and greet, hear's some free stuff, play our song. Now I wonder why we even have a Billboard Hot 100 if the RCA guy is right (which he isn't).

Anonymous said...

I so agree with all the well thought out responses above. We need another single. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

LP, ff is not the only one who has the banner ad blocking the top of each story/pic.

There is nothing wrong with their PC. Evidently Firefox is OK for banner ads, but Firefox causes way more problems than it solves for me and others.

Anonymous said...

I also have "banner" is very annoying...not user friendly...I don't want to change or add anything because it just adds more junk to my toolbar

Anonymous said...

"Sleepwalker" should be the next single. The Jay Leno version was awesome n he got a standing ovation! My dream is for him to sing it at the Grammys...the audience would go nuts for our BB!!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone stopped to think that perhaps RCA has a plan for Adam and his music? This sounded more like stall tactics than anything. They must know more than we do, particularly when they are the ones pouring money into his career. Without his management, he would not be touring now. Think it time to cut everyone a little slack. Also, Music Industry sort of in a flux at this time.

coloforadam said...


(for life)

Anonymous said...

Advertising is what greases the radio stations wheel. The bottom line is money fed to the stations by the advertisers and markets that buy their products. It has nothing to do with talent. Adam is still being punished for the AMA fiasco and probably the Sydney concert will just add fuel to the fire, justifying their conservative position. Like it or not, they have the power and Adam is just too unpredictible and sexually explicit for mainstream, conservative tastes. He's leaning towards his Citizen Vein Style lately and the U.S. just isn't going to embrace it,IMHO at this point in time, like it or not. You have to play their game to a certain extent, or be content to play to a smaller demographic. The mike masturbation simulation and MF references isn't going to help a mainstream image, but that trade off is what he'll have to consider. That will eliminate some younger fans and those that are offended, but will be his choice of which is most important to him and how it will affect his longevity. I personally think his talent is phenomenal and should be his main focus, but it may not be his #1 priority. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

But it's the double standard again, Funn. Gaga is tres outrageous and she seems to be the darling of all the media, whether for good or ill. Katy P is another. True, she had a problem with Sesame Street, but she gets a ton of airplay regardless of what she does. As far as offensive, what is worse; the mic masturbation/kissing guys, or deep throating a crucifix (ala Gaga)? It's a matter of taste I suppose. I do think you have some valid points about career longevity and choices.