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Vote for "WWFM" and "IF I HAD YOU" on Billboard's 100 Top Songs of 2010

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, October 21, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, October 21, 2010

Both "Whataya Want From Me" and "If I Had You" are up on Billboard's 100 Top Songs of 2010 ballot.



Anonymous said...


Tip: Just hit refresh to vote numerous times and for best artist, under other; just type in Adam Lambert then hit vote! Good luck Adam!

Anonymous said...

just voted, archuletta is leading, adam is second and third respectively. pls. vote, vote but do not forget about People's Choice Awards and vote for adam on 4 categories.

Anonymous said...

On this one you vote for Adam as best artist of 2010, as well.

Anonymous said...

yes, yes anon 11:20 thank you for reminding us! david archuletta is also leading. hmmm seems like they are working overtime, didn't mean anything.

Lisa Komatsubara said...

I voted! Yay Adams coming second! :D

Anonymous said...

is there a way to vote for songs or is this one just for artist? Rema

Anonymous said...

Another radio interview (sorry if already posted elsewhere):


Anonymous said...

They don´t make it easy for us. The songs change places when you have voted and you must scroll and search again.


Anonymous said...

@Eva - IKR!

And hey fans, don't mean to add to your voting stress - but try to vote a few times on Seacrest's AT5:

IIHY can actually get instant gratification outta this one potentially by getting a spin, which translates to other stations I believe! It's a daily thing, and any day IIHY is in the top 5 and getting a spin would be great. Refresh and vote multiple times if you want. MGF.

Anonymous said...

Yeeeaah Adam has passed David A. Way to go Glamberts!


Anonymous said...

HQ fever video from Sydney


Anonymous said...

where the heck is this? Dayummmmmmm


Anonymous said...


That is Photoshop.


Anonymous said...

It seems that WWFM and IIHY are doing good. Did you see we also can vote for 10 best acters in 2010?

Anonymous said...

I didn't understand, do we have to vote for 50 song we like? I think then mention it at the top of the vote list.

Anonymous said...

Hey 24/7 Admins & Fans - Lambert confirmed, along w/ Katy Perry, for LA Jingle Ball... my computer is acting a little screwy, so I don't want to copy and paste any links right now - but saw two seperate articles in blogosphere that apparently confirmed this.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The other article is on AHN - All Headline News... and it's for Miami actually

Anonymous said...,%20Katy%20Perry%20Headling%20%22Y100%20Jingle%20Ball%22%20Concert

is the link for AHN - be careful opening link - don't know if it's something funky on my end or what, probably is!!, but don't want to cause anyone computer problems.

Article calls Adam & Katy the "headliners"


Anonymous said...

Adam 2nd to David A. atm.

Anonymous said...

When I try voting more than once on BillBoard, it always says "Thank You We've Already Counted Your Vote". Does that mean that repeated votes are counting??? Anyone know?


Anonymous said...

I meant are repeated votes NOT being counted? Sorry!

Anonymous said...

Anon, you dont need to add his name on best artist. It's already there. David A. is still #1 and then Adam. Happy for Davids fans. He is really ignored by radio stations and we understand that frustration dont we? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

i just voted on the billboard, you don't have to type other, adam's name is there. He's leading everyone by quite a bit. yeah

Anonymous said...

If it says we've already counted your vote then you can only vote once. That's the way it should be to make it accurate and no repeat of Ark incidence.

Anonymous said...

Question - when you vote for best artist the word "vote" appears at bottom but voting for the songs, I dont see "vote" only "vote results". Anyone else having this problem. I've checked off both songs but dont know if my votes are going thru due to what I mentioned above. Help? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Could not find the source to vote for these songs at all with your link. Will go directly to Billboard and see what happens. David A's fans are about as loyal as Adams and they really make a push for him. Just sayin. Although not sure what they are voting for--didn't his album just now drop??

Anonymous said...

the results for this just prove that the adam lambert fanbase is one of the strongest, most tightly knitted fanbases that anyone has these days.the results really wouldnt be like that if it wasnt for us supporting him or asking other glamberts to vote for him or anything. keep rockin glamberts!!!!!!!!! lets make sure he wins!!!!!!! also vote for him on this site hes in last place


Anonymous said...

Hi Eva - I went to the Billboard page and chose "find on this page" from the Edit option on my menu. I typed in "Lambert" hit "find next" a couple times, his name popped up in 3 places...I checked all 3, hit "vote" - then I was done. Just took a few seconds. Then I hit refresh and did it all again. Hope that helps.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Archuleta is ahead of Adam for IIHY, but Adam is leading with WWFM. We have to step it up! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Thanks for Billboard voting info!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Thank you Adam Fix! I have that "we have already counted you vote" message on top, so I don´t know if all my voting has been for nothing.


Anonymous said...

If my votes weren´t counted, yours were. Adam is ahead of David A with both songs and as best artist. Joy to the world!


Anonymous said...

@anon 7:22am Eva,I can't vote for top100 songs. I could do it once today and like you said Adam was ahead David with songs and best artist. I still can vote for best artist,but can't vote for songs. Do you know when they close the votes?

Anonymous said...

i just looked at the results and adams winning in everything!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Cool K/C

Anonymous said...

But we cant get complacent just because Adam is currently doing well. These numbers can change in an instant so lets keep voting. Also Peoples choice, seacrest, sirius, rockinrio, celebrity under 30, etc. The least we can do for our guy! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Can you guys vote several times? @Delilah5, are you from US? Perhaps it´s just us outside US that can´t vote more than once. It´s the same on Seacrest and celebrity under 30. I don´t know when they close the votes.
