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Adam Lambert Fan Dances To 'Sexy Back'

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Sunday, November 14, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, November 14, 2010

From lonleypictures:
"While At the Adam Lambert Concert this guy starts danicng to Sexy Back infront of us and me and my two friends cracked up XD this guy made my day!!! XDD haha we were going to go down there and dance with him but we decide not sad i wish we did XD"


Anonymous said...

LOL at you DUDES‼ Ah, waitress/er I'll have what the blue cap dude is having‼ ☺

Note to self - When skyping and blogging at the same time to make sure to proof read it before hitting the post button... lol

Anonymous said...

Oh, please, where was that rcorded??? What Venue? It is great!!

Anonymous said...

Very Off-Topic:
I can NOT even believe what I have just witnessed on ABC tonight...Okay, I don't want to turn a thread negative, and I didn't post when the only most recent thread was the beautiful photo thread after this one, but since this is sort of a silly thread anyway, I'm just going to say that I just saw two different commercials for the AMA's - UNBELIEVABLE the angle they are taking! I watch Brothers & Sisters on ABC (what can I say, I'm a sucker for that yummy Matthew Rhys :)!!) so I flipped ABC on a short while ago... saw two commercials, and I can't type the whole thing out - but basically the first one says something to the effect of - w/ all these stars on the stage LIVE, you won't know what to expect (w/ this unspoken feeling of, but expect something wild and crazy) ... or something like that. That just strikes me as totally ballsy, given how they abandoned Adam last year when he only did a few gestures that weren't totally known/understood before the live broadcast. And then the second commercial says something to the effect of - blah blah last year left you speechless, you won't believe this year... I'm not getting that quite right, I'm so ticked off I can't even remember, but it was something giving the feeling that last year you were left speechless and this year will be the same of better and more unbelievable... So that's the thing that bugs me, ABC is sort of promoting that all as a POSITIVE thing, 'ya know what I mean, like totally using Adam all over again (but yet they never supported him in making clear that they understood about 99% of what was going to happen during his performance last year)... They are TOUTING the SHOCK Value of the show, which is totally fine if not given last year's history... am I the only one that is completely blown away at the ballsy-ness of that?!!! I mean, I do personally see it as a positive thing, but that's not the point I'm making.

I'm sorry to ramble!!, I'm very sorry to bring up the AMA's!!, I'm sorry to turn a thread negative!!, but I just had to vent to this supportive glamily and ask you - am I crazy that this promotion angle is BALLSY. I know it aint that deep, and in 10 minutes I will be watching the latest vids and enjoying Adam's brilliant talent, but somebody please beat me up and tell me again that it aint that deep and to just let it go, I'll take your advice!! I'm just going to hit "post comment" before I erase this all, cuz I'd really like someone else's opinion, I'm typing fast so I hope that all made sense. Again, I'm sorry to those who get annoyed with this kind of post, but I am in total disbelief that ABC/AMA's took this angle... again, it's almost, in some weird way, supportive of last year, positive about last year (which is good I guess), it's not snarky towards Adam at all, it doesn't mention him or show his likeness... but I'm left with the overall feeling that they are pimping Adam all over again in some sublte way. PRS, the poster here, called this - but again, it's sort of weird cuz it's not really negative, and of course they are doing what's best for them and ratings and money and all that, it just left a bad taste in my mouth, but maybe I'm reading too much into it and being too Adam-centric.


Just saw the second one again - will post again below

Anonymous said...

Off-Topic cont'd:
okay, one commercial just came on again - it said something like - last year left everyone (word on screen - speechless), so this year you better watch live... to see what will happen or something like that. That's not exactly right, but that's the overall feeling. Again, I'm fine w/ that, but it's just - well, everything I just said :)...

And also, ABC is also running a commerical w/ Kim Kardashian about a Sexiest Men Alive show that's airing this week... it's an "over the years" type of thing... they better put Adam on THAT! :)

If you wanna tell me to shut it, it aint that deep, get over and move on - Okay :) - but be gentle okay, lol.

Anonymous said...

GlitzLady, I went back about three threads and couldn't find where you posted Isaac's twitter. Can you post this again for us? Many tks... FF

Anonymous said...

@Very Off-Topic.. maybe one should say to ABC: "as you sow, so shall you reap".

glitzylady said...


The "Adam's Outgoing Voicemail Message" thread...scroll down to below all of the "stat"s.. two separate posts... both are twit pics...

or go to Twitter and then look up @IsaacTheCarp...and you will get to his page..

Anonymous said...

Thank You glitzylady....

judys dancin said...

I think u r right MGF! And honestly I'm not surprised ABC would do this!

Anonymous said...

IIHY #16 on Japanese top 20 countdown


Anonymous said...

@MGF, ofcourse these nutsuckers are gonna do everything and anything to promote their "Hit me in the head with a baseball bat, I am super BORED" show. For sure nothing is gonna top last year and I ain't tuning in to see any of their crap. And I don't think you are crazy for thinking all that and rambling like crazy but what bothers me is "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING WATCHING ABC"??? LOL... Sorry to snap at you like that. Anyways, I quit watching abc after the AMA's incident. The only time I turned that channel on was for Adam's "prime time show", The view and Barbra's fascinating people. I know you might think I am crazy, but I want to stand by my beliefs, they showed clear discrimination and thats how I snub them.


glitzylady said...


Well, they sort of pimped him last year so why should this year be any different? Last year they basically tweaked everyone's curiosity to watch the AMA's all the way to the end..and then bam!!..They told him it was okay to do the boys on leashes and some other stuff which some people objected to afterwards anyway, and then of course he ad-libbed a bit : ), but they still said "See Adam Lambert like you've never seen him won't believe it.." with all sorts of enthusiasm, and they knew what was coming on the Pacific Coast version and used it to full advantage to get people to of course they are going to use the "memories" this year, even if they don't mention any names...because those who watched it last year remember it well and those who didn't actually see it, probably heard about it, so will think, "well how could they top that, so gotta watch!!" ..and then they will say.."Well!! Isn't that awful!!! Tsk Tsk...".It is just how it is I guess.. I don't blame you for being upset...but I suppose it was to be expected...considering how they treated him last year..anything to get people to watch a TV show I guess...and isn't that the Disney Network??? At this point it is water under the bridge...Let's see what happens this year, who are they going to hang out to dry..probably no one, because Adam isn't there..although it might be interesting to see how far someone pushes the envelope this year, and how they are treated afterwards...not that I am watching...but I suppose we'll hear something...Hope you feel better now!

Anonymous said...


You have every right to be upset. I wish someone could write about this, giving your view of it. Matt Carter perhaps. Or why not brother Neil. He has a way with words like no one else. But I guess it wont happen. ABC is getting away with this crap again.


Rebecca said...

these guys were good and very fun but i still think i had the best guys dancing at adam's show in FL

Anonymous said...

@MFG - Agree they are using Adam but they did last year as Glitzylady said, so I'm not surprised but it will be a cold day in hell before I watch ABC or the AMA's. I also haven't watched ABC since the AMA'S other then when Adam was on same as ZZ. I think they realize they have competition with The E True Hollywood Story of Adam on at the same time and date.


Anonymous said...

@MGF - you needed to let it off your system and there is no better place to do it but here. As dedicate fans of Adam, it is normal for us to feel disgusted because of how they abandoned Adam after the AMAs. I would totally be surprised if ABC wouldn't elicit your exact reactions from many of us who are genuinely supporting our boy. It's alright MGF because ABC is really pathetic with their flagrant display of double standard and homophobia. They are a bunch of hypocrites and self-righteous people whose driving force in life is nothing else but huge profits. They will use sensationalism and shock value just to guarantee ratings and when they get what they are asking for they wouldn't even defend their marketing strategy ha ha ha the height of hypocrisy in full display. So it's okay by me MGF and you have all the right to feel that way.

Now it's time to let go and i just want to thank you for your infectious passion. Hope you saw the post that i left for you and Adam Fix in an old thread but the problem is i couldn't even recall which one exactly :( If i can find it i will remind you again.

Guess what is my most favorite thread today, IT GETS BETTER (BY AL's FANS). I was really brought to tears knowing that Adam has been breaking walls and building bridges all over the world single-handedly. So what more can we ask for. His positive messages of tolerance, acceptance, empowerment and love is gaining ground and this is his most important achievement to date. And i know in my heart that history will be kinder to him :)

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys :). And @ZZ - I know I know, about watching ABC, I'm with 'ya... and I do very very well keeping ABC off my television sets actually, and I don't even watch a lot of tv to be honest, but I used to watch ABC's Brothers & Sisters, but left it behind after the 2009 AMA's, but a friend told me about the devloping storyline w/ the Saul character's coming out late in life, which I found intriguing, and I've always loved Matthew Rhys who plays the Kevin character, so I caved and started up watching again this season this past Fall... but honestly, I was so sickened at the hypocricy of those commercials that I honestly don't think I want to put myself in the position of accidentally seeing one again, that alone is enough reason for me to keep ABC off my television. I am no stranger to Communications/Media business, I used to work in it, and it's all a money thing, no mystery, not brain surgery, and actually, I don't even really have a problem with ABC pulling out all the tricks to get people to watch... but that particular specific line of attack to gain viewership after last year was so hypocritically ballsy that I was stunned. And although glitzlady tried to make me feel better :), she actually said something in her post that made me feel temporarily a little worse, lol - which was something about people tuning in just to see if the AMA's or the performers booked this year could "one up" last year... that thought hadn't even occurred to me, but I believe glitzylady is right, people will tune in just for that reason alone, so in some small subtle way, once again, ABC reaps the benefit of Lambert's 2009 performance, after tossing him to the wolves when they were well aware of 99% of what his performance was going to be. I mean, I understand that these award shows are about one-up-ing the previous year, that's fine, I'm not naive, but it's the hypocricy on ABC's part of this very specific advertising angle/approach of specifically TOUTING THE SHOCK VALUE that got to me. And glitzlady, regarding the Disney/ABC bedfellows thing - don't even get me started!!!!! Okay, I'm being redundant, sorry, and you guys helped, thanks :), you too glitzlady :) for sure, and thanks for not jumping on me hard (although it's still early in the day, ha ha, comments could still be coming, LOL, that's okay, I can take it :)). Somewhere down deep I do actually hope that someone writes about this, like Eva mentioned,'though I suppose that won't be best for AL! And @Adamfanforlive/5:09 - I haven't ever posted about this here, but I am very nervous about the E THS actually - because they have a tendancy to specifically pick people who they can sensationalize and exploit... we shall see, will be very very happy to be proven wrong on that, haven't wanted to be a Debbie Downer about E THS on this site, so haven't posted about that before, but feeling nervous about that down deep and crossing my fingers, HARD :)! Okay, I'm off to go about my day, thanks again peeps and sorry for the long post ('though I've been pretty good in that regard lately :), I've been trying anyway, lol). And sorry to those that are aggravated by this subject and my posts on it, I understand, hope you could scroll on by. Getting off the soapbox now, or, on this site, probably just passing it on, 8^)!!


ps. @ Bing, I did see that post, it was lovely, thanks!

Anonymous said...

oh, one more thing, just to be very clear - I sure as hell won't be watching AMA's this year, at the risk of stating the completely obvious :). Loved that frickin' mofo show closing performance last year 'though! ;)

Anonymous said...

MGF, I didn't see the commercials but if I had I would agree with you 100%. Your feelings seem perfectly natural to me. I'm boiling just learning about it. I'm sure this year's show will be a dud anyway without someone with Adam's talent.

Anonymous said...

Well said Bing 5:34. Do I recall correctly that you do, or have, worked in advertising or marketing? In any event, well said.

Anonymous said...

I only watched ABC for the soaps but now that I can watch all my favorite soaps on ONE channel ... SoapNet ...... I don't have to bother with ABC anymore ... as for AMAs ... last year was the FIRST & the LAST time I EVER watched & that was only bcuz ADAM was on. The rest of today's artists don't interest me & besides ... I'm getting ready for .. ADAM's Very Own E! True Hollywood Story!! Now that's the show only an act of GOD could prevent me from watching!! Nov. 21st can't get here soon enough for me!

BTW .. OT .. when I tried to vote for ADAM WWFM at the Young & Wild site ... I couldn't bcuz the VOTE button is MISSING!! WTH is up??


glitzylady said...

@ MGF!!!

So sorry I made you feel worse...who needs enemies when you have friends, right??? LOL!!! But yes, I do think they are using Adam's last year's performance to draw in viewers, even tho they aren't using his name or face...Rather "like talking out of both sides of their mouth" as the old saying goes, but the way of media...get those viewers to tune in...Heck even the weather reports are always played for drama these days on the news shows "Wait until you hear what the weather is bringing us NEXT week!!!! OMG!!!" and it is drawn out until the end of the show...just heard that last week, BYW...and guess what, we're having.. rain(!!!!!!).. in Seattle no less...who'd a thunk it???? Shock!! Anyway, thats just the way it is..Shock value, drama, controversy all sells....

And I very clearly remember Jay Leno (who is no stranger to network drama and politics) telling Adam on his show in December that he figured ABC knew exactly what they were doing and what was going to happen afterward...They wanted the drama and then they could say "Oh, we had no idea that was going to happen".and then wash their hands of the whole thing, and dump Adam along the wayside afterward by canceling his performance on Good Morning America, which in turn made even more publicity for the network...I would imagine Jay Leno knows what's going on behind the scenes and what he said was absolutely true...He is a good supporter of Adam and I believe what he said..Obviously Adam had a little responsibility for some of the fall-out, but they really are taking advantage of it this year...hoping to get people back to see what will happen this year...

Back to work for me now...the real world calls...

Anonymous said...

MGF, go right ahead and rant, gurl!!!! Sometimes we just have to get it out. I happen to agree with you and peeps can scroll on down if they dont want to read what any of us have to say. I will always support Jay Leno after he said what Glitzlady reported above! I remember it well and thought he was right on target. It appears to me that the only returning artist from last year to the AMAS is Rihanna. The performers are all very popular at this moment so dont delude myself into thinking it wont be a hugh ratings plus for ABC. Hope I'm wrong. Adamluv

The Dark Side said...

The pimped Adam the entire night to make sure their viewers watched. Then they abandoned him when they got a few phone calls. I won't be watching any of the AMA's this year. Besides Adam's THS is smack dab in the middle of the Ama's. Sounds like they are pimping him again. Yes, I know, I don't like the word myself--give me a better one.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for this, completely OT guys no need to read my reply to @Anon Nov. 15 at 10:00AM thanks :)

- hi, my hubby worked for 2 ad agencies, (1988-2006) last was a partner of TBWA, handling Finance before he put up his own small group now that works from home. That is less stressful for them. Though my forte is sales (1982-1986) i was fortunate to have been asked in 1986 by a newly released political detainee to join his team which was tasked to revive one of the oldest non-governmental organizations in our country. So it was a 180 degrees turn for me from the private sector to the development world. It may not be that financially rewarding (got so spoiled in my previous job with commissions alone) but nothing compares to the sense of fulfillment one gets when we are able to change and improves people's lives. I've been working for my boss for the past 24 years with no regrets because money isn't everything just like what Adam has been saying all along. Maybe this is one of the reasons why i am so enamoured with our boy. His heart in the right place and i remember that in one of his interviews, hope my memory doesn't fail me, he said something about being in social work if he didn't pursue this career. Please correct me if i'm wrong.

We can all see through Adam that he is such an honorable man. You know i have never imagined myself being in front of a computer whenever i can. Believe me, if there is one person in this world, who is so stubborn enough inventing all kinds of excuses not to use the computer, unless it's a matter of life & death situation, it is me. I am simply not that interested at all because i like to do so many other things that requires my full attention ha ha ha but not anymore. Hubby had to buy me a laptop because when my 2 boys are home then i have to leave their PCs alone hee hee.

Sorry but this is how Adam inspires me, too much information ha ha ha couldn't help it!

Would it really make a big difference if you put a tag even just an initial :) just asking but you can just ignore it :D BTW thanks for the nod.


Anonymous said...

Bing, very interesting info. about you! Thanks. I also agree about the financial issues - LIFE IS TOO SHORT to not have a job that you love going to everyday where you feel your actions make a difference. However, I am not naive enuf to believe that everyone always has this opportunity. But to those that have, you are very fortunate! I consider myself one of those lucky people. Adamluv

laurieb said...

@MGF, rant all you want, we are all feeling it too. When I see things like those commercials I get mad and frustrated at the intent of them. I get through it by remembering that what I am feeling, many in the industry will feel too. So In a way perhaps this will make people sit up and take notice. It will remind them of last years situation with the AMAS and reflect on the poor treatment of Adam, and make them think "It could have been me"

coloforadam said...

Oh MGF, you are an Adam lover, heart and soul. We've always known that - no truer or more articulate fan exists!! The night of the AMA's is going to be rough no matter what - I have been dreading it but didn't realize how much until I, too, caught those lame commercials tonight. Be so glad when it is over and I bet it will be about as dull and boring as the last season of AI turned out to be without Mr. Sizzle Pants Lambert. I just think about where Adam will be that night, somewhere between Cologne and Austria, surrounded with his magnificent troop of friends and being adored by all of Europe instead of nervously sweating out another performance at that nose-in-the-air, stuffy awards show. As Adam's career continues to climb, he will remember who has snubbed him just as he barely acknowledges old acquaintances who had no time for him and then tried to buddy up when he became famous. I know this is a trite, old phrase but "that which does not kill us, makes us stronger". Question: Is Adam stronger now, 1 year after? OMG, yes - immeasurably stronger and so are we, led by our friend, MGF!! Sleep well, you done good to bring it up.

glitzylady said...

@coloforadam 9:12pm

"Mr. Sizzle Pants Lambert" LOL!!! Love it...perfect nickname!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Adamluv and i'm so happy to know that you are that blessed :)


Anonymous said...

MGF, Rant your big heart out!! I think you speak for all of us!!I'll be watching E. I'm disgustrd with all of the award shows. There are so many they become meaningless. I vote anyway. At least the Y-100 votes for Jingle Ball were always posted for each artist that was favored to be a part of it. Adam always had the most votes and left all of the artists in the dust including Katy Perry who came in second. The AMAs are no longer relevant to me along with the Peoples Choice Awards. I am curious about Peoples sexiest men.Wonder who comes up with that list, probably the same as the peoples choice. What an oxymoron! @ Bing Enjoyed your interesting info and I also agree that enjoying your job is more important than financial gain when you have that choice. I was offered a job with Playboy as a receptionist in N.Y, but I was newly married [4 mos.]loved nursing and my very conservative father would have been horrified, even tho' it was a receptionist position. The money offered was a temptation, but glad I didn't do it. Hope the AMA ratings will be less than last year and E's will be their highest ever. MGF keep the soapbox handy. Next week should be interesting! funbunn40

Anonymous said...


@funbunn40, wow thanks too for sharing a little about yourself i appreciate that. I really hope that we will be able to watch E THS here. Btw i didn't know that i was replying to one of your posts in an old thread cuz you forgot your tag. I just realized that it was you when you mentioned the white candle. You are so sweet for doing that for our dear Diamond Girl, thanks funbunn40 :)

love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

Thanks again y'all.
(funbunn - re your M&G - woot woot :))

Anonymous said...

MGF, you totally said exactly what I was feeling when I saw those same 2 AMA commercials! I am glad you posted. I too have been so angry with ABC and all the award shows for the Adam shun. I feel so helpless. We vote, vote, vote, and see his name as #1 or #2, only to find out he is not even being invited to any of these award shows. I never knew how big a scam these award shows are. Totally sensationalized. Someone must be buying them out. It must be money talking cause I don't get it. I too saw the People's sexiest man alive commercial and strained to look for Adam, but I doubt he'll be there either. It is all so sad.


Anonymous said...

Hey there daydreamin. We'll just have to keep on keepin' on. Will see you again in the more recent threads :). MGF.