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Adam Lambert - Whataya Want From Me (Video On Trial)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, November 03, 2010

An analysis of the 'WWFM' music video.


LP said...

Even though this is not my favorite video, I take exception to anyone tearing it apart, and tearing Adam apart. Get a life you people, if you don't like the video, then don't watch it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If this is suppose to be funny, I fail to see the humor.

The fellow who did the parody was hilarious, and Adam loved that video. This just seems mean spirited...wish It wasn't posted here.

Anonymous said...

Who are these people? And who gives a sh*t what they say or think? Major WTF

Anonymous said...

WHY doe an Adam Lambert site have this piece of junk on it.. Please remove.. it's insulting to Adam and his fans.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Seriously, are these people actually getting paid to do what they do?! Hello!...bloggers on 24/7 can do a better job without even trying... for crying out loud‼ Was it suppose to be funny?... it's soooooo dull and booooring! :( zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

Where did these idiots come from??? I really love the song, "What Do You Want From Me" but never cared for the video. I don't think Adam had anything to do with making this video. He is kind of mechanical walking from here to there in the vid. Doing nothing really. It is rather dead and dull compared to his other videos. MPO.
Now, that does not excuse the idiots who made the crappy vid "because they could". My 2 cents worth!

Anonymous said...

Is the show suppose to be like this? Is this what they call humour?
I didn't laugh one bit while watching it the whole time I'm just like "WTF"
Cause seems they don't get the meaning of the song, it's not about breaking up ... why does he seem like a 13 year old girl?... are u saying all 13 year old girls are like this and that only girls can be sensitive?

Should look up real meaning of song Hint: Adam's track-by-tracks

Sry but I greatly disliked this video

Anonymous said...

Correction 5:48PM comment Cause they don't get the meaning of the song*

Anonymous said...

Plain and dull looking men in baggy t-shirts go on and on about Adams make up. Soooo boring and predictable. They would be so happy if they had a fraction of his looks. Pathetic and not so funny.


Anonymous said...

this just made me snicker. they are harmless, no talents. i love adam's video. adam looks amazing in it.

Anonymous said...

Consider the source - a talentless, ugly man getting his digs at a beautiful shining star.

Anonymous said...

See what they say about gays dissing their own? Only one dude in this stupid video wasn't gay and all of them are jealous of Adam. The girl(?) in the buffalo plaid shirt needs a makeover really quick, the other one was just ugly.

Anonymous said...

They r using Adams Video bec. for attention only. Imagine the fans everywhere in the world will c these idiot people ha!ha!ha!ha. Sometimes I can't blame these idiots u know why my friends, Adam is a superstar and everyone in the media wants a piece of him. Well, well, it means that we are doing a good job protecting Adam eh! He is the man of the world Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who are these people? Please, someone, make them go away.

Anonymous said...

Some strange villages are missing their idiots.

Anonymous said...

You guys are taking this too seriously. Canadian humour is all about making fun of oneself. These guys really like Adam. They did a V on T of FYE as well. They do this to all the popular videos. It's like a celebrity roast. He wouldn't be on this show if they didn't think he was big enough.

Anonymous said...

Just relax. they are very nice to Adam's as compared to what they did on the other viedos. Different culture different reacion. Canadians would just laugh off this.

Anonymous said...

What's the big deal about it? Not particularly funny, altho there were some moments when I laughed. Now that parody a few months back had me in hysterics!! That one was funny! No big deal, IMO. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I don't like this video either. Don't wastes your time watching it. I don't see anything funny here.

Anonymous said...

If this is someones attempt at humor they failed miserably...

Anon 6:16
If they really do like Adam I don't think this is the best way to show it.

Anonymous said...

It seems like a harmless spoof to me.Another spoof on Adam's video wwfm is on Barely Political key of Awesome #16. It just passed 3 million views.Adam himself tweeted,Thanks for the laugh guys, that is in another spoof called no lady gaga,Adam Lambert.Much fun if you haven't seen it.

The Dark Side said...

Come on people, where is your sense of humor. It's called satire!!! If they weren't Adam's fans they would not be making a video about him. Besides this single has gone gold and platinum so often, we can be generous. I am sure Adam is laughing if he sees it.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have to admit that it was kind of funny, but it was also crude and mean. )<

Anonymous said...

am I the only one laughing at this? This is funny people, relax...Humor? anyone?


Anonymous said...

This was not funny, not creative. Really quite stupid. Lately I've seen a few tasteless videos on this site. The vegas impersonator is another example.

Anonymous said...

I actually think this is funny lol.

Relax everyone!

Anonymous said...

Now can we critique these numnuts? Well here we go. For one If that was funny I bet to differ! Not one of these people had one bit of style or brains either. Now for the first time since I have come to this web site have I wondered why even show this sh** it make that video look like he is a whinning baby. Sorry not a fan of this crap. Take it off please!Now if this was meant to be a parody OK but it was a bit a an overkill.

Anonymous said...

this is posted why?

it's dumb, these people are idiots

Anonymous said...

this is so CRASS!!!!!

David said...

If you watch Stephen Colbert, you would get this. This is satire. And I think it's funny. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

The only people on this show that actually made funny jokes were Debra, Trevor and that other chick, the rest is just boring, lame filler. I used to watch this show a lot, but then stopped when I realized that only 50% is funny, but I actually liked this one... So take chill pill.


Anonymous said...

I guess some people get it and some don't. Kind of like watching Second City Comedy, either you get or you don't and most people don't!

Anonymous said...

Glad I read the comments BEFORE watching the video & now I won't even bother. I get ACID INDIGESTION everytime I read/
see anything DEROGATORY about ADAM. Since it has been compared to Second City comedy ... I AINT INTERESTED!! I LOVE ADAM's WWFM video!!!


Anonymous said...

I saw their parody of FYE, and that was funnier. I'm all for humor...everyone needs to lighten up...but it's almost like they couldn't think of anything REALLY funny for this one!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I'm glad reading these comments that lots of people didn;t like it. I thought maybe I wasn't understanding American humour (or Canadian !), didn't find it at all funny, didn't even chuckle once. Nope, seemed really lame.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Hello 24/7 can put something nice about Adam.Don't really wanna see this kind of vid, pic ect...Start my early morning searching for Adam and these what i see.WTF...

Anonymous said...

Um, this was stupid. I consider this video to be great (the point was to be dull). If it was supposed to be funny it wasn't. The only part that made me laugh was the gay comparing him to a teenage girl being woken up by her father. The rest sucked ass. I love a bit of mockery but this wasn't good. I love the "Key of Awesome" remake of WWFM. Now that was funny as hell. Whoever hasn't seen it should. It's hilarious! Check it out in youtube.
Poland Loves ADam

Anonymous said...

I like satire. But was this satire? It should be sharp and whitty, this was just lame. Joking about a guys makeup is breaking in open doors. Perhaps the FYE video is easier to make satire about.
Good morning from Sweden. The sun is shining and Adam will be here in 5 days.


Anonymous said...

Unattractive people saying unattractive things. No thanks.

Anonymous said...

This was like, uh, 4 people who need a life (and a real job- one they might actually be good at), versus all of us Glamberts?? Hmmm, who is more believable?


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha! The cute glamhedgehogs are arching their backs and show their spines! Love, love, love it!
“Make them go away”? What can I say, someone needs a mommy! Well, you’ll find here lots of mommies to make your bad dreams go away. Love you mommies, you know that.. :-)
I admit this video is not as fanny and classy as IIHY VoT edition. Didn’t see the FYE version, darnit, now I have to find it somehow! Don’t do that anymore! A link please, please. I love FYE video the most, I mean, minus a ‘sexy’ face he makes to the camera, the same kind of face he made in ‘Satisfaction’ on AI. I kept that to myself too long, now I said it! :-). But, let’s face it, there are some moments in WWFM video which a couple of smart glamberts could have made fun of in a subtler and funnier way. That’s only a (collective) lack of inspiration, people. One shouldn’t hold against other human beings on the reason of temporary (or permanent) hypofunction of the ‘funny’ gland only. You better pray for their recovery! :-)
PS: Hi there, PLA! Key of Awesome's WWFM was the best, indeed.. way smarter... :-)

Anonymous said...

Humor? Ummm, I don't know... I just feel not in the mood after wasting 3:56 minutes of my morning on watching this! Well... at least I saw sweet Adam's face, doesn't matter how much makeup he was wearing, his beauty is sweet ANYWAY! But... I don't like sweet Adam crying, I prefer him happly smiling!
If those people are not going to get a life, I am... What «Hells's Kitchen» Wants From Me today?

Anonymous said...

this guy is just looking for attention and Adam gets to laugh all the way to the bank.

Nevertheless, REMOVE IT from this site...please.

Anonymous said...

This is how American look at us Canadian. I am Canadian who love Adam a lot.

Anonymous said...

satire????huh? not so much-the eyeliner and mascara comments are really ridiculous (that's getting really tiresome) HOWEVER they should really consider buying some for themselves.I'm going back to Cheeks latest video{check it out -it IS really funny) to get the taste of THIS trash out of my head-for real

Anonymous said...

I fail to see the humor, satire or parody. They are just a bunch of ordinary people against Adam, in particular that he wears make up.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of idiots. Jealous people will do anything for attention. GET A LIFE.

Anonymous said...

to the comment above about some people get it and some don't...get what!! it was not funny, it was boring and a waste of time..plain stupid!

Dinah-mite said...

OMG! People get a life! I agree with a few sane posters, this is SATIRE! Very harmless, gave me a smile... If they didn't like AL they would not do this. Please give AL a break, he is NOT going to have a meltdown because of some comedy.You know AL has a great sense of humor, quit acting like every little thing is going to "send" him over the edge. He is a GROWN man, you don't have to shield him from the big bad world. Last time I checked AL DOES wear make up---news flash...Ah, I personally don't see Adam as some poor little flower that needs to be coddled. Give a man a break!!!

Anonymous said...

This video was a somewhat lame attempt at satire. Parts of it are funny, just think it was not well written.

I do think Adam would be laughing his ass off, though.

Remember any publicity is good publicity and to be frank, I think Adam will be laughing his ass off all the way to the bank for some time to come!

I agree: Lighten up a bit.

Anonymous said...

Love adam lambert this was funny in parts if u listen at the end I believe it was meant as a compliment she likes the video. But i am sure you could come up with other responses to the question of What do you want from me?????

choons said...

HEY EVERYONE! every show they pick a new video to dump on (with humour). They actually love Adam but that's the nature of the show so - it's not a hate party. They're just having fun. Much Music LOVES Adam. They play his videos all the time and promote him. So chillax.

Anonymous said...

Satire implies use of cleverness. This was not in anyway clever. It sounded more like the whining of wanna-be "comedians" looking for some attention by trashing a popular artist's work. And if I were Steve Colbert, I'd probably want to kick your butt for comparing me to these losers.

Anonymous said...

I think people get that, we know thats the idea, but this is not remotely funny, not one little bit. I like satire as much as the next person, but this isn't it.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

To me they sound like someone pissed them off and Adam gets the revenge..

Unknown said...

ok so like i love adam with all my heart and i would just like to say... C'MON PEOPLE why do u care what they say? like they get paid HE EVEN SAID IN THE VIDEO that they get paid to make fun of him, so thats kindof what they're planning on doing. they might even love him as much as we do but either way... why does it matter? theres always gunna b h8ers anyways, but why pay attention to the few of them when theres millions of us :)