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CNN Showbiz Tonight Talks About the 'Stage Incident'

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, November 24, 2010

They took it lightly. Didn't exaggerate.



Anonymous said...

hahah! Adam, even the media people are sooo used to your naughtiness‼ I think next time if behave like a church choir boy it will be a shocking news to them... lol ☺

Anonymous said...

Must be strapped for news if they have to resort to that. But hey, Adam will take the pub.

Anonymous said...

They all seemed to have a good sense of humor about it and I enjoyed seeing the clip again.

Anonymous said...

hahaha Brooke Anderson is finally lightening up re: Adam! He's so personally likeable and does have a huge fan base. Adam is nothing like the stoned out early rockers that slept with anything that moved. Gene Simmons always flaunted it along with his iconic tongue. At least it was good natured and bottom line, legal in Amsterdam and his concert and of course he had to have purple haze. Think things are starting to look up!

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot tag above. funbunn40 HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, well look at that! A year has gone since the AMA:s and US finally is starting to "get Adam". What a relief after all of these dooms day comments on this site. And Adam delivered a glory note in all that purple haze.
Happy thanksgiving to you all!


Anonymous said...

Protect the children! ***yawn***

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow i was expecting the worst comments from these people but surprisingly it turned out to be the opposite hahahaha. Are they beginning to see the light now and perhaps correct their attitude towards Adam? Well this is something new and i hope that a lot more will broaden their horizons in life and give Adam that chance to just entertain them. They must have realized that resistance is futile and they will just have to give in. Well seeing how Adam is being embraced by the international community in his very successful GNT despite his being different must have been an eyeopener to many. Hope that this continues in order to give Adam some breather when he returns to his country. More power to you AFL!


Anonymous said...

Yes Bing. Isn´t it amazing (sorry, can I use that word?)how it has turned out? I must say I was really worried how Amsterdam would be recieved in the US media, especially after all the trash he got from his own fans.
I would really like the Milan IIHY video to be spread. The "say you´re sorry, peace and love"-Adam. Ppl on YouTube comment section had some ideas about that.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a happy surprise - just like Bing said! How nice of them to all be positive and accepting about Adam for a change! Whoo-Hoo!!

Happy Day and Happy Thanksgiving to my online Glamily!


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving from Slovakia :)


Anonymous said...

that was good!See, Adam isn't completely shut out of

Anonymous said...

I agree. Brooke is starting to get ADAM. But, here's my beef: why hasn't ShowBiz Tonite ever reported on his fabulous sold out GlamNation Tour this summer, and even now overseas? It takes Adam goofing around with "pot" to get a reaction. Adam was just having fun and for those of you who remember Jimi Hendrix--it's all "rock and roll."

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the one Guy that was let go from E over his inappropriate comments?

Anonymous said...

ADAM setting the pace..and they are beginning to warm up to awesome is that!!!..and about time!!
Thought it was funny they showed the bit of footage when ADAM had his back to the camera....Oh yes, I forgot, they must protect the children!

Anonymous said...

Let's hope America gets it act together and shows adam some love, but somehow just can't see them being out the box enough after the freedom of Glam Nation overseas.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 7:35 exactly...this is why we get nervous..because they pick up on this and not his singing and tour....but let's move on.. BB will be home soon and it will be interesting to see what musical TV reaches out for him...missing Tour already....:(

Anonymous said...

@Eva 6:57am

Yes, Eva! I wish the Milan IIHY "say you're sorry" clip would go viral too! That was fantastic to watch! Adam doesn't miss a thing going on even while he's singing and dancing! That was wonderful to watch! He is so adorable, sweet, kind, funny, and AMAZING! What a good example for kids to watch too! Now why can't we all just get along??? just let's follow Adam's example!


Anonymous said...

All the blogs, were not so kind. It was called epic, as in epic failure. Where it might hurt him is that TV stations might be too nervous about inviting him on their shows. He definitely needs more TV exposure, for his acoustic cd, and for his new album, when its ready.He is quite aware that will be as news worthy as his scuffle with pap.

coloforadam said...

I dunno - was Amsterdam upset??? That is REALLY all that matters here.

Anonymous said...

When in Rome and so on..there is only one Adam fucking Lambert and he rules !! Americans can't even begin to understand the love we overseas fans have for Adam and that's all fine..cause all that matters is we all wanna have Adam in our lives for a looong time. Peace out !

Anonymous said...

remember to keep voting for Adam the flecking site.....his # is going ends tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Token the smoke? Had no idea he did this till I watched the video. Oh that lambert, you turkey you...


coloforadam said...

More thoughts - Adam has said over and over, as a consumate performer, he is inspired by the individual audience and his performance reflects the communication and spirit between them. I have heard other performers say this, like those who do a Broadway show, night after night. Don't you get bored with the same show...their answer as his, No, each audience is different and their fresh enthusiasm is contagious and each performance flows with what they expect and feel. If Adam ends up not having the entire World as his forever fans as we keep whining about, then so be it. Honesty and courage often fly in the face of the faint hearted. I think Amsterdam got what Amsterdam desired and if he got it wrong for them, it is up to them to let him know and ask for an adjustment on his next visit. He cannot play to the whole world, all the time .... that's not fair and if he tried, it would be namby-pamby and we would HATE it!! Love and Light to our beautiful-happy-sweet lovin' Adam and all his entourage, among whom I thankfully count myself a teeny-weeny part!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's going towards the VIP fandom, where Adam has the same international fans who "get" him and who travel around the world to see him. I wonder if he appreciates them more than the younger and or local fans in every country..

Anonymous said...

There are countries that Adam gets more than others, that are sexy and have a good vibe, Holland and Germany are among them.

Anonymous said...

Where is the "flecking" site? HELP!

Anonymous said...

all showbiz tonight ever talks about is miley cyrus mel gibson or charlie sheen nothing never positive

Rebecca said...

wow i'm impressed no one had anything bad to say. guess Adam is finally proving to the world be an orginal is a good thing

Anonymous said...

I googled flecking records and found this:

This is what happend after the "tongue dive" concert. British media only noticed Adam when he did something outrageous, or to ridicule his make up and nail polish. Flecking Records published this "shocking" news with Suz´s video. The servers broke down. Lots of brits discovered Adam Lambert for the first time. We fans rushed to their help, providing videos from AI and GNT and interviews. Flecking records was shocked that so many people never heard of Adam and changed their attitude against him.
So, doing outrageous things can be positive, now that media seems to ignore his voice and out of this world talent he has to get out there with other means. There were a lot of new Adam fans that night on Flecking Records comment board. It was fun.


Anonymous said...

Here is the link to sexiest-male voting


Anonymous said...

Yes Eva & CT, though it's in another thread, it would be absolutely amazing if that particular clip would go viral as CT did say. It also fascinates me to see him doing that without missing a note or two nor even a dance step, truly amazing :) He must be a master in multitasking LOL. In the spirit of the holidays which is just around the corner, people should lighten up and continue reporting on the brighter side of Adam, oh yes he has one haha.

And you know what Sweetie if i only had the means i would love to be a member of that filthy rich VIP group going around the world just to watch AFL. That would be incredibly amazing because this group certainly knows how to enjoy life and where to shop hahaha. But i would slap their wrists to remind them to behave specially when they are not in their own motherland LOL. A little daydreaming wouldn't hurt ;-)


Anonymous said...

It must be his beautiful feminin side that makes him a master of multitasking.


Anonymous said...

Why do people keep using "AFL" for Adam? What does that even mean? This incident was pretty funny. Nothing bad or shocking about it. All very legal and light-hearted.
Happy Thanksgiving, Glamily!

The Dark Side said...

A big thumbs up to Brooke for defending Adam. She didn't use to. People aren't reporting about other stars concerts unless something happens. The fact that he is getting press, means he has made it,otherwise they wouldn't be talking about him at all. BTW Hope everyone had a safe and joyous day.

Anonymous said...

they picked three people to bag on and wanted to discuss and vote on the worst of the three. So Adam came out the best of the worst of the three. Sorry, I don't see how this is good. He was being laughed at (not with).

Anonymous said...

superstar that's why he is always in the headlines. Poor Americans open your eyes, you are invading countries to be democratic like you but you are the one who is not practicing the word.

Adam will do it for you people...........

Gogo Adam you are the savior of your dooming country. Love u and spread the goodwill....

Anonymous said...

@ V

Glamily in this site (and also in other sites) keep using «AFL» (Adam «Fucking» Lambert) as a SWEET nickname to sweet Adam... even his band/dancers fellows have used it to call him that, of course in a good sense of humor and meaning. I wouldn't mind to be called «Fucking Glambert Fan4fun» (maybe because I AM!!!! Lol)
Anyway, let it be! There are many ways to show our love to Diamond Boy... and thank you so much for your support and comments at me. WHERE are you from? Just wondering... you are not from America, am I right?


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see they have a good sense of humor about Adam, instead of demonizing him. Maybe they have seen some of his interviews where he comes across as articulate, intelligent, and humble.

Now they can see him as we do - your typical Rock-God/Jewish-gay-boy-next-door!

Anonymous said...

Not typical at all, he is beyond typical
He is beyond amazing!