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Glam Nation Tour in Denmark

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, November 10, 2010




20th Century Boy

Whataya Want From Me




Music Again




aussieglam said...

nice, adam, no drama! love you!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Lord!!! There is photography!! Then there is
PHOTOGRAPHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our Suz526 is back on duty and in what looks like a balchony seat.
Love the Rolando ZOOM in's. Such good vids and the zoom is perfect. So close up on Brooke and Adam. Thanks Suz for returning to give us all the joy we receive when we watch your videos.

Anonymous said...

He did it again! Every single concert sweet Adam reinvents himself, his vocals, his sexy moves, shakes my basis, cheers up my life, makes me so full of joy! I LOVE TO BE A GLAMBERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay! I've got this fever... to be a real, a true Glambert! A forever Glambert!!!
I LOVE TO HAVE YOU AS MY TOY, MY SWEET 20th CENTURY BOY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another terrific TCB! And all the other performances as well!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Adam. Thank you for giving us a wonderful summer to remember and thanks to all of you for the glitter and gorgeousness. Ad astra to you all. We'll buy Adam's GNT DVD as soon as its on the market.

Anonymous said...

It gets better:


The Dark Side said...

Some of these were posted a few hours ago on MJ's Blog so got to see Adam in Copenhagen and Rolando doing his usual great job. Sippin some hot tea and appreciating the great audience. Boy was not misbehavin tonight. A little kiss here and that's about all. No high drama, or low drama. Still can't figure out why all the screams during Soaked, which is operatic. I said on another site never saw an audience at an opera screaming when the tenor sings. Actually might liven up most operas. Can't even imagine!!!

☺ said...

WOW! How does Adam do it... so consistent with all of his performances night after night‼ I like the part during Soaked when people were screaming when Adam pauses then one raise of his hand everyone shuts up... omg... amazing moment‼ ☺
Adam is in such top shape from what I see here‼ Thanks to the amazing videography of... SUZ526... love the ZOOMS‼ and 24/7 for posting them asap‼ ☺

glitzylady said...

Suz tweeted earlier today that she ran into Adam and Monte twice while walking around Copenhagen!!! Things are going very well for her..and she certainly deserves it!!! So nice to see her vids here again...just feels "right"!!!

Anonymous said...

Soaked is just Beautiful. Thanks Suz, you glam-angel for travelling all the way to europe and pimpin Ronaldo's ass.


Anonymous said...

One of the best performances of the tour. Looked like Adam was really enjoying it. Loved it. Love Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Gran concierto impecable!!!!!!!
ADAM lucia radiante y bello,disfrutando y compartiendo con sus fans.
GRACIAS SUS526 por la gran imagen de sus vídeos!!!

Anonymous said...

His performances at this concert were phenomenal.
Wow, really knocked my socks off!

Anonymous said...

Dark Side - You can't figure out why the screaming during Soaked??? The screams are for the most fantastic voice in the world pausing for a moment. He's not just Rock and Roll sexy he's Rock and Roll Ballad sexy too with the voice to match.

Anonymous said...

I really hope there are some Hollywood producers, directors who saw this performance of Sleepwalker. He chewed the scenery in a good way and the singing was remarkable.

Anonymous said...

Adam, if you will have chance to sing "Soaked" on any big event, you will get all nominations and awards believe me. This song very special. Nobody else never can sing it, only you, darling. Love you

Anonymous said...

Just a little choking the chicken during TCB, that's all.

Anonymous said...

@SUZ526. If you will make DVD from Copenhagen concert I buy it,darling! Did you get a new camera? These pictures,anlges and resolution are absolutely perfect!

Anonymous said...

Such fantastic vocals! He is consistently perfect! He definitely enjoyed the crowd tonight! Love, love, love his hair!!!

Thank you Suz for your gorgeous videos! Thank you for sharing these epic moments with us and for letting us share the memories with you!


Anonymous said...

Another amazing show! And our beloved Suz to capture it all so stunningly. Sigh. I'm so in love. ♥♥♥

Can someone PLEASE tell me how the heck to make a gif? I'm just DYING to make a few from some of my favorite moments. I've googled it like crazy but can't find much of anything that isn't costly! If you know how to convert AVI clips to GIFS, please let me know!

@PassionN2010 on Twitter.


glitzylady said...

All I can really say is...Perfection in every way....

Anonymous said...

Suz526 THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, great videos, I've been enjoying Adam's concert because of the videos and yours are so fantastic!!!
I think Copenaghen's concert have been really exciting, really good in his vocals (the sound in the vid was great, vocal and music very clear)
I love the way Adam sang Sleepwalker, GREAT, one of the best (in my opinion).

I also want to say that I completely agree with @6:33, such a wonderful summer discovering (in my case) ADAM LAMBERT (an indelible memory forever).

@ HH tienes toda la razón uno de sus mejores conciertos y el público totalmente entregado!!



Anonymous said...

Aftermath would be great background music for one of those "It Gets Better" ads......with Adam narrating of course....

Anonymous said...

Each performance by Adam is like a beautiful portrait that leaves an imprint on you heart. It will be with you forever. BRAVO ADAM!!!!!!!!!!

glamnut said...

When I watch these videos I realize I will never enjoy an artist in the way I love Adam. He is simply the very best and commands the stage. I can never take my eyes off of him even when he is on the stage with other people. I don't want to miss a single expression or move. Too bad that some people don't appreciate his amazing talent!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, all of you that are so grateful to Suz526 for great videos, please donate to her travelling fund set up by her admirers. Any amount will do.Go to and donate.
I did.And I'm going to give even more.

Anonymous said...

@glamnut - agree with everything you said. What has he done to us and how is that possible that after discovering Adam we wouldn't want to look nor listen to any other artist! I myself could never imagine that this is happening to me since i never even bothered to listen to pop music before. Adam has certainly introduced me to things i never even thought i would like. How is that possible and now i feel like i'm under his spell and honestly i don't mind it at all. I'm glad that i'm not alone in this :) Thanks for your post.


Anonymous said...

Si, Naike un concierto lleno de magia!!!
Sigamos recorriendo,el Mundo con ADAM.
HH. saludos.

Anonymous said...

WOW! These videos are soooo clear! Thank you suz526. :)

Soaked was just gorgeous! Too bad there were people talking through some of it but you could hear Adam's beautiful voice very clearly.

Anonymous said...

Soaked made me speechless. He has so much to give with that voice. He stirs every emotion inside me with he delivery of every song; however Soaked is my favorite of all. Ane Suze thanks for these amazing keep us all connected to Adam each time he performs. The sound was the best yet on this group!

Anonymous said...

This concert left me breathless, speechless, in awe. I don't even know what to say. He was in such fine form. God, the US media needs to get him on TV, doing some shows (talk shows, music shows, ANYTHING!) just to get people to see him. He is beyond great.

Anonymous said...

This is the absolute BEST performance to date! We got the OUT OF THIS WORLD VOCALS-The kiss and the flirting with Tommy (they may not be a couple but theres def strong chemistry and LOVE that perhaps even they dont realize) A LTTLE raunchiness that we love Everything in one show !!WANT/NEED MORE

Anonymous said...

I found lately that a lot of Adam fans mention "Soaked " more often than it use to be.This is song became one of the most popular song after Malaysia. May be it woud be a great chance for Adam to release this song as sinlge and music video? Just read two articles about Adam and read many comments about Adam's fantastic vocals in this song.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert, what have you done to me? You had me the first time I saw you perform on American Idol. Not a day goes by that I don't check this website to see what there is new to offer esp. the vids from the Glam Nation tour. You made me want to listen to MUSIC AGAIN and when you STRUT your stuff across the stage with that LOADED SMILE, it gives me FEVER every time. You ask WHATAYA WANT FROM ME and I say everything: more great songs, edgy performances, stylish looks, tv appearances,and articulate interviews both on the radio and in print. Your impressive vocal talent is a special gift and your audience connection is pure electricity. You are an awesome performer both musically and visually and 2010 has been a better year for many because of your message of love, understanding, acceptance and peace.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 11:45am, maybe he would simply answer "once I'm in I own your heart..." ;)

Truer words were never spoken for so many of us huh?!!!

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady What is Suz's tweet address. I would love to follow her. Thank you

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with
@ glamnut
@ bing
@ 8:54
@ 11:45


coloforadam said...

I eventually watch all of each performance but I first go straight to Fever to .... ummm....shall we say, switch the "light on". Oh, Adam, you are truly rockin' the world. The Earth did not just move under my feet in March, 2009 - it fell out from under me and I have been in free fall ever since. LOL Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

The earth shook when Adam kiss Tommy at the AMA and the rest is history Ha!hA1Ha! And we all loving it yah!!!!! baby rock n' roll..

Toronto base Canada

glitzylady said...

@anon 2:47pm

Suz's Twitter address is:


: ) She aways lets us know right away just as soon as she posts each video for each concert, so if you want to see those vids right away with NO waiting, just go to her Twitter acct.. and there they are..she posts the links to her You Tube channel..Also under Suz526 of course...She is the greatest!!! And a very special lovely lady as well...

cherch said...

Please help keep Suz in GN Europe. Go to and donate anything you can afford to gift her with. She's doing an amazing job, but Europe is expensive and we want to keep her there as long as possible. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

coloforadam 4:12 - EXACTLY!

glamnut 4:45 - I can't take my eyes off him, either. The only time I even notice Tommy, or anyone else, is when Adam gets in their face! :) Literally.

I agree with many, many of the comments here. Thank you, everyone.

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

I have to say that I hope people will donate (in what ever way they can..if they can..) to the fund to keep Suz526 in Europe..she is such a positive supporter of Adam and has done an amazing job with traveling the US, and now Europe, to keep Adam within our reach and vision..her videography (with help from the ever loyal "Renaldo") is truly a blessing for Adam and his many fans (myself included..)... Suz does this out of love for Adam and her belief that he is so worthy of our support, because of his truly amazing talent that should be seen by everyone, regardless of whether of not they can personally attend his Glam Nation concerts...We are also truly blessed to have Suz526 as one of Adam's many dedicated and passionate fans...She just goes above and beyond...So as @cherch says, please help if you can...I was honored to meet Suz in person (yay!!) in Hawaii and cannot say enough about her total dedication to Adam and his career..I just wish that I could be just half as dedicated as she is...

glitzylady said...

@ Adam Fix..

I have to agree..again, I thank suz526 for her vids, because frankly, even though I have been lucky enough to have been to 4 (!) and counting..the two in LA coming up!!... of Adam's GN concerts, I still must go to Suz's videos to see the REST of the action in the concerts ie. the dancers and the band..because my eyes are literally GLUED to Adam the entire time...except when Monte does a solo, literally a foot away from me (amazing!) and then I notice and truly appreciate his awesome talent as well..and Tommy of course...and Isaac...and Camilla..and goes on...with all of the Glamily..Adam is spellbinding..and I can't see anyone but him in a live performance..and I am not "fan-girling" here (okay, maybe I am...), its just the truth!! That is why I am, again, so thankful to Suz,and others in her absence, because if not for the videos, I would miss out on everything else going on around him, even tho I am a fan of everyone else on stage..and what a shame that would be!

Anonymous said...

My mother took me to see Adam's concert in Copenhagen. She is so in love with him and I thought 'yeah why not'.
It was an AMAZING concert! Was right upfront. He is so genuine and so true to who he is.
Now I am also in love...

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club @12:01 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

@Suz526 - Thanks so much for your dedication and the amazing videos. More power to you and Rolando. Stay well!

@12:01AM - yes welcome to the club as Naike said. Thanks for giving it a try and for getting Adam. There is so much more that you will discover for yourself about this great artist. Enjoy the ride with us!

@Naike - i just want you to know that i enjoy reading your posts. Thanks for loving Adam the way you do :)


Anonymous said...

Off subject but today I brought Adam Lambert Tour edition. It has a stripped DVD which includes his videos FYE, IIHY & WYWM also has the making of IIHY. The CD has 5 bonus tracks. Just wondering is this on sale worldwide or just selected countries? I brought mine in Brisbane it was #18. Have watched it a couple of times it is really, really, the bestest thing ever. I can watch Adam as much as I want now! It was a early xmas pressie to myself!!!!!!

Rebecca said...

thank you Suz526 she is the best