New Tweets From Adam Lambert
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, November 09, 2010

First, Adam tweeted good bye to Oslo and hello to Stockholm.
"Almost to Stockholm!!! Thanks to Oslo for a fantastic show last night!"
Then he asked fans for book recommendations.
"Anyone have any great BOOK recommendations? The Hunger Games Trilogy was great!"
A fan replied....
aphoenixreborn: "house of leaves by mark z danielewski. one of my all time faves ;) his others are good as well."
To which Adam replied....
"I've read it! So creepy."
And then one of Adam's friends recommended him....
"hey honey- have you read She Come Undone by Wally Lamb? freaking fantasssssss"
To which Adam replied....
"ooh I will have to check it out! :) how are you?!"
Source: Adam's Twitter
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Aww! Adam a bookworm‼ Great idea especially when you're bored riding riding the bus again‼ I should read the 3rd book. I wonder what happened to District 12 and all the characters like Katniss, Peeta, Cinna... etc. I think I should.
OMG, it's snowing in Stockholm, Sweden today‼ Bundle up Glamtroupe‼ ☺
Adam, I just finished the Hunger Game Trilogy. Thanks for the suggestion, I really enjoyed it. Shimmerdream
I tweeted him and recommended "The Stars My Destination." lol.
I heard Adam is a sci fi geek. Is it true?
Reading is good, source of knowledge. Doesn't matter what you read. I read tonnes of books when I am little. Now I mostly read about Adam with my leisure time. Heeeeeeeeeee
Just bought The Hunger Games Triolgy for my 14yr old Grandson who is a prolific reader, I bought them on Adams recommendatiom.
May give them a go myself -- maybe not my usual genre though,
Anon 10:10
What happens in the third book is disconcerting. Let's just say that it ends in a statement about society and mankind that leaves you feeling a certain futility, even though things get resolved. Powerful message to young readers, if they see it.
Yhe tweet from Kathynajimy is Kath Najimy the well known actress. Was in Sister Act with whoopi Goldberg, also Veronicas closet with Kirsty Alley. Lots of others I cant think of at the moment.
I wonder if she is a friend of just reads his twitters. (Like I do)
Jadam NZ
Adam, if you're out there and you read this, please try the Bartimaeus trilogy by Jonathan Stroud, or the Philip Pullman trilogy, The Golden Compass. The Uglies/Pretties series by Scott Westerfeld is also right up your alley, as it deals intelligently with youth and self-image. If you loved Twilight and the Hunger Games, you'll love these.
Thanks anon 11:19 AM for your great summary of the 3rd book.
Anonymous at 12:00pm, I would definitely agree with the Uglies series. Also there is a book called "Unwind" which is a whole lot of fun and another one called "Feed" which is great. Can't remember the authors to the last two.
Was wondering if that was the actress Kathy Najimy - have always liked her. Can someone tell me the order in which I should read the Hunger Game trilogy? He did ask Kathy how she is so I assume they know each other. Adamluv
i dont have a twitter account so can someone please recomend "the seems" trilogy for me?????? pretty please?????? thanks!!!!!!!! <3
I recommended The Geisha, Adam just being in Japan, a great book that I couldn't put down, Dean Koontz books, Carl Hiassen, very funny, with colorful characters, several books, "Sick Puppy",etc.Harlan Coben, mysteries, Daniel Silva, intrigue.Between all of the fans, he should have a good variety. I'm going to read the Hunger Games too. Adam's been cutting into my reading time! funbunn40
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