Adam Lambert at AFER event
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Adam Lambert was at the AFER event today and here is a picture:

The event concert was apparently hosted by Elton John.

Picture source
After the event, Adam tweeted a link to
The event concert was apparently hosted by Elton John.
Picture source
After the event, Adam tweeted a link to
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I hope they got to meet each other.
Love that pic of Adam - looking so mature and serious, a new phase of his life now starting.
Love the hair and the jacket look
Don't like his hair, other than that he looks COOL. :)
This was a private event at an individual's home. By invitation only. Adam finally has the chance to meet Sir Elton. His tweet indicates the evening was rewarding, so proud that he has decided to take a higher profile politically. I think Adam has learned A LOT since he has joined the mainstream and left the protected gay bubble of WeHo. He has seen what the big world is like for gays/lesbians/transgender/anyone who is different. Anon 10:02: Really, this article is about his hair??? Geezuz
Aww! we have another gift from the great one... Adam looking very spiffy‼ ;)
Adam involving himself with great organization such as AFER and Adam said it sooo well *equal rights for ALL* ♥this
Agree, he is too high profile now to not be taken seriously, if that is his intention. BTW, just for a laugh. Read where Joan Rivers was banned from a Fox show due to something said about Sarah Palin. Loved Joan's response. F**k Fox.
Adam has stepped up to support equal rights for all and I think the G&L community expected him to do more in the beginning of his new career. I believe he is responsibly supporting this cause and as he stated, not wanting to be a posterboy, overshadowing his primary job of entertaining. He has spoken out and just by honestly being himself has gotten his point effectively across. I think the G&L community now understands his deep committment and appreciates his support. I'm glad he had the opportunity to meet Sir Elton and other like minded people anxious to make the world an equal place for all. It also doesn't hurt to learn about their fame filled journeys and how to live with it. funbunn40
Great to see Adam supporting these events and helping out others in need with the charities he is involved with. Adam also lives openly and honestly and wins my complete respect.
There are more pics on Getty images- he really looks stunning- I'll take the long hair any day over the half shaved look.
On a serious note- Adam walks the walk every day by being a proud gay man and speaking out when appropriate which is far more important and lasting than once in awhile getting on a soap box. He leads by example.
The water charity is doing great, I'm sure it will take off on his actual birthday. Love his picture being included in the opening of American Idol, along with Jennifer Hudson, and Chris Daughtry!
More stunning pictures of Adam at the event
It would be wonderful if Adam could collaborate with Sir Elton .... I'm a fan of his from way, way back.
There's no need to be nasty Anon January 19, 2011 10:15PM. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion.
Thank you for the link, anon 11:11pm.. those really are stunning pictures of Adam. He's looking very thin now and his hair has been trimmed and tamed a bit for the longer look. I'm still loving it! It's great to see that Adam was invited to such a special event. Looks like he's beginning to branch out a bit in his career.
Adam looks like MJ here. Hmmm
vote for Adam on Yahoo pool Favorite alunb idol
Adam beeds more votes , he is way behind
alumn sorry
Just wanted to share with the video we did for adam's FEVER.... It's a 100% original video, made with professional cameras, etc.
Since FEVER will never be a single, i though all of adam's fans could enjoy seeing a video to it....
please watch, tell me what you think and most importantly, don't hesitate to share and spread it! it was made for a lot of reasons, but to please the fans was one of them, so... enjoy :)
Thanks :)
Yes i also hope that he got to talk to Sir Elton John even just for a minute, that would be awesome. It is tweets like this from Adam that help in raising social awareness among his fans and earns my respect. I'm so proud of him and for what he stands for.
@Anon Jan.19/11:11PM - thanks so much for the stunning photos of Adam and i'm beginning to dig that hair ;-)
very cool
I wish someone with big money and big mouth would come to Iowa to counteract the damage done to the judicial system done by a group of gay haters that came in from outside Iowa .
"I think Adam has learned A LOT since he has joined the mainstream and left the protected gay bubble of WeHo. He has seen what the big world is like for gays/lesbians/transgender/anyone who is different."
@Anon 10:15PM Why do you think Adam has no idea of the struggles of the Gay/Lesbian/Transgender community???? He lives it. He is the one who is out and open and living his life with pride. How do you know what he did for gay rights before his fame?????
I have to believe that there are trolls on this site who come here put Adam down then say OH I'm entitled to my opinion. But this isn't an opinion, you are putting Adam down please go elsewhere and try being positive you just might like it.
I apologize to those on this site who truly care about Adam, didn't want to start anything, but I do get upset when people put him down.
I wonder how many really know how hard it has to be for Adam to be out in the public eye being scrutinized for every little thing. Give him a break. Thank you for hearing me out.
@ IreneRose
Apologies accepted, but you don't need to present them, you are so right and Right and Right+!
Your comment above is so welcome!(you have no idea how much welcome it is!)
Ditto ADAM! I love how he stands for what is just and right and close to his heart. Takes
guts and determination which I truly admire!
Adam is proudly and beautifully gay and people need to accept and respect the awesome guy he really is!....and he is!
ADAM wanted to meet Elton and so how awesome was this and for the cause of 'equality'!
Love the hair too!
Criticism that is thinly veiled as "the right to an opinion" has no place on this site.
Bernie Taupin and Adam should write a song. Elton John has some good songs.
Thank you Anon 8:13.....that was my point yesterday, and I got bludgeoned to death for it.
I hope you fare better than I did, because your statement is correct and insightful.
OT...Here is a reminder peeps: Adam is scheduled to appear on CBS, February 9th on a TV show called The Talk. Celebrity moms talk about current news events etc. It's a relatively new show that I believe started the end of 2010. Sharon Osbourne is one of the celebrity co-hosts. The time it airs is 2pm PST. Set your DVRs!!
Correction! Sorry....The Talk is scheduled for Adam on Feb. 9th CBS @ 2pm ET and 1pm PT/CT.
I love his hair, any way and any style. I love that he changes it up often and always looks stunning! Go Adam!!!
Thank you IreneRose, FunBunn40, Fan4Fun, and all true Adam fans. All your statements make real sense and need to be said. nancdruuu2
Think this was quite an honor for Adam to have been invited to this private party. It tells me that the powerful movers and shakers in the gay community realize what an asset Adam is/can be to the fight for equal rights. They see a wonderful role model that Mr. Lambert is by just living every day as an open and proud gay man!
Agree, Adamluv. Think it's quite an honor for Adam to be invited and think Adam has gained respect and credibility. funbunn40
Agreed - for Adam to be invited to an event of this caliber shows how far he's come, that he's being taken seriously and has gained a lot of respect and credibility from very influential people. Thrills me to no end! It's sweet validation.
- Adam Fix
He looks very much like Ewan Mcgregor in that profile pic at the top (if the hair was fairer) as he looked in Velvet Goldmine...
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