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Adam Lambert on Entertainment Tonight January 20, 2011

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, January 20, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, January 20, 2011


Anonymous said...

Sweet! Adam is on ET tonight‼ I'll be watchin' it again tonight... for sure‼ :)
I like the AI judges... I really do‼ :) The chemistry is there, they are funny, not harsh at all and no faking anything... they're all for realzzz‼ :) The reason being is they're all in the music biz & they all can sing. Perfect recipe to be the judge of a singing competition... they all been there, done that‼ :)

Glitz and Sparkles said...

ot-@justpeachy...I'm here. We have to get together!!

Am trying my best to catch up with 24/7...gonna set my DVR right now for ET.

Anonymous said...

I missed it on TV. I watch this regularly too. Thank god for the internet!

Anonymous said...

24/7 -- Here's a link to the full interview with Adam and others!!

Fan4fun said...

@ Anon. 7;24

I can't see the whole link because of an advertisement covering part of it. Would you please post it again but inside the space for comments? Sorry about that and thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, anon 7:24pm I could watch Adam speak all day...he's so gorgeous and so articulate .....he just has so much charisma, I can't take my eyes off of him! Oh, and what he says when answering questions is always so spot on! He always knows what to say, very quickly, and always very tactfully. Amazing!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the link as I missed ET tonight. Love watching Adam's interviews as he is so articulate and honest and it doesn't hurt that he always looks great. I love that he is finally meeting Elton John and that he is playing an active role in helping to close the gap on the civil rights movement to provide equal rights to the gay and lesbian community. It is a travesty that American allows a group of its citizens to be discriminated upon. I think that Adam is a godsend for this cause. KLM

Anonymous said...

Ugh... HOT!! <3

Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear a collaboration with Adam, Sir Elton and his lyricist Bernie Taupin .... rocket men!!! :)

Rebecca said...

adorable as always

Bing said...

Another great exposure for Adam specially when they see him in the opening-credit of the show. Any news about Adam is good as long as he is in the limelight. Oh and he looks his best in that angle! Thanks again 24/7 ;-)

Anonymous said...

@anon 3:39 am. I hope I will never hear about Adam and Sir Elton collaboration. They are very different mucians
@Bing 2:20pm. FOr God Sake! Adam doesn't have to look like angel! Even for us, ladies! Adam is sexy and hot because his evil eyes, lips to die for, hair(not this haircut)which look like black fire! Yes, he is nice we love him we agree with any of his moves. Stop to lie to yourself. Adam, please come back. My heart is broken:( And I think I am not alone

Anonymous said...

@anon 2.54

Not sure where you're coming from, Bing said 'angle' not 'angel'...

Bing said...

LOL @Anon at 4:54PM glad you noticed but it's ok i've no problem with that. It happens once in a while, must be her tired eyes haha.

Anonymous said...

Fans,Please keep voting for Adam for the 2011 Grammy Fuse Poll!!He's lost some ground since early this morn.I voted about 3 hrs then, til 6am & also lots yeaterday.I know many are voting,but how about a little more help today.( link on Adam's Official site.Scroll down til you see it & his pic) Thanks!!