Adam Lambert’s 29th Birthday Party Pictures!
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Sunday, January 30, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, January 30, 2011
From Perez Hilton:
Saturday night was one to remember as we celebrated the very fabulous birthday of Adam Lambert!
We took the equally fabulous Kat Graham as our date to the soiree, held at H-Wood in Hollywood.
It was quite an eclectic mix of music folk and gays. Lots and lots of gays!
Happy birthday, Adam!
We heart you!!!!

Source: Perez Hilton
Thanks to adamholic!
Saturday night was one to remember as we celebrated the very fabulous birthday of Adam Lambert!
We took the equally fabulous Kat Graham as our date to the soiree, held at H-Wood in Hollywood.
It was quite an eclectic mix of music folk and gays. Lots and lots of gays!
Happy birthday, Adam!
We heart you!!!!
Source: Perez Hilton
Thanks to adamholic!
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Tommy and Adam as it should be! Those two are meant to be together. PERFECT
I used to ship Adam and Tommy but now I have moved on to better things...
ADAM AND SAULI!!!!!!!!!!!! <333
I hope Sauli was there at the party. He's the boyfriend.
Whoever did Adam's hair made him unbelievable handsome. I never see him look so gorgeous with little makeup, outstanding feature of him. Now, I found Tommy looking hot but why he always wear so much makeup? Finnish cutie must have jet-lag, hope he has a good time with Adam. Got to watch, thousand eyes are prey on our Rock God, including me and his million fans.
Look careful, Sauli is in the band picture.
Oh, my...the Adam pic with Tommy. I have never seen Adam look more beautiful. wow. There is just something about the look of peace, joy and happiness is that picture.
And I think that is Sauli behind Monte in the 5th pic.
Looks like it was a wonderful evening for Adam and friends!
looks like he had fun :)
I absolutely LOVE how he looks in these pictures....he looks so clean and done the suit too :)
Why do people ship TOMMYXADAM???? Tommy is straight. Adam is gay. There is no pairing for this! SORRY!
I was up 3 times in the night checking the total for the charity. I really need to get a life!
Hope all these celebs donated.
If you look carefully in band pic you see Sauli checking out Tommy, he looks a bit put out. So would I, that tommy is absolutely beautiful to men and woman.I wonder if Tommy whispered to Adam "lets give the fans one more kiss" to make Adam laugh like that.
LOL You were not alone. Me too...and followed all day yesterday. It was fun to watch the donations grow, the site crash, the donations grow some more. I really hoped it would hit $290K...but maybe it maybe?
For those who haven't donated to charity water for Adam's not too late. :) Clean water for all! As little as $1 is accepted. Every penny helps.
Waiting to see pic of Adam hugging Sauli as much as he does the others..
either there is nothing happening or he is being very careful - I guess it's none of our business
Adam is a handsome man and will probably have many relationships throughout his life. Sauli should know what he is getting into. Adam likes to play.
Well, Adam looks quite a hunk. :)
pic six is cute. Godmother kissing the Glam Godfather.
Adam= absolutely and amazingly handsome...Not to presume to give advice but hoping he keeps this look for awhile..He is so perfect in every way like this. This "look" on the Grammy Red Carpet will just knock everyone on their a**es everywhere. And no one could possibly criticize anything about him. WOW!!!
I noticed Sauli glancing there way too. :)
Tommy has a strong admiration for Adam. Adam gave him a chance to play professionally and he is thankful for that. I say Adam has a close bond with his band and dancers. If anyone shows jealousy in a relationship, it isn't going to work.
I say everyone that dates Adam will be jealous. He is a superstar and I don't just see relatioships getting serious because of it. It is sad, but celebrities have a hard time finding the one that clicks. I just don't see Sauli having anything in common with Adam. All the attention goes to Adam when he's in a crowded room, so that could get intimidating for the one he is dating.
Oh, and yes, the last time I looked ( a few minutes ago...) , just under $36,000 needed to hit the goal of $290,000 for Adam's birthday charity for Clean, Safe, Water. And the offer of a free signed picture was extended through today (30th) due to the charity site crashing several times yesterday from the "overuse" of the site due to all of us fans trying to donate. So there is still time to get that signed picture for $100 (or more) donation to this incredibly worthy and urgent cause! It amazing to think his original goal was $29,000! And the opportunity to donate will actually go on for quite a bit longer, but the hope is to hit the entire goal by tonight! Adam's fans are truly generous and the best!
I think Mr Labry had a hard time dealing with the male/female attention Adam was receiving. He never smiled with Adam and really acted insecure. You have to hold your own, in order to be with a celebrity. It takes a tough skin to put up with all the BS!
Superstars are people with their own life too. Don't think Adam wants to be a superstar all the time.
I hope Adam keeps his band and dancers for many years. They are amazingly talented and seem to enjoy being around each other.
I just found out that Brooke gave an interview to a Finnish dance magazine when they were here.
There is another pic on the FB fansite of Adam close up like pic #4 with his shirt open and more chest! Thud! Think I've never seen Adam look more handsome and perfect. Hope he keeps this look for the Grammy's, elegant, sexy and so masculine! The best hair style [IMHO] so far for personal outings and any red carpet! Movie star glam look for sure!! He looks sooo happy! A special day for Adam in many ways, surrounded by caring friends. funbunn40
I think Adam is a bit Gregory Peck-ish in the second pic, and the Adam/Tommy.....aaaaaah. He has never been more beautiful, I swear!
Superstars have many failed relationships. there is a stigma that comes with it. One in a few survive. You just can't tell it "Go Away" and it will. Adam is known the world over and from now on his life will be an open book. Adam wants normalcy, but that isn't always going to be the case. He's on display and the world is either wanting him to succeed or mess up.
Was Drake very camera shy? Brad wasn't. Sauli maybe something between.
I am female and have had many celebrity crushes in my life. I have met a few, but I would NEVER consider being in a relationship with one. That is suicide. You are judged on so many levels and will never live up to the expectations. Hollywood is about who looks good with who. Arm Candy is very important and some people just never measure up to what is expected of them. SAD, but it is reality!
females, ex lovers, and current fling all in the same room. could get interesting! Was there lots of alcohol served?
is that Tongue going in her ear? funny!
Here in Finland it's a bit different. Even celebrities live like normal people. :D
Celebrities in American don't live very normal. The paps have a field day with them! Their private lives are splashed all over t.v. and the press. There is a celebrity obsession with Americans. I have brushed up against some famous folk, but I don't stalk them. Celebrities are stalked in America and nothing is really done about it. I just don't get the Kardashian craze going on at the moment?
I love Adams new hair cut. Sauli and Adam is a wait and see situation. When Adam hired his band, he chose people not just for their talent but also he wanted to get to know them better. It is probably what he is doing with Sauli, he has obviously been seeing him when he was in Finland, France and now over here. If Sauli is on Finnish TV, he must have a contract, which may or maybe not be coming up for renewal. He is very popular in Finland. We don't know if he might be interested in moving to the US. None of this has any thing to do with Tommy and Adam, they are only good friends. This is a good test to see if Sauli can give up his popularity in Finland. They want him back, and said Adam can visit him any time LOL. It seems like it was almost like love at first sight between them. Hope it gets worked out for them both, or Adam will have a hard time concentrating on his new album.
was the beautiful Danielle Stori at his party? She is lovely.
handsome, gorgeous,beautiful,sexy human being......My oh My you are so freaking out of this world. Your charisma is to die for oh Adam I couldn't even think anymore. Pls. take care of yourself and we are all craving for you to come out and sing again. I'm saving a lot just to see you again. This is craziness but you are worth it my dear Adam...........
Adam should concentrate on making an incredible sophomore album. This can be the album that will really put him on the map! He has been considered one of the best vocalists to come out in decades and there's alot of pressure that comes with that. It's going to be hard for any serious relationship, with the career he has.
Nice to see Monte and Lisa out.....
where's Taylor Green, Sasha Mallory, Brooke Wendle, and Terrance Spencer? was Allison Iraheta there? Mombert and Dadbert?
That picture of Adam with Tommy is fantastic! Adam looks absolutely drop dead gorgeous!!!!!!!
Tommy is getting more attention than Sauli. how is that happening? Adam is in love with a straight man?
I think Adam has crushes on alot of straight people. that's just my theory! I wonder if everyone got shit faced?!!!! stumbling on the dance floor!
where's the beautiful and talented Allison Iraheta? Her and Tommy would look cute together.
A collage of fun pics taken in a "photo booth" at his party, and posted by Isaac on Twitter...looks like everyone had a ball...and look closely to see who is kissing who! LOL!!! What a fun group of friends Adam has! (It's been enlarged here so you can see who's who..sometimes its hard to tell because they are wearing lots of fun "dress up" things!
BTW,Probably many more attended than who we see here!
A lot for Sauli to be thrown into Adam's world with all his friends/admirers and not know anybody. He probably has the confidence to handle it well. It seemed odd that they didn't enter side by side so maybe they are not dating. And I agree Adam likes to play, even tho he says he wants to be in love.
My goodness, I worry about him just like a mother hen!
ps. I think I saw Danielle in one of the photo booth pics. Kesha anywhere?
Tommy and Isaac! LOL! Now we can start a speculation orgie.
i saw danielle, leila, allison................
it looked liked lots of alcohol was served! Danille and Allison are so pretty!
To Anon at 11:07, I can relate. House full of company and had to feed everyone, etc. and just now sneaking some peaks and ignoring my company. Tommy Adam picture about as good as it gets--will be on everyone's laptop and where ever else they can put it. Also love Adam's hair cut, very edgy. Also happy to see Monte and Lisa. Looks like a good time had by all, including Sauli.
Sauli looks sleepy, jet lag and all the excitement. :)
I read on a tweet that Kesha was home sick.
fun fun fun
OMG That picture of Adam and Tommy! Now I'm starting to sound like a teen; but I think I'm finding myself in Camp Tommy for Adam. They are adorable together. Make a beautiful couple. Same age. And, Tommy's such a good guy--very loyal to Adam. There sure was a lot of pretty convincing chemistry going on in the Amsterdam WLL. Is Tommy really straight? If so, he deserves Golden Globe, SAG, & Academy awards for his acting skills. :)
Adam and Sauli? not so much :(
Kentucky Fan
Tommy is also fantastically nice. I met him and Monte in Peoria, IL. They were walking down the street. My guy and I spoke with them, and my guy took a picture of Tommy, Monte, and me. They both seem so down to earth.
Haven't commented on anything much in a while...
Though I HAVE liked pics with long hair in the past--the recent long shaggish-hair was just odd to me and didn't look like our gorgeous Adam...
He certainly has the right to change look and sport whatever his fancy is...
but THIS looks like Adam..! Liking this hair and look MUCH better...
Hope he had a wonderful birthday
Adam knows Tommy loves women, but he has a great admiration for him. They have a beautiful friendship.
Adam is smart, he knows where to find love instead of living in a fantasy fill with admiration only. Love needs to be accessible and that's why Sauli is here.
Wow...Tommy has more make-up then Adam...pretty kitty.....
Tommy will always be in Adam's heart!!!!!!!
@Kentucky Fan your post really made my day teehee. I've been dreaming for that to happen because their chemistry works for me so well but that's just my wishful thinking. Glad to see that i'm not alone haha. I myself couldn't believe that Tommy is 100% straight otherwise he indeed is such a great actor. But whatever, special thanks to both of them for the fantastic GNT memories.
And for Adam, i only wish you the best :-)
I am always wondering about these gauge Adam has. I hope he doesn't want to have these big horreble holes in his ears. Sorry, know a lot of people like it, but for some reason I think it doesn't fit to Adam's image.
Anyway, Adam and Tommy look absolutely fantastic. They are made for each other. I know everybody say that Tommy is straight. But I am not sure about this after I saw these pictures of Adam and Tommy.
This Sauli person doesn't belong to these group of people. Sorry, this is not about Adam relationship with this boy. They look great and seems they have fun.
This comment is just about Sauli personality. Doesn't seem that he has any. Sorry, this is just my opinion.
Aaww Tommy and Adam are so cute =) ...but our Sauli is too ♥
New photos! Soooo cute!!!
happy birthday dear ADAM, hope you long life with more succes and sparkle; love you..WISSAL LAMBERT ALGERIA.
adam is soooo hot he has never looked better!
but he really DOES NOT look 29.
i am his ultamite fan peeps!
why are gay guys sooo much better looking then straight guys?
it makes no sense for us girls:(
is drake in any of those pictures?
because u know he is really cute too.
oh wow he is sooo yummy!
love him.
p.s i made the last 3 comments:)
adam i wish u the best on ur journey and have a happy birthday and may u have many more to come:)
(made th epast 4 comments)
tommy is NOT straight and where is allison iraheta i dont see her in the pics and who is the godmother kissing the god father which is adam/ok where is allison? adam and allison r prefect together hell no not tommy and adam adam is HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!peace
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