Adam Lambert's H. Wood Birthday Celebration
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Sunday, January 30, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, January 30, 2011
Ringing in another year, Adam Lambert turned up at H.Wood nightclub in Hollywood, California on Saturday night (January 29).
The "For Your Entertainment" singer happened to be celebrating his 29th birthday alongside a new boyfriend whom he met during European tour efforts.
The pair both looked dapper as they ventured into the local hotspot for a night of drinks, conversation and dancing with friends.
Getting plenty of shout-outs on his special day, Lambert also received Twitter congratulations from stars such as Oprah and gossip blogger Perez Hilton.

Ringing in another year, Adam Lambert turned up at H.Wood nightclub in Hollywood, California on Saturday night (January 29).
The "For Your Entertainment" singer happened to be celebrating his 29th birthday alongside a new boyfriend whom he met during European tour efforts.
The pair both looked dapper as they ventured into the local hotspot for a night of drinks, conversation and dancing with friends.
Getting plenty of shout-outs on his special day, Lambert also received Twitter congratulations from stars such as Oprah and gossip blogger Perez Hilton.
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BB really into the vintage look...BTW....looking good!!!!
happy face and so content for now...........
Happy B-day again Mr. WWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you from Toronto fans........
He looks nice! he has great eyes!
First of all...Adam looks wonderful, handsome...beautiful.
But I have to say that I in no way would like to have to live with celebrity and be in the camera's eye EVERY minute. I think he handles himself very well under these circumstances.
Notice how Sauli trails behind rather than walking next to Adam. I think that was intentional to keep fuel out of the fire...or at least not any more that is already there. :) Smart move on his part.
Adam is center of attention when he enters a room. Everyone trails behind. How does anyone know if they are a couple? Speculations are always made. That is what the American press is good for...Speculations.
A collage of fun pics taken in a "photo booth" at his party, and posted by Isaac on Twitter...looks like everyone had a ball...and look closely to see who is kissing who! LOL!!! What a fun group of friends Adam has! (It's been enlarged here so you can see who's who..sometimes its hard to tell because they are wearing lots of fun "dress up" things!
VEry handsome, though I'm not digging the suit. It looks shabby.
And I agree with the above poster: Sauli is trailing behind to not let the paparazzi focus on who this guy is... If Adam would have wanted to present his as a boyfriend, all it would have taken would have been Adam to take Sauli's hand in that situation. Now they are clearly "just friends", at least to public. The paparazzi probably think that Sauli is just part of Adam's entourage, though if this continues, they might start think otherwise.
Its suppose to look shabby its vintage.
Adam is a strategist and very smart. He knows the pap. will crawl everywhere just to get something ha!ha!. Good Adam let them suffer hard this time They are like parasites indeed.
Toronto fan base, Canada
A birthday tweet from Ms. Oprah! Impressive! That is one powerful woman. WARNING - personal story about last nite so scroll on by if not interested. As I said yesterday, it was a sunny, warm and beautiful day here in L.A. just perfect for Adams birthday. Well today, it's cloudy and rainy, even tho not very cold. Joined a bunch of fans for a party at the Hard Rock Cafe in Hollywood last nite where we spent over 7 hours talking about Adam!!!! - where we'd seen him, where we'd met him, his clothes, his voice, hair, and you all can fill in the rest. It was FUN FUN FUN as any of you know that have peeps you can talk Adam with. I know some of you dont have fans around you but at some time you will. I knew not 1 fan at this time last year but things change. One fan brought 2 homemade cakes in the shape of an A. She put a 2 and a 9 on both, lit them, and then we all took pictures and a video was made of us singing loud and proud HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADAM!!!! Thought it very appropriate that at one time all the TVs in the restaurant had Elvis Presleys 1968 concert where he's dressed all in black leather looking gorgeous. The similiarities between these 2 can not be denied. @funbunn40, hope you enjoyed this recap! Unfortunately, this was not the spot Adam chose to celebrate his birthday but maybe next year????? LOL! BTW, our table of fans consisted of all ages - the darlin' girl seated next to me was 15 years old and goes to the same high school in San Diego that Adam attended. She even has a couple teachers that taught Adam - IS THAT COOL OR WHAT! OK I'm done!
Adam's sexy eye beam come again, he is going to kill me one day. You know how our Adam like to protect the one he care and at the same time the one who is important to him.
Ok, not done yet. Forgot to mention that if you're young, Hollywood Blvd. on a Sat. nite is the place to be! It was so much fun walking around just people watching. Unfortunately I no longer fit the category mentioned above so technically shouldnt even have been there! Oh, the sacrifices I make for my love of Adam Lambert! LOL!
ya rebi ch7al ziiiiin !!!!
So the suit is vintage--kinda of wondering about it, but now realize I have seen it many times in old movies. Adam does like the edgier side of fashion. Love his new hair cut, still long, but controlled. Sauli very cute. Guess Adam got wise after he was hounded with Drake. However, should imagine the paparazzi have already caught on--see the pictures of them shopping.
the paps have even speculated that Adam and Danielle were a couple on a spa visit. The paps speculate about everything. Adam goes out with lots of people, but doesn't mean it's on a date. He is allowed to take a person to a birthday party.
anyone would love to be seen in the company of Adam Lambert. He is gonna have to sort out who is real and who isn't. It is part of the fame game.
Was Adams mom Leila at the party? Did anyone see her in any pictures?
Yes, I saw Adam's mother and father at the party. Cute! (but did not see them together) I didn't watch all 400 pictures though(yet). Adam and the entire party looked very happy! Adam looking so cool and glamorous as usual! Absolutely stunningly handsome. LOVED his outfit! THUD! nancdruuu2
Okay, I know I am very drunk,okay, enough I can't type it very good for everybody understAND IT. However, when I talk with my husband today about new NEW "JAMES BOND "and both of us hate last James Bond whatever his name is, my husband said" I guess, love oF your life, Adam lambert, can be new James Bond. He is absolutly perfect. WHo care about British accsent! Adam can do it! Beauty/ sexy/ women to die for/Wodka/ Martini, taylor suite/! Find me somebody in Hollywood who can be better that Adam for this movie?
Yes, we know one think, you knoW what I mean. But, all women who saw ADam just once wantS to have sex with him, as with James Bond!
Would you like to start new company with me? Adam Lamert as James Bond. Steven Spielberg (as a big looser after "Cowboys vrs Aliens. Also, we have many more people from" James Bond" cast from last few years!
@ Anon 3:39 PM
Wow, that would put a whole new spin on the James Bond imagination goes wild...Hmmm...interesting idea! So funny your husband suggested man! My husband says the same thing about Adam, only but when he's talking music "Adam could sing that better" true!
I don't know about Adam blowing up buildings and smashing cars like James Bond - maybe a love story instead?
OMG...that's a great idea...he sure can pull off those facial expressions......and those got me thinking....
wow gorgeous
Freakin' fox is what Adam is!!!!
Una entrada triunfal y glamorosa de quien, es hoy el REY y señor de su gran fiesta, las velas apagar y con todos brindar. Su hermosa sonrisa a todos electriza y su gran porte y belleza, nadie puede igualar, porque un día como hoy,ADAM llego a este Mundo con su Arte genial y solo a BRILLAR!!!!
@ Adamluv
Wow!!! So glad you had been at that «Los Glamgeles Glamberts» birthday party in honor of sweet Adam! Today for sure YOU OWN THE BEST STORY to tell us. But baby, I noticed kind of a «typo» on your 1:04 PM comment above... errrr... I guess you didn't really mean «FUN FUN FUN», but «FAN FOR FUN», dint't you? Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Hey wow! If Adam's parents were at the party, then you know what that means... Sauli must have already done the 'meet the parents' thing :)
LOL! I having FUN FUN FUN with all the pictures & comments here. I perfer Adam to play Valentino, his a lover not a fighter.
I agree with the James Bond thing. I think he could be a great actor. I think we have not seen that part of Adam yet and I do think it will come down the road once he establishes himself as a singer to his satifaction. In the video "What Do You Want From Me" I saw some real potential as an actor. I am no expert but I know a good one from a bad one for sure. He emoted that song by his every move in that video for sure. James Bond Hmmmm something very interesting about that thought indeed!
that's why Sauli is not in all the pictures - he is busy chatting up the parents!
@glitzylady, BS. Okay, I can't believe it! I posted the comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG,this is mean that I was drunk this afternoon!!!!!!! Never happen since...forever! My husband woke up at six o'clock and started to make coffee!Suddenly, he found that this is 6:00PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After all, we think that our James Bond idea is not so bad. Just need to invite our imagination how to find the money to start the movie!:)
It kills me how everyone is making excuses for why Adam let Sauli walk like 10 feet behind him with the rest of the crowd instead of escorting him. Whenever he went out on dates with Drake he either held his hand or they walked side by side.
I can also see Adam as Dr. Zhivago, Bond and he does have a Gregory Peck vibe. He has so many different looks and such an expressive face, he could play anything. There is a difference tho' between stage acting and movies and tv. You have to project more in theatre and dial it back in movies. Rock Hudson and Cary Grant were credible great leading men and their sexual preference had nothing to do with their believable acting. He would melt the screen in a love scene!! Hope a smart producer will give him the opportunity. funbunn40
@ Adamluv, Thanks for the update! I was looking forward to it! I've noticed a lot of younger Adam fans lately. For awhile Adam's image seemed to be maligned because of his many older fans and he has always had a wide range of fans, but glad to see the younger ones getting more attention, even tho'I'm one of the "seasoned" ones!lol Glad you had such a great time and met other die-hard fans!! funbunn40
I think Adam is playing the field and seeing whoever he feels like. I don't think he is in an exclusive relationship at the moment. He can go out with different people if he felt like it.
A thriumphant and glamorous arrival... [of somebody] who is today the king and the owner of his great party, the candles to blow and toasts with everybody. His gorgeous smile thrills and his big presence and beauty, nobody is alike, because in a day like today ADAM arrived to this world with his art of a genius and only shone ever since. Happy Birthday ADAM!!!
(translated by Fan4fun)
And this arrival gave me the idea about James Bond Perfect taylor suite, hair, sex appeal! When I show this picture to my husband and asked him "What do you think about this picture" The answer was "James Bond" deff. I started to laugh and we planned the cast, producer, music. So, like I told you previously ladies, it was great party for two, we were slightly drunk, but created the great project and found new James Bond as OUR FANTASTIC ADAM LAMBERT!
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