From AdamOfficial: Celebrate Adam's Birthday With Charity!
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Thursday, January 27, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, January 27, 2011
"In honor of Adam Lambert's birthday this weekend, Anyone who donates $100 or more to charity:water on Saturday January 29th, gets a signed exclusive photo. Knowing not everyone can afford this amount, 3 others will be picked (at random) and sent a photo that donate less than $100.00. All donations have to be done on the 29th in order to qualify. Happy Birthday Adam!"

"In honor of Adam Lambert's birthday this weekend, Anyone who donates $100 or more to charity:water on Saturday January 29th, gets a signed exclusive photo. Knowing not everyone can afford this amount, 3 others will be picked (at random) and sent a photo that donate less than $100.00. All donations have to be done on the 29th in order to qualify. Happy Birthday Adam!"
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Do I have to be a member of Adam Official or Adam's Fan Club? Is there any other qualifications as to how the donation is to be made?
OT: A collection of great pics. Watch and get in good mood for donating to Adams birthday campaign!
aw how sweet
his original goal was $29,000 and it's way over that already!! Go Birthday Boy!!I have donated two times, once in the beginning and then during the Unfbert fun on twitter.
@anon 2:34 I don't think you have to member of Adam Fans Club. Sony didn't mention anything about this.
Good luck, Adam<3
Do you know if these $29,000 wich was collect in 24 house is included in the total amount of charities who have for today! I coudn't find any names of people who made donations in first day, January, 14th
Yes, it is included. I made donation the first day and my name is there.
signed picture on Saturday here I come!
I'm there too.
I hope Adam has already started signing pics. lol
I just would like to know why Sony doesn't make any donation? If Bieber would need donation for the charity, his big brother Usher&Co probably donate $1,000,000 or Katy Perry who will get big donation from Snoop Dog!
What about the people who already donated $100 - I guess they don't get a signed picture ..
anon 2:34 just go to the website posted. You don't need to be a member. $118,777.68 right now and climbing!
Sauli has not won the X-factor in Finland!!! it was big brother 2007! You americans... Greetings from FINLAND!
i was just looking at all the people who gave the first day like Lee Cherry. Neil Lambert,etc Me and if everyone on that first day gave $29.00 again we would exceed our goal of $129,000. The $ 229,000 before his birthday may be streching it a bit but the $129,000 is attainable I think. On midnight Jan.29,2011 I will go back and donate again officially on his birthday. Are you with me? We can do this. So many have given and I think that speaks volumes on not only to what Adam means to his fans but how when people pull together what a differance they can make. Happy Birthday Adam!
10:43 just try to remember this is for charity now. I understand what you are saying however this must of came as an after thought by them. They have yet to realalize what an impact Adam can make with his fans. They are learning! Don't get turned off by that just keep giving if you want to. That is how I felt when you could buy meet and greet tickets after the first 10 concerts; I felt I missed out on something when you could not do that for the first few. Now next time I will be ready.Still a fan!
The total is $121,251.76 right now! Only 7,748.24 more needed to reach $129,000 before the end of Adam's B-day tomorrow! I will donate again right after midnight! I think this goal will be reached and what a gift for Adam that will be... more importantly the gift [that should be a right for everyone] will give and sustain life for so many. I began supporting a boy[only $25.00 a month] in Kenya 11 years ago. At that time his village had no water or school. His name is Masia and his village now has water and a school. With this water they grow trees for fruit and nuts which gives them an income. They have water to irrigate their trees as well as bathe, consume and sanitation. My small monthly gift fed and clothed Masia as well as other family members. I would spend that years ago just getting my nails done. It really feeds your soul to make a difference and this charity for water is life saving and very meaningful. I didn't see Neil or Lee Cherry's name, only Lane Newland, which was the only name on 1-14.Is it posted somewhere else? funbunn40
Oh, I did find Neil and Lee! Nice to see them as well as Byron Cook! funbunn40
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