Pirate Adam Lambert Revealed!
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Here are the pictures of Adam Lambert dressed as a pirate in his New Year's Eve party 2011.

Thanks to Adam Lambert Help and Adam Lambert News Network!
Thanks to Adam Lambert Help and Adam Lambert News Network!
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Oh my god, he looks great. :D
is this a real mustache? noooooooooooooooooo
LOL @ the mustache!!!!!
OMG!!! Adam finally coming out from the wood. Wow, his eyes and that look in the last picture is killing me. His hair is stunning, his lips, his chest, his beard, is that even real? Peeps help yourself.
Hair getting long...facial hair too...looks like he's chillin after 7 months of touring....
Rest up BB because we want more this year......
BTY...you are looking evil sexy.....
It's not hard to fantasied when Adam comes across with so many looks...ARRRRRRRRR
Any look is a great look for Adam, but I must admit that this last pic is one my favorites. Love the long hair better than the 'up' look. I already loved his facial hair from the 'Pop goes the camera' vid. This is even better! Looks like a movie star.
OMG! Is this facial hair real?! It seems like! His hear, his eyes! I think last picture it's one of the best pictures I ever seen!
the Glam God is getting sexified! is that a word? It is now! Damn, I think I can like this look on him! ARRRRR!
I say " Let's EAT"!!!!:-)~
All my pearls for just one of your sweet thoughts, my enchanting and beautiful Singing Capitain Lambert!!!
Oh Wow‼ OMG‼ ADAM you look sooo freakin' HOT & HANDSOME‼ :) Ok, facial hair or no facial hair you always look hot & gorgeous... but this is quite a TREAT‼ My early b'day present... that's how I think of it... hehe THANKS Captain‼ :) I ♥ Adam SFM‼ :) *so happy rn*
WOW! That's one handsome man! Love the look! I wonder if the facial hair is real...it really looks real but wouldn't his own facial hair be a ginger color since his natural hair color is ginger? Just wondering?
Very Handsome!!! Might want to try something like this as publicity shot! Yum Yum!!!
Looks great as usual, I remember those pants he wore at one of his concerts, I thought then he could be a pirate lol. With as many props as Adam has the face hair could be fake, or else he would have to darken his own. Hope they all had a good time.
Funny...when he wore this look last year visiting Drake in New Orleans peoples response was not positive. Now he is sexy hot and single, grrrrr!!!!!
OMG!! The last two photos are utterly charming. I sure wish we had more. Wonder if he had a hat or eye patch at any point. Clark Gable style - wow!!
Adam looks like d'Artagnan from Three Musketeers! I think Adam looks closer to musketeers, than pirats! He just needs big red hat with feathers and short red robe! Imagine this look!
Last pic, Clark Gable, yes Anon 10:25am, good call.
Artists always have to reinvent themselves to stay current. Well, Adam, you may want to use this look to make a statement at the Grammys! People would go wild.
Personally, I see a little Ironman in the pictures above. I suppose it is the quiet confidence in their facial expressions that connect them for me. Either way Adam is hot hot hot and Robert Downy Jr as Tony Stark is hot hot hot. I actually hope the facial hair is real. I really really like it! It is funny, because when I reread what I have written about Adam, I end up sounding like a 15 year old. haha
These pics just brought on a hot flash! The only one I've ever enjoyed!! lol Gawd he is hot!
DAYUM! adam's hot whatever he wears! HOT HOT!! UNFF! ;P
I don't see any similarities to Clark Cable. Adam looks like a hidalgo. For the spanish it's a noble man and for the finnish it's a womens man, similar to Don Juan.
his face looks thinner and more defined. The facial hair looks great on a thin face. His eyes are killer! Adam will be that type of artist that will change like a chameleon.
I almost can't handle his "rough" and "evil sexy" look after all these glitterly Adam on the GNC. Geezzz, take me to the black hole!!!
Looks like the theme for this party was Jack Sparrow as all the guys sporting the same look. Very sexy. Wonder if Adam got the idea from the vacation where he rented a pirate ship. Like this new look, hope he keeps it awhile.
I would walk the plank for you Capt. Lambert
for some reason he looks more like Neil in these shots - looks like a fun night
Who are all the cute guys and what makes you think he rented a pirate ship? That sounds rediculous.
How can anyone keep this place clean with all these drooling beings around? Where are your napkins little ..Berts? Behave yourselves! Thank goodness I brought my beach towel with me especially for this thread... I’ll clean after you too. We want us to be invited again at 24/7 parties, don’t we? HaHaHa.
Bloody hell! Look what I’ve done to myself! For God sake! Could anyone (in his/her right mind) be so kind to shave that man’s face or peel the damn mustache and beard off?.. Pretty please!? I cannot function or think ‘straight’ (or clean the house for that matter) under these conditions!!
I don't have a towel, but I'm sitting on my cats blanket. xDDDD
My floor is wet today cause my mop keep drooling!!! HaHaHaHaHa!!!!
Sorry, but I don't like this look on him. Of course, I will probably be labeled a troll for saying it, but I don't care. It's not my favorite look, not that it would matter one whit to him. I agree with The Home Planet's description of the look.
Anon 12:13 - Adam, his band and dancers did rent a pirate ship when he had a short vacation during his tour. Many of his group tweeted about it. Not ridiculous at all - just a group of friends having fun.
And Anon 10:21 - I agree that people didn't like this look (mustache and beard) when he visited Drake in New Orleans. Fickle fans. I think the facial hair is real and looks great! Yes, he should wear this look to the Grammys!!
What is the Home Planet's description of this look? Are they the ex-Fiercians?
I think he looks fabulous and very "manly", as in all grown up and pretty much righ at the top of the "sexxxxy" scale...who knows what he'll do next week or at the Grammys, but this look definitely works for me (okay, so when does ANY of his looks not lookpretty good to me...)! Probably helped keep him under the radar lately too...so much for that idea!
And hmmmmmm...is it just me, or do his EYES look BROWN in these pics??????!!!!! Contacts maybe...or just the pics themselves...Just noticed...getting to the little details now...need to study a little more now....
Wow Adam look so dam SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember at last year's (2009) AMA's other artists were fascinated with how Adam did his eyes, makeup. Think I read this from Perez Hilton. His look was a big hit. Think this look for the Grammys would be one big WOW factor!!! PS, Adam rented a pirate ship in Figi, I think, and took band & dancers on vacation.
This look could be fatal. Even I got carried away. I feel so embarrased about my comment now..
@glytzilady 1:27pm I think you are right! Adam's eyes are brown on these pictures. And this the reason he looks "evil sexy", because combination of brown eye and facical hair make him look even more sexy than usually! LOL
he seriously needs a hot chick on his arm come Grammy night! I bet the ladies would be fallen over themselves for that spot! He could pull off this look in leather and I would be having ADAMGASMS!!!! he could have a man and woman on his arm and it would be sexy! it wouldn't be bad being shipwrecked with The Glam One!:-)
very Jonny depp
I really think he should take Evan Rachel Wood to the Grammy awards! That would be a hot red carpet moment for sure! She fancies him and he finds her very attractive! Let's do this!!!!
Ke-sha also fancies him--that would be a pair!
However, she did not get a Grammy nomination so don't think she would want to attend. However, if it was with Adam she might!
He just needs the right stylist and he will be the hottest openly gay male in Hollywood ever. Seriously.
Anyone know who the 2 guys are that are hanging on to him? Also, was the part held in Adam's new abode?
Can we please stop with the "openly gay" crap?
I don't think he needs that label--he is simply a man with a fantastic voice and one of the best looking guys on the planet!
So who did he kiss at the stroke of midnight?
Last picture is the SEX! AL is the SEX! AL is SEX 24/7!!!! He is a man with many talent!
The man is so sexy!!!
I bet he was tongue diving everyone at midnight! No Rules for Adam Lambert!
Wish we knew the answer to that question, anon 3:01!
I think Tommy and Adam have strong feeling for each other, so Tommy probably got the kiss at midnight!
I think this is at Adam's house in the Hollywood Hills - same place as his Halloween Party was held. But I'm not 100% certain.
does Tommy really like girls? he is probably bi?
he needs some plush couches in his house! I would throw down some bear skin rugs! I would have all black in the bedroom and satin sheets on the Glam bed!
Adam and Dita Von Teese should have a Glam Baby!
I don't think it was a fancy dress party, everyone looks like they are in normal clothes. The girl who tweeted sai he 'looked' liked Jack Sparrow, as opposed to 'dressed' like Jack Sparrow, big difference. Although I'm with one of the above posters, I think he looks more like Don Juan. Love the clothes and whole look, the beard goes with this look, but personally hope he shaves it off soon, not a big fan of facial hair on anyone. Just good to finally see some new pictures. Now he just needs to send a few tweets to keep us all happy, come Adam, it can't be that hard...
HK fan
@anon 3:09pm I think leopard or tiger skin rugs will match much better with black satin sheets! And Adam love leepard pattern!
As a matter of fact I have one, for real! This is real leopard skin rug! I use to have tiger rug also, but my cat destroyed it:(
Leopard rugs sound sexy! I love black satin sheets, so I have to throw down some leopard rugs! Leopard rugs could be used for many things!;-)
All these comments are a hoot...
Forget about Brad, George, Ryan even Johnny Depp, I now dare People Magazine to name Adam Lambert the Sexiest Man Alive for this coming year. His eyes suck you into some kind of Netherworld that will be Heaven at the same time. Now that might be too much Sexiness to put on the front of a very mainstream magazine...
I would hate to see what my two little dogs would do to an animal rug. Besides I am sure PETA has a watchdog on many sites, so Adam probably smart to keep it not animal or mineral. After much self debate, still like the face hair. Think he looks older and very sophisticated, not to mention sexy. Who's the good looking guy with his arm around Adam--he is very hot also. Think Adam should take Tommy and Monte to Grammys.
He favors Zebra!
Stick a fork in him and Eat him right up!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMM GooooooDDDDDD!!!!!
peel him out of his pirate suit and make hot passionate love on his zebra rugs or satin sheets!
Adam should take Mombert as his Grammy date! She looks young and sexy! I think she will probably be there!
@ delilah5
Don't tell me about tiger skin rugs and cats please, baby! My cat Icon can't even stand to watch sweet Adam wearing that «tiger pants» he wore at the Jingle balls Florida (and when he presented IIHY on Jay Leno last May), dancing and moving like a cat... that's because he (my Icon, not icon sweet Adam) is silver & dark grey, striped like a tiger himself... I guess he may think sweet Adam is wearing the skin of some of his cousins... Who understands cat's paranoias anyway???
Adam should dress as a flasher for his Birthday party! Adam and a trench coat!!!
holy crap!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot to put underwear on!!!!!!!!!!!Sorry I can't help it my gosh Adam what are u doing to your fans ha!??????????
We miss you so much please do something about it ha!ha!ha!ha!
@Fan4fun You, this is very strange, but on his interviews, Adam said that he hates cats! He loves dogs a lot, but not cats!
@ GLb
Thanks for the good idea about using the beach towel I just got as a Christma's gift... I never go to the beach, except for a walk under the full moon light, in the summer (well, not last summer, I was always drooling over my keyboard, visiting 24/7 «Paradise»). I have it now protecting my wood desk and floor from get soaked...
@@ delilah5
He doesn't «hate»... he is ALERGIC to them and hates the the discomfort. But he should be afraid of them... isn't he a Sexotic Singing BIRD????? Hahaha! Although is those photos is is more a hawk... a «Sea Hawk» the pirate, reminds me Errol Flynn!!!
ADAM and his extraordinary ability to transform, showing always beautiful
and impressive.
@Fan4fun Thank you,dear. Because I coudn't believe that Adam hates cats. Actually, Adam deff has to be affraid of the cats. My cat likes to catch hummingbirds! And he is so big, aggresive and always hungry. I think this cat will catch <> without any problem (all animals around our neighbourhood afraid of him). So,I think Adam would be SUPER DELICIOUS DESERT for my cat:)
"Picture Perfect" in every way ! Happy New Year to all !
What a truly handsome man! So this is how he looks when he isn't glammed-up nor glittered. I still like it!
@Fan4fun - i'm so happy that you are back. You must be exhausted after cooking for hundreds of people! Hope you'll have more time to relax now ;-)
@HH - nice posts in English the past few days. So glad it's working for you now ;-)
HH and Glamily
Sorry fellows, only today I'm feeling able to make HH's comments translations because I've been «out» of Paradise land for a couple of days, working or sleeping, barely having time to take a look over sweet Adam news... so I'll drop them here, once I think this link is going to be visited for many glamberts yet...
HH's Jan.1, 10:35AM
Thread: «One Year Ago...Gridlock NYE»
«He was impressive at his NYE concert and during this year what he did was to shine, shine and grow... and (he) is now one voice to not be forgotten. ADAM LAMBERT became a SUPERSTAR of our lifetime and if we are honest and compare him to the stablished stars from the past we'll see that his voice and artistic style are over (higher than) their levels.
I'm grateful for having the privilege to have this intelligent and gorgeous young man present TODAY... and for having the wonderful opportunity to follow his brilliant career. ADAM, I wish you for this New Year physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. HH»
HH's Jan.1, 1:14PM
Thread «San Francisco Ballet ... Can't Let You Go...»
«Oh God! Tears in my eyes for this song of love and farewell. It was fair to «Can't Let You Go», himn of a goodbye to a great love, ADAM's supreme interpretation from the begining to the end. Sad, excrutiating (feeling) that touchs deeply the sensibility of the listeners and makes them to live this inevitable emotional suffering. This song is a jewel and deserves a Grammy, no possible doubts, lets hope it becomes reality. HH»
by Fan4fun
PS: HH querida, Feliz Año Nuevo, con mucha salud y prosperidad... y que sigas siempre con tu amor y bellisima poesia en tus comentários hacia nuestro dulce Adam. Tán bueno es tenerte en 24/7«Paraiso»!!!
I love cats! who couldn't love a PUSSY cat?!!! meowmeowmeow!!!!
Ooooh, looks Hot!
He kinda look like Zorro to me without the eye mask. Oh, I forgot, Adam is a lover not a fighter.
Wow... you're all likin' this look? Really??
Anon @ 12:53... You & I might have to dodge profectiles for admitting it, but I'm with you on this one, just not liking' it much...
Not that he's not handsome because of course he IS... it just looks.. o d d
Except for the eyes in the last picture which are ALWAYS awesome, this is probably my LEAST favorite look next to his right side temple shaved. Think I almost prefer that... Sorry folks I'm not in on this one...
Yes I do see more of a resemblance to Neil here, but anyone else see bit of Dave Navaro?? (Jane's Addiction, Carmen Electra's ex-husband?) Thought so last time with this look in one of the early Donor's Choose clips.
please go to www.youtube.com/myyoutube and give our Captain some much needed points.
I think he looks hot and sexy....want to see him in a movie wearing this look. Looks delicious.
Oooooo...Pirates of the Carribean 5!!! Adam could play J. Depps little brother. IN 3-D!! Yowza!!!
@Anon Jan. 4 at 11:23PM - i've been trying to figure it out who looks similar since i saw the pics and i will have to agree with you on the slight resemblance to dave navarro hahaha. I was tempted to say antonio banderas but not really, dave n is more like it. Thanks now i can move on to the other threads teehee ;-)
Oooooops sorry i was referring to @Anon Jan. 4 at 8:23PM ;-(
very gilles marini if gilles wore facial hair.
Anon 8:23 PM - I must agree. Adam looks totally sexy in some of these shots, but I'm not a fan of the facial hair.
It appears that these shots were taken in some kind of clothing store...there's a manequin wearing some kind of sweater/jacket, a rolling rack full of clothes and what looks like a display of shirts in the 2nd/3rd/4th pix.
Anyway - Adam looks awesome no matter what. Bottom line - love that he is not afraid to constantly change his look. He also looks like he's having a blast! Good for him.
- Adam Fix
I can see a likeness to Neil in photos 2 and 3.
Who are the people with Adam in photo 3? The lady in photo 3 looks a little like Priscilla Presley.
@anon 11:49 pm
The lady in photo 3 is Carmit Bachar..a former Pussycat Doll, and one of the founders of the Zodiac Show (as I recall..) and a good friend of Adam's. She was interviewed in the recent E! Hollywood Story about Adam, among other things...
I think ADAM should take Mom AND Dad to the GRAMMYs ... they've been his BIGGest supporters right from the 'get-go' and should be there for THIS great honor for their son ... (tears)
Love 'n Light
BTW ... since I saw Clark Gable & Tyrone Power when they were young (I was a teen) ... I think ADAM with facial hair is a cross between the two ... but in all reality ... ADAM looks like himself playing 'dress up' ... his fave thing to do. Love 'n Light to All
@glitzylady - always a wealth of information, I've missed that... Adamluv & tess4ADAM too!
I stand by my "JFC" :), but that's more about - well, I suppose it's about way more than just drinking in one static photograph :)...
OT: Stayed in and no visitors NYE cuz hubby's broken foot was sore... got tired and eventually gave in to channel surfing - saw some singers performing live - and JFC it just cements how freakishly gloriously talented AML is... soooo enjoying having his brand of entertainment and vocal brilliance in my world. Grateful.
@MGF 7:45 am
So good to see you back here! Its been kind of crazy lately...the LA concerts (woo hoo!!! SO much fun!!), the holidays, etc...
Re the "wealth of information": rather scary isn't it?! I have to come here to actually share it, since friends (except my local Adam friends..) and family say "uh huh... whatever..." I actually don't want them to know how much Adam trivia I actually DO know!! Then I'll be off to Rehab for sure......
I think Kris Allen is the best not adam lambert
You are crazy...there is no one like Adam as an entertainer and his looks is gorgous...I am ready to see what RCA and 19 entertainment comes up with for Adam in 2011......Love that last picture but it is not for the Grammy's look...for sure and Adam would know this.....
you are crazy nutball
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