thank god there are more of us that care about you and stay positive where you are concerned.just live your life and be happy and to hell with the homophobes. we love you and will for many years to come. as paula said, you will be iconic. luv ya
The more I know about Adam, the more I love this man. Always stays positive, I am very amazed how strong and brave he face his ups and downs, and got to love the passion of his fans as well.
I have so much respect for Adam, He has boundaries and he has courage in all things,It's called character. I think some people feel if they buy a ticket to see Adam or buy his CD they own him and therefore have the right to tell him how to live,who to see ,when to write music and what to wear.I seriously suggest that these people try this behavior out with their loved ones ,who they actually know,and see how that goes over. Adam is a real person,he's not in some fantasy movie that we can pretend to be part of.He has been honest and up front,sharing some of his life with his 'fans' ,I think that will have to change if he wants one iota of privacy. It will be our loss ...
Adam you don't owe us anything.... you are a GIFT that we treasure with all our Hearts Forever xxxxxxxxx get on with that new album.... Glambrit IOW UK
Adam you owe us nothing but to continue giving us beautiful music and all that positive energy. Your fans adore you and wish you the best. Your love life is your own business. If we tend to intrude it is not done out of malice, but love. Maybe a little curiosity.
The problem with twitter rants is that there are always unscrupulous gossip websites that take everything out of context, using only the negative aspects of the twitter conversation even though it ended positively.
I have always followed a French proverb that says: "Les paroles s'envolent mais les écrits restent". Loosely translated, it means "Once spoken, gone; Once written, eternal". And THAT's the reason I personally don't tweet :)
Wow, passion, loyalty and sanity, ADAM could not better express what we feel for you .. Thank you for your THANKS, I am moved as if he'd say, face to face, Love and Peace to you forever. HH.
Adam is remarkable. He is honest, thoughtful and generous. We all need to give this incredible man his privacy and leave him alone to live his life. He means the world to me. He appreciates his fans and we respect and admire him for the man he is. Let us all start tomorrow with his example of positivity. He deserves it.
Mi creativa Fan4fun por ser muy corto el comentario, me atreví a traducir , pero por la dudas se lo envió en español para su corrección, si es necesaria.Mi cordial saludo y un Maullido para Icono. "Wow, la pasión, la lealtad y la cordura, ADAM no podría expresar mejor lo que sentimos por usted. .. Gracias por su GRACIAS, me conmueve como si acabara de decirlo, frente a frente. Amor y Paz por siempre para usted." HH.
Love you Adam Lambert. Your talent is way beyond your 29 years. I watched your career since the beginning of Idol and was always in amazement of your professionalism. You were so much better than the show that made you. I could see you in huge arenas in the very near future and winning over new fans along the way. As Madonna would say, "KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE". It can only go up from here. Such sweet words for your supporters!x
@ HH Quedo perfecto! No te preocupes que te lo digo si no esta bien. Ya estoy haciendo la traducción de tus 3 comentarios de el domingo pasado, uno de ellos para Bing. Perdón, no he tenido tiempo pero voy a estar 3 dias en mi casa con una fuerte gripe. Hoy me fué hoy al hospital y la doctora me queria internar pero le dije que no tengo a quien dejar Icon...
Adam it is overwhelming to me to think how much you have endured in your 29 young years with bias and prejudice. Your attitude toward life is amazing! You rise above all the nonsense and remain steadfast in focusing on the postive.
Your true fanbase will never stray we are forever devoted to you!
Thanking your fans!! Such a warm, loving person you are!! Defending your friends in the face of any diversity such compassion you have!
You deserve the greatest happiness in your personal and professional life!!
You have awakened so many emotions in me that I thought had long since died! Love to you and Sauli!!
My prayer is that you have found your soulmate in Sauli!! Everyone deserves to love and be loved!
Adam, I admire and respect you because you truly are a man of character. You are an inspiration to others: you show us bravery, courage, honesty, thoughtfulness, kindness, tolerance, acceptance, positivity and love, to mention some of your wonderful characteristics.
Thank you for your kind words to your fans. It means the world to us. I don't know if you read these comments on this site but I hope you do so you can see all the love and good wishes coming your way. Be happy in your life! xxoxoxoox CT
CT I totally agree. You said it beautifully and perfectly. I hope Adam does read these comments sending out love and support. If everyone in this world was like Adam ,it certainly would be a better place. Love you always!
Amiga Fan4fun,solo debe preocuparse por su salud y por favor dejemos a un lado esas traducciones, sigamos con las nuevas que surjan. Espero que me complazca,la queremos sana y sin Stres, aproveche su reposo para recuperarse, evitando tener que ser internada, comprendiendo su preocupación por Icono.No olvide que su salud es lo primero, por usted, por su amor a ADAM, por Icono y por todos los fans amigos que la quieren HH.
Part 1. In relation to the past couple of threads and for those you have the patience to read the following novel, I want to share here my experience with another artist I follow closely also because it resembles what we've seen with Adam lately. But I have to do it in 2 or 3 different parts so it will post. Hope it is ok, Administrator?
The artist is a very famous French singer, a great musician. After years of exile to the States for legal reasons, he staged his comeback to France 4 years ago. A huge event. He reopened his "wall" online to his fans at that time. I joined then, and at first, I loved the insightful and witty comments I found there. The singer would post a message to us almost everyday, and as he is extremely funny with a wicked sense of humor, fans would rival in jokes and puns to emulate his but always in relation to his music, it was always interesting and respectful. It was really wonderful. I had never seen anything thing like this. Like Adam, this singer was on tour and had a concert almost every night in different cities. Those who could not attend the concerts would wait impatiently for YT and Dailymotion vids and for feedback from those who went. Same as what happened during GNT. Friendships were created, groups would form and meet before and after his concerts, and for any occasion, his B-day etc. We felt that we really embarked on this adventure along with the singer because though he rarely addressed one of the fans in particular, he would respond to the general trend of the discussions of the day.
Part 2. Then little by little, things began to change. Older fans began to be threatened by newer passionate fans and began to discredit them on the wall, obsessed groupies would band against one of several posters they thought were not "real fans" and ask that these people be ousted of the site, several crazies appeared, one even said she was the singer long lost daughter with Caroline of Monaco, and kept calling on the singer to "recognize"her publicly. Weird things were happening behind the scenes, we didn't have Tweeter but we had MSN instant messaging and fans blogs. Apparently some smart ingenious devious people could figure out who the posters were by looking up their computer IP addresses, and harrass them. Threats were issued. It got so bad that the police was involved, the singer had to step in several times, admonishing people like Adam did today to try to get thing under control, vua his site and through private warnings on MSN. He closed his wall and reopened it another couple of times but by then simple fans like me who were just there to post our love, support and admiration (with a few jokes here and there because I can't live without good humor, some of you may remember a few fun posts I left here before) well people like me left the site because it had become unbearable. A battle ground between all sorts of people who claimed ownership over a man I am sure not one of them had ever met, a celebrity who tried to stay close to his fans by creating a site by which he kindly tried to communicate directly with his public. Well it got out of hand, the fun and great friendly exchange of music news was gone, people were just writing stupid or nasty messages, calling themselves the "True fans" and inciting the singer to delete this person or the other, accusing them of all sorts of ills and sinister plots. The singer has now permanently closed that great "wall" of his and it is a darn shame. I miss it to this day.
This long post just to tell you what has been my experience with another singer who went through the same ordeals Adam is going through, though circumstances are different, of course. People are the same everywhere. There are those whom I call the "simple fans" like me, reasonable people who can love an artist to pieces but will still have a life and not read too much into anything the artist says or does, because we realize that ultimately, he owes us nothing and does not know us personally, and those who are completely obsessed with that celebrity and mix up fantasy and reality. These people convince themselves that they have a special relationship with the artist, that they understand and "get" him better than anyone, and thus give themselves some sort of ownership over the artist's life. These people ruin it for the rest of us because they are so opinionated and loud that they end up exasperating the artist who then retreats and shuts us all out of his life.
I didn't mean to drive anyone nuts with my long prose. I have been thinking about this for many days now. I just began writing here a few weeks ago and love the site, but sometimes I cannot help noticing that things just don't change no matter where you live, where you're from. Adam does not owe us anything at all. It is good PR for him to keep us abreast of his career moves, and he may want to give us some insights here and there about his personal life, but we are not his personal friends. As painful as it can be to some of us to accept it, we are just an entity to him, in most cases he has no idea who we are. Though I am sure he truly appreciates our love and our support as a whole, there are some boundaries we cannot cross with him or things will eventually get out of hand like it did for my French singer. All this tweeting and opinions about his private life, his friends, etc... I mean we can comment lightly, with a sense of humor but being vicious to him, his friends or to each other, fans, when it comes to his very private decisions? I don't understand this.
Anyway, I still have some stuff to say about that, but it will be for another day. Now that I put everyone to sleep...I mean, the two people and a half who probably read this from beginning to end. Ha ha.
Good night everyone. Can't wait for more music from Adam.
Adam, You are so awesome, I feel love and peace when I listen your music. I'm from Finland and I was your consert at Kaapelitehdas with my kids and we all love you so dearly. Since then I have listen your songs every day!! Please try to forget mean people who doesn't undestand nothing!!Sauli is warm and sweet person and I hope that you have a wondeful time together:) Greeting from icy Finland!! It's freeeezing here!!:D
@Parisiangirl, Thank you for your thoughts. I'm touched by Adam's kind words but I belong to the group of fans who believe that we owe him for the gift of music and the joy he brings into our life. The modern celebrity culture, which turned into an industry, upsets me to no end. The only thing that matters is what our favorite artists do professionally. I understand that we all are human and curious but it is none of our business. I do not believe that artists should lose their privacy as the price of fame. It should not be that way. Tatiana
Thank you Adam for your music! I love you Adam Lambert! I love also Tommy and Sauli. You know there are hundreds of thousands, who feel the same. We respect your closest ones. Keep on going! We support you always!!! Sanni
Adam Adam, you beautiful soul, you owe us absolutely nothing.. It is just great that we can enjoy your music. Your voice is beyond words, magnificent. Naturally we like to know what´s going on in your life, but I hope everyone understands that it is your life, a real life as you are a real person.
And thanks for Parisiangirl for that 3 part comment. It was enlightening.
@ parisian girl,thankyou for that meaningful story and hope lessons will be learned. Fame can so easily destroy gifts that should be treasured. We build these artists up to only tear them down, to what purpose? Wish we could just celebrate these gifted artists and be happy for them, letting them have the freedom that we expect for ourselves. Adam with all of this ugliness still had the thoughtfulness to address those of us that care and support him. Hope he feels that love and care more than the negative, cruel posts. He is a class act in so many ways. Love that man and what he stands for. funbunn40
@parisian girl, thanks for that insight. I too have worried about this kind of thing happening. As the posters on this sight have increased, so too have the negative posts. I have also watched Adam go from regular daily tweets, to only one here and there. I hope his popularity doesn't cause him to stop communicating with us altogether, but it's something that's new to this digital era.
Thank you @parisian girl! Yesterday i was too tired to read your long story, but now I read every words of it! So true. It would be sad and terrible to lose contact with Adam and his life, because of some mean people. I have even prayed last night for him. Luckily Adam got again the positive mind and sent us the message. Sanni
It was very nice of you to share your bad experience with us. So sorry for your French artist and his truly fans. Hope you don't give up your charming way to comment your love for sweet Adam here in 24/7 «Paradise» or in other sites. I'm sure that sweet Adam will always be able to change in the best way every bad situation that comes to him from his «fans» but we Glamberts have to support his decisions by showing our true and healthy love... and let him know that. Your homework has been very well done, Parisiangirl. See you in your next post! Can't wait!
OT (?)... From Suz: "Hey, Tommy Joe" performed by Monte Pittman at Molly Malone's 2/21/11 I love those guys! GLb
@Paisiangirl Thank you for taking the time to write your post. What you said is so true, Adam does not owe us anything. What we owe him is the right to his privacy and his own decisions. We should just love and support Adam and enjoy the beautiful music he gives us!
I agree with Parisiangirl. I adore Adam but I don't want to know about his personal life. That is Too Much Info. and it's None Of My Business.
I want to give him the respect that I'd want and he deserves a private life and some peace.
I cringe when I see people being over-the-top obsessive or down right nasty on the web about him or shrill defending him, especially when it's someone who's old enough to know better. Some of the grandma's who love Adam can be really mean and they think they own him.
I do think he could loose fans if that unhealthy behavior continues. Obsessive people drive sane people away. That is also why I did not join his fan club.
I only come to 24/7 now to avoid the crazies and to get any news regarding the new CD or news on future appearances.
Somekind of peace and harmony seem to have landed over the site. I´m exhausted nearly. Positive waves came from BoraBora to us. Adam Lambert, you are our light and joy!!!! KissPusi, Sanni:)
O-K, nuffsenough. Adam, thank-you for updating us on your vacation. That was very kind and generous of you. But you're on holidays sweetie. Time to SHUT THAT DAMN TWITTER OFF!! Just shut it off I tell ya. Your fans can wait until you return. You deserve to be in paradise! Now get back on your jet ski and RIDE BB RIDE!! xoxo Annaberry
I enjoyed to be a positive annon in this blog. I learned lots of loves from my friends here, life is interesting and entertaining and hilarious. I love Adam's music as much as I love him. Let's have group hug and everybody welcome.
No, dearest Adam! THANK YOU!! I owe you the world for the wonderful magic of believing in life, love, & light! Peace! A true fan forever & always! Kimber
Friends Fans, focus on everything that relates to ADAM's musical career: his extraordinary voice, stage presence, charisma, good ... we can not help admiring its beauty and charm! events, interviews, touring in your country, the world and all that he developed in the art. Wow! ADAM incredible human being, be happy and pleased all their fans, they send only positive energy through the love and admiration. HH.
INTERESTING.. I googled Adam Lambert this afternoon and someone said to write Fever at they play loads of Adams songs from his album. If you type in his name you get hardly anything.. YOu can also say if you like the songs.. WIN!!
Adam is a good man. He is a nice, a good-hearted boy, who can be loved. He is, who knows that it may say thank you for a lot for his fans. He never forgets this. I would love him to see a what kind of man there was after 10 years. I hope so, he will not change. At least, this side of his. And thanks for everybody for the many kind, loving words!
@Parisian Girl. Loved your post, particularly Part 3 where you summed it up. There will always be a few crazies because that's the way of the world, but we can certainly minimize the problem. Just don't respond to the nut cases who try to provoke. I left the AFS because it was trite and about me me me rather than about Adam's music. And you're so right about older fans thinking Adam is their son and they own him.
However, I also think Adam should take his own advice on "It gets better" and ignore this drival. It's going to always be there because it's the nature of humans.
He is a beautiful human being, and I feel so honored and priviledged to be a fan of the greatest singer and performer of this generation.
@10:49 I agree adam needs to ignore all the bullshit there is always going to be people who hate him for one reason or another but he can't let that get to him because if he does than those people will win
The most obsessive fans don't really care about Adam Lambert, but the image they have created of him in their heads. They have an addiction and in Europe they'd be suggested to get some therapy.
We are with you all the way Adam, for the long haul! You just relax and have some damn fun! Super fabulous human being that you are! and so intelligent!
@anon 10:49 AM and harriet11:09 AM I think Adam is (sadly..) used to, and does his best to ignore, hate directed toward him personally. I very much agree that he should ignore the BS. However, his recent words were primarily directed at the attacks on friends and loved ones, something he could no longer ignore. He is a true and fiercely loyal friend and was reminding those who obsess over their own personal imagined scenarios, to stop the ridiculous and mean-spirited attacks on Tommy and Sauli, and "to get a life", instead of thinking they know what is happening in his own private life, or for that matter, have any control over it. I have to say I greatly admire Adam for standing up for his friends, and I also feel it was unfortunately necessary for him to do so. Just another reason to love that sweet and talented man! Pick on his friends and be prepared to suffer his wrath! I hope his words will be heeded.
Well said, glitzlady! Adam is such a class act, with so much integrity and character and -as you say - a fiercely loyal friend. Makes me sad he has to put up with so much, but admire him beyond words for the courage he shows in always staying true to himself. I will always and forever consider myself proud to be a fan of this amazing man. LL
@ 5:55 AM, How do you know the age of the mean posters and that they are grandmas? Usually at that age there's a more realistic view of reality and not as likely to get panties in a wad over who Adam is kissing and thinking they can turn him straight, make Tommy gay or have any influence in the real world who Adam should love in his life. The older I become, the more I realize what I don't know and want to learn. Life isn't black and white as I thought as a teenager, but gray. Opinions can change if you open your mind and are willing to listen and not always assume. funbunn40
@Parisiangirl Thank you so much for your post about your experience with the French singer's career. It is striking to me how the story of that beloved performer parallels what we see happening in Adam's fandom. Your post should be required reading for every Adam Lambert fan out there. It is a prophetic warning that the same thing could happen in Adam's case. As a participant in this blog for at least a year, I can see how the "feel" has changed, from being a safe, friendly, lighthearted and welcoming place to "talk Adam" with other fabulous fans of Adam, to becoming a place of occasional yet more frequent bickering, personal attacks, and the same sort of verbal bashing of Adam's friends and family that he was forced to address in his tweets right after he returned from his getaway trip to Bora Bora. It must have been REALLY bad for him to feel he needed to address it. Most here are respectful of Adam, his friends, and each other, but seems to have gradually changed in recent months, especially with the appearance of Sauli in Adam's life, something that we should be happy for Adam about, no matter what their relationship, or where it goes from here. And I had to smile at Adam's highlighting of *sanity* because I think he knows we are all a little *crazy* (I prefer "passionate"), mostly in a good way, when it comes to Adam.. He just inspires those feelings of loyalty, admiration, happiness, and yes, unfortunately, sometimes a certain possessiveness, as in "our" Adam. He is someone we would all love to sit down with at dinner, have a couple of drinks with, and just have a great conversation, although in reality that will never happen. So I appreciate @Parisiangirl's gentle reminder to us of what could happen if we aren't careful to observe those boundaries between fandom and obsession. Most of all I appreciate Adam's "Thank You" to his fans, although, I thank HIM so much more for being brave enough to go on Idol (because it did take a certain amount of courage, to open up his private life to the world, as I'm sure he knew it would), to be living his life honestly, and sharing his talent and and his caring, loving, and generous soul with us. My life has been enriched by his music, by observing his example of believing in himself, and by getting to know personally many of his fans. I would not want him to become discouraged and saddened by the bad behavior of a small group of deluded "fans", to the point that he would feel completely shut off from his fandom, out of necessity and self-preservation.
@Parisiangirl I really enjoyed reading your essay:)lol you hit the nail right on the head with what is happening in todays computer/twitter world. in the UK's news earlier this week there was a story about Justin Beiper's fans. last week at the Grammys. Justin Beiper lost out on i think it was best newcomer a young girl jazz singer? and Beiper fans bombarded her with vile hate comments.. i think it was good thing that the news report covered the story, lets people know whats going on out there in Cyber*Land i also think that answers 5.55 comments on older women...Beiper's fans are all young and some very immature...i really don,t think older fans would think twice about sending vile/hate messages to Adam...older women have had far more years in their life and are pretty *Wised Up* with experiences in life Glambrit IOW UK
hey guys..i don,t have twitter nor Ipad or Ipod and at the moment not even a mobile phone as it feel out my pocket into a tin of paint and do i miss it...No not at all!!!
finally all the bad and malicious people are gone. It's nice to read all the truth and appreciation indeed. As a mom I was hurt what some people think about Adam and friends.
I hope that we all agree that everything in this world has limitations. We are all one but we are not the same........
Hi I just want to ask 5.55 if you are sure of your facts. Any grandma post I have ever read has been sweet and understanding. They seem to love him because he has re-kindled the love of music and concerts again. I suppose there could be the odd one that is mean as when there is so much positive there is naturally going to be some negative. Its the law of the universe. But I would check that out if I were you. Thanks.
@Parisiangirl Excellent post! I have been somewhat disturbed about how some "fans" have been reacting. Won't go into it, but suffice to say it got pretty wacky!
I believe everything pretty much happens for a reason. Maybe all the silliness was a good thing. It's called a REALITY CHECK!!
Most of us love and respect Adam, and want only what makes HIM happy, not what makes US happy.
This morning as I was driving my tiny car local radiostation started to play "Aftermath". I turned the radio louder and tears came into my eyes. My tiny car was suddenly a concerthall! Adam´s heavenly voice surrounded me. Thank you Adam so much for your music! You are definely a gift from God!!! Sanni
I have been reluctant to read the posts here at 24/7 lately ... it seemed that the same thing was happening here that happened at the FYE forum at We were all very dedicated loving Glamazons (we called ourselves that) and exchanged info about ADAM & other artists that we liked ... no bad comments ... then one of the group committed the cardinal sin of daring to start another thread titled ... ADAM LAMBERT is the NEW ROCK GOD!! Well ... that brought out the most vile HATERS on the 'net' ... they came & they said all sorts of mean nasty homophobic things about ADAM ... I even became physically ill from reading some of them. I tried defending ADAM pointing out all of his beautiful traits but the more I tried the nastier the comments became and eventually they were calling me all sorts of names. I am a shut in .. haven't always used the computer .. just looked up various things ... haven't always been .. just can't do much anymore. But this isn't about me ... I just wanted to point out what could happen ... that's why I like coming here ... ALL ADAM ALL the TIME. Please mods .. don't let that happen here ... DELETE any offensive posts ... don't let them through. I'm a grandma & a nice gentle person who loves to read about ADAM but what he does with his PRIVATE life is NONE of MY business ..... I just want to support him so he can achieve the SUCCESS he so richly DESERVES!! ADAM is a GEM that should be admired ... Sorry for the long post ... Love 'n Light to ALL Glamberts Worldwide
Found this Tribute vid to ADAM on Ytube ... a montage to ADAM from one of his older fans ... I want to share it with all of ADAM's Young-at-heart female fans ... watch & ENJOY ... get out the box of Kleenex ... you're gonna need it I think someone should Tweet this to ADAM ...
Yes, Adam, there is sanity as well as love, loyalty, and passion in the Glamily. Continue to do what makes you happy. Your true friends and and fans appreciate you more than you'll ever know.
Thank You Glam one for keeping us entertained like no one else can! I can say after seeing you perform WLL on American Idol that you were destined for the big time. I don't think there is anyone that can sing WLL like you....NO ONE! I hope you will do another duet with the beautiful and talented Allison Iraheta, so magical together.
I was out of town for 3 days, and checked twitter when I got home. I don't know exactly what happened, but close enough. The twitters said it all, as did @Parisiangirl's story. Looked forward to getting home, now I'm just sad.
Good for you Adam! Luv Ya!
Adam = ClassAct!!!!
Stay positive bb--hope you find some happiness and love with sauli.
this is a message that tommy left on his twitter
Thanks for all the kind words today! :) We all know there are some kookoo ass people out there on the internet. It's creepy but funny also!
Sweet boy if you are ever in need of a Grandma in Florida I am available and have 23 years experience. Bless You!
thank god there are more of us that care about you and stay positive where you are concerned.just live your life and be happy and to hell with the homophobes. we love you and will for many years to come. as paula said, you will be iconic. luv ya
love u 2 adam!!!!!!!
love you adam...
Adam. you have angel voice and golden heart.
Love you, dear<3
The more I know about Adam, the more I love this man. Always stays positive, I am very amazed how strong and brave he face his ups and downs, and got to love the passion of his fans as well.
I have so much respect for Adam, He has boundaries and he has courage in all things,It's called character. I think some people feel if they buy a ticket to see Adam or buy his CD they own him and therefore have the right to tell him how to live,who to see ,when to write music and what to wear.I seriously suggest that these people try this behavior out with their loved ones ,who they actually know,and see how that goes over.
Adam is a real person,he's not in some fantasy movie that we can pretend to be part of.He has been honest and up front,sharing some of his life with his 'fans' ,I think that will have to change if he wants one iota of privacy. It will be our loss ...
Love you Adam. You are so sweet and passionate. May we all learn to stay positive!
I am so happy that Adam doesn't think of all of us as BSC fans. Adam is a class act and deserves our respect, love you Adam Lambert!
Adam you don't owe us anything....
you are a GIFT that we treasure with all our Hearts Forever
xxxxxxxxx get on with that new album....
Glambrit IOW UK
Adam, you are such a positive person please never change, we love you!!!!!!!!
I love you! I really do!
Adam you owe us nothing but to continue giving us beautiful music and all that positive energy. Your fans adore you and wish you the best. Your love life is your own business. If we tend to intrude it is not done out of malice, but love. Maybe a little curiosity.
The problem with twitter rants is that there are always unscrupulous gossip websites that take everything out of context, using only the negative aspects of the twitter conversation even though it ended positively.
I have always followed a French proverb that says: "Les paroles s'envolent mais les écrits restent". Loosely translated, it means "Once spoken, gone; Once written, eternal". And THAT's the reason I personally don't tweet :)
Wow, passion, loyalty and sanity, ADAM could not better express what we feel for you .. Thank you for your THANKS, I am moved
as if he'd say, face to face, Love and Peace to you forever.
6:56 Good job. I agree totally. You summed it up so well. Nothing to add. You said it all.
Adam is remarkable. He is honest, thoughtful and generous. We all need to give this incredible man his privacy and leave him alone to live his life. He means the world to me. He appreciates his fans and we respect and admire him for the man he is. Let us all start tomorrow with his example of positivity. He deserves it.
Mi creativa Fan4fun por ser muy corto el comentario, me atreví a traducir , pero por la dudas se lo envió en español para su corrección, si es necesaria.Mi cordial saludo y un Maullido para Icono.
"Wow, la pasión, la lealtad y la cordura, ADAM no podría expresar mejor lo que sentimos por usted. .. Gracias por su GRACIAS, me conmueve
como si acabara de decirlo, frente a frente. Amor y Paz por siempre para usted."
got to say i love him right back and to you my darling keep up the great work hugs
Love you Adam Lambert. Your talent is way beyond your 29 years. I watched your career since the beginning of Idol and was always in amazement of your professionalism. You were so much better than the show that made you. I could see you in huge arenas in the very near future and winning over new fans along the way. As Madonna would say, "KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE". It can only go up from here. Such sweet words for your supporters!x
@ HH
Quedo perfecto! No te preocupes que te lo digo si no esta bien. Ya estoy haciendo la traducción de tus 3 comentarios de el domingo pasado, uno de ellos para Bing. Perdón, no he tenido tiempo pero voy a estar 3 dias en mi casa con una fuerte gripe. Hoy me fué hoy al hospital y la doctora me queria internar pero le dije que no tengo a quien dejar Icon...
Sweet Adam, you don't owe me anything! But I OWE YOU my life back, a much better life than it used to be.
Adam it is overwhelming to me to think how much you have endured in your 29 young years with bias and prejudice. Your attitude toward life is amazing! You rise above all the nonsense and remain steadfast in focusing on the postive.
Your true fanbase will never stray we are forever devoted to you!
Thanking your fans!! Such a warm, loving person you are!! Defending your friends in the face of any diversity such compassion you have!
You deserve the greatest happiness in your personal and professional life!!
You have awakened so many emotions in me that I thought had long since died! Love to you and Sauli!!
My prayer is that you have found your soulmate in Sauli!! Everyone deserves to love and be loved!
Adam, I admire and respect you because you truly are a man of character. You are an inspiration to others: you show us bravery, courage, honesty, thoughtfulness, kindness, tolerance, acceptance, positivity and love, to mention some of your wonderful characteristics.
Thank you for your kind words to your fans. It means the world to us. I don't know if you read these comments on this site but I hope you do so you can see all the love and good wishes coming your way. Be happy in your life!
CT I totally agree. You said it beautifully and perfectly. I hope Adam does read these comments sending out love and support. If everyone in this world was like Adam ,it certainly would be a better place. Love you always!
Amiga Fan4fun,solo debe preocuparse por su salud
y por favor dejemos a un lado esas traducciones, sigamos con las nuevas que surjan. Espero que me complazca,la queremos sana y sin Stres, aproveche su reposo para recuperarse, evitando tener que ser internada, comprendiendo su preocupación por Icono.No olvide que su salud es lo primero, por usted, por su amor a ADAM, por Icono y por todos los fans amigos que la quieren
Adam you are so beautiful inside and out. Listening to you sing brings such joy and happiness to me. I'm a fan for life.
Part 1.
In relation to the past couple of threads and for those you have the patience to read the following novel, I want to share here my experience with another artist I follow closely also because it resembles what we've seen with Adam lately. But I have to do it in 2 or 3 different parts so it will post. Hope it is ok, Administrator?
The artist is a very famous French singer, a great musician. After years of exile to the States for legal reasons, he staged his comeback to France 4 years ago. A huge event. He reopened his "wall" online to his fans at that time. I joined then, and at first, I loved the insightful and witty comments I found there. The singer would post a message to us almost everyday, and as he is extremely funny with a wicked sense of humor, fans would rival in jokes and puns to emulate his but always in relation to his music, it was always interesting and respectful. It was really wonderful. I had never seen anything thing like this. Like Adam, this singer was on tour and had a concert almost every night in different cities. Those who could not attend the concerts would wait impatiently for YT and Dailymotion vids and for feedback from those who went. Same as what happened during GNT. Friendships were created, groups would form and meet before and after his concerts, and for any occasion, his B-day etc. We felt that we really embarked on this adventure along with the singer because though he rarely addressed one of the fans in particular, he would respond to the general trend of the discussions of the day.
Part 2.
Then little by little, things began to change. Older fans began to be threatened by newer passionate fans and began to discredit them on the wall, obsessed groupies would band against one of several posters they thought were not "real fans" and ask that these people be ousted of the site, several crazies appeared, one even said she was the singer long lost daughter with Caroline of Monaco, and kept calling on the singer to "recognize"her publicly. Weird things were happening behind the scenes, we didn't have Tweeter but we had MSN instant messaging and fans blogs. Apparently some smart ingenious devious people could figure out who the posters were by looking up their computer IP addresses, and harrass them. Threats were issued. It got so bad that the police was involved, the singer had to step in several times, admonishing people like Adam did today to try to get thing under control, vua his site and through private warnings on MSN. He closed his wall and reopened it another couple of times but by then simple fans like me who were just there to post our love, support and admiration (with a few jokes here and there because I can't live without good humor, some of you may remember a few fun posts I left here before) well people like me left the site because it had become unbearable. A battle ground between all sorts of people who claimed ownership over a man I am sure not one of them had ever met, a celebrity who tried to stay close to his fans by creating a site by which he kindly tried to communicate directly with his public. Well it got out of hand, the fun and great friendly exchange of music news was gone, people were just writing stupid or nasty messages, calling themselves the "True fans" and inciting the singer to delete this person or the other, accusing them of all sorts of ills and sinister plots. The singer has now permanently closed that great "wall" of his and it is a darn shame. I miss it to this day.
Part 3.
This long post just to tell you what has been my experience with another singer who went through the same ordeals Adam is going through, though circumstances are different, of course. People are the same everywhere. There are those whom I call the "simple fans" like me, reasonable people who can love an artist to pieces but will still have a life and not read too much into anything the artist says or does, because we realize that ultimately, he owes us nothing and does not know us personally, and those who are completely obsessed with that celebrity and mix up fantasy and reality. These people convince themselves that they have a special relationship with the artist, that they understand and "get" him better than anyone, and thus give themselves some sort of ownership over the artist's life. These people ruin it for the rest of us because they are so opinionated and loud that they end up exasperating the artist who then retreats and shuts us all out of his life.
I didn't mean to drive anyone nuts with my long prose. I have been thinking about this for many days now. I just began writing here a few weeks ago and love the site, but sometimes I cannot help noticing that things just don't change no matter where you live, where you're from. Adam does not owe us anything at all. It is good PR for him to keep us abreast of his career moves, and he may want to give us some insights here and there about his personal life, but we are not his personal friends. As painful as it can be to some of us to accept it, we are just an entity to him, in most cases he has no idea who we are. Though I am sure he truly appreciates our love and our support as a whole, there are some boundaries we cannot cross with him or things will eventually get out of hand like it did for my French singer. All this tweeting and opinions about his private life, his friends, etc... I mean we can comment lightly, with a sense of humor but being vicious to him, his friends or to each other, fans, when it comes to his very private decisions? I don't understand this.
Anyway, I still have some stuff to say about that, but it will be for another day. Now that I put everyone to sleep...I mean, the two people and a half who probably read this from beginning to end. Ha ha.
Good night everyone.
Can't wait for more music from Adam.
@Parisiangirl thanks for your beautiful 3 parts comments. I feel the same way.
Awww..Adam, you are very much loved by all of us , your fans:)
Continue being who u are & make sweet music!!!
Thank you for bringing back the joy & dance in music to us again!!!
i love ya adam.U'R very its time to work on UR next album with more relief and freedom.(AGirlLikeMe)
Adam, You are so awesome, I feel love and peace when I listen your music. I'm from Finland and I was your consert at Kaapelitehdas with my kids and we all love you so dearly. Since then I have listen your songs every day!! Please try to forget mean people who doesn't undestand nothing!!Sauli is warm and sweet person and I hope that you have a wondeful time together:) Greeting from icy Finland!! It's freeeezing here!!:D
Thank you for your thoughts. I'm touched by Adam's kind words but I belong to the group of fans who believe that we owe him for the gift of music and the joy he brings into our life.
The modern celebrity culture, which turned into an industry, upsets me to no end. The only thing that matters is what our favorite artists do professionally. I understand that we all are human and curious but it is none of our business. I do not believe that artists should lose their privacy as the price of fame. It should not be that way.
Thank you Adam for your music! I love you Adam Lambert! I love also Tommy and Sauli. You know there are hundreds of thousands, who feel the same. We respect your closest ones. Keep on going! We support you always!!!
Adam Adam, you beautiful soul, you owe us absolutely nothing.. It is just great that we can enjoy your music. Your voice is beyond words, magnificent. Naturally we like to know what´s going on in your life, but I hope everyone understands that it is your life, a real life as you are a real person.
And thanks for Parisiangirl for that 3 part comment. It was enlightening.
- Ella
@ parisian girl,thankyou for that meaningful story and hope lessons will be learned. Fame can so easily destroy gifts that should be treasured. We build these artists up to only tear them down, to what purpose? Wish we could just celebrate these gifted artists and be happy for them, letting them have the freedom that we expect for ourselves. Adam with all of this ugliness still had the thoughtfulness to address those of us that care and support him. Hope he feels that love and care more than the negative, cruel posts. He is a class act in so many ways. Love that man and what he stands for. funbunn40
@parisian girl, thanks for that insight. I too have worried about this kind of thing happening. As the posters on this sight have increased, so too have the negative posts. I have also watched Adam go from regular daily tweets, to only one here and there. I hope his popularity doesn't cause him to stop communicating with us altogether, but it's something that's new to this digital era.
Thank you @parisian girl! Yesterday i was too tired to read your long story, but now I read every words of it! So true. It would be sad and terrible to lose contact with Adam and his life, because of some mean people. I have even prayed last night for him. Luckily Adam got again the positive mind and sent us the message.
@ Parisiangirl
It was very nice of you to share your bad experience with us. So sorry for your French artist and his truly fans. Hope you don't give up your charming way to comment your love for sweet Adam here in 24/7 «Paradise» or in other sites. I'm sure that sweet Adam will always be able to change in the best way every bad situation that comes to him from his «fans» but we Glamberts have to support his decisions by showing our true and healthy love... and let him know that. Your homework has been very well done, Parisiangirl. See you in your next post! Can't wait!
OT (?)...
From Suz: "Hey, Tommy Joe" performed by Monte Pittman at Molly Malone's 2/21/11
I love those guys!
@Paisiangirl Thank you for taking the time to write your post. What you said is so true, Adam does not owe us anything. What we owe him is the right to his privacy and his own decisions. We should just love and support Adam and enjoy the beautiful music he gives us!
I agree with Parisiangirl. I adore Adam but I don't want to know about his personal life. That is Too Much Info. and it's None Of My Business.
I want to give him the respect that I'd want and he deserves a private life and some peace.
I cringe when I see people being over-the-top obsessive or down right nasty on the web about him or shrill defending him, especially when it's someone who's old enough to know better. Some of the grandma's who love Adam can be really mean and they think they own him.
I do think he could loose fans if that unhealthy behavior continues. Obsessive people drive sane people away. That is also why I did not join his fan club.
I only come to 24/7 now to avoid the crazies and to get any news regarding the new CD or news on future appearances.
How about this combination of music?
Somekind of peace and harmony seem to have landed over the site. I´m exhausted nearly. Positive waves came from BoraBora to us. Adam Lambert, you are our light and joy!!!!
KissPusi, Sanni:)
O-K, nuffsenough. Adam, thank-you for updating us on your vacation. That was very kind and generous of you. But you're on holidays sweetie. Time to SHUT THAT DAMN TWITTER OFF!! Just shut it off I tell ya. Your fans can wait until you return. You deserve to be in paradise! Now get back on your jet ski and RIDE BB RIDE!!
I enjoyed to be a positive annon in this blog. I learned lots of loves from my friends here, life is interesting and entertaining and hilarious. I love Adam's music as much as I love him. Let's have group hug and everybody welcome.
Ok, I guess I'm the only one who doesn't know what a "BSC fan" is. Please clue me in.
Anon 7:24...not totally sure but I think it means:
Bat Shit Crazy
Hope this is right.
@Parisiangirl: Well said!
No, dearest Adam! THANK YOU!!
I owe you the world for the wonderful magic of believing in life, love, & light!
Peace! A true fan forever & always!
Friends Fans, focus on everything that relates to ADAM's musical career: his extraordinary voice, stage presence, charisma, good ... we can not help admiring its beauty and charm! events, interviews, touring in your country, the world and all that he developed in the art. Wow! ADAM incredible human being, be happy and pleased all their fans, they send only positive energy through the love and admiration.
SANEBERT!!! Made me lmfao!!!! U r hilarious!
INTERESTING.. I googled Adam Lambert this afternoon and someone said to write Fever at they play loads of Adams songs from his album. If you type in his name you get hardly anything.. YOu can also say if you like the songs.. WIN!!
Adam is a good man. He is a nice, a good-hearted boy, who can be loved. He is, who knows that it may say thank you for a lot for his fans. He never forgets this. I would love him to see a what kind of man there was after 10 years. I hope so, he will not change. At least, this side of his.
And thanks for everybody for the many kind, loving words!
@Parisian Girl. Loved your post, particularly Part 3 where you summed it up. There will always be a few crazies because that's the way of the world, but we can certainly minimize the problem. Just don't respond to the nut cases who try to provoke. I left the AFS because it was trite and about me me me rather than about Adam's music. And you're so right about older fans thinking Adam is their son and they own him.
However, I also think Adam should take his own advice on "It gets better" and ignore this drival. It's going to always be there because it's the nature of humans.
He is a beautiful human being, and I feel so honored and priviledged to be a fan of the greatest singer and performer of this generation.
@10:49 I agree adam needs to ignore all the bullshit there is always going to be people who hate him for one reason or another but he can't let that get to him because if he does than those people will win
The most obsessive fans don't really care about Adam Lambert, but the image they have created of him in their heads. They have an addiction and in Europe they'd be suggested to get some therapy.
I meant the most obsessed fans..
We are with you all the way Adam, for the long haul! You just relax and have some damn fun!
Super fabulous human being that you are! and so intelligent!
@anon 10:49 AM and harriet11:09 AM
I think Adam is (sadly..) used to, and does his best to ignore, hate directed toward him personally. I very much agree that he should ignore the BS. However, his recent words were primarily directed at the attacks on friends and loved ones, something he could no longer ignore. He is a true and fiercely loyal friend and was reminding those who obsess over their own personal imagined scenarios, to stop the ridiculous and mean-spirited attacks on Tommy and Sauli, and "to get a life", instead of thinking they know what is happening in his own private life, or for that matter, have any control over it. I have to say I greatly admire Adam for standing up for his friends, and I also feel it was unfortunately necessary for him to do so. Just another reason to love that sweet and talented man! Pick on his friends and be prepared to suffer his wrath! I hope his words will be heeded.
Well said, glitzlady! Adam is such a class act, with so much integrity and character and -as you say - a fiercely loyal friend. Makes me sad he has to put up with so much, but admire him beyond words for the courage he shows in always staying true to himself. I will always and forever consider myself proud to be a fan of this amazing man. LL
@ 5:55 AM, How do you know the age of the mean posters and that they are grandmas? Usually at that age there's a more realistic view of reality and not as likely to get panties in a wad over who Adam is kissing and thinking they can turn him straight, make Tommy gay or have any influence in the real world who Adam should love in his life. The older I become, the more I realize what I don't know and want to learn. Life isn't black and white as I thought as a teenager, but gray. Opinions can change if you open your mind and are willing to listen and not always assume. funbunn40
judys dancin
i cant take credit for it. we have a "sanebert" manifesto on the fan club that one of my buddies wrote. she deserves the credit. (fabgab)
Thank you so much for your post about your experience with the French singer's career. It is striking to me how the story of that beloved performer parallels what we see happening in Adam's fandom. Your post should be required reading for every Adam Lambert fan out there. It is a prophetic warning that the same thing could happen in Adam's case. As a participant in this blog for at least a year, I can see how the "feel" has changed, from being a safe, friendly, lighthearted and welcoming place to "talk Adam" with other fabulous fans of Adam, to becoming a place of occasional yet more frequent bickering, personal attacks, and the same sort of verbal bashing of Adam's friends and family that he was forced to address in his tweets right after he returned from his getaway trip to Bora Bora. It must have been REALLY bad for him to feel he needed to address it. Most here are respectful of Adam, his friends, and each other, but seems to have gradually changed in recent months, especially with the appearance of Sauli in Adam's life, something that we should be happy for Adam about, no matter what their relationship, or where it goes from here. And I had to smile at Adam's highlighting of *sanity* because I think he knows we are all a little *crazy* (I prefer "passionate"), mostly in a good way, when it comes to Adam.. He just inspires those feelings of loyalty, admiration, happiness, and yes, unfortunately, sometimes a certain possessiveness, as in "our" Adam. He is someone we would all love to sit down with at dinner, have a couple of drinks with, and just have a great conversation, although in reality that will never happen. So I appreciate @Parisiangirl's gentle reminder to us of what could happen if we aren't careful to observe those boundaries between fandom and obsession. Most of all I appreciate Adam's "Thank You" to his fans, although, I thank HIM so much more for being brave enough to go on Idol (because it did take a certain amount of courage, to open up his private life to the world, as I'm sure he knew it would), to be living his life honestly, and sharing his talent and and his caring, loving, and generous soul with us. My life has been enriched by his music, by observing his example of believing in himself, and by getting to know personally many of his fans. I would not want him to become discouraged and saddened by the bad behavior of a small group of deluded "fans", to the point that he would feel completely shut off from his fandom, out of necessity and self-preservation.
Parisiangir Very enlightening commentary.
"Learning from life experiences"
These comments should be sent to the Glam one himself. just a suggestion! I think he would really like it.
I think Madonna would be proud!:-)
I really enjoyed reading your essay:)lol
you hit the nail right on the head with what is happening in todays computer/twitter world.
in the UK's news earlier this week there was a story about Justin Beiper's fans. last week at the Grammys. Justin Beiper lost out on i think it was best newcomer a young girl jazz singer? and Beiper fans bombarded her with vile hate comments..
i think it was good thing that the news report covered the story, lets people know whats going on out there in Cyber*Land
i also think that answers 5.55 comments on older women...Beiper's fans are all young and some very immature...i really don,t think older fans would think twice about sending vile/hate messages to Adam...older women have had far more years in their life and are pretty *Wised Up* with experiences in life
Glambrit IOW UK
hey guys..i don,t have twitter nor Ipad or Ipod
and at the moment not even a mobile phone as it feel out my pocket into a tin of paint and do i miss it...No not at all!!!
ooops feel= fell...duh!
finally all the bad and malicious people are gone. It's nice to read all the truth and appreciation indeed. As a mom I was hurt what some people think about Adam and friends.
I hope that we all agree that everything in this world has limitations. We are all one but we are not the same........
Love u Adam...........
Mom from Toronto, Canada
If Madonna says you can do it Baby, anybody can! enjoy this ride and continue breaking all the rulz!
Please don't pick on grandmas, some of my best friends are grandmas, Hey! I'm a grandma and you couldn't find a nicer old gal than me!
Hi I just want to ask 5.55 if you are sure of your facts. Any grandma post I have ever read has been sweet and understanding. They seem to love him because he has re-kindled the love of music and concerts again. I suppose there could be the odd one that is mean as when there is so much positive there is naturally going to be some negative. Its the law of the universe. But I would check that out if I were you. Thanks.
Excellent post! I have been somewhat disturbed about how some "fans" have been reacting. Won't go into it, but suffice to say it got pretty wacky!
I believe everything pretty much happens for a reason. Maybe all the silliness was a good thing. It's called a REALITY CHECK!!
Most of us love and respect Adam, and want only what makes HIM happy, not what makes US happy.
So with that I will close with my usual advice:
Party on Garth.
Peace out
This morning as I was driving my tiny car local radiostation started to play "Aftermath". I turned the radio louder and tears came into my eyes. My tiny car was suddenly a concerthall! Adam´s heavenly voice surrounded me. Thank you Adam so much for your music! You are definely a gift from God!!!
I have been reluctant to read the posts here at 24/7 lately ... it seemed that the same thing was happening here that happened at the FYE forum at We were all very dedicated loving Glamazons (we called ourselves that) and exchanged info about ADAM & other artists that we liked ... no bad comments ... then one of the group committed the cardinal sin of daring to start another thread titled ... ADAM LAMBERT is the NEW ROCK GOD!! Well ... that brought out the most vile HATERS on the 'net' ... they came & they said all sorts of mean nasty homophobic things about ADAM ... I even became physically ill from reading some of them. I tried defending ADAM pointing out all of his beautiful traits but the more I tried the nastier the comments became and eventually they were calling me all sorts of names. I am a shut in .. haven't always used the computer .. just looked up various things ... haven't always been .. just can't do much anymore. But this isn't about me ... I just wanted to point out what could happen ... that's why I like coming here ... ALL ADAM ALL the TIME. Please mods .. don't let that happen here ... DELETE any offensive posts ... don't let them through. I'm a grandma & a nice gentle person who loves to read about ADAM but what he does with his PRIVATE life is NONE of MY business ..... I just want to support him so he can achieve the SUCCESS he so richly DESERVES!! ADAM is a GEM that should be admired ... Sorry for the long post ... Love 'n Light to ALL Glamberts Worldwide
Found this Tribute vid to ADAM on Ytube ... a montage to ADAM from one of his older fans ... I want to share it with all of ADAM's Young-at-heart female fans ... watch & ENJOY ... get out the box of Kleenex ... you're gonna need it
I think someone should Tweet this to ADAM ...
ADAM LAMBERT - When You Look At Me
Tess4Adam is very sweet. I've heard about the craziness that goes on over at
It's in the discussions part on the page of the original FYE CD. Those Glamazons are in conflict all day long over Adam Lambert!
The whole thing is over the top and by people old enough to know better.
Yes, Adam, there is sanity as well as love, loyalty, and passion in the Glamily. Continue to do what makes you happy. Your true friends and and fans appreciate you more than you'll ever know.
Thank You Glam one for keeping us entertained like no one else can! I can say after seeing you perform WLL on American Idol that you were destined for the big time. I don't think there is anyone that can sing WLL like you....NO ONE! I hope you will do another duet with the beautiful and talented Allison Iraheta, so magical together.
I was out of town for 3 days, and checked twitter when I got home. I don't know exactly what happened, but close enough. The twitters said it all, as did @Parisiangirl's story. Looked forward to getting home, now I'm just sad.
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