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Monte Pottman Kickstarter Project

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 7, 2011

Posted at : Monday, February 07, 2011

Thanks to Suz526!


glitzylady said...

So thrilled for Monte! By the time I even heard about this project via twitter today, shortly after it was launched, it was funded for the basic bare bones goal! Everything else just makes the album better. So talented. And including his good buddies Tommy Jo Ratliff and Warren Willis, is fabulous as well. Saw Monte and Tommy at Molly Malones in Hollywood in Dec., great show! Hoping to see them again. Such a closely knit "family"! Monte truly loves and appreciates his fans. Suz526 is such a great supporter of Monte too!

BTW, Monte, Tommy, and Warren will be at Molly Malones on Feb. 21st..go to Monte's official website for further info.

Monte's official website with info re his next show:

Anonymous said...

it's nice to see Monte "Pottman" again. Suz526 sure gets around doesn't she? His project sounds very interesting and I am going to be apart of it, starting next pay.He is such a sincere guy.I have his music on my ipod and enjoy it alot.

glitzylady said...

oops!! Interesting...Monte "Pottman"...! wonder if that's been corrected!! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for Monte! His guitar solos for GNT were stellar! Great incentives to fund his project. He has so many fans as a result of GNT exposure. He is up there with Slash, if not better! He's a really nice guy, too. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Mary, howe do you get to all these places?

adamluv said...

The incentives sound great!!!!!! Wish Monte all the success possible - he seems to be a genuinely good guy!

Rebecca said...

got my donation in

Anonymous said...

I'm a writer, so I totally appreciate what it takes to get something like this out. Even if there is no need for money to kickstart the project, this kind of project prepares the ground and establishes an audience for the cd (I was going to say record, ok, I'm old) when it comes out. So this is great, and Monte should keep on pushing the project, maybe come out with bits and pieces of the songs that will be on the cd, continuing to request the donations, and also provide updates on how the donations are going, help us keep track of the needle as it goes up. In other words, aside from just getting money, this can be great for generating publicity. Good for Monte for having the guts to do this. As an artist myself, I know how tough it can be to get out there and sell yourself, but you gotta do what you gotta do when you are committed to your work. Art without an audience is nowhere.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry posters, I just don't get this. Monte is an established musician. Don't we all know he plays for and teaches MaDonna? Didn't he just complete a world tour with the fabuluous Adam Lambert. Who are we going to be asked to donate to next, the guy that makes the guitar picks? C'mon

I understand when Adam asks his fans to donate to a charity instead of spending money on a birthday present for him, but this, imo, is going a bit too far.

OK, I've braced myself. Everyone can jump on me if you want.