Perez Hilton Chatting With… Adam Lambert (Part 2)!
Filed Under (interview ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, February 15, 2011
From Perez:
In part 2 (above), we talk about…..
His instantly infamous American Music Awards performance and guy-on-guy smooch, the fallout, GaGa, talks of him doing Broadway, how he's managed dating after famous, whether he's single now or not, his recent philanthropic efforts, gay youth and so much more.
Thanks, Adam! We heart you!
P.S. Perez makes a very special announcement at the end of this video!

Thanks HK fan for the tip!
In part 2 (above), we talk about…..
His instantly infamous American Music Awards performance and guy-on-guy smooch, the fallout, GaGa, talks of him doing Broadway, how he's managed dating after famous, whether he's single now or not, his recent philanthropic efforts, gay youth and so much more.
Thanks, Adam! We heart you!
P.S. Perez makes a very special announcement at the end of this video!
Thanks HK fan for the tip!
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Ooh, you're welcome, never seen my name up there before...kinda like it!
HK fan
Love Adam when it's in black and white!! He's so handsome. Am so happy for him and the guy he's dating. He didn't say his name, so I won't either! Hope it works out for him. He deserves to have a good relationship and fall in love, if it's meant to be!
It worries me to see Adam with Perez. He has hurt so many people. Supposedly he has turned over a new leaf.....a kinder self.....a kinder side. I did not know he had one.
We can hope.
Maybe Adam's beautiful nature is wearing off on Perez.
Fun interview. They both seemed to enjoy it.
And Adam IS dating one person. Nice.
Perez has always been a bitch on his website but he has plenty of friends in the music business. Notice how Adam invited Perez to listen to his music before the album was released. They have a history of friendship so Perez can't be that bad.
Good luck with those charities Adam and Perez!
Oh Perez wasn't so bad guys, starting to like him, but I'm a softy and forgives everyone. Time will tell but I do think he likes adam and will do him no harm in the furture!
Hmmmm, Adam and Perez seem to be getting along very well. I heard somewhere that Perez said he and Adam would make good "wing men" for each other. They seem comfortable in their friendship.
Perez asked some good questions during the interview and got Adam to answer the "dating" question. So now we all know...I think we all can guess who it is, right?
Really really enjoyed this interview. Love listening to Adam...he makes my day. I'm giving PH a chance to redeem himself and hopefully like someone mentioned above that Adam is a good influence. Go Adam!
Adam can take care of himself. He is nice and polite, but I am sure he lets no one take advantage of him. There is much more to Adam than we know. Of course I don't pretend to know him or his family personally but they all strike me as being very self-confident and opinionated. Apples don't fall far from the tree. Adam does not need protection against the likes of Perez. That's for sure. It actually might even be the other way around, ha ha. Adam is certainly wayyyyy smarter than Perez and... not as smitten, perhaps? ;-)
I think I have a like-hate relationship with Perez.Thought he was funny and interesting today.
PS: PerezHilton is even kind of endearing in this video, isn't he? Childlike and playful sorta. Likable, almost!
Fun interview! Both Adam and Perez seemed to be having a good time, and isn't this the first confirmation from Adam himself that he is "dating"? Yay! (Even though we all knew it already LOL.) Also glad that Perez has gotten the idea from Adam to benefit a charity for his birthday. Adam, you are a wonderful role model in many, many ways. I am so proud to be your fan!
Oh I don't get Perez at all. Sometimes he is nice to Adam and other times he posts nasty stuff about Adam on his site without doing any research. I think he is kissing Adam's ass because we raised $290K for Charity:Water for Adam's BD and Perez looking for people to donate to his charity for his BD. Well I just say good luck to Perez!
I haven't watched this yet, but I wondered why the clip of Adam on Fashion Police hasn't been posted here. I am kind of surprised. Or did I miss it?
Oh, its here! LOL!! Go back little way, you can't miss it really! But steel yourself.....or skip it... ; ) A bit of discussion......
Have you seen this? Alex - he sung Adam's fever on a show.
I never liked Perez at all, but I think he is trying to be better. I go on his site every now and then when he posts something Adam related, but don't really like to because of the comments section. Can't believe what some people write there, mainly directed at Adam, but also directed at Perez. Saw a couple of replies from him yesterday to some hateful stuff, saying that in the past he would have replied with the same name calling, but is not going to react now.
Also watched the new Rihanna video today, and I'm sure it was Perez that was being led on the lead like a dog?
Adam in Vangardist Magazine
Okey,I'm glad Imma not the only one.I think Perez kinda...sweet!LMAO!!!!I can't believe I will say that one day!Now I know they are friends,anything that come out from Perez mouth to Adam,I know he just kidding to his friend so...yeah,I like this! :)
Hollandfan thanks for the link, very interesting who is Alex? He did a good job very sexy but of course not as good as Adam. I had to replay the beginning to see if he said There he goes, and he does, what show was this?
I hope Perez has changed and is a better person but I don't find him sweet, instead, kind of pathetic. He seems to attach himself to people for advantage to himself.
I hope I'm wrong.
Adam and Perez seems to be on good terms at the moment. Maybe Perez has a crush on Adam - can you blame him?!!!! :D
Anon. February 16 3:29 AM - thanks for the link but the article wouldn't open for me. :(
Well, I think it's old news now that Adam and Sauli are dating!!
People know Perez outside US too. They both benefit.
Too good to be true. There's just something about PH that makes me not trust him. Like the fact that he's bringing back the spotlight on HIM during the last 2 minutes of this interview. Did that several times during their chat. I'll listen to it again later. Who knows, maybe PH will eventually grow on me like he does on some of you now?
This benefit both, Adam is building his empire along with some allies. He is smart business man.
Actually starting to like Perez Hilton, but really did he have to play that AMA part where Adam fell? At least he could have picked a portion of it where Adam sang well. I don't think he is a friend. Just business.
always love hearing what dam has to say
Thank you Adam for letting us in a bit on the dating thing. I knew you would let your fans know when you were darn good and ready. Who that person is, is really none of our business. If Adam were to fall in love again, I believe the world would be shining a quadrouple rainbow for all to see : )
adam lambert and sauli-perfect compatible ; adam is auqain born sauli is an aries sign;thier bithyear just nuetral;sauli is an ox yera born just like kris allena nddrake-in the future adam
lambert has t find a 100%perfect match maybe.
@Hollandfan Thanks.
Quite soft man-on-man action on a live TV show ('Operación Triunfo 2011') but imagine that on American Idol! Hehe. How many complains!?... Viva España! However, they seem to know about Gaga/Germanotta and not Lambert... which is sad. I'd love to see/hear more singers performing Adam's songs for everyone to realize (by comparison) how exceptionally good this man is in his craft.
Adam is the boss in the relationship. I bet what he says goes! us ladies need a whole lotta love BB!!!!!
I wanna pull his pants down and smack his ass! he is being a bad boy! You're a bad boy BB and we love you for it! xx
JAK (5:13 AM)
Twice or more I've said here on 24/7 Paradise Land that sweet Adam should be careful and avoid at all costs not the wolves, but their owner, Perez Hilton.
After almost 2 years I finally quit posting in his daily Gossip (under another tag and about other matters) because I realized that its «comment secction» was/is a deep and dark hole, full of snakes.
Perez Hilton SWEET????? Well, you can feed a cockroach with candy, plain sugar or honey and I'm quite sure it will taste «sweet» to any snake... but one will still be a cockroach and the others nothing more than snakes. Please promise to me you'll think twice before starting to believe that someone like Perez Hilton can change from night to day. (Well... sweet Adam is himself a bearer of splendorous light to anyone's darkness, so who knows what could happen while going up or down that mountain of pink shit?)
Love him or hate him, Perez has a huge fan base, and has influence. I think he is trying to be a gentler, kinder Perez. Adam doesn't seem to be keeping his Sauli secret any longer, not that he did even in the beginning. Great interview, great couple. Glad Adam took time in choosing a new love...makes sense.
The interview was good...interesting that Perez went to Adam's house and Adam played him his music. I really hated Perez before but I really do think he has changed his tactics a bit. Time will tell whether that will last... he does seem to like Adam and is giving him compliments and publicity. Also, as some posters above have noted, Adam can take care of himself. If he wants to associate himself with Perez I'm sure he's well aware of the consequences.
He's between a rock and a hard place when it comes to Perez though. If Adam neglects/bashes him things might get ugly so I think he is just trying to be smart about it. It seems to be working out well for now lol.
Just sayin.
Hollandfan, thanks for the link...mighty good rendition of Fever by Alex.
Hollandfan, Thanks for the link. Think Alex did a decent job. Choreography good and male oriented like Adam's. Alex's tone not as pleasing as Adam's, whose vocals are really tough to beat. Think Perez has some hero worship and maybe some envy going on. I think the rash of teen suicides and the backlash Perez got for outing celebrities was an awakening of sorts for him. I think he realized the power of words bear some responsibility and there can be devastating consequences. I think he's making an effort and time will tell. People can grow up and change direction. I also think Adam can take care of himself and is pretty intuitive about people. funbunn40
Perez has really pretty eyes. If he shaved and did something with his hair and got the hell outa' that pink jump suit, he could look gorgeous!
Are ya listening Perez baby!
And ya have to be nice too!
That mute part was really cute.
Just loved watching Adam, when he told he was dating and just one person.
Happiness is visible and it shows on his face and in his body he could not keep it inside anymore...So happy for you, BB!
yes I loved that part too..when he told he was dating one person...I loved his body language too..have to replay that part..He and Perez had a good interview..
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