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Poll: Which Song Should Have Been A Single?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 19, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, February 19, 2011

This is made for fun! Which song or songs from the debut album "For Your Entertainment" do you think should have been a single? The bonus tracks like "Can't Let You Go" are added too because they are very popular among the fans.

Which Song Should Have Been A Single?
Music Again
Sure Fire Winners
A Loaded Smile
Pick U Up
Broken Open
Master Plan
Down the Rabbit Hole
Can't Let You Go free polls


Anonymous said...

I could't decide so i voted for all of them as its a fun vote:)
Glambrit IOW UK

Serena said...

Glambrit IOW UK - LOL! I wanted to do that but in the end, I ONLY voted for "Can't Let You Go".

I can't understand why that song was a BONUS song in the first place. It is the BEST Adam song I have ever heard so far.

Anonymous said...

Serena, looks like you're not alone. I voted and now it looks like that song is leading this poll. Along with FEVER.

I liked FEVER and I'm sure it would have been a hit but I prefer CLYG more. It's an epic awesome song.

Anonymous said...

Can't Let You Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Only 3 votes for Broken Open?!!!! NO!!!

Anonymous said...

How come the numbers didn't change after I voted?

Anonymous said...

11:06 - I think it's delayed for a minute or two.

I just voted and it counted. "FEVER" is my vote. And it's leading. Not really leading but tied with Can't Let You Go.

glitzylady said...

I'm with you, all are great in their own way..

And since we are talking "radio play single" here, I do really LOVE "Fever" and think it might have done well, except.....well, you know, that one word..which is apparently why Adam and his label did not release it. They were afraid it would not get played as a result, and did't want it to be a "fail". It is a really fun song, very catchy, not too deep, and perfect for radio play and it's GREAT club dance music.. It is still my "go-to" song from the album to play in the car on my way to work in the morning, gets me going and I can go into work with that song playing in my head, and just leaves me with a very happy and "up" feeling...From comments I have read here, from the mom's who played the CD in their cars, with their kids as a captive listening audience (I can relate to that ....), and from those with teens and 20-something "kids" too, it seems that Fever was the favorite (or at least one of the favorite) song(s) on Adam's American release album among the "younger" crowd, and that is what ultimately gets played on the KISS-type Top 40 stations, it would seem. So my vote goes to "Fever" in that "if this were a perfect world" scenario...A fun music video to go along with it would have clinched it I think...Oh well....

Anonymous said...

So hard to choose! They are all great! Aftermath.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady - was FEVER really omitted from the SINGLES choices because of that one word?

that sucks :(

I honestly think FEVER would have gone to #1 on Billboard if they had released it. It's a very catchy song.

Anonymous said...

Vote for ADAM at this poll ... he has 0% ... only 5 votes per day ... but PLEASE VOTE as OFTEN as you can .........

PLEASE don't let ADAM down .. Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

Really hard to chose, but I went with Aftermath. Love the message and the more rock sound. I don't know if fever would get played here in the U.S. unfortunately. I know it has done well in some other countries.When the cd first came out my teenage daughter put aftermath on her Ipod first,and still says it's her favorite.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Pick U Up should be released as a follow-up single to If I Had You. It's perfect; fun, uplifting (in my opinion) and it's perfect for radio, especially in the Hot AC and AC formats.

Anonymous said...

No! to Fever because it is too much of Gaga.

My choice is Pick U Up!!!!!!!!!

adamluv said...

Difficult decision but went with Sure Fire Winners. Aftermath #2 and Sleepwalker #3. Wish we could have put them in order of preference, not just voting for one.

Anonymous said...

"Fever" belongs to live performance, not for TV performance.

Adam needs to have MEGA hit to appeal to many, also for young people. So I would like "Pick U UP" to be the next single! What do you think?

glitzylady said...

Oh, and I wanted to add that my vote for "Fever" was based on thinking about what song could have been a hit on radio of course, not necessarily what my favorite song is from the album. I love to listen to "Aftermath", "Soaked", and "Broken Open", especially his live concert acoustic versions..Unbelievable in the perfection of his voice. But still go with "Fever" for that "theoretical" radio play thing, even though it wasn't happening. I remember that Adam said somewhere in an interview that they would not release it here because of the concern over the word "he", so my opinion is a moot point anyway. And as I recall, Adam's Dad Eber, who is a great connoisseur of rock music said "Pick U Up" was his favorite song on the album, so it's likely he was onto something..I personally thought it might possibly have been a better choice than "If I Had You" when it was announced, too : ). All speculation on my part. Just fun to think about the possibilities... As they say, its water under the bridge now. And I wonder if they would release the new version of Aftermath as a single if it does well as a digital download...Hmmm....

Anonymous said...

Glitzlady- that would be amazing to release the new version of aftermath,but chances are they won't. Especially if there is no video with it and don't think Adam has time for that. He will be working hard on his new album.The possibilities could have been endless if RCA had decided to release just one more song off FYE.

Anonymous said...

Geez, am I the only one that voted for one and it took me forever to decide lol in the end can't let you go won, very tough decision between that and broken open lol. wish we really did have some say in this, we would get it right I think.


Anonymous said...

From the beginning I thought the following JUMPED out of the CD as definite singles:

-Music Again (should have been first single based on the message of the song alone!)

-Fever (yes, catchy as all get out; they should have done one version "There he goes..." but then another "There she goes..." and if a radio station was offended they could pick the female pronoun; this would have generated all kinds of additional buzz just like Cee Loo's "F%$k You" vs. "Forget You" --- right?? Thing is, it's a huge, disastrous WASTE that this song wasn't released because of FEAR and I think RCA really BOMBED bigtime on this by not having a little bit of ingenuity; then again, RCA has not made the wisest decisions overall with Adam where his singles are concerned, IMHO).

-Sure Fire Winners (well, they did release it in NZ, didn't they?)

-Strut (always thought this had great potential; I'm sure cowriter Kara DioGuardi was very disappointed!)

-Pick U Up (ok, so it's basic pop, but it's VERY GOOD pop and my favorite song on the album; those soaring vocals on the melody!)

And since that time over the course of the past year, I also think that "Sleepwalker" would be a good single, although I'd prefer to see a LIVE version of it on single more because it was way more rockin' in concert!)


I would cast all of the above aside if they decided to release "Can't Let You Go." This is just the most epic song ever! THIS would have been the song nominated and WON for a Grammy -- it is in a completely different class and would have blown "Just The Way You Are" out of the water. And it fits like a puzzle piece with the rest of the themes of the album.

The only thing I can think of as to why it wasn't released, and this may be stretching a bit, but: if it had become a hit, that means that Adam would have had to have sung it in concert and on TV over and over again and he was scared it was going to ruin his voice. I mean, he did have a vocal coach readjust the parts where his high notes are on SFW for the tour to preserve his pipes, didn't he? And it would have been hard to have toned down the song, a la WWFM, as those high-high's are part of what makes the song so dramatic and so epic.

ANNETTE said...


glitzylady said...

@anon 1:12 PM
Possibilities indeed...(sigh...) and no doubt you are right about Aftermath. But onward to the next album!

Anonymous said...

Boy it's a slow couple of days with adam gone. Thanks 24/7 for keeping us occupied lol. Very hard decision, personally I loved soaked, but radio play success (with what people like today) would have to be fever or pick u up. I hope Can't let you go is on his next album as a bonus track, that also could be a potencial hit if people listen to lyrics anymore?


Anonymous said...

Sleepwalker for me. Love this song so much. As someone said on one of the comments, yes, Fever is written Gaga all over it. As if Adam is doing karaoke of one of her unpopular songs. Not my cup of tea. Mix-up of Adam's Sleepwalker with some parts of Ryan Tedder's version would be epic.

Anonymous said...

OFF topic I wonder why adam just twittered an hour ago he misses his glamnation family? Kind of odd or mayble I'm reading into it too much. But he is gaining thousands of twitter followers daily (so that's good). Sorry to interupt this thread already coted " can't let you go"

Anonymous said...

it is fun but I hope they recognized Time for Miracle as well. Love them all anyways.

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Collaboration version of Sleepwalker with B.o.B. I love B.o.B. Or Nicki Minaj. That's what we hear on the radio all the time. A lot of collaboration. Jesse J done her first single in U.S. collaborating with B.o.B. Same with Bruno Mars.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad Sleepwalker didn't do so well in Canada, and Canada really loves Adam. Again I think it was lack of video or maybe an edit for radio would have been better. SFW I believe is doing well in New Zealand. I have to say thank goodness Whatya want from me was released with an awesome video. It did so well everywhere and has put Adam on the map globally.I am glad he said his next album would go in that direction.

Anonymous said...

Mom from toronto Do you have an opinion on why Sleepwalker did not fare so well in Canada? Just wanted to get a Canadian's perspective. thanks

Anonymous said...

He is just tossing out a crumb because he knows he is away from everyone. Maybe he is responding to other tweets from people saying they miss him.

Fever is my choice - I think it would have done well on the radio here in Canada. It's the one my teens liked the most - they found some of the others boring and less upbeat.
The first 3 words could have been changed to anything, even Oh no no, anything that rhymes, I agree it was a waste of a great song. Also agree that CLYG would have knocked Bruno out of the game, I found his JTWYA to become really boring after a few times

Anonymous said...

Saw a tweet that told him to get back to the beach, so they must be somewhere warm.
He lived and breathed every second with this glamnation family for many months and I'm sure they are very close. I don't read this as saying something like, I'm bored here with Sauli and want to kiss Tommy... I think he's just sayin hello

Anonymous said...

The music forum I follow daily has said that "Can't Let You Go" is technically very difficult to sing live and that is why it was added as a bonus on the overseas cd and would never be released as a single. I think it is the most beautiful song Adam has ever sung and shows his vocal talent to the max. Of course I voted for CLYG.

Anonymous said...

I saw his tweet and cry cry! I miss Glamnation family too. Glad at least I ordered the GNT Live CD/DVD and can't wait to get it. I think maybe Adam is back home. He only used his 3 days free Golden Globe gift to Bora Bora. I read somewhere that there isn't any cell. phone connection when you're there. Plus it's such a dreamy place who wants to be bothered with technology stuff.

Anonymous said...

I voted CLYG, a very powerful song but I am not sure if it will do well in radio and I live in Canada. I heard sleepwalker few times but suddenly disappear before Grammy week. Now I only hear WWFM on radio. I don't know how radio work either, but all the top radio play songs here have music videos to go with. We have music TV channel to show top20 few times a day.

Anonymous said...

All of them. It would have made the radio way more interesting than it is today.

Anonymous said...

Soaked is great. could be a single

Hk fan said...

I agree totally with glitzylady, my choices were fever and music again. Not because they are my favourite on the cd (although i do love them both), but because they would sound the best on the radio, they are more pop, and they would appeal to a wider, younger audience. Can't believe 'he' is such a problem when a song called 'F**k you' was nominated for a Grammy, and Rihanna 'rude boy' and her new one S&M are OK. music again I think would have done well in Europe as it has a Mika and Scissor Sisters vibe to it. I love can't let you go, but its way over produced and drowns out his voice,(although prefer I just Love you) don't think it would work on radio.Don't think loaded smile, or broken Open would work or radio either,(but they are 2 of my favourites). I think Aftermath would make a better radio hit than sleepwalker (love both...) and I think part of the reason sleep walker didn't do so well in Canada is because of lack of video to support it, and no TV/radio promotions.

Anonymous said...

We go with all of them. We're still enjoying the UK CD. Bought this CD for "Can't Let You Go. Rips your heart out. Shoot you where you live, say many. We don't think it's way over-produced. The orchestration was fine, just over-amped. Adam's vocals are incomparable.

Anonymous said...

It's not my favorite but I think Master Plan would have been a pop hit with the radio listening audience, it's a youth anthem.

I think Sleepwalker would appeal to those who liked WWFM and Pick U Up would appeal to IIHY fans.

Personally I'm a great sweeping ballad type of girl. Love Soaked,Broken Open,A Loaded Smile,Can't Let You Go and Time for Miracles.


Icon said...

@ Glambrit IOW/UK

I have to tell you, aunt: yesterday, when mommy and I tryed to get our daily shot of sweet Adam we saw that drunk troll (what does that mean?) all over the tread. So I asked mommy to walk me out side but it was raining and she said: «Come over here with your boyfriend Ping Pong and play with these old magazines, you can get some fun off them»... so I did it. My boyfriend Ping Pong likes TV series but I like music better, and when I found a picture of BOY GEORGE I was hungry and I ate a little bit of it. And now I'm sick to my stomach! Mommy told me you may give me a good medicine!? What is that? That green stuff, liquid chlorophile that sweet Adam likes? Am I spelling «its flavor» right? Yeeeek!

glitzylady said...

So.. the consensus is: we like ALL of Adam's songs, because they are all fabulous in their own way, and it's too bad that more weren't released as singles...Which is what we've been saying all along! Next time......

Icon said...

Oh, of course I voted for SOAKED... «threeice»!

Anonymous said...

Interesting article about Adam's next album;_ylt=AlHTBOV69Gf7dBPlmwCKgckppxx.;_ylv=3

Anonymous said...

I surprise that "Sure Fire Winners" doesn't get many votes. It was released in NZ few weeks ago with big success.

Anonymous said...

I would have included TFM. I loved that song.

Anonymous said...

Re ICON.....good pussy for destroying the boy george picture but NO you must never ever have anything or eat anything that has anything to do with that VILE Man..he is not very nice and is very toxic..hope you are feeling and enjoying your playmate ping pong. btw i hope Adam ditches the Boy george hat this year...
the green blood that Adam drinks and recommends on a daily basics and won,t leave the house without and played a big part in keeping Adam healthy all through Glamnation Tour is called
........ Liquid Chlorophyll........
as Adam is Holidaying here's something to read

Chlorophyll, the green "blood" of plant life is made by plants through a chemical process called photosynthesis. And amazingly, it essentially has the same effects in the body as iron, so it builds our own blood naturally. Catabolic and anabolic at the same time, liquid chlorophyll is a powerful detoxifier and tonic. It cleanses the blood and builds red blood cells while doing it.
Because liquid chlorophyll's composition contains calcium, it is highly useful for people as well as animals with arthritis, bone diseases, and hip dysplasia. Chlorophyll heals chronic conditions both internally and externally, and stops the growth and development of toxic bacteria. Chlorophyll removes toxins from the bones, blood tissues, and intestines. And because chlorophyll helps to thicken and strengthen the walls of the cells, it is also a nutritional aid for the immune system.
Liquid chlorophyll counteracts toxins, the result is that the body heal faster. It also works in purifying the liver, eliminates old toxic material, and deodorizes the bowels and the entire body. In the colon, liquid chlorophyll helps keep the colon healthy by destroying disease causing bacteria. It works well in eliminating body odors, abscesses, and other skin sores in people as well as animals. In fact it's a great help for any digestive problems, constipation, or diarrhea.
Indeed, liquid chlorophyll is non-toxic, safe and soothing to body tissues, so it's considered very safe for people of all ages. It is actually a whole food, instead of medication. Liquid chlorophyll is available in herbal shops, and of course, eating lots of deep green vegetables is the perfect way to get this great wonder tonic into your system.

.phew ...thank god for cut and paste it's is so handy and quick lol
Glambrit IOW UK

Icon said...

@@ aunt Glambrit IOW/UK

Prrrrwweeeeeaaawwwww! Thanks for the lesson, and all those details. Mommy is gonna look for liquid chlorophyll («clorofila liquida» in Portuguese) in herbal shops and buy us some.
Hope it doesn't turn me into a green cat or grows me roots from my little ass and branchs from my little ears...

Anonymous said...

@Ikon You and your Mom are hilarious!
May be one day we will see your picture on this blog:)
By the way. Thanks for reminding about chlorophyll. Try to find it in the store.

Anonymous said...

@anon 1:51 p.m. good question. I love the message of sleepwalker but I always hear IIHY and WWFM. Mostly teens are favor of these songs. I hope I gave a bit of what is going on here in Toronto base..... Hope more fans will request Sleepwalker.

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Fever and SFW were released as singles here in NZ and did really well considering there were no videos to support the. Which means they were missed by a whole group namely the music channel viewers. The radio doesnt seem to be a lot of peoples choice these days.We are also unable to purchase singles from music stores here, all of these are a hinderence to the 2 singles going higher on our charts, as WWFM and If I had you have done.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

You New Zealanders rock. Thanks for loving and supporting Adam so much. I agree a video helps songs as a lot of teenagers watch music channels.
But Adam's songs like Fever and SFW seem to do pretty well there. Might be moving to New Zealand!

Anonymous said...

It's too bad "Time for Miracles" couldn't be on this list.

Anonymous said...

I agree that "Time for Miracles" should have been released, though I am among the "Pick U Up" fans. I was so happy when I found out awhile back that Eber also like it best.

Anon 2:19 who said "He only used his 3 days free Golden Globe gift to Bora Bora. I read somewhere that there isn't any cell. phone connection when you're there."

I wonder since there is no cell service I wonder if he tweeted this from his laptop?


Anonymous said...

Icon and GIOW, thanks so much for the smiles and good info! (yes,I'll have to go get some more liquid chlorophyll now's been a long while.....).

I agree with GIOW: ALL of them!

But for easy radio HITS: SFW after hearing it's doing well in NZ, Strut, Pick U Up for sure, Sleepwalker collaboration with a GREAT idea, Fever with several different versions is a GREAT idea (I have heard 7 different versions of "F You", if you include Gwyneth's Glee and Grammy versions, and the newest Cee Lo version on the radio - with all the sound effects - is actually my they can be WAY creative with one song).

And oh, how I wished for TFM to be HUGE hit like Michael Slezak said it would be! I remember the first hundred or so times I heard it, I had tears of absolute JOY for Adam's perfection every time.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie....yes i agree about TFM Adam's vocals are Epic and that video...i just love it, Adam looks drop dead deliciously tall and those long know what i thinking and saying..mmmmm
also thankyou so much for those 2 links....
charlie loves Adam Lambert..gosh so adorabley sweet...hearts coming out of Adam Lambert eyes yes for sure..i loved it and the amazing picture of Adam its just so beautiful...i have already added that to my Adam Gallery
thanks again
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

You are so welcome GIOW....I'm glad you liked them! I use my history each day so I can start 24/7 with that amazing just warms my heart and makes me smile SO much!

Now I'd better go watch that deliciousness you reminded me of in the TFM video!
