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Adam Lambert Congratulates "GLAM It UP NZ" Competition Winner!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Anonymous said...

Sweet lucky lassies!!!

Anonymous said...

dang that's not the one I voted for but they were all good.

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling quite fond of New Zealanders right now, thank you for putting Adam's GNT on your albums chart....hope it goes up and up..JAK

Anonymous said...

Cute video and congrats to them. They had to be thrilled! NZ fans have excellent taste! Good going! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

wow they really a hard working fans of our Adam... Thanks for loving him ladies and congratulations to all the success and keep it up.

Lots of love to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Congratulations AlexRose312! Love the NZ love for Adam! :D

Anonymous said...

So great... on so many levels!


Anonymous said...

What, not James or Jacob whom he has praised in the past? I feel a bit unsettled that Adam should be "endorsing" anyone at this point, and feel people should make up their own minds. Also, it was a bit mean to imply that some are so bad that Simon would comment about it. Leave them alone and enjoy your own career which you so highly deserve.

Fan4fun said...

@ Anon. 11:05AM

Hey there... guess what? You are in the wrong thread!
Guess again? Sweet Adam doesn't need your advices!

Anonymous said...

I think it's great that Adam is watching and supporting Idol. He's been very loyal to the show that gave him the exposure he needed to capture his dream and allowed us the gift of discovering him. I think people are smart and have their own varied taste and if they are influenced by Adam giving an opinion according to his taste, that doesn't say much for their individuality. I think it's great that Adam shares his opinions with us. We are free to agree or disagree and vote for your fave accordingly. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Hey, Fan4fun, Who does Icon like? Soaked is a pretty hard act to follow. On second thought he's probably not letting Ping Pong out of his sight and isn't watching! funbunn40

Icon said...

@ aunt funbunn40

I didn't watch AIS8 because unfortunatelly I wasn't born at that time but mommy said she never minded the competition before, much less after season 8, only if sweet Adam appears there. I'm under age, so I have to obey to my mommy. And you are right, I have been babysitting Ping Pong, at least until he makes his mind that he is not a chicken. We had to hide all the eggs in ours houses (mine and aunt Esther's). If he finds one, soon he feels the need to sit down on it and hatch it.
PS: Did you read my whole P.P.R.R. (Ping Pong Rescue Report) in part1, part2, part3, part4, part5(in 3 parts) and epilogue(in 2 parts)????? If not you should!

Anonymous said...

OT...Hi Sweet Icon, Tell mommy that I read every part of Ping Pong's kidnapping adventure and it should be a children's book! I had commented on another thread, but now forget which one. Ask her to please give Ping Pong some catnip and after it takes effect to hypnotize him with a toy mouse on a string, swinging it back and forth, saying in a cat like voice, "You are not a chicken, you are a cat. Chickens are your friends that like to play and sit on their eggs. Cats aren't allowed, as their claws could crack the eggs and they weigh too much." If that doesn't work, Ping Pong may have to see Kentucky Fan for smore intense therapy. Ask mommy for some catnip and some behind the ears scratching, as you've been a very helpful good cat. Playing Soaked wouldn't hurt, either. love, Auntie funbunn40 xxxooo