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Adam Lambert Featured in US Weekly

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, March 31, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, March 31, 2011



Fan4fun and Icon said...

- Here HE is... having fun among #1 ones! One step to go and voila: RICH and FAMOUS! That's my Diamond Boy!!!
- OUR! meaaaaw... «our», «our», «OUR»!!!
- OK, correction: «OUR» Diamond Boy! (Glamshit, I want my privacy back!)
- Hehe, meawwwww-HA!!!

The Dark Side said...

Well hells bells! Will have to run out and buy this mag. Wonder if I am the only person who only buys magazine if Adam is in it? I would probably buy lots more, if he was featured lots more--this is all part of a pattern here.

glitzylady said...

@The Dark Side
Haha! I have some magazines I wouldn't have even looked at if it weren't for Adam..Details for instance! Now safely stashed in my "Adam drawer" my bedstand....

Anonymous said...

This is very cool, as exposure like this makes way for the 2nd album. The success among the general audience is all about name+face recognition.

Anonymous said...

Awesome picture!!!

Adamluv said...

And did you notice there are no descriptive words before his name as to who/whom (?) he is! Just his name! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

anon 2:38 you don't know what you're talking about! do ya?

Anonymous said...

Yay, no reference to Adam as AI runnerup or AMA controversial figure this time! Adam is well known now in all the right circles. Have to laugh about buying mags because of Adam being in them. I bought one and can't read a word of it. It's in Japanese! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I did notice Adamluv (and funbunn40) indeed, so great, so great! Progress. Too bad there aren't 100+ comments on THIS thread (comments of positivity and hopefulness). Whatevs... human nature... whatcha gonna do?


Anonymous said...

We've all turned into 15 year old girls! JAK

Anonymous said...

He stands out, doesn't he? He the best looking one there. Wish they had a video of them singing together. He looks like he is having good time with his peers. All talented people.


Anonymous said...

It is great to see Adam whether he is with other celebrities or just his friends. People are just people. But I have to confess that if I saw Adam I would just probably stand there with my hand over my mouth. I wouldn't want to embarrass my self by screaming and acting like a teen. I'm way older than that.

Anonymous said...

Please! My kids gave me a subscription to US Weekly & I've been to he mailbox 18 times & it's not here yet!! The one person I have waited to see & ....where is that mail lady anyway! Reading my magazine probably.


Anonymous said...


Your commment got on Google for this site!!


Anonymous said...

What a priviledge for them to be singing with Adam. HE is the superstar here.