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Adam Lambert - "If I Had You" (Tony Pryde remix)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 21, 2011

Posted at : Monday, March 21, 2011

Looks like this week is all about remixes! A new (unofficial) remix of "If I Had You" is released. This is a remix by Tony Pryde. He gave "If I Had You" an electro revamp of epic proportions which is very suitable for clubs.

Note: This is not an official remix!


Anonymous said...

Perfect,fantastic, superb! I wish it would be possible to put this remix on the air!!!!! Tweet to Ryan Seacrest, please!
I wanted to dance when I just started to listen this remix! Unfortunately, I am at work:)
"24/7 GOLDEN AWARD" to Tony Pryde! I am sure everybody will agree with me!!! Including Adam!
Tony, how about "Down To The Rabbit Hole"? I think it would be great remix for dancing clubs;)

The Dark Side said...

Bouncing off my chair as I listen. Yeah, it works!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay I'm cast as the bad guy again....

I always use earbuds when I'm on the computor so about halfway thru my ear canals were aching and before the end I'm sure I could smell my brain sizzling.

I don't get was already a dance POPPY song did it really need static added?

Face it I just don't like remixes! It's my contention that if a song was written right in the first place.>>LEAVE IT ALONE<<.

I surrender converting me is hopeless....JAK

Anonymous said...

Meh... LOVE the original "IF I Had YOU" just the way it was... AWESOME vocals, really appreciated after seeing/hearing live. Don't think this is an improvement... or even a lateral pass...or even why?... It's just ok.

The original is bright, upbeat, perky, uplifting and "dancey" -- great for a club just the way it is...

@ Delilah, Hi girlfriend... scratching head... Jeez, you didn't like the other one (Feeling Good) that I LOVED--even though yes, the original was beautiful haunting and mesmerizing on it's own, that remix had such a sensual quality that made it even more perfect for party/club action, or just listening... BUT you LIKE this one??? oh well, we're opposites this time.


Anonymous said...

Hey, while I haven't loved some of the other remixes, I like this one. It's different. Has Adam heard it? Just wondered. Great for exercising or dancing.

Anonymous said... got me dancing!

Anonymous said...

Didn't like it. The re-mix part & Adams part did not seem to mesh together well to me. Seemed like they were in conflict...fighting to be the one that is heard. Oh well, maybe I should listen again. (only second time putting a comment on this site since finding it about 4 months ago.) Really enjoy this site.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to comment that yesterday on my local KISS radio station, Ryan Seacrest was on doing his top 40 countdown I think, and I just happened to turn the radio on right when he was repeating the Adam debut of his Aftermath REMIX!! So cool. Then I left the room and happened to hear later when Ryan was mentioning the top people on radio right now like Katy Perry, Pink, and a couple others and he also included ADAM LAMBERT!! Woo HOO Ryan...way to finally start including Adam! I think Adam might possibly have been included in the top 40 but I'm not sure...anyone know? THEN, to top it all off, a little bit later I heard WWFM which I have been hearing again a bit on different radio stations!!!!

I'm so happy for BB! I hope spins are continuing to go up up up! Thanks AI for letting Adam sing again on your show!!


Anonymous said...

Here we go again ha!ha!ha!. Okay young or old if you like it go ahead have fun with the remix. I just have to wait for Adam to sing live again and enjoy him................ Good luck everyone and peace to all the fans.

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

@Cindy, Actually, who knows if I will love have this remix tomorrow, but I am in very gooooooood mood today:) May be this is the reason, that I wanna dance and this remix was fist dancing song I heard today:)
I just got two tuxido cats from shelter and very happy about it.
However, my dog isn't happy at all. Because these cats are just 10 months old and they lived in the shelter sence there were born. So, they don't have any idea who is this big animal which walk around the house. They torchered him all day yesterday:)
@daydreamin I hope Adam was included in top 40. So happy for him anyway because Searest put "Aftermath" in the air again!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it a good idea to live in peace even though our likes and dislikes are sometimes so far apart? I wish our Government would try it!

After all it's just not people outside our borders who are suffering, we're not doing so great a job at taking of those who live here.JAK

Anonymous said...

lol, JAK yuo got me chuckling on this one.. hope your ears are ok...and yes, ABSOLUTELY agree with your point @ 2:49 =)

Delilah... lol... glad yer in a dancing mood today, & congrats on the cats!! (poor dogie!)
You do change moods...(dizzy smile) Keep us posted!

& MOST important
@ Daydreamin...

YYESSS!!!! I heard the Adam interview on Ryan too yesterday!!! Woohooo! I was going to mention it here! SOO awesome to hear Adam ON prime time coast to coast top 40 radio. We must have been listening at the same time, (jeeez, lot of help we are!) 'cos I missed the rest too... but THRILLED that he was mentioned with the others!

Has anyone heard the remix??? I have requested it but haven't heard


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you hit refresh you can keep voting

Yellow Card in first place...that's the band that Longineau Parson's plays them but like Adam better.....

Anonymous said...

I loved the "Feeling Good" remix, it kept Adams vocals, plus the beat was good. If I Had You would be next, because it kept Adams vocals front and center. I agree the original has a good beat. Aftermath remix had a good beat, but it over took Adams vocals. I loved, loved, loved his AI Aftermath vocals.
Just my opinion.
@Eva: left you a message on thread where you gave me directions to retriving links. It worked, and I thank you so much.


Anonymous said...

Got Adam to #1 3X on the above link!! ... Hand is cramping. It was neck & neck for about an hour when I realized I just couldnt stay any longer.. =/
At any rate, the dvd comes out tomorrow!!! Hope it does REAL WELL in stores. Getting 1 tomorrow f/birthday giftie...


Anonymous said...

Cindy and daydreamin Great news that Ryan Seacrest is mentioning Adam more. I only heard the remix once the original debut. So glad he played it again. We need to request so it gets on the sir. I love the Aftermath remix. My teenage daughter loves it and so do her friends. This way younger people will get more into Adam! By the way what stations were you listening to and in what states?

Anonymous said...

Did I say gets on the sir,I meant air. Getting late for me.

Anonymous said...

YAY Cindy! I'm glad you caught it too!

anon 7:53 I heard it on 101.3 in the San Francisco Bay Area. (I know what you mean by "getting late for me"!!) It looks like JAK has also become a late nighter too! JAK, I hope you at least get to sleep in UNLIKE me!


Anonymous said...

I absolutely ADORE the original of If I Had You and it's such a great dance track as it is imho.

This remix is OK but some of it doesn't jell but I guess it would or will be great in a club. Adam's vocals of course are sublime. :-)

Anonymous said...

Don't care for this one much. I think because the original IIHY is already such a fun dance song.