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"Aftermath" Fan Montage (for Japan)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 21, 2011

Posted at : Monday, March 21, 2011

Thanks Sophadora123 for the video!


Anonymous said...

it's very touchy good job indeed..........

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

What an absolutely great idea....and the Gods are smiling on me no bump a bumpa bump and no static!:)

Love that Adam and Monte and the cute Alisan Porter...and love that people are helping the people in Japan. I love their dignity, no stories of looting or rioting, instead stories of sharing and quiet support.

Seeing so many different faces of Adam and degrees of makeup has enforced my belief that though the "dolled up Glambert" is a beautiful sight to see.......for every layer of makeup that comes off he looks younger and younger.

Right here and now I'm a very happy woman.JAK

Serena said...

I love it.

Japan is a great country. I'm sure they will make a big comeback.

Fan4fun said...

Oh Lord, what a touching montage!!!
May all these different looks of sweet Adam stay together with his constant and amazing voice, inspiring all of us to stay our courses and faiths, turning our paths into strength to our unfortunate fellows around this planet which thanks God has been already touched by sweet Adam Mitchel Lambert's power and light!

Anonymous said...

VOTE ..Adam in second place

Anonymous said...

Excellent job of putting this together. My heart goes out to Japan and so many other countries that have had earthquakes, flooding and etc.
Adam just twitted " Request the Aftermath Remix on your local radio stations all"

Side Note: I read the other day in newspaper that 53% of US is in favor of gay marriage. I believe " a change is gonna come". Men are beginning to change their minds. Women have always had a higher percentage than men for same sex merriage.

Anonymous said...

I think it's easier for women to accept that love speaks heart to heart, while men may too often equate love to another organ of the body.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:12 when I just voted, Adam was ahead by almost 3,000 votes...he's in first place!
