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‎New Old Adam Lambert Picture From "Wicked"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 21, 2011

Posted at : Monday, March 21, 2011

Credit: SusieFierce

Thanks to Adam Lambert News Network!


Anonymous said...

awww, that picture is so cute

Anonymous said...

Wow! He looks about 12 years old! Adorable as ever.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE all these "new" old pics showing up. More please!

Fan4fun said...

Haha!! Again, the tallest one!
What a sweet Adam!

Anonymous said...

Don't you just want to hug him?

Please resist the compulsion to build this statement into another run of sexual jokes.....try to just let it go at an affectionate hug. He does look cute and sweet and 12.....maybe 14...............JAK

Anonymous said...

I agree, he is just adorable! Yes, I wanna give him a big hug too!


Anonymous said...

That tee shirt has taken on a whole new meaning since this pic was taken!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha, good comment from 9:45 am.

OT - sauli's birthday is not for another week, March 28 I think. Hope there is someone watching the airport!

Anonymous said...

Tall, handsome, positive cutie pie. He just shines in whatever he does.

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of us, 10 comments and they are all "tasteful". We can do it if we try. Of course it helps that this isn't one of his nailbiting drop dead gorgeous photo shoots.
Keep up the good work.

I have my eye on a few of you who I feel are teetering on the brink......fight it! fight it!

Anonymous said...

Adam don't look as good then as he does now. MEGaSARcASTica^-^*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He looks full in the face. Moodi-Moana

Anonymous said...

He is perfectly gorgeous, perfectly kindhearted and perfectly talented. Adam is about positive energy, and that is what he exudes. Thanks for the wonderful pre-Idol picture.

Anonymous said...

That is one Wicked Picture!!


Anonymous said...

God he's so CUTEE!!! KATIE!!

Anonymous said...

Type in adam lambert magnet magazine vote.He is in second place after yellow card. It is for what cd are we looking forward to most next week. Of course glamnation live. Been watching my dvd and listening to the cd, amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

He's just flat adorable. He does light up the room. That smile!!!

Anonymous said...

He is such a "sweetheart" P.A.S.

The Dark Side said...

Hope he kept that T-shirt and those friends. Hey cute stuff!

Anonymous said...

Awwww..... so young and so cute!

Anonymous said...

He can hug anything I Got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dinah-mite said...

OMG! Adam looks like such a #SweetiePie! Yes, he just looks so HUGGABLE! His smile still can't be beat...

Waiting on UPS man to bring my GlamNation Package... HURRY UP DUDE!!!

Anonymous said...

So far so good......he always looks full in the face, he inherited that face from his dad. Those cheeks and freckles and smile make it possible for him to look achingly adorable.

I think we may make it...wouldn't that be something a page we actually wouldn't be ashamed of his family members reading?

Remember 1. Is it true?.....2. Is it kind?.....3.Is it necessary......Then let your fingers type.

JAK (presently known as Aunt Bea)

Anonymous said...

Holy mother of god I'm sorry to use this phrase but this young man is a gift. I wish he is my son..... Lucky parents to have this adorable and lovable young man.

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

@ Mom from Toronto, Canada:
I with you all the way on your comment @2:34 pm,
only wish he were MY son. Maybe we could share.

Anonymous said...

Well since I had first dibs to be his grandma that would make either Mom from Toronto or P.A.S. my adopted daughter....remember Mother's Day is coming up soon...anything sung by Adam would be a nice gift.....JAK (Mom)

Anonymous said...

vote Adam in second place

Anonymous said...

So funny !!!!! @ JAK

P.A.S and I can be your adopted daughters ha!ha!ha! and we all very happy to share Adam.....

I have only one child and she is 15 right now. Last time, I have mentioned to her that I wish Adam was my son and she just laughed and left the room.....

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Oh my....the shirt so fits the fuller faced a little weight when I hug....I imagine all the freckles, and just love the handsome smile. He is adorable, fantastic, and....oh...almost ruined this perfect site.....under control now.....he is soooooooooooo perfect in a brother, son, type way....or....oops almost ruined it. Yes....this is just one wicked picture!!!

Anonymous said...

@JAK &Mom from Toronto:

Agree with Mom from Toronto so funny!

I have only one child and he is 34 and I had him when I was 34. I think I may be old enough to be Mom from Toronto;s mom. oops gave away my age, but I don't care.
But JAK you have a right to adopt anyone you wish. I always wanted a big family.

Anonymous said...

older but wiser remember that sister?????ha!ha!ha!

I can be your younger sibling then if you like.

What a different vibes I'm feeling here right now and it should be like this a friendly conversation and enjoy the site.

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...


My oft stated to my family "I don't have a crush on Adam I just want him to be my second grandson" is never believed. I asked my daughter "Is he my type?" She admitted he wasn't. I always crush on tall thin pale bony fingered, boney nosed bookish looking men from Ireland (the beautiful young Peter O'Toole, Liam Neeson,Daniel Day-Lewis---actually hunted up his castle in Wicklow Ireland while on tour) or from the UK (Ralph Fiennes and the present young singer James Blunt) see Adams not my type! He's a beautiful grandson type to me. He and my handsome 6'5" dark dark brown haired boy with green eyes with gold sparks in them who is funny and sweet and sarcastic and a cuddlebug still at 23 would be just right.

I was born to be a grandma it's the best job I've ever had. My grandson insists I hang around to work my magic on his kids....I'm praying his little red haired girlfriend is Miss Right. I need those great grandchildren right now! JAK

Anonymous said...

Face it, JAK, you have a crush on Adam haha. Even if he is not your typical type. We all have a crush on Adam - how could anyone not??

Anonymous said...

Ahhh JAK, as a mom of one of the sweetest boys in the world (who's also a little tornado) I just loved this post! I felt all warm and fuzzy just reading it. Maternal love is the strongest love of all.

The love I feel for Adam is not maternal, at all, but maybe I don't fall into that age demographic (sorry) - but I TOTALLY get it! The love I feel for Adam stems mostly from a place of awe...and LUST...I won't lie. ;) I just wanna hang with him for an hour, have a drink and talk (ok, mostly listen). He is so intreguing and refreshing! Ahhh, and sexy! OK, if I just had an hour with him...oh, the conversations we'd have (heh, heh)!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Okay okay I can appreciate and joke about Adams extreme attraction because he isn't mine. I also recognize why my boy is attractive to girls, he's a clone I think of the late John F. Kennedy Jr. But of course I would never joke about his......attributes!

I would like to know Adam and see if what I suspect is true that he would feel right at home. We are a funny smart overly talkative bunch who love a rousing debate but never get mad if someone disagrees with our opinion. I think that's the kind of family he already has. I hope so. However if he ever needs an Florida Grandma I'm first in line. JAK

Anonymous said...

Well we did it, made it thru a whole day without getting SMUTTY....though Adam Fix weakened and teetered on the brink a bit. I know I know you could leash in your passion only so long. I still think any of the Lamberts could read this page. It's 2:57 am and I've been up 18 hours .

I resign as housemother........JAK

HK fan said...

I'm with you, definitely haven't got a maternal feeling for Adam....many other feelings, but not maternal.
and @Jak, you sound like such an amazing, fun lady, love reading your posts and getting to know you.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam chooses to write his Bio some day. He probably has so many stories to tell and lot's of pictures! He has great parents and family so, it would be a wonderful story with a lot to offer those kids who may walk the same path has he did.