Sauli Koskinen and Co-worker Katri at Adam Lambert's house!
Filed Under (pictures,Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Friday, April 1, 2011
Posted at : Friday, April 01, 2011
UPDATE: Looks like this is NOT an April Fool's Joke afterall! Katri herself published this picture on her blog. So this picture is genuine. But we still don't know where this was taken. This picture obviously was taken in Hollywood, but we're not sure whether it was taken in Adam's house or not.
(Thanks to the Finnish fans for the correction!)

Thanks Eva for the tip!
(Thanks to the Finnish fans for the correction!)
Thanks Eva for the tip!
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No one really knows where exactly the picture was taken, but I think we can guess, who is taking the picture. Pete the camera man is arriving tomorrow.:)
I love Sauli's shirt. :D
How we can know that? That picture could have been taken anywhere.
it's taken in Hollywood.
Hmmmmmmm, Adam's house has a view of the famous Hollywood sign?
The Examiner just printed an article 4 hours ago saying both Adam and Justin Beiber will be on Glee for their prom show episode in May!
@sweetie- I saw that too and got all excited- It was an April fools joke.
Sweetie, I hope it is true and not a bad April Fools joke!
The Glee thing is an April's fools joke. Nice pic and very pretty scenery. If this is Adam's house he has a nice view. I wonder if the sliding doors off the balcony go into Adam's bedroom. Yum. I like the flowers on the balcony too.
California scares me, I keep thinking about mudslides with homes heading downhill. If necessary Adam RUN!
Nice pic! Hope it is Adam's about a peek inside honey!
That pic is obviously photoshopped..
Sauli&Kat don´t go with the backround, and the shadows/higlights are all wrong..
I´m guessing this is a April Fools-joke ?
ps. Adam would never ever reveal where and how he lives....
Location,location.Leave it to Adam.
they are saying that California is going to get hail the size of baseballs this week. I would be running if I was them!
I hope this isn´t an April Fools joke.
"Logo TV’s – New Now Next Awards April 11 at 10PM EST
Promo ad says Adam Lambert will be performing! Featuring Robyn!"
Wasn´t he presenting? Featuring Robyn? What does that mean? She is Swedish but I don´t think she´s any good. Sounds like 12 years old.
How come the photo is an april fool joke from twitter if Katri published the same pic in her blog?
Lol, this isn't photoshopped. Katri posted it in Facebook and also in her blog.
Hey this is not an april fool's joke! How can you say that? Go to Katri's blog and learn some finnish that you can read what she says about this. But don't fool other people here now, please. This is NOT an april fool's joke.
The only thing that might be misleading is the headline - no one knows where this pic is taken or who has taken it..
People are so gullible! This is an obvious PhotoShop. The weird shadows and hollywood sign give it away. Good April fools joke.
It's not joke, because we finnish people would know if it is. Katri published that pic in hers blog, and she don't publish any jokes!!!!
Go to Katri's blog and learn some finnish that you can read what she says about this. But don't fool other people here now, please. This is NOT an april fool's joke.
Dear Finnish people everywhere
Please don't ask me to attempt to learn Finnish at my advanced present I'm in the process of forgetting the English I've spoken for over 70 years. I will accept anything you translate for me with gratitude....JAK :)
Good grief people- the april fools joke is that justin bieber and adam are scheduled to sing on glee in may- That is the april fools joke.! Although this picture is real is does looked photoshpped for sure- they are just showing the picture because of the hollywood picture in the background with houses that we are all going to speculate that it's adams. I just don't see them giving any clue to where he really lives. IMOP
That was a good april joke "Go to Katri's blog and learn some Finnish" LOL.
wow beautiful view
@Sanni, or any other Finnish fan
Rakastan sinua
Is that "I love you" in Finnish? I bet Adam have learned that phrase.
I bet Adam HAS learned that ....
Eva yes it is but we never say that sentence. I hope it still is a April Fools' Day. Jag älskar dig Eva.
@Eva.. that´s right, I love you is Minä rakastan sinua in Finnish.. But in Finland we don´t use that phrase as easily as it is used in English.
Whatever, where ever, they look fabulous!
Lizard Eyes
"Please don't ask me to attempt to learn Finnish at my advanced present I'm in the process of forgetting the English I've spoken for over 70 years. I will accept anything you translate for me with gratitude....JAK :)"
Thanks for the laughs JAK..
Learning Finnish would be too much to ask, I know :) The grammar is almost impossible even for Finns. Fortunately we learn the language as kids by listening. I+m sure Finnish fans are more than willing to help you guys with translations.
So whether pic is fake or not katri didn't say this is Adams house right? So people are just saying that because they wish it was his house?
We take love very seriously, you say that only when you mean it..
its not a sentence you give everyone "just to be nice " its said when you really really really love someone ;)
so many cultural differences
pic has small vingette which might have been added afterwards but shadows on the skin comes from the tree leaves ( and i am professional in this business)
Well, I'm glad the photo is real, but I am sooooo bummed that The Examiner would publish something that is just an April's Fool joke.
I was so excited about Glee....imagining that it would maybe be a dream sequence where some Glee characters wanted Justin Beiber to play for the prom, where others wanted Adam....and they would show both scenes as they played out in those characters' imaginations.
Well, at least I enjoyed it in MY imagination.
Apologies for falling for it peeps!
On the topic of Finnish being a difficult and confusing language for foreigners...
Minä rakastan sinua, AND, Rakastan sinua, are both grammatically correct and mean the exact same thing. However, nobody I know ever speaks like that, or if they do they might be sniggered at for sounding like a walking grammar book. :D
Depending on which part of Finland you're from, the dialects vary immensely. Here are some examples:
Mä rakastan sua.
Mää rakastan sinnuu.
Mie rakastan siu.
Mie rakastan siuta.
Mää rakastoon sua.
And so on and so forth. Oh, and you can always leave the personal pronoun out of the sentence if you want to. The verb always has a personal ending depending on who the subject in the sentence is.
But isn't it nice that Sauli, like all young Finnish people, can speak English, and so we glamberts don't have to worry about Adam spending all his time learning Finnish when he should be focusing on making divine new music?:)
Love that affectionate term, that's what I call my hulk of a grandson! sigh!
Anyway.....other than interviews and performances I'm afraid it may be awhile before we see Adam on a TV show. He said a year ago that though he'd like it, it would depend on the material. There are landmines for him to avoid.
Gay parts that might offend fellow gays and straights and straight parts that would be picked apart for any SIGNS of gayness .
Find a good writer who can avoid those pitfalls. It won't be easy. :( JAK
JAK, your comment above has got the writer inside of me all excited about the hundreds of parts I'd like to see Adam perform. I should be sleeping and instead I'm wide awake at 5 AM, shooing the plot bunnies away. Oh well, perhaps I'll put them into good use later when I'm once again writing fanfiction for one of the various different fandoms that I dabble in. (Dear hobby of mine.)
Okay, I will go back to sleep now. Hopefully I'll dream a dozen different dreams all starring a certain dark-haired man. :)
PS Isn't it soon nighttime in America, as well? Is it not bedtime for fabulous glambert grannies, yet? :)
Elli dear
I love the "plot bunnies", perfect description. I also suffer from or enjoy plot bunnies. They scamper through my brain continually awake or asleep. I never go to bed without a notebook and pen on night table. I wake up in the morning and find a story line or a few lines of poetry or sometimes a whole poem waiting for me.
My brain sends me messages all night. Are you able to program your dreams (choose what you want to dream about)? I've done it since I was about 7 years old. Therefore
I never have a nightmare (bad dream). It's a
handy attribute.
It is 5 minutes to midnight here in Florida, but sleep evades me, my mind is hopping with plot bunnies for Easter stories for my great granddaughters, the illustrations are there too.
I am an exceedingly strange old woman....JAK :)
It is 3;05 in the morning here in florida and I can't sleep so I do what I always do..go to this website,,read about or listen to Adam sing or talk and it soothes me right lowers the blood pressure...
That is an amazing tattoo Sauli's got on his arm! Would be curious for a closer look at it.
Thanks, all you Finnberts, for joining our little Adam-universe here at 24/7! We're enjoying your insights.
- Adam Fix
I envy you your ability to program your dreams. I've never heard of such a thing being possible. Sometimes I can however return to a dream that I've just woken from. I know, not quite as impressive as your ability, but still pretty neat. I remember the first time it happened. I was in the middle of a dream where I had just met the most interesting and gorgeous woman (yes, I'm gay) and was about to ask her out to a date. Right at the crucial moment, my alarm clock went off. I've never felt more frustrated in my life, and my reaction was to immediately hit the snooze button and force myself back to the dream before the sleepy haze could evaporate completely. And so, like magic, I was able to return to the dream and pick up where I'd left off! The funny thing is, the dream woman turned out to be a complete bore in the end. :D
The notebook and pen on the night table... I do that as well. Sometimes, though, I find that the ideas for plots that I've scribbled down in the morning make absolutely no sense whatsoever in the evening when I have time to review what I've written. More often than not, I'm doubled over with laughter when my brain takes in the weirdly surrealistic ideas that had seemed perfectly alright in the first moments of being awake. Makes for good entertainment during nights out with my mates, mind you.
This morning was one of the rare mornings where I wasn't tempted to pick up the pen – quite the opposite. I woke up to a nightmare where I was falling endlessly through air. This, unfortunately, is a frequently reoccurring dream. I usually have it when I'm feeling particularly skittish about something stressful or bad that's going on in my life.
I hope your day starts on a more pleasant note than mine did. Oh, and you're not strange at all, JAK. You're a wonderfully warm and funny person. Reading your comments always puts me in a good mood. People like you are the heart and soul of 24/7. Unlike all the obnoxious trolls that keep popping up from time to time... But no matter, I can always bear skimming through all the ugly comments when I know that in almost every thread there is bound to be one or two (or ten, lol) riotously funny comments from you.
Your friend from across the pond,
I love Sauli's shirt. :D
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