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"Behind The Music: Adam Lambert" Premieres Wednesday, August 10 at 10 PM ET/PT

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, May 23, 2011

Posted at : Monday, May 23, 2011

From VH1:

"Glam-rock powerhouse, Adam Lambert has taken pop music by storm with his handsome looks, electrifying stage theatrics and jaw-dropping vocal acrobatics. In this episode of Behind the Music, Adam Lambert opens up to VH1 about the challenges he faced during his childhood including realizing he was gay in 6th grade. After finally coping with his identity, Adam freed himself at the age of 18, coming out to his family and moving to Hollywood, CA to pursue his dream of being an entertainer. Struggling to make ends meet, Lambert received his first big break when he landed a part in the European tour of Hair at age 19. The excitement of his first role brought out Adam’s wild side as he began to experiment with sex, drugs and rock n’roll. For the next eight years Adam was continually cast in various stage productions including Wicked. At age 27 and without a record deal, Adam had a realization during a psychedelic experience at the Burning Man festival that if he wanted fame he would have to take control and make it happen. In turn, Adam decided to audition for the iconic TV show, American Idol. Making the top 13, Adam was poised to go far in the competition until scandalous photos of him dressed in drag and kissing another man leaked on the Internet. Adam remained tight-lipped about the photos to the press, determined to keep the focus on his talent. As he advanced to the final round of the competition, the media began to debate whether America would elect a gay Idol. Placing second, Adam quickly landed a record deal with RCA and 19 Recordings, taking the opportunity to come out about his sexuality in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine. However, Adam wasn’t done shocking the world, and during his debut television performance at the “American Music Awards” he stunned audiences by kissing his male bassist onstage. Following a huge backlash from viewers, Adam released his debut album For Your Entertainment, which skyrocketed to #3 on the Billboard chart in its first week. Viewers of this episode of Behind the Music will see never-before-seen home video footage, interviews with family, friends, industry experts and musical luminaries including Barry Weiss and American Idol Season 8 winner Kris Allen. With constant criticism about being too bold, too offensive and too gay, Adam Lambert comes clean to VH1 about who he really is and the obstacles he has overcome to get where he is today."

Source: VH1


Anonymous said...

Yep, that first sentence pretty much sums it up!
A nice write-up, tho I thought there was a bit much focus on the gay part. Grammy nominee?

Anonymous said...

Agree with you completely, Anon 10:58 - inc. the Grammy nominee issue. But I will be anxiously awaiting this show and, of course, will DVR for many additional viewings! Hope they give a fair and accurate telling of Adam, his challenges but, most of all, his goodness and talent.

Anonymous said...

It dosn't sound like much new to his present fans, we could be more accurate than the write
up.......Right. fellow stalkers? He was not in HAIR when he was 19!!!!............and he did
"fess up" to the kissing photos, said "Yep, that's me!"....and he was already on Idol when he was 27, not in the desert having revelations.....

Hope there is some new material, such as GNT and
mentions of awards, gold and platinum records and Grammy nom. In fact, I wonder if this is new at all? Kris Allen interviewed? That sounds like a year ago....................JAK

Anonymous said...

i probably already know everything that is gonna be said in this.... but im still like super excited!!!
its premiering on my birthday !!!!! :))))

The Dark Side said...

There is a large emphasis on the gay part, but I think because Adam is one of the few openly gay artists to stand up for who he is. He has become something of a poster boy for the gay community of artists, most who are still deep in the closet. I am proud to be an Adam Lambert fan and thrilled that Vh1 showcasing him.

Anonymous said...

This will be premiering on my daughter's B-day! Thought it was originally planned to be aired in June. I think these interviews were done many months ago and it will be old news, but still will watch and dvr. Think the cruise ship experience came before Hair. Hope they'll acknowledge Adam in the audience at the Idol finale. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Hugely successful American and internatinal tours? Grammy nomination?

Anonymous said...

Didn't this run months ago?

Anonymous said...

Almost all publicity is good, even inaccurate as most of it is...

Now recent revelations about Katy Perry don't sound too good. Getting money off of scalping tickets. If true, my question would be, when do you have enough money Katy? You ain't no Gaga and never will be.

Anonymous said...

@ JAK That DOES seem like a lonnng time ago we first heard that...

@ The Dark Side Yup, I agree.

At first raction... ohhh JJJEEEEZZZ, all THAT again??? I like your explanation in general. But my own reckoning--reality is, all that IS part of Adam's beginning, just as J-lo was a fly-girl, Paula was a Laker girl. It IS part of his past and career beginings: Adam is gay, he came in 2nd on AI, he caused a sensation on the AMA awards. That's always going to be the beginning of any feature about him.
I too am THRILLED that vh1 is showcasing Adam, I just hope they also concentrate on his incredible voice and talent, vocal control & ability, charm, charisma, powerhouse showmanship from belting hard rock to the most tender falsetto. No one delivers a song and reaches your heart like Adam Lambert... since Elvis. That's a long time to wait between Icons. Wonder if they'll cover that he is often compared to Elvis & that he was the first ever contestant to mentor on AI? ? ?
So much to cover, let's see what they give us.

I DO hope they will also cover Adam's *smashing success of a tour... *His Grammy nomination... *Charity water??
Sort of an ammedment to the Consitution!
Hope they're fair minded and forward(up to date)
thinking enough to ADD those things even if it was a while ago... and NOT creepy Hilton's account of Gaga's birthday.
I'll be glued in front of the TV ...let's see what they opt to tell the world...

Lol, we should sic JAK & me on them if they don't get it right!!!


Anonymous said...

Since it's VH1, I think they're bound to focus more on the music, more so than the THS, which is a good thing. And they did mention never-seen-before videos, so I suppose something will be new even for us. And maybe they filmed him writing/recording in the studio?
But even if nothing is new, the main thing is, that they make it interesting and exciting, so non-fans would be tempted to watch. I'd consider it a success if they capture a wider audience than just us die-hard fans.

Anonymous said...

Cindy great post and yes they should have all of us on to be interviewed. To make sure they cover everything and get the info right lol.

Anonymous said...

Nice article but they need to brush up on their Adam Lambert history - a few dates are off.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone getting service anavailable error 503 on previous link?- sorry just answered my own question- there are no comments???

Anonymous said...

I agree that this VH 1 show hopefully will capture the interest of non-fans. A few of my older friends who remember Adam from AI and then the release of his cd want to know what happened to him. If you weren't aware of the GNT,or on Twitter to read what he has to say, or on this blog to keep up with the latest news, then it would seem as if Adam has disappeared from the music scene. He does make a few tv appearances, but nothing much lately. I know he will be in the audience of the AI finale but not performing. It's unfortunate that his record co. didn't release another single to keep his name out there. I know it should be quality rather than quantity, but I get a bit frustrated when I hear another song from Rhianna, Beyonce, Gaga, Bruno Mars, Katy Perry etc. and nothing new from the best vocal talent in the music industry today. So now we all have to wait until the fall for his second cd hoping it will be something special and do very well in sales by capturing a wider audience of non-fans.

Anonymous said...

@cassie- I agree- any exposure is great, but now on twitter- some trolls are spreading the word that "why is he geting an exclusive-" geez will this ever end with the haters??? and it's on adams twitter page which makes it even more confusing??

Anonymous said...

@2:34- you said it perfectly!


Anonymous said...

Just a dream-- all of us including juneau and Zena could put on a documentary,music footage, interviews, pictures ect ect and have a 8 hour amazing show to broadcast to the world what we all KNOW and so many are MISSING. Never a dull moment being a glambert but sometimes it gets down right exhausting tryin to prove to the world what we all know. Does anyone else feel like this???

Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:34 - I agree, almost a year and a half in between singles is way too long. That is not to say that he should hurry up with his second album now, because he shouldn't, but rather that his record co. should have released another single.
To be fair - they have. As far as I know, Sleepwalker did quite well in the few countries it was released, with no video, no PR, no nothing. Imagine how well it could do if they would have dared to risk a little money on it.
@Anon 2:37 - don't let the trolls get to you. There will always be haters out there. But there are much more "lovers" - look at the responses they got. Some of them will make you smile :)

Anonymous said...

Patience and Frustration will give us some confusions eh!!!!!

It's really hard to wait and do nothing.....

Waiting and waiting when it's gonna be??????

We are loyal fans and we can prove to others that we are the abilities to create something for our bordems..... Soon people few more months and here we go to Rock again big time!!!!

Anonymous said...

Exactly why don't they let us handle this stuff...
It would be a mindboggling roller coaster ride of laughter and tears!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

The clip from GNT of Sleepwalker is playing here in NZ on our music channel, saw this and WWFM within a couple of hours yeasterday. But it does seem forever to hear something new.
I must make some enquires as to whether we will ever see this "Behind th Music " Doco here. Is VH1 an actual music channel over ther, is someone able to fill me n so i can work out if it is worth trying to contact people over here. Mind you will always get it on line I guess.

Anonymous said...

august?? i thiught it was in june!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

I am sooooooo over any mention of the AMA's

Anonymous said...

AMA will be associated with Adam for a long time. Good publicity. Adam is leading the way for tolerance. Just think about that. All the great ones have been hated whether they're politicians or artists. We get it. Others are just threatened, poor souls. Adam is so unique. Wait for his genius. It will be there. So amazing he is getting all this pub without a new record.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for this to broadcast, August is a long time. I hope BTM will showcase more of his talent, achievement and more footage of his GNT. Thank God next week is the Russia concert. At least something to hope for.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone notice all the same sex kissing on TV

with no complaints since the AMA's

Our BB a trail blazer.......

Best rock n' roll kiss ever!!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you all know why I am here? Not because of adam's lifestyle, not because he's absolutely beautiful, not because of his song choices, but I am here because of that phenomenal voice that comes from that beautiful & courageous mind of Adam's !!!!!! Adam is MAGICAL!!!!!!!
It takes magic to connect with magic!!!!! Adam Mitchel F***Lambert is magical & so are we!!!!!!
Tired of trying to convince people what a miraculous vocalist Adam is?
SCREW 'EM!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let boring ordinary people be boring .& ordinary!!!!! Adam has no tolerance for ignorance & stupidity!!!!!!
I love Adam Lambert !!!!!! I will be here for you Adam!!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...


I think we would make a formidable team....I may not have youth...but I have a cane and I'm not afraid to use it! Truth and justice for Adam or they are gonna get it! Get your facts straight VH1!

Now about this other project. Publicity and promotion. We need to consider this our "war room" gather around and come up with IDEAS!

Billboards from coast to coast?....I get to choose the photos! Sky-writing....anyone know a pilot? Could we get Adam Info. a category on Jeopardy? His face on a cereal box? Bribe a perfume company to market Essence of Adam? Lambert Love Lotion? Fragrant Freckle Cream?

Rally Glamberts! Submit those ideas for our campaign!....................JAK

Anonymous said...

We will all be here for Adam. When the 2nd album comes out it will be like a fury around the world!Hopefully a new single will come out the end of this summer that will sail to #1. I'm sick of all the junk on the radio. We all need to hear Adam's beautiful voice blasting from our radios. I do sometimes get frustrated that Adam has to struggle and claw his way to the top while untalented artists have no problem. I guess my belief is that Adam will be around for a very very long time!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope and pray that this will be the last year we will have to wait so long for Adam's singles and new CDs to come out. In my heart I believe that when the new CD comes out, it will skyrocket to the top with a world-wide audience. I have to believe that there will be multiple singles on that CD that will be played and sung throughout the world. Adam's voice is so superior to other popular singers, it isn't even funny. This next CD is so critical, it scares me. I want to see him promoting it on TV shows and in interviews! The non-fan and the casual fan MUST see the genius and talent in this guy. He can't remain a niche artist who has only a devoted but smaller audience. I know, I know. We vote our butts off for polls and stuff. We reply to articles and try to spread the word. I want this to happen for him so much it hurts. I've kept all this emotion building up inside me for so long. I just had to get it out! Thanks! That feels better! (and yes, 5:52, I agree it is so frustrating to hear far lesser talents go zooming to the top. How does that happen?)

Anonymous said...

Lesser talents zoom to the top because lesser people are listening to that kind of music. It takes a certain type of person to appreciate someone like Adele who seems to be doing very well with her new cd and single. No skimpy costume for her, no gyrating and sexual references...just a pure, soulful, bluesy voice. It's the same with Adam Lambert; he has the best voice in the music industry today and it takes a special individual to appreciate that superb talent. As his devoted fans, we must get the word out about this next cd; he must promote it on all his favorite talk shows and the single must get radio play. His management and record label must also do their part to promote him and, of course, the next concert venues must be larger for all those fans who couldn't or didn't get to see him perform on the GNT. And finally, let's read less about his sexuality and whether or not he has a boyfriend, but focus on the music and the voice of one very talented, charismatic, articulate, smart, and self-confident performer named Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...


Another good laugh, thank you. CL

Anonymous said...

can't wait for the show, I got it marked too but I know I'll remember.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, 7:04, I do feel better. I don't want to seem elitist about Adam, but he IS way above the mainstream singers out there. Like you said, I hope his management steps up this time and gives him the boost he needs. YES, new fans need to see him as a GREAT SINGER, not as a GAY GUY who happens to sing. I know he doesn't hide his sexuality, but the music must prevail. Thanks for the example of Adele. I really like her, too. She's one who knows that blatant, constant sexuality is not always necessary when a singer has true talent (though, believe me, I LOVE it when Adam is being very sexy), but he doesn't ALWAYS use this ploy and he doesn't need to. Ok, I think I can get to sleep now!

Anonymous said...

As an avid fan, gotta say I get really upset at the way Adam & his "people" have screwed up what should've been a brilliant and unprecedented career launch. Honestly, the first sentence in this article is over exaggerated and we all know it. He is NOT part of virtually any part of the music industry in a way that has kept him relevant. He should've had music ready to go. He's not getting any younger, and at this point I can't really see the superstardom he could've had. He may go down the path of, say, someone like Kelly Pickler who has been able to carve out a mediocre country career. This is truly about the suckiest experience of my life watching someone this phenomenal fall flat.

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:26 being so cheerful keeps you going I guess. Rome was not built in a day you know.

Anonymous said...

Peeps, wasn't this already on VH1? I think this is a repeat. And I probably have it saved somewhere in my Adam library.

Anonymous said...

Please cheer up ladies, you're depressing me and it's not my nature to get depressed, it's more satisfying to get Pi--ed! Do we have a censor?
Since I've taken up swearing in my old age, I've convinced my family it's early senility. Actually it's very freeing to no longer feel compelled to set a good example. It has resulted in slipshod grammar, a low tolerance of idiots, frequent wearing of muumuus (only in the house) occasional bra-free days (oh the joy!)
and a lovely added bonus, my kids think I'm more fun! I am. Years of striving to always be right were very wearing. Now I only give advice if I'm asked and have quit telling little white lies to be polite. I just tell the truth with a smile.

Now cheer-up (oops, unsolicited advice!) well, anyway.....Adam has realized his dream, he is a recording artist, he no longer lives in an efficiency apartment, he no longer is borrowing money from his dad, he has someone to love, family, friends, a cool wardrobe, a contract and a black Mustang convertible! As we would say here in the South, "he's living in high cotton!"

I think he's happy and confident of a good future. Mercy, the later it gets, the talkier I get. Nite y'all............JAK

Anonymous said...


I like your suggestions for promotion for Adam.
I rely on you for a daily laugh. I can fly a plane, but I have no experience sky writing, it would be difficult in a jet!!!

My daughter says to tell you she needs Adam's Fragrant Freckle Cream and would be happy to do a commercial for it.

Since you will probably read this tomorrow I will say good morning and what a lovely muumuu, my mom wears them too! Capt. M

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^_____^:
woow nice pic!!!

Anonymous said...

I know what I'll be doing on Aug 10th. My Aunt asked me last week when Adam would be on TV and she is not a fan at all, she love Willie Nelson. I said I don't know. She said I miss seeing him on TV. He makes my Tv look a lot better.

Anonymous said...

9:26, You have just said what has bothered me for so long. Such a phenomanal performer who never got the proper jump-start out of Idol. I'd hate to see him become just a small-market avant-garde type performer. He's way too good. I wonder if Adam will consider changing management companies sometime in the future? He needs more aggressive promotion.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert...i love him so much....i'll be his fan forever...:)

Anonymous said...

@9:26 How can you compare Adam to Kellie Pickler. Adam had a hugely successful worldwide tour. He is already an international star and his fanbase will even get bigger. His talent is undeniable and charisma that comes around once in a lifetime. He has not or will not fall flat on his face. Sorry you feel that way. It even took Gaga three years to get as famous as she is. People who rise too fast can fall that quickly too!

Anonymous said...

It's true that Adam had a very successful worldwide tour, perhaps even moreso than the GNT here in America. He played in relatively small venues across the country when he probably could have gone into large ones judging by the soldout concert tickets in most places. WE know how talented he is and with his spectacular stage presence has the ability to connect to the audience. There must be such pressure on Adam now to produce this second cd, one that will truly represent him musically and prove his vocal abilities to a larger audience. Then it's up to his record company and management to give him all the publicity, tv interviews and performances to gain him a larger fanbase that will put him on the road to superstardom. I agree that people who rise too fast can fall quickly too, but with so many new performers coming on to the scene practically every day now, Adam needs to show that he deserves to be called "the greatest vocal talent in the music industry today."

Anonymous said...

Darnit, I've lost TWO posts going back & forth trying to get all the times and names right... UGH!

@ JAK, I'm in!!
Formidable sounds great. You crack me up, which I needed after I read...

9:26! =(
My gosh I get your caring and concern, but jeez, I don't think it's AS bad as you paint it to be.
Why not direct that in a positive way at the MGMNT Co... and TELL THEM just how talented Adam is, and the world should be made more aware of his incredible talent with more promotion of this amazing singer... Please promote Adam more! As I've said before, we should ALL do that, NICELY.

Thank GOD for the wisdom & uplifting post of 9:39, Thank you!!

Before I loose THIS post too,
Anon @ 1:53, Thank you! =)
nods to Cassie & Lizard Eyes,
anon @ 7:04, you rock!
(There was more but I don't dare tempt goes...!)
