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Black Birds Acting Strange?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, May 16, 2011

Posted at : Monday, May 16, 2011


Anonymous said...

Sorry but the teacher in me must correct the word seen to saw.
Not sure what his message means..

Anonymous said...

2012, end of the world?

Anonymous said...

someone on another thread said bad weather is coming to the LA area. I hope it doesn't come to Ohio we have had our share of rain and now it's pretty cold, my heat is kicking in every now and then.

Anonymous said...

I'm in LA and things has been acting BVERY strange.

Very cold weather....ducks walking outside our home etc etc...

Anonymous said...

Springtime mating season????

Anonymous said...

The Rapture is upon use!

Anonymous said...

I don't know about any of this, but the picture is hot.

Anonymous said...

He has the most beautiful little ears for such a big guy. And those eyes. Beautiful everything.

Anonymous said...

Is that a metaphor for something?

Anonymous said...

Maybe they got hold of some "bad" berries! I occasionally have mockingbirds reeling in my yard, obviously on a drunken spree.

That's not a's true! Of course I also have long legged white egrets who stand patiently staring into my pool waiting for a fish to swim by!

Now that I think of it I've had several Close
Encounters of a Bird Kind. A really angry bluejay
tore my screen sliding door to shreds trying to get at my cat.......when my grandson was small we were in the pool and a bird kept attacking him
and pecking him on the head. He cried and I remembered an old Dick Van Dyke Show where his TV
son had the same problem...anyone remember that?

So I told him it was a mommy bird and she wanted some of his hair to help make her nest.

Florida is a very "birdy" state. They winter vacation here you the tourists we call Snow Birds!.......................JAK

Anonymous said...

Hey Teach @ 7:25, I think he was using the silent "I've".

Anonymous said...

I pay attention to nature. Creatures know when something is coming. Hope no more earthquakes. We're more than caught up with natural disasters. It hailed tonight in Charlotte,had a full moon and it was in the 70s. Hope Adam isn't in any mudslide area. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite pics and looks!!

It's bird mating season in!!!

Anonymous said...

Seen lots of black birds actin strange in hollyweird today.

@adamlambert ...great...

@Monterrific @adamlambert Like alfred hitchcock weird?

@SweetKirabella @adamlambert like I'm taking everything breakable off the walls when I get home weird

Yeah, I have no idea, either. Something wicked this way comes?

Anonymous said...

This picture, this look is one of my favorites. It is from his NYC appearance on the CBS Early Show in Nov. 2009. He was cancelled on GMA so they asked Adam to appear where he was interviewed and then performed two songs. He looked and sounded great. As for black birds, they could symbolize a number of things from destruction to death, something bad or evil. It's whatever you read into it. Adam just put it out there to cause some speculation or discussion as to what he really means. I guess we won't know unless he decides to clarify the meaning of that tweet.

Anonymous said...

You just MIGHT be RIGHT!


Anonymous said...

I thought pic was from Idol days or shortly after....

Anonymous said...

Sorry@8:22..just looked the pic are the pic also....

glitzylady said...

I don't know much about the meaning of the black birds..etc..but I do know my area of the US (Seattle) has had practically non-stop rain for months..I know...Seattle gets RAIN, but even those here who say "I love the rain!" are just plain old SICK of it..I know many areas of the country and the world have had so much worse this past year (earthquakes ..tsunamis..tornados.. the list goes on..), so a little (?) rain is minor in the whole scheme of things, but so far, spring here has been pretty much absent. I heard today we had more rain on Saturday than normally falls the entire month of crazy weather everywhere! We also have had much cooler weather than is normal. 60 degrees is something to get excited about. Hoping to get a little sunny and warm spring weather before summer arrives (assuming it does!!!). Just craziness!

And about this picture: On the surface, I love this picture of Adam..He did look really handsome on the Morning Show..and sounded SO good when he sang. I was so proud of him for his perfect as usual performances. He was "up" and cheerful, and really made the most of a difficult situation at that time..It must have been in reality rather hard for him. I usually don't like to interpret pictures taken in a brief moment in time, but this one, at second look, shows (to me) a little of the strain that Adam must have been least that's what I see. His eyes, while always beautiful, look slightly troubled, sad, and tired. He has said since then that this was a time of questioning himself about what happened, and wondering what the long term result would be. So thankful he didn't give up on his dream, and we his fans didn't give up on him either. Sorry if I'm being a little bit of a downer (Must be the weather..a little gloomy..!) , but that is what this picture evokes in me also: SO much gratitude that Adam overcame this rather difficult time in his career and is doing just great! Successful World Tour, Grammy Nomination, working on new music...and his new love Sauli: Life is good for Adam...and us!

Anonymous said...

I have a question.......why do men like clothing,
jewelry, tattoos, etc. with designs of human skulls? For instance the scarf above.

Now, the weather.....perhaps NASA and scientists in every country and Al Gore are undeniably warming will cause drastic new weather patterns. I may have gulf front property in a couple years! Florida will get skinnier and skinnier.........JAK

Anonymous said...

I hope he gets tight security while in Russia.
I think in the stories of some Indian tribes an owl seen means a sign of death. As my husband & I were driving down the highway one night, we saw an owl at the side of the road, just sitting there. Just a few feet passing the owl, we got a flat tire. Creepy!!!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Drop dead gorgeous photo of Adam and a perplexing expression on his face. Maybe he was thinking about a reply he'd give to someone who asking a question.

We have a lot of crows where I come from but not enough to worry about them. I wonder if the black birds there are related to the crows here, and I wonder if they make the same "ark ark" sound they way they do here.

Anonymous said...

Hey Glitzy - did you hear that this is the coldest spring in Seattle ON RECORD? That means: EVER? It's just pathetic around here, and I usually don't mind the rain....because I know there's light at the end of the tunnel, but I'm starting to wonder if the tunnel caved in this season and we're all trapped in the dreariness until fall...??

I have cyber-Adam to keep me warm and happy though, so it's all good.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

^Oops ... who WAS asking a question.

Anonymous said...

Not sure about the tweet but I have always loved the way he looked in the pic for the CBS Morn Show. I love CBS for asking him on. He just looks hot even though it was cold. ;)

Anonymous said...

These are Dadbert's responses to Adam's tweet:
milestougeaux @adamlambert Blackbirds are just prepping for Saturday's Apocolypse. Nothing to worry about. Sort of.

milestougeaux @adamlambert which is very similar to an Apocalypse

Love Eber's sense of humor! We sure know where Adam gets his!

LP said...

Hope it doesn't mean Sauli has dyed his hair black :(

Anonymous said...

OK, so I come to my favorite site to see what Adam's been up to over the weekend and see a tweet from him about blackbirds acting strangely in Hollyweird.

Then I scroll down and almost fall off my chair trying to catch my breath from THAT picture. Since no one has ever said this before, I shall...That is the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life.

Then there's talk about the weather all over the US except here in Idaho. Thursday it was 84 and yesterday was 51. Go figure. If it isn't raining, it's so windy you can't stand up.

Then Dadbert mentions Saturday's Apocolypse. Does anyone else know about the man who has been putting up billboards all around the US about April 21 being the end of the world? If it scares you, bend your knees, grab your ankles and kiss your ass bye-bye. If it doesn't bother you, see you here on Sunday the 22nd as usual.

Just another fun time on 24/7.

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix
Yes, I heard that this is our coldest spring in Seattle EVER! ARRGGH! Nothing like wearing the same clothes I've been wearing since last October..Sheesh! My spring/summer clothes are still hanging sadly in the closet, and my flip flops sit unused and lonely. My feet are very very tired of being cooped up in boots..And epic amounts of moss are taking over least the trees and flowers are starting to show signs of just getting on with it in spite of the Feb/March weather. Oh well, I hear it's getting more likely we might see the sun said the weather man tonight...Guess we'll see. He's probably getting tired of people asking when spring will finally arrive and lobbing things at the TV screen when he again says "Rain showers, followed by heavy rain, followed by light rain, followed by........" I still have least by the 4th of July anyway.... ; )

Anonymous said...

@LP .... lol :D

Anonymous said...

Teach @ 7:25-the word 'strange' should have been 'strangely'. I assumed the 'I have' before the word 'seen' was silent, however, it would have been imperative to put the 'ly' on the word 'strange'. I also assumed that the absence of the 'g' in the word 'actin' (sic) must be acceptable in the world of twitter. President Obama dropped the 'g' off of 'ing' words many times when he gave speeches but when Sarah Palin exercised the same faux pax, she was considered uneducated. Go figure the mentality of society! I know Adam is educated but the world of twittering has accepted the worst of spelling and improper English. I, as an English teacher, am very sad that this has happened. Adam, I am still crazy about you but always remember that it is admirable and sexy to use our beautiful English language in the proper manner, even when you twitter. A forever fan!

glitzylady said...

@11:15 PM
Yep, its official. Adam had better give us something of substance to discuss, debate or just plain old flail over..because we have been reduced to talking about the weather! A first I believe..although he started it...I think....with the weird, perhaps omen-ish tweet.. and then the talk about the end of the world...Hoping to see you here on the 22nd !!! .. Not a big believer in the end of the world stuff but you never know! So for the record, I'm not "skeerd!"..just need some more nice Adam news!

Anonymous said...

10:39 Crows and ravens are completely different from blackbirds. They're much bigger & meaner. Blackbirds are about one third the size of crows and ravens.

Can anyone post the link so I can read Chunkeymonkey's responses to American Idol? Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Adam's being ungrammatical, or more exactly colloquial for an effect, a poetic license to reflect the weirdness he's sensing from the black birds. It could be that Hollywood holds something dark or heavy for him, and he felt a need to share the burden with the universe to bring him ease. The photo at a particular time in his career when he felt particularly vulnerable, right after the AMA brouhaha might have been broght up to remind him that whatever angst he is experiencing now will The more changes one goes through in life, whether good or ill, there is an unsettling of sorts, the darkness for a spell, a natural order of things that sort
themselves out okay because we have been true to ourselves. Out of chaos is order; we just have to be what we were meant to be. Be aware that Adam is aware. He's okay.

Anonymous said...

@11:28 Is it twitter or tweet?

Anonymous said...

JAK We're headed into an ice age.

glitzylady said...

@11:35 PM
Actually, from Adam, its a "twat"...

Anonymous said...

did anyone read james durbin mtv interview. i don't trust that jim cantiello, he tried to agravate the interview. actually, james referred to adam as "that guy".

Anonymous said...

just google james durbin mtv and read the article and watch the video, too. very telling re james

Anonymous said...

@ 11:35 Therefore, when Adam is tweetin', he is actually 'twatin'!

Anonymous said...

Can someone give me an answer. When people ask me if I twitter, is that a correct question, or should they ask, "Do you tweet", or should they ask, "Do you use twitter"? I get very confused with the correct use of the word 'twitter'. Is it just a noun or is it also a verb? HELP!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:21 AM
Hope this helps:

"Twitter Support: Terminology": link

Tweet (verb):

Tweet, Tweeting, Tweeted. The act of posting a message, often called a "Tweet", on Twitter. Find out how to post a Tweet.

Tweet (noun):

A message posted via Twitter containing 140 characters or fewer. Find out how to post a Tweet.


An account holder on Twitter who posts and reads Tweets. Also known as Twitterers. Sign up to twitter.


An information network made up of 140-character messages from all over the world. Sign up! Or, learn more about Twitter.


An account holder on Twitter who posts and reads Tweets. Also known as Tweeters. Join us.

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^______^ cute:
adam so cute and sweet

Anonymous said...

@ 11:28 PM
I agree. It's difficult for many of us who don't speak English as a native language to understand the "tweet English". We can't get help in the dictionary either when trying to translate it.

Anonymous said...

Blackbirds "actin strange" could mean West Nile virus, for which this species serves as a viral vector. This virus can be transmitted from birds to humans, so if one plops dead in your yard, don't touch. Call vector patrol in health dept. OR so says our health dept. here in NO. CA where it's been rainin' too much and our black birds are behavin' really weird here, too--flying low, hitting windows, like they're drunk, which they might be from consuming fermented berries. Or infected with virus.

Ain't science grand?

Anonymous said...

What is the date for the Russian concert? when Adam has to move from the Hollyweird?

Anonymous said...

see after the show ... weird. but I do not believe in superstition

Anonymous said...

The concert in Moscow, Russia is on Saturday, May 28TH, 2011.

Anonymous said...

5/28 - concert in Russia

Hk fan said...

@anon may 16th 10.30
Syz is not going to Russia, so lets hope someone there takes pity on us all and videos some at least. But she is going to his concert in Canada in July.

Anonymous said...

@11:35 Touche-I should have said, "even when you use Twitter" or "even when you tweet". To everyone who speaks English as their mother tongue, just remember that the Twitter system is in worldwide use and many people who have other mother tongues must use dictionaries to translate the correct meaning of different words contained in a tweet. Therefore, exact use of the English language is considered good manners for all followers.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Glitzylady, for the wonderful information. Evidently, people should ask, "Are you a twitterer"? Do not ask, "Do you twitter"? Or, the other proper question would be, "Do you use Twitter"? I finally understand.

Anonymous said...

for the teachers in this thread,

It's sad to hear and see the changes of this generation but you can't do anything about that. New technology kills everything from proper to improper. Especially when you text .......

They make it shorter and slang to finish the sentence. We just have to live with it and enjoy life.....

Take it or leave it!!!!

Carry on Adam!!!!!1

You follow or not

Anonymous said...

History lesson pre The Land of Tweet.

Circa 1940......."Are you going to twitter on
.................about that all day?"

Translation......"Haven't you pretty much
.................exhausted that subject?"

You know like we tend to do continually.....JAK :-)

Anonymous said...

Some of us weirdos love Adams speaking voice and could listen to him all day long. Here is one of those videos made especially for us. Geeeeez it makes me feel good!!


Anonymous said...

Yes that interview with Durbin got me kind of pissed.Jim Cantiello stirring up trouble which leads to stupid fan wars. He took one little part of what Adam said not the whole. James acted like Adam was being mean.Well he wasn't and a reality check since none of the judges gave him one. I think James is trying to blame anything or anyone for him not getting into the top three.

Anonymous said...

Yes, acting strangely (adverb)
...acting strange could have meant...acting in a strange way ( adjective), shortened to facilitate tweeting. Also blackbird is a European songbird - one word.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@JAK - I loved that old Dick Van Dyke show when the son keeps getting attacked on the head by a bird! OT: This morning I was driving when an entire family of ducks landed in front of my car! i had to jam on my brakes and luckily no one was following close behind me. Also, all the ducks survived! That was a close one! OT: One of my fav movies is THE BIRDS, as was mentioned above. nancdruuu2

Cheril said...

All this talk about blackbirds and crows reminds me of Hitchcock's movie, The Birds, too. In the movie when the love birds were fighting, the blackbirds and other birds gathered and attacked. You don't think it's code for Adam and Sauli are fighting? LOL - absolutely just kidding.

Anonymous said...

Read the tweets from Adam's dad. Apparently there's word out there that this Saturday is the end of the world. Of course his dad is making lots of jokes about it. Adam is just going along with what his dad is doing.

Anonymous said...

Could this be related to the end of the world on May 21st? (Not to worry because a party is planned for the 22nd, so all is well! Ha!)

Other than that 'Hollywierd' always has strange happenings, so nothing new! Ha!

Anonymous said...

When the new Album comes out then the world can stop! But not until then!

Anonymous said...

I used to enjoy watching the Alfred Hitchcock TV series a lot and until now I can still remember the way he would end the show with a solemn expressive 'Good night'. Yeah, The Birds was thrilling, scary for me at that time. The other one...Rear Window, fascinating. Was Psycho his brainchild too?
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

the world is WEIRD and everything IN IT!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it is possible to get a hold of that movie The Birds. I remember my mom going to see it when I was very yoing and comming home spooked.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady and Adam Fix... hows about sending some of your massive rainful all the way over to the South Coast of England UK....we are having the hottest May since records began 350 years ago....we have had NO rain for months..but are Basking in Glorious Sunshine..oh i do love lazing around on the Clifftops..sorry to have to tell you my 2 Glamsistas the Seattle Girls we have just had the HOTTEST SPRING EVER....nice but worrying because Mother Nature will even things out with Bad Weather to come..i agree with funbunn..i too follow nature and animals are very aware of Changes.....lets hope that NO More birds are falling from the US a few months ago..what was that all about????? anyone know????/
MEANWHILE....wheres Adam why is in not in the UK ....our Festival Season is just starting and still no signs of Adam Lambert....someone correct me if i am wrong!!!
...Adam Lambert should be singing at most of UK and Europe Music Festivals...grrrrrrrrrr
Glambrit Sunny Isle of Wight South Coast England UK

Anonymous said...

@Eva-kultamussukka 4:58AM!!!

Thank you, kiitos, ihana ihana, so lovely!!!!!
I love to watch him talk, his mouth and eyes.


Anonymous said...

Lam my........Yes, Psycho was a Hitchcock film
..............I gave up showers for a long time!
..............Also gave up ocean swimming after
..............Jaws! For years...and I live in FL.

11:37 p.m.....If we're heading into an Ice Age,
..............Florida first please.

To all teachers...I thought this was a grammar
correction-free zone! Spelling errors alone would be a full time job! After years of alienating family members I gave it up and after
I turned 75 I gave myself permission to live loose! Punctuation-don't care...tense...don't on sentences...I specialize in them.
If I proof read and corrected it would take me a half hour to post a comment.Commas-who cares?
I'm out of the classroom and rebelling!....JAK

Anonymous said...

ha ha Jak thats so funny and so true about grammar correction
Rules are for Breaking lol
Glambrit IOWUK

Anonymous said...

I just read the Durbin interview. As you might expect, it's engendering hate mail against Adam. I guess Adam can't even give an honest opinion without getting bashed. James wants to come off as a victim, blah, blah, blah. He's kinds pouty about it. The "poor me" thing. I get all the "disabilities" stuff about him, but I just can't seem to drum up a lot of sympathy. If that makes me a bad person, so be it. I don't think I am. Of course, the Adam-haters are there with guns blazing against everything about him: voice, attitude, skin, you name it. If you want to save your blood pressure, don't' read it. I wish I hadn't. Love you, Adam.

Anonymous said...

@JAK! Hell yea, I'm rebelling too, thanks anyways teachers! I appreciate your input as English was one of my better subjects.
I just listened to Adam's "Broken Open" from Fantasy Springs.! OMG! & as I look at Adam above, I am saddened because so many haters cannot & will not hear him. His voice just makes me cry. Adam is just ... MAGICAL! What more can we say to prove Adam is the most beautifully gifted vocalist ?
I know Adam wants his privacy, & I respect that. But we are not just his fans, we love him so dearly that he is a part of our lives, our families. Adam has touched our lives in such a spiritual way., we cannot just let him fly by. We are here for you Adam , I believe anywhere you would go in this world, you will always have a home , a family, a friend, We are here for you Adam. Please don't ever leave us. I love you Adam Mitchel Lambert. Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Seem to be a lot of besserwissers here correcting language mistakes. I know better about HAARP and Nibiru.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the compulsion some have to spew hatred towards Adam...? It's more than the usual garden (of evil) variety of homophobia. It's directed at Adam personally.

I don't check out Elton or Clay or Ricky sites, do they get avalanches of hateful comments too?

What has Adam ever done to incite such foaming at the mouth anger? I won't read the Durbin interview, my blood pressure is too high on a regular basis, I don't need to "feed" it with aggravation......JAK :(

Anonymous said...

@Darling teachers!<3<3

I must confess that I love twitter slang. My English comes from school and at first it was quite difficult to understand that "short language" where words and letters are missing. But during years infront of telly I started to understand it enough to talk here.

I love English as a language very much. I love to listen perfect Oxford English in films. But then it is so awesome to read Adam´s tweets in his LA twitter slang. He is no Hugh Grant after all!

But thank you anyway for your point of view!


Anonymous said...

I don't know about Clay, but I doubt that Sir Elton has fans who can't tolerate that he's gay.

Anonymous said...

@9:09 AM!

It must be NIBIRU coming to Hollywood on May 21!!
The black birdies are sensing something odd coming from the space soon.


Anonymous said...

Thank you JAK for answering my question. I like your honesty and directness in expressing what's on your mind.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...


So beautifully said about Adam. So true. He has homes all over the planet. His voice is such a treasure. I have often tears in my eyes when I listen to him home alone.
Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Ronnie, I happen to be an expert of conspiracy theories too. I spent maybe a couple of years exploring about New Age, NWO on the internet. It was an interesting hobby. xD

Anonymous said...

@9:47 AM!

Actually I surfed also quite much on "Nibiru" etc sites, before my Adam crush.


Anonymous said...

Let's put all this in perspective. Twitter limits characters and so words need to be abbreviated to get an idea communicated with limited characters. For the "teachers" out there, it's a new world...language changes. With the advent of the internet, it is changing more rapidly than ever before. I remember when adults were horrified by cool, groovy and far out. Ha. Yes, showing my age. Times AND language change. There is NO fighting it. At some point all the words in the Urban Dictionary will probably be in Webster's dictionary. :)

Putting the "destruction" of proper language and grammar aside, I think the greater problem is the hate that is spewed on the it toward Adam or anyone else. Adam does get a lot of hateful comments, many the result of "disquised" homophobia, but generally there is a lot of uncontrolled hate on the internet. There is no accountability, because it is behind a computer and there is no face-to-face conversation, easy to be hateful with no consequence. I think this lack of accountability and lack of empathy is of much more concern to me than spelling, grammar or punctuation.

In terms of the Adam / James thing, there is out-of-control fan hate between all groups. Much of the hateful comments toward Adam, in my opinion, are "disguised" homophobia. The balance is just ignorance. People can like or not a like a singer, performer, or actor, but to spew hateful comments is unnecessary and just plain wrong. I do think James' response with "that guy" was not terribly classy and just feeds the fire. I understand his disappointment and disabilities, but I do not give him a pass on the tone of his response. He would do better to take the high road. And...if he is going to be in this business, he needs to get a thicker skin and be prepared for a lot of criticism.

In this world of ours wonder the black birds are "actin" strange. :)

Seminar on human behavior now complete. LOL

And...I could listen to Adam talk all day. His voice touches my soul. His laugh brightens my day. His... well.... need to stop there. ha!


Anonymous said...

OMG! I am sorry. I didn't realize I wrote THAT much. HAHAHAHAHAAAAA.


Anonymous said...

9:25, I often think the same thing. When I think of other openly gay singers, actors, etc., I wonder how many of them get hate mail? I somehow believe they don't get it, at least as much as Adam does. Sometimes, there emerges an entertainer who becomes "cool to hate." I guess some people think that if they let themselves like someone that a lot of other people like, they'll be labeled somehow as "uncool." Usually, the entertainers who get labeled "cool to hate" are a little edgier and less mainstream, but not always. The haters see themselves as above everyone else and somehow entitled to spew all sorts of vitriole against the star for usually unfounded reasons. Unfortunately, Adam has some haters who apparently will not like him no matter what. There is no logic involved. They see themselves as too cool to recognize this mega-talented man, and they will criticize him for any comment or human behavior that they would forgive in some other celebrity. Adam is polarizing. There are not too many people who are "in the middle" about him. It makes our job harder, but I have FAITH that we can overcome the hate. It begins with sales, sad to say, but that's the reality. Our love for Adam can be expressed in many ways, but that's the bottom line.

choons said...

Re: It's bird mating season in!!!
May 16, 2011 8:19 PM
Not just birds mating haha

Anonymous said...

RE: 11:28pm 5/16, I agree with your WHOLE comment. As the world keeps changing there will always be new "slang" but the rules of proper English will not change.

Regarding the weather, it's probably all George Bush's fault.

But, I too could listen to Adam all day long if I had all day to listen.

Anonymous said...

May I share a bit of good news? I often make
some unpleasant remarks about my adopted home state......well, they've finally done something right! Time and again for years gay couples or singles who were approved and acting as foster parents tried to get permission to adopt these children and give them permanent homes, love and support....NO WAY!!!

Well, it's happening...a local lesbian couple were able to legally adopt a 15 year old boy they had been raising. He would have "aged" out of the system at 18 and been on his own. Now his future in a family is secure. It's happened a few times in the last 6 months....but, we have a new governor who is still in my opinion "iffy"
so I'm keeping my fingers crossed he's not gonna mess this up. But, right now, it's a brighter day!..................JAK

Anonymous said...

The hate against Adam is scary. Today I read an article with a link to the "It Gets Better" video. I went there as it was a long time since I saw it. In the comment section there was a very ugly comment from a Mr Ramble I think. It was a threat against Adams life, really awful and frightening and it made me think that Adam doesn´t have to go to Malaysia or Russia to be in danger. This person is obviously a very sick man and he´s brewing on his hate. "It´s my mission to kill you Adam Lambert". The comment will disappear flagged as spam, but the person is still out there hating with a mission.
About the Durbin interview. I refuse to listen to it. I thought this Jim C was Adam friendly, but he seems to have the same agenda as every gossip journalist, stir up shit and start a fan war. The truth is not important. It makes me sick.


Anonymous said...

@JAK,@glitzlady,@Eva,anyone, is Adam a threat to society? Is there someone out there very capable of taking Adam's life? The reason I ask is because in some cases, such as JFK or Martin L. King, they were great men who were assassinated. I can't see this world without such a man as Adam.
Please forgive me for going there, but as Adam's fame rises, he better get himself security big time! I understand Adam wants his privacy, but with the mentioned threat, this is reality. Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Thanks, @5:37, for teaching us that blackbird is only one word. In your comment, @7:11, you would have to ask your last question in this format. Was Psycho too his brainchild? The word, 'too', must not go at the end of the sentence. We can all learn from each other-all in fun. On another note, James Durbin has a high functioning form of autism. My nephew has had to suffer with this same affliction. We have all had to learn to 'walk on egg shells" because of his autism. The minute I heard that James Durbin had Aspergers (I am not sure of the spelling), I knew that this would be a terrible problem, especially in such a competitive world. James is a decent metal singer, but he is no Adam Lambert. I think James would do better in a band, but as a front person, he will face many tough times. I knew in my heart that James Durbin would not easily go home. Adam Lambert honestly critiqued the contestants, which he had the right to do. America would have kept James if he was the very best, but truthfully, James was not the best and that is why he went home. Our wonderful Adam had nothing to do with the decision of America. Rock on Adam Lambert-a true ROCK STAR with the whole package (pardon the pun)!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Eva , this is what I think about jd , I think he had a plan when going into AI . & I don't think it was all for his family, I think he had Adam in his plans , to try & win AI thinking he is better than Adam. There was something that didn't seem right about his words & actions & performances, such as ACIGC & DSB..if he won AI how do you think his attitude would be like then? Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

@Ronnie, your most welcome! I am so glad we all share the same adoration for a wonderful person such as Adam Lambert. Mwah!! K<3

Anonymous said...

Bottom line: The man is GORGEOUS!! My favorite pic of him. Can't get past those eyes. If I would ever have the opportunity to meet him in person, I'm sure I would come across as a spaced out groupie cause I would be so hypnotized by them I couldn't speak!! I mean, seriously, has there ever been a more gorgeous man than him!? Ummm.... Noooooooo

Magiclady said...

This picture reminds me of a blackbird with his hair going several directions.
He looked magnificent that day, one of my favorite looks!

Anonymous said...

I think it is the AI producers plan all the JD performances and JD act along with it.. JD think without filler and is easy to be manipulated by other people, judges and fans. I truly think he believe what all these stupid judges said to him week after weeks. He can only think straight. Why AI let him has his homecoming concert after the whole new level of manipulation of a contestant with "disability". Quilt? Public anger? $$$? The JD feud is on fire out in the media with Adam's name mentioned, it is all about getting hit. Shame!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anon 12:53, what is your problem?

Anonymous said...

Simply said fan wars are silly and should be ignored.
Anon 12:53

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@JAK-yesterday I watched the movie about the murder of John Lennon by a psycho dude named Mark David Chapman. I got chills just thinking about Adam out and about, enjoying his life, walking down the street, in the parking lot, in the clubs. He is now so high profile. I do NOT trust the psycho dudes in our society. Please, Adam, hire some awesome security! I could never accept losing you to a Mark David Chapman! These people are out there! We all face them each and every day, we are just too trusting to know it.

Dinah-mite said...

Can not resist being #101 poster! All I can say is I LUV how Adam looked here. The McQueen scarf looks SO good on Adam... The man wears a scarf WAY better than any woman I've ever seen! Also there is a certain look of being vulnerable that is just so REAL.
I'm gonna keep this post light, I've spouted off enough lately!:)
LUV AFL and LUV Glamberts!

Anonymous said...

heres some real victorian ENGLISH for you its called London Cockney Rhyming Slang
.........Rhyming slang has the effect of obscuring the meaning of what is said from outsiders
Adam and Eve = Believe.....Apples & Pears = Stairs........Bread & Cheese = Sneeze.....Daisy Roots = Boots..........Kick & Prance = Dance....Round the Houses = Trousers....Rhythm n blues = Shoes......Dog & Bone = Phone.....Dicky Dirt = Shirt........Darby & Joan = Moan........Bread & Honey = Money......Brass Tacks = Facts.....China Plate = Mate........Brown Bread = Dead......Whistle & flute = suit........Rosie Lee = tea.........and so many more
........its just a bit of FUN guys
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

RE James: I'm borrowing and paraphrasing a blog from another site that said: When Adam lost of AI, what did he do? He picked himself up, dusted himself off and got started on his career. He didn't criticize anyone or act like a crybaby. James should be classy and do the same thing.

Anonymous said...

cry babies exit left>

Anonymous said...

This has been one of the most "all over the place" threads I think I've ever taken part in.
We've covered a lot of territory, deep thoughts and good laughs.

I want to make sure it doesn't seem that I wish to disparage teachers. I spent most of my adult life teaching and tutored in English classes while I taught kindergarten. Proper grammar is important.......but I've retired and take a sort of perverse pleasure in doing exactly what I want, when I want and how I want. There has to be some letting up in your golden years or where's the fun in being old? I take great pleasure in being naughty after all those years of setting a good example and being proper.

SO----Glambrit IOW UK

I presume you purposely left out one rhyming slang, since you're a lady...
.................Bristol Cities = t - - - ies!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak..i was trying to keep it clean lol but if you insist just for you
also Thrupenny bits = tits.....Bottle and Glass = Arse....Bristol City = Titty....Cobblers Awls = Balls....Khybur Pass = Arse....Tommy Rollocks = B*llocks....Gypsies Kiss = P*ss.....Hampton Wick = Prick.........Fife and Drum = Bum....and many many more
also JAK as we seem to be covering alsorts ...the Hat you know THAT HAT well its up for auction on ebay somewhere raising money for charity
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

Please don't ask me to bid on it! JAK

Anonymous said...

LOL Jak I expect to see you wearing it at a Adam Lambert Gig....for sure :)
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

Once an English teacher, always an English teacher, even in retirement. I am not on Twitter, so I don't tweet. I don't even text. That was part of the problem in the classroom, competing with students who were texting during class or using the IM abbreviations in their essays and reports. As you can see, everything here is in complete sentences, but that is just me. I won't correct anyone on this blog because it is all about Adam and not grammar lessons. I put down my pen and correcting papers when I retired, got on the computer and started reading and posting comments about the best vocal talent in the music industry today...Adam Lambert. So let's just put aside quibbling over grammar rules and enjoy the reason we are here...a talented, charismatic, stylish, self-confident,gorgeous individual who makes each day a little bit better and brighter for me and so many others. (But if Adam decides he needs some grammar lessons, I am here to offer any help he might want.)

Anonymous said...

Private tutoring............very clever! :-)

I retired 20 years ago...before all those distractions...thankfully!..........JAK

coloforadam said...

Wish I hadn't come here tonight - fear for Adam's safety is a daily, hourly haunt. Imagine how his friends and family must worry. Nuf Said.

Safe and Intact Always, Superman!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you dear anonymous 12:18 for pointing out that it should be: Was Psycho too his brainchild?
I am now getting a bit worried about that death threat. I have posted before, distance is a very good safety precaution, gives a person a few seconds to hopefully thwart the evil attempt in whatever form. I do notice Adam being more wary, as seen in the parking-lot video, that is good. That video also gives me an insight into how beautiful Adam would look as a movie star.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

You would think that when someone makes a threat against someone, that the police would be all over it or the FBI. I'm sure they have ways of finding out who sent that threat. Love the picture of Adam and enjoyed reading all the posts on 24/7.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about US law, but I found this in Wikipedia: "A hate crime is a criminal offense. In the United States, federal prosecution is possible for hate crimes committed on the basis of a person's race, religion, or nation origin when engaging in a federally protected activity." In 2009, the Matthew Shepard Act added perceived gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability to the federal definition, and dropped the prerequisite that the victim be engaging in a federally-protected activity.

Anonymous said...

This is a serious threat against Adam that shouldn't be ignored. I hope this person is found and mentally evaluated. The hatred spewed on the internet is sick and brings the realization that the world is filled with dangerous, demented people that feel so worthless and inadequate they have to target the brightest stars among us. When Adam was on the Idol tour there were occasions when he didn't come out as the other performers did to greet the fans. Back then they may have been worried for his safety. There were also a lot of Kris Allen and Danny Gokey fans that got pretty ugly. We're given beautifully gifted, talented people to enrich our universe and the dark, fixated side of these sick people seem compelled to destroy anyone that brings us joy and beauty. I hope Adam will remain safe and not become a recluse because of the danger. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

So many great posts, Sister, Sanni,GIOW,UK, etc.I almost need to go back and read all of the comments again. I'm probably one of the biggest offenders of shortening words such as tho', B-day, lovin', etc. I know better, but like JAK, after spending so many years following rules, setting an example for my children, when you get to a certaain age you want to be free of the nit picking constraints and just be free to be...Time is getting shorter! As for the blackbirds, "Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie!" comes to mind! Last year I had about 30 Red-tailed Hawks perched in trees behind my house. Nothing dire happened. They were there for about two weeks and just moved on. I never did hear what killed the blackbirds that were dropping out of the sky. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@Lam my here is a good article on "The Birds". I have seen this house. Pretty cool to visit.


Anonymous said...

Hey daydreamin, thanks for the wonderful, interesting article. So The Birds was actually filmed at a pristine, tranquil bay. I thought it was just Hollywood filming. I have been to San Francisco, LA, Reno and Santiago, Adam's hometown but he was not even born yet. Visited SeaWorld, Disney World etc. and flew over Grand Canyon in a cessna with twelve other people. California is such a scenic, beautiful state. Have not been to Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds fiming location. I can barely remember the movie, except a black crow would fly onto a telegraph line and perches for a while and a few more would come and a whole flock...the Hitchcock suspense style. Thanks again.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Hi again daydreamin, I visited California about 20 years ago which means Adam was about 9 years old when I visited Santiago. :)
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Just think that pretty blonde in The Birds is now Grandma to Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas daughter! ..........JAK

Anonymous said...

Yeah JAK, time flies and I guess we are here to reminisce and relive some of the good times we've had. Can't quite recall the people you mentioned but their names sound familiar.
-Lam my