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Random Adam Lambert Gifs!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, May 16, 2011

Posted at : Monday, May 16, 2011

Thanks to Adamlambertgifs!


Anonymous said...

I love his beautiful face! Ronnie

Anonymous said...

I love his beautiful face! Sister


Hana said...

His smile is gorgeous.....

Anonymous said...

@JAK! Message for you from Capt.M in the "braces" thread. Ronnie

Anonymous said...

@Sister! Ditto! Ronnie:)

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the one in NYC with the scarf around his neck and he is waving to the crowd. This was on the CBS Early Show after he was cancelled on GMA in Nov. of 2009. He looks terrific with that gorgeous smile,he answered questions from the outside audience and as I recall, Leila was also there with him. Adam performed two songs and was just wonderful during the entire appearance.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is a man of a hundred different looks, each one more appealing than the other. He has that gorgeous smile that just lights up his entire face. He makes me smile and I love looking at all the different pictures of him. Can't get enough of him and his voice which is the best in the music industry today. Until his new album comes out this fall, I guess we have to be satisfied with the bits of information and pictures we get on this blog every day.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, handsome, dynamic, magnificent, edgy, stylish, charismatic, amazing, self-confident, spectacular,and, of course, talented. I could go on and on. This is Adam Lambert, the man who has taken the music industry to another level since he is in a league of his own with his impressive vocal talent. Just keep these pictures coming because I need my Adam "fix" every day.

Anonymous said...

Well said, 3:18 and 3:24!

For lots of fun Adam gifs, does everybody read Chunkey's Idol recap on the Home Planet site?
It is hilarious! Truly laugh out loud

Anonymous said...

That just made me very happy. :)

Anonymous said...

Is Adam the first singer to stick his tongue out that much when singing? I love it btw.

Also read that handwriting where the word ends with an upward line (like the m in Adam) shows an upbeat, optimistic personality.

One of my favorite looks it still when he auditioned for Idol with no makeup and came out and did that little spin to the When I ruled the
World song. Whenever I hear that song I still feel the wonderful memory of that. And look how far it has come from that moment.

Anonymous said...

I only like the recent ones, 4th and the last one are hot.

Anonymous said...

Everything of Adam is addictive to me!!!!!!!!!

Love, love, love and more love for you Adam!!!!!!!!

Seriously if he decided to have a child later on, I'll be the first in line!!!!!!!!!ha!ha!ha!

Anonymous said...

Here is a funny recap with lots of cute Adam gifs

Anonymous said...

He is so absolutely gorgeous and charming and of course out of this world talented.
Amazing man and we get to witness him in our lives.
Thank you Adam Lambert and mom and dad too for creating this beautiful man.
Hey, what's bro up to these days?

Anonymous said...

adam tweeted an hour ago and said seen alot of blackbirds actin strange today here in Hollyweird.He has been quiet for a few days and kind of a weird tweet, but nice to hear something from Adam. I want to hear an announcement that he is going to be on the voice cause I will jump for joy!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love these! So ADAM! So beautiful! What a way to start a morning! Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Instead of doing all these useless polls, lets all request his music. Let them see there is a demand for it. We can do it!!! We ARE THE GLAMBERTS. Contact Conan SNL or any other show we want to see him on.

Adamluv said...

Anon 3;12 - agree with you about the CBS Morning Show look! Fantastic! Re: blackbirds here in LA - we are expecting a heavy rainstorm beginning tonite, thru tomorrow and ending on Wed. Maybe they're responding to that? And regarding Chunkymonkeys recap of Idol at the homeplanet - I wait for it each week since it's such a hoot. She started with last years Idol and has just continued. Funny, funny, funny!!!! ... Adamluv

glamitup said...

Hahaha best website ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clearing up the blackbird tweet. I figured it might be weather related, but with Adam you never know lol. Love looking at all these gifs. They're really gifts to all of us!

Anonymous said...

4:20 p.m.

I personally don't like photos of Adam or anyone with their tongue sticking out. It seems like a 6 year old being a smartass.

I would prefer if Adam kept his tongue in his mouth unless it was needed for something important!!!!!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I think it is needed for singing some notes a certain way- no complaints from me!

Anonymous said...

The 5th gif from the bottom is from one of my favorite interviews:

Anonymous said...

Meant to come here so much earlier and got stuck on the MTV interview with james being put on the spot about adam not supporting him, like he does haley. Wow, here we go again with the bashing, but alot of positive comments also. When adam takes to twitter, the whole world sees it. I liked James-not so much anymore, he said I don't know why that GUY doesn't like me anymore ect ect- If I knew how to do the link I would- it was interesting btw

Anonymous said...

Just google James Durbin MTV and see how James just can't seem to get over himself. He's pitiful in the video.

Anonymous said...

I also saw the video. poor guy he was being interviewed by jim cantiello who showed his ear bled when james sang uprising now catiello pushed the topic about adam not supporting james.

Anonymous said...

Adore the gifs - Adam was made for gifs!! And as hot as Adam looks wearing eye makeup, I really love it when he doesn't wear any eye makeup at all. He looks so fresh and young and natural without it.

Can't find the MTV JD interview, unfortunately but I've read a few articles. I hope all this JD/Adam thing dies very soon. It's not proving anything and it's totally unnecessary.

I hope there's no one next year in Idol who sings remotely like Adam. AI is never going to find another Adam. They threw away the mould when Adam was born.

Anonymous said...

i have had FUN with these GIFS ....thanks Adam F*cking Lambert...thanks 24/7 for sharing
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

Loved the Lisa Paige interview. Love to look Adam TALK. His mouth is soo sexy!


tess4ADAM said...

ADAM gave his opinion on JD but JD isn't mature enough emotionally to ignore it like most other people. That's why he just kept on doing his thing against advice from Jimmy Iovine ... FLATTERED weekly by the judges so he never felt any rejection or criticism. I don't know ... maybe the judges were so desperate to FIND "another ADAM" that they overlooked his FLAWS (which were many IMO) or maybe they just felt sorry for the guy because of his "history" .. I don't know ... but ADAM was only trying to point out that JD was NOT 'Perfect' like he was led to believe & JD took offense to it ... ADAM only meant to HELP JD not diss him & the MEDIA put their own SPIN on it like they ALWAYS do!!! .. JMO
