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Sauli Koskinen to stay and work in Los Angeles!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, May 5, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, May 05, 2011

Adam Lambert's boyfriend Sauli Koskinen has found a job in Los Angeles now as entertainment reporter for a Finnish radio station!

More from Twitter:

GlamOfTheOpera: This is huge! Sauli got a job as radio Aalto’s entertainment reporter and he will be based in LA! HUGE I tell you!

PrincessPaulaE: @AdamLisSexy I called the radio station that hired him (: and they confirmed it

Thanks Loulou for the tip!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They look so happy together. It warms the heart.

Anonymous said...

Proof that mindful & positive living brings positive results.

Anonymous said...

This is such great news.. Adam and Sauli seem like an amazing couple.

Serena said...

This is amazing for Adam <3 No more distance love.

Anonymous said...

Such happy news. I wish Sauli a lot of success with his new job. Adam must be on top of the world having Sauli in L.A. @PRS I like what you stated, how true!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is unbelievable; things will go to the right direction all the time, just like that..

Nothing and no one will separate them.

LP said...

Wonderful news for Sauli and Adam. Wondering if Katri is part of it. Will we ever hear Sauli speak in English, obviously this radio site will be in Finnish.
Even though he will be based in LA, will he travel or use telepone for some interviews since it will be radio. I knew he would land a job of some kind, I think he is proud to be earning his own money. From what I have read about Sauli, he believes a man should have a job.Hope this will still work out when Adam goes on tour, I don't see why not, even if his home base will be in LA. Adam does interviews all over the world via cell phone. I am so happy for them :)

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting Sauli himself to confirm this. There should be an interview in the near future.

Anonymous said...

wonder when Sauli's contract will start? Hope he gets to go to Russia with Adam, I have a feeling that on that trip , they will go on over to Finland, so Adam can meet Sauli's family.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is actually pretty good at interviewing. Last autumn he interviewed the BigBrother contestants for Seiska magazine after they had been voted out. The clips are on YT.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:56 me too, but OMG. Im so happy for them! <3

Anonymous said...

Glad this has worked out for them. He should have a boat load of people to report on. Adam knowa alot of people. I really don't know why Adam wasn't discovered before Idol with all the people he knew and they knew.

Honey said...

If this comes trough, then whoa! Good for them!

Also, as a Finn I can say that radio stations seldom have their own entertainment reporters stationed outside Finland. This could be the first time. I'm guessing that Sauli has offered them to work for a very low pay because the work permit (meaning that he can stay more than four months at a time) is the most important thing here.

Anonymous said...

SK is moving to LA so he can keep a watchful eye on AL and TJR! AL loves a purrrrty kitty!

Anonymous said...

Sauli sooo happy for you!!! Still want to hear it officially from Adam or Sauli!!! Hopefully we will be able to hear Sauli speak in english soon! We are getting to know him a little more and this really shows how much he loves Adam!!

Sauli is a proud person he wants to make his own way -- love HIM!!! OMG!! is is a happy day in Glambert land!!!

Anonymous said...

yummy sweet

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure Sauli is the right match for Adam; he is so genuine, kind, loving and honest. And would never take advantaged of Adam.
This love is so perfect and pure.

No wonder Adam loves him so much. :)

Hope they would spend some time here in Finland too..

Anonymous said...

Wonderful how things are working out for Adam and Sauli! I'm hoping they both remain very happy with each other. Sauli remaining in L.A. will give them the time needed to really cement their relationship. Good luck boys!


Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted to Haley:
@HReinhartAI10 just watched the TiVo of idol last night. That was the SEXIEST thing EVER on idol. Saaaaaaaang!!!
Most of the replies say she was the SECOND sexiest, after him :-)

Anonymous said...

12:11 PM

That is such crap.

Anonymous said... let me go WAY OUT in time...

Does anyone know if Adam and Sauli were to get married in a state that recognizes gay marriage...would Sauli be able to get a resident a woman from another country might be able to get if she married a man from the states? So, my guestion is...does immigration recognize gay marriage in terms of residency? I suspect I already know the answer, but just curious if anyone has had any experience with this before?

Regardless, I am really happy that Sauli found work that will allow him to stay in LA and that he and Adam will be able to explore their relationship further. As JAK said on another thread..."Love will find a way". So true.And it looks like they have found a way.

Anonymous said...

Troll alert @12:11 !

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure they won´t get married because of visa; if they will, the do it for love sake.

Anonymous said...

Everythinb happens for a reason.

Anonymous said...

In response to 1:03 pm. I wrote a blog about this on ALFC.
No Sauli would not be able to stay even if they were married in a State that recognizes Gay marriage because GM is not recognized by Federal Law.I did the whole immgration thing myself and let me tell you the US Immigration Department is wound so frikkin' tight it is difficult to find the smallest hole imaginable. If you don't abide by their laws and rules you will be deported and never be able to return to the US.
This job for Sauli is true Gift of the Universe, this is actually the only way he can legally stay in this country for an extended time. Adam has done all the work as it is called, as in Living in Love and Gratitude and he is rewarded in the most amazing ways!!!!
Below is a link to let your voice be heard about equal immigration laws for Gay Couples.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there will be fair payment, I mean there are that kinda tidbits ( out of his own relationship of course ) S can get for his future employer ( exclusively!) they never otherwise would get their hands on.. They will pay, and S will make living on that money, no worries.

2 We don't know the length of this assignment

3 We don't know if S is actually gonna move in..
( of course we all hope he would.. :-)

But we seriously need confirmation to all this.

I sincerely hope everything will work out for them & I believe love conquers all that might come across.. <33

Anonymous said...

Best news to Adam and to us! So happy for them. Can they maybe get marry in Finland and Adam still has US citizenship, just easy to move around and has something to hold on. It is going to take ages to change a damn Federal Law, may not be in my lifetime.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lizard Eyes. I thought as such, but didn't have any information on it. I appreciate your response regarding gay marriage and immigration. Someday...someday...there will be equality for all. :) In the meantime, it looks like love is in the air. So happy for the two of them!

Anonymous said...

Hold your horses, I'm still waiting what Sauli has to say about this.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is sexy. Sauli betta keep his eye out on the pussy cat! rawrrrrr

Anonymous said...

I would like to see Tommy and Allison hook up! that would be sexy!

Anonymous said...

Adam is shooting a "behind the scenes" of the recording of his new album:

Anonymous said...

They truly seem like a great soul match. VERY positive, loving and very real people. Amazing that they found each other!
And by the way, does Adam just have the best long sexy legs in the world?

Best of Luck to Sauli on his new job if it's true and like Lizard Eyes said, Sauli is one lucky guy to get a job in the states.

HOWEVER!!! Does it count if he is hired from a company outside of the states? Doesn't he have to be hired by a company in the US?
Hmmmmmm, do you know about that L.E.?

Anonymous said...

But even if this assignment was not long-term thing, Sauli can always get another one from another media.. As long as he gets work, he can keep living in US on his press/media visa.
( according to my understanding it will stay valid until told otherwise ? )

Anonymous said...

12:10 Vappu Pimiä is working as one for radio Nova, and Sauli and Vappu being friends i am betting on some sort of collaborating together.

Anonymous said...

The radio station (Radio Aalto) interwied Sauli earlier today. I missed it.

They are now playing "California dreaming".

Anonymous said...

The radio station confirmed Sauli will be their gossip reporter. They couldn't get him on the phone yet, because it was still night time in LA and Sauli was probably sleeping.

Anonymous said...

Sauli possibly leaving his family and all the closest people, for a long time, just to be with Someone. Omg. I think their Luvvv is so beautiful, makes this world a little better place.♥ (sadlife?)

Anonymous said...

Sauli loves our BB so much.
When his boy, the love of his life, needs
him he drops everything and comes running..

That's the kind of guy he is <3

Anonymous said...

Just as long as Adam doesn't relocate to Finland or any other country!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

^^ I don't think that would be even possible, considering Adam career.. his friends, family and business ppl are in LA

Anonymous said...

Love of his life, visas, marriage....isn't everyone jumping to all kinds of conclusions so early in their relationship??? I am happy that Adam has found someone, but time will tell if this is true love and the partner for Adam. It will be easier having Sauli here in LA, while Adam is working on his album. Which one of us doesn't want to find that ideal partner and be hopelessly in love? All his fans only want the best for Adam and if Sauli is that person, then much happiness and love to both of them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:29 For sure he (sauli) will miss his family and friends but he´s an adult and will survive.

geez these teens; when You´re grown-up You don´t need your parents 24/7; You´ll see that when You´re older..

Anonymous said...

It must be hard for Sauli to be apart from his twin sister. He has told that she is his best and closest friend.

Anonymous said...

2:54 PM :

Of course we all have to wait patiently what's gonna happen with these two and the "thing" they're having..

..but I can save you some time and tell u this really is it. True love. The real thing.
But we'll see :-) <33

Anonymous said...

If I had even the tiniest bit of Jewish blood I would say "Adam darling, I am verklempt!"

Since I'm a mongrel (Baptist, Catholic, Methodist) I'll just say "I'm overcome with emotion".

Somehow "verklempt" says it better! It's one of my favorite words.

So happy for you and Sauli <3 <3 <3 JAK :-)

Anonymous said...

They can talk via skype or messenger, by sending emails & call each other, it is not a big deal nowadays to live far away from family and friends.

and of course he can go to see his family, too. this is not the end of the world !!

The Dark Side said...

Wondering is Sauli able to go to Russia with Adam. To Russia with Love...nice.

Anonymous said...

Pic of Sauli and his twin sisters baby:

Anonymous said...

The link doesn´t work for me.. :(

Anonymous said...

If this is confirmed it's got to be incredible news for Adam. Wondered how they'd conquer this problem. It's about time for change because marriage is accepted now but still is restricted of all it's rights within CA.
Adam and Sauli must be elated! Way to go Adam!

Anonymous said...

This is great news for these two guys. I am so pleased for them. Right now they are in love and being together is important for their relationship.
People move around to diff states, countries all the time, sure they miss family, but most go with their partner. (husband, wife, lover).
Look at the military they have to leave family, loved ones, but do it for love of country.
Sauli will be fine here, he will make friends here, on his own.

Give it all time. I wonder who does the cooking, or if either can cook. I worry about eating to keep the strength up. HAHA

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam has really niced shaped legs, his knees are nice too. (Most knees, elbows are kind of ugly). Now I could really get into the legs and then I know what would happen here with what we would like to do with those legs. It would take a whole thread, maybe two, when we let our minds take over.......To late!!!!

Anonymous said...

does anyone doubt that they have been living together. On a previous comment, it seemed they thought they were not.
I was curious where this leaves Katri, if she will go back to Finland, after her vacation.
I don't suppose the legal work for Sauli will be ready until aug. or sept. gotta get their ducks in a row.

Anonymous said...

The original plan was that Katri would come back to Finland at the end of May and Sauli would stay until fall (6 months visa).

Sauli and Katri didn't obviously stay at the same place, when they worked in LA. In Tutka roadshow Sauli told that he had a longer way to come to Universal studios than what Katri had. Wonder where he was staying...

Anonymous said...

"wonder where he was staying" ha. cute. LOL

Anonymous said...

Please Everyone Stop with this stupid marriage talk!!!
They "get" each other and want to be together.
What else is life besides being with the people you enjoy.
Paper or No Paper - ridiculous to talk about !!!

Anonymous said...

@3:26 PM Looks like Sauli's twin sister isn't married with a Finnish guy (either) ??

Anonymous said...

@4:53 PM No, it is not ridiculous. It's romantic.

Anonymous said...

Every time I fall in love, I have this urge to get marry especially around that age, just saying.

Anonymous said...

Romance.....the pleasurable feeling of the excitement and mystery associated with love.

I like it !..........................JAK

Anonymous said...


I agree that it is all about being with people you care whatever way works for you. That being said, a while back we expressed hope for Adam to find love, and now he has found love. Next step? Date and live separate? Live together? Marriage? Who knows. Fun conjecture.

I would love to see Adam and Sauli end up making a commitment to each other with paper or without. But honestly, for Adam and Sauli to get to a place of deciding to marry, it would be huge positive visibility for gay marriage rights. IMO. But, really, when it comes down to it, they will live life in a way that works for them, whatever that looks like. I just wish them both the best.

I hope Sauli adapts well to LA...and that love continues to manifest. They do seem so lovely together. :)

Anonymous said...

@5:00 PM If I remember right, she is married to a guy from Turkey. So the family isn't unfamiliar with multinational relationships.

Anonymous said...

It is none of my business how Adam and Sauli work things out, whether they live to together, get married etc but the US Government does consider it their business and the fact Sauli has this job lined up now shows me A&S are well aware of it as well.

@1.49pm The only reason he will get a visa is becasue he is hired and paid by a foreign company.

JAK I agree verklempt is a great word just like Kanipchen.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

I hope TJR hooks up with Miss Allison! Adam would give them his blessing. RATAHETA!

Anonymous said...

So many naive comments in here.. :O Teens really can be so annoying.

Anonymous May 2005 5:00 PM:
So what, if sauli´s ONE sister is married to a Turkish man; the oldest sister is married to a FINNISH man. What´s the big deal ?????

Are You trying to say that sauli or his sisters will marry only men from foreign coutries...? Or trying to say this is "traditional" they only marry people who comes from other culture.. ?

I want to tell You that Finland is a very good place to live, Actually it is said that our country is the best place to live in whole wide world.

We have no need to marry people because of Visa or better live. Read more abt Finland before You´re writing naive and insane comments.

Anonymous said...

so many naive and silly comments here.. :O Some teens can really be so annoying.

So what, if sauli´s ONE sister is married to a turkish man, what´s the big deal????? btw, his other sister is married to a FINNISH man..

it´s very naive to think that sauli would get married because of visa.
And what comes to Finland, our country is the best place to live. google it and You´ll find more information abt our country and You´ll find facts about that.

I´d like to read latest news here, but these retarded comments makes me so F**** UP.

Anonymous said...


Finnish people have no need to marry poeple to get visa or better live.

it has been said that Finland is the best place to live in the whole world. Google it, and You´ll find the facts.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if there´s other forum where I can read adam lambert news which is FOR ADULTS ?

Anonymous said...

To readers of this comment-section,
FYI that in Finland we also have some "bad apples", 2:10AM & 2:14AM ( assuming are same person ) is perfect proof for that :-)

Srsly dude, who are you yelling at ? :-D

- fellow finn with few braincells left

Anonymous said...

Anon May 6, 2011 2:14 AM You are right that Finnish people have no need to marry people to get visa or better live but the problem is that if you want to live in USA for some reason it may be complicated.

Anonymous said...

Hi! let´s be happy for Sauli that he have now job what he likes to do and of course it's nice thing to both Adam and Sauli. Now they have more time to know each other and they can be together. I really hope they both are coming to Finland same trip when Adam goes to Russia. Have a nice day everyone. Be nice to all no matter of ages :)
Girl from Finland

Anonymous said...

Well, huh! So we are teens here, because we are so happy for Adam and Sauli. Their lovestory is so romantic! Ok, the marriage stuff is quite daring to plan among us. But, calm down you guy from Finland! The US is a good place to live as well. And Adam couldn't live in Finland because of thousand of reasons. If you think us retarded, please find another better place to read Adam news. And Sauli is not Finland's national property by the way. We have a right to talk about him as Adam's partner. Kirsi from Finland

Anonymous said...

@a Girl from Finland. Hello, ihana kuulla sinusta taas, kulta! (=nice to hear your words again, dear) I hope as well, that Adam would travel to Moscow thru Helsinki. It is so soon! Let's be kind to each other. Sanni

Anonymous said...

Why do some people insist on romatically linking Adam and TJR. They did that smooching for us stupid.

Anonymous said...

Adam finds TJR attractive, but knows he don't roll that way. Adam finds alot of straight people attractive.

Anonymous said...

oh boy, oh boy..

Kirsi; I think noone said ppl can´t call sauli as Adam´s partner. From where did U got that kind of idea..??????? :O maybe You have misunderstood something.

Anonymous said...

Love the boys, but my question was who was Jan Peerce? I thought I knew all those stars on the walk of fame but had to do my homework on that one. I learn something new everyday through Adam. Much happiness to Adam and Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Tommy and Adam were 'For your Entertainment' only! They played it well and everyone sucked it in just loving every minute!

Anonymous said...

You didn't hear about Adam relocating to Australia? Ha!

Anonymous said...

Jan Peerce was an opera singer and was well known in the 50's 60's[maybe 40s)if I remember correctly. Think he was on Ed Sullivan's show in the past as a guest and maybe Johhny Carson. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Glad that Sauli will be working in LA! I think he'll be very successful. He's a people person and very engaging with such a friendly smile. Hope the US will be welcoming and support him. Also glad that he and Adam will have time to explore and enjoy their time together. I think they make a great couple and wish them all good things. funbunn40