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Fox All Access - Catching Up With Adam Lambert: New Album Update & More

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, June 11, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, June 11, 2011

This interview was from the American Idol Finale Red Carpet a few weeks ago. Fox All Access released their interview with Adam today. He talks about the new album etc.




laurieb said...

Here is alink to the above story.hope it works..

Anonymous said...

I had not seen this interview from Fox A A.Here's the url again for idol of the month.PLEASE bookmark it!!Thia is still gaining some,& is 413 votes behind Adam.Please,West Coasters,etc,keep voting as late as possible..I will vote some more,but NOT TOO late;have to get up early tomorrow &, it's Eastern time zone here.

laurieb said...

I cant view this here..Im in Canada

Anonymous said...

He's never at a loss for words is he? As one of his "over-mothering" admirers, did he sound hoarse to you? ....... JAK

Anonymous said...

your fans are insane? My two sisters and Aunt are but not me!! lol

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, Adam, articulate and charming as ever. Can't wait to see what he reveals in his new album about his true feelings both "good and bad".


Anonymous said...

Should be a really interesting set of songs on album #2. Really can't wait. Love to hear him say he loves his fans, yeh us! Adam we love you so much too.

glitzylady said...

At GREAT risk of being grumbled at because this is Sauli related : ) , this is a video link to Sauli's sister Saana and her band.. "Miss Saana and the Missionaires" Sauli tweeted this today and he is obviously very proud of her..She has a really beautiful voice and is very pretty too. If anyone is interested here is the link..By the way, she sings in English here. Don't feel obligated to watch, but I really enjoyed it....

Anonymous said...

thanks for the link Glitzylady, I am going to watch. I think after everything was said and done most people liked things Sauli related so keep em comin.

Anonymous said...

Sauli's sister has a really beautiful voice. Wonder how popular she is in Finland. Now a weird thought She can carry Adam's baby and then Adam and Sauli would have a child with a beautiful voice , face and heart. Just my imagination, so no one get mad.

Anonymous said...

9:30p.m u have a great imagination! loved it!
Adam's family aka "The beautiful people" :)

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:50 PM
Well, that's really thinking ahead! ; )

Anonymous said...

I hope not too many people read these comments tonight.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady: I listened to Sauli sister and she is very good. Different sound and she is pretty. I even listened to the second song that was 2 min and some sec., where you see her alone singing. Sauli's hair is really dark, not blond. Funny both guys changed their hair to be what the other is normally. (Well almost Adam is strawberry blond.

9:00PM: yea right, two sister and aunt are insane fans, but not you. HaHa funny, but I am like you, as I am not insane either.

I hope Adam has more good feelings, than bad ones on this album. Happy songs make people happy. Of course he could write a song about his insane fans, who love him dearly. Gee, I wonder why so many interviewers bring up his fans. Could it be, that we are a little intense?

glitzylady said...

Also posted this on another thread, but it may have gotten lost on an older thread, so will repost here..Its too fun to miss!

@JAK corrected my hurried explanation of it on the other thread because I called Adam a BEDBUG when he was actually THE EXTERMINATOR with his huge can of RAID and many female assistants have to watch it to see what the heck we're talking about!

This from Adam's senior year at Mount Carmel High School in San Diego, March 2000, and it is just so darn funny..(Stage production). Even then you can see Adam is the "man in charge". and destined for bigger and better things...and looks good too. The video quality is not great, but well worth a look!

When he emerges from his hiding place, we can move on to something more current..but this is fun for now!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:08 PM
I think the real reason that so many (all??) interviewers become fans of Adam's is because Adam is charming and completely irresistible to anyone who is alive and breathing. Resistance is futile.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:08 PM
Ooops! Sorry! I misread your comment but I think my resulting comment still applies (trying to watch a movie while I post this: multitasking....).

Yes, we Glamberts have a reputation of being very passionate and intense in our love and support for Adam...And I'm sure our reputation precedes us..So many interviewers and articles do comment on that. And Adam appreciates it too..most of the time!

Anonymous said...

glitzylady thanks for the high school video -

Adam doesn't look overweight or an ugly duckling at all in this. Also looks athletic. And people are cheering him!

Anonymous said...

Top interview - loved it. :-D

@June 11, 2011 8:41 PM

Thia Megia is less than 400 votes behind Adam now. Her fans vote like there's no tomorrow. Here's the voting link again:

Anonymous said...

That's right,anom.,@12:30am.She is up to only 392 points behind Adam.That's not much,considering how hard her fans have been voting today.If anybody comes on here,& this thread is gone,PLEASE put the url in the new on,ok??Bookmarking it,would be the best thing to do,obviously..It's almost 4AM here,so another vote,& I have to go to bed.

Anonymous said...

Here's the Liam McEwan's Adam Lambert hour from TODAY:

glitzylady said...

I'm really sorry to be taking up all this space on this thread, but here is a great Interview with Eber Lambert and Adam that took place the day after the Season 8 Idol Finale..apparently it sort of re-emerged and this might be a good time to re-visit that time and listen to what a sweet, humble and grateful guy Adam was and is, and the interview with his dad, who is also a really nice guy..Audio only (radio interview)..

"Lost Adam Lambert's Dad (Eber) Interview-Post AI 8 Finale" (downloaded by Gale Chester..and Islandgirljams)

"Long lost Q102 Interview with ADAM LAMBERT's Dad Eber Lambert the day after the American Idol Season 8 Finale, when Adam came in second. Includes short interview with Adam. Originally taped and aired on 5-21-09. Thanks to @islandgirljams for the download!"

Anonymous said...

Adam said it all... His desire is to be honest in all aspects of his life,including his music.

We,the fans, IMHO need to give Adam more privacy..not hound him. Maybe like Bono,know where he's been rather than were he is or where he is going. That would give him so much more freedom.Just saying.. please no burn out for our Adam.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady - don't be sorry, on the contrary, we're all so grateful. This interview is fantastic! I had to listen twice... And I'm sure they're not the last two times. And the interviewers are also so gracious. It's just a heart-warming interview to listen to.
Thanks again, Cassie.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:50 PM

Sauli's sister Saana is not a very famous singer in Finland. I think she sings just for fun and not for living. Actually she is an artist (painter) and known better for that. That's how I believe it is. Anyway, she is very talented.

Anonymous said...

I keep going to tweeter faxo voting but I don't see all names to vote for??????????????

Anonymous said...

9:50 You and your imagination make me sick. :(

Anonymous said...

Where are the names to vote for'

I do not put any info on facebook or twitter

Anonymous said...

@4:37.....apparently 9:50 has never carried a baby or else would not have make that statement

Anonymous said...

that´s true, Anon 4:37.

no wonder ppl calling some glamberts crazy !! Seen very weird & silly comments here..

Anonymous said...

I go to tweeter faxo and click in AI vote and nothing comes pics....?????how do you vote?????

Anonymous said...

Me too!!! no names or pics to vote instructions or this a joke????

Anonymous said...

Shame on You people ! stop dreaming sauli´s sister would give a birth to adam´s child !

seriously You´re mentally ill, if You keep dreaming of something like that !!

You sound like hitler Who wanted to create specific type of people.

I can´t believe this, how dumb you people can be ! :O

I am gonna puke now..

Anonymous said...

About sauli´s sister..

I remember reading of some comments abt her. ( not sure if it was this site tho ) some ppl said he would be pretty known artist for doing some paintings and jewelleries..

I haven´t heard anything abt her before some ppl posted some links to sauli´s facebook ( 17 hours ago )

I only knew Sauli has 3 sisters, that´s all.. and yes I live in Finland !!

Also, never seen/hear her ( sauli´s sister ) singing..

IDK if She is just know Helsinki area, and helsinki is not my hometown..

Anonymous said...

correction: known

Anonymous said...

@Anon June 12, 2011 4:57 AM

This is the link to
If you want to vote, bookmark this link.
I don´t think it´s the Thia Megia fans voting. More likely it is fans of other idols voting against Adam. They are pissed that he´s always winning.


Anonymous said...

Happy day! glitzylady, thanks for your super links!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Check out NoAngels sunday essay! It´s more than hilarious. Scroll down to
Stalking For Dummies: A Guide For Fans
6/12/11 by NoAngel


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much glitzlady! I listened to Eber's interview, with Adam, anytime something about AI comes up, I get emotional. I will be scarred forever,as we know a lot of Adam's fans will be forever! I think this may have partly due to why we are so passionate. We stand behind someone who we know should've won, who should've been #1!!! We believe in Adam cuz we aren't afraid to admit that he is a beautifully gifted vocalist! We are not afraid of someone who is different!! A lot of people can't admit Adam is a powerful vocalist, cuz he wears makeup, he's different, he's gay. Adam's fans , we , will support him for eternally!!Mwah!!K

Anonymous said...

As one of Adam's devoted fans,I cannot wait for his second album. It's like waiting for the birth of a baby with such anticipation, hope, joy, etc. I guess in the music industry, the sophomore album is the one that will make or break an artist's career. I don't think we have anything to worry about because of all the time, thought, and effort Adam is putting into the production of this album. I absoulutely loved FYE and WWFM is my favorite song of 2010. I just heard it on the radio twice this past week and it makes me smile and just feel good. I think that will be Adam's "anthem" song; I can identify it from the first note Monte plays on the guitar. Finally, so great to hear this interview from Adam. He is always so articulate and charming. How could you not fall in love with him and become a fan esp. after listening to him sing. To me, Adam Lambert is the best vocal talent in the music business today.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the links and I'm from Canada!!!

Adam yes!!! We are all passionate about you and your music and we are not going away till the end baby!!!!!! We just love u because you are the real deal in music and I'm really excited for the 2nd ALBUM!!!!! See u in Canada next month!!!!!

glitzylady said...

So, I checked twitter this AM, and this is being re-tweeted around..From the looks of it, Adam is back in LA, perhaps attended LA Pride last night, and this is a tweet from this person, who is a contributor to LA a picture is forthcoming on Monday...

@L_in_A Lina Lecaro
@adamlambert Thanks for the picture tonight! I can see why your fans luv u! Yr Sweet. It'll be in @LAweekly Monday. :)
5 hours ago

glitzylady said...

Oh, and the reason I assume Adam was at LA Pride last night is because the person who tweeted the "Thanks for the picture tonight Adam" tweet was there..This is the tweet that talks about that..just in case anyone wonders where I deduced that! This is the tweet that came right after the Adam tweet..

L_in_A Lina Lecaro
Man @LAPride was a blast. Pics of @RheaLitre, gals from the Real L Word, leatherboys & plenty of rainbow brights for @LAWeekly Monday!
5 hours ago

Anonymous said... poll on tweeter instructions??????

coloforadam said...

There are always people who "dream" that if someone special just has a kid, that kid will be an amazing recreation of parental greatness, unbelieveably cute, gorgeous and of equal talent. We KNOW that is not true - genetics does not work like that. Someone as beautiful and unique as Adam has come partly from the mystery of the Universe and partly from his own energy and hard work. He looks nothing like his genetic predisposition and his stunning voice has no familial explanation. What ridiculous pressure it would put on child of his, to expect that that child would be a second verse of something as other-wordly as Adam Lambert. He would expect that of a child - neither should we.

Anonymous said...

Eva,I AGREE with you 100%!!Thia's fans are still voting like mad,but,I've always thought that some are voting AGAINST Adam,too.The link given is supposed to work for AIOTM.The last 2 links are correct.try again.Do you live in Canada?Have you ever had a problem voting from there before?just wonderedI live in the US & I don't have twitter or facebook,so when I click to"refresh" the voting page,it should say"Are you human??"( to prove you're not a bot.Then you copy the two weird looking "words",which aren't real words sometimes;sometimes both are,but hard to read;after you put in the two words,it tells you to click under those"If you did it right,it should say,"Happy votinng Human"..I have had a few problems with that not coming up sometimes,but it usually does Work.Search for faxo tweeter AIOTM 2011/06 if the above doesn't work,ok?Thanks.Let us know if you have better luck w/another try please;then bookmark that page-I have better luck on Firefox,but you should be able to vote w/any brower.

coloforadam said...

Update last sentence - He would NOT expect that of a child - neither should we.

Anonymous said...

95% of the time the links don't work..I try 6 different search engines , copy and paste's very frustrating...

Anonymous said...

don't want to add foxfire or anything install something "for free" then they install other junk along with that to compensate for "free"....can we just have one click links like facebook?

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my typos(anom.7:46am)Eva,or anybody,can you figure out why some can't see where to vote?I would think you could vote from any country,but am not sure.I never heard from any people before this mo.having these problems,so I can't figure it out.IT'S NOT A JOKE,I promise you!!Will check back later.

Anonymous said...

After u hit wall voting and then AI goes no has 2 boxes about retweeting.....but I don't know what that means.......want to vote...not tweet????

Anonymous said...

Hi I am 9:50 and I have two beautiful children. I clearly said IMAGINATION and no one get mad. You guys can't take a joke, sorry. No one needs to be mean here to others, or hurt other peoples feelings!

Anonymous said...

You have 2 children.....would you want to give themup....sorry some things I can't joke about....I can joke about hair, antics, clothing.......

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:50 AM
I got that you were joking..don't worry about the others...People have been a little cranky lately...not enough Adam news. Personally I thought it was a beautiful idea, but I didn't take it seriously, and I know you didn't either. And actually, people have been known to do just that, out of love for their friends/family. I know you weren't suggesting that would actually happen and were not saying they should do that..It was lighthearted and sweet, and as I said, a beautiful thought.

Anonymous said...

No one needs to be mean here to others, or hurt other peoples feelings! do You think sauli´s sister would like Your insane comment ? OMFG..

I bet she could never do that, carry a baby and then give the little one away..

I think that baby stuff was graziest I ever had heard here.

Think twice before You´re leaving insane comments like that !!

I can´t take a joke ? You´re mad. like I said it sounds to me You´re like Hitler who´d like to create specific type of people. Shame on You !

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:46 I agree with You. PPL should NOT joke abt things like that. !!

again, NO wonder some are saying glamberts are crazy !!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Have you guys seen THIS CRAY??? What a bitch for asking such an INSANE question that is CLEARLY none of her god damn business! Porter's response is ACE!

Anonymous said...

8:57 that link is not working for me.. so what´s there ?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:46 AM
I must respectfully suggest that I think you may have missed the point. I am personally very grateful to the birthparents of my beautiful son who my husband and I adopted as a newborn. He was the greatest gift I ever received. That said, it also must have been the hardest thing his birthparents ever had to do. Ever. Period. I would never ask anyone to give up their child but it happens sometimes. I don't think I could have done it, but then I've never been personally faced with that heartbreaking and agonizing decision. In my son's case, it was because the parents were very young and wanted their child to have a loving and home to grow up in, while they themselves grew up. Please don't be so hard on @8:29 AM and please don't judge. She was not saying they should/would actually do that. The old saying goes "Walk a mile in my shoes" before making assumptions or judgments about someone else.. Giving up a child is a personal decision, based on love. One can and should never speak for anyone else. It was a lighthearted comment..and that's all it was. And that will most likely never happen. Besides, I think it is a moot point for quite awhile!

Anonymous said...

What the F*** is always wrong with these links coz they´re not working ..

glitzylady said...

Yep, saw that..jeez, the gall and stupidity of some people. Alisan's answer was perfect. She is such a good friend to Adam and Sauli.

Anonymous said...

@ glitzlady thank you for your support. I am in tears right now by what some are saying. Calling me Hitler. My god if you knew me, I am such a good person and I get it was a ridiculous comment. but come on haven't we all said things then think that was strange to say!Don't know what else to say except I love Adam and all the great info given on this site.

tess4ADAM said...

@glitzylady ... Thanx!! for the Eber interview link after AI 8 finale ... I so enjoyed hearing all the beautiful things the interviewer & Eber said about ADAM ... what a JOY for Eber having a son like ADAM ... so special in every way ... LOVED hearing ADAM on there too ... THANX!! again ... Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

9:11am don't worry about it. I had a comment removed from this site one time and I was using my daughters computer. When I make a comment over her house a red flag goes up. She would kill me if she knew that.

Anonymous said...


I am glad You got the point, your comment was totally insane.

I don´t care what or who You´re but because of Your comment I think now You´re mad. No need to defend Yourself saying "how good person you actually are ", I have an opinioin about You and it´s not a positive one..

You ask ppl not to be rude each others, but THINK what Sauli´s sister would say if she saw your insane comment !

You can have your sick fantasies, but DON`T TALK ABT THEM IN PUBLIC !


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

9:11 a.m. Don't be upset, it's not a far fetched idea. Gay couples everywhere frequently (several celebrity
couples in the last year) find a surrogate to carry a child for them..a friend..a relative..even a stranger. It's not uncommon for a female relative (for instance a sister) to offer to be an egg donor for insemination purposes. It's really no wackier than for opposite sex couples to do so when health reasons make it necessary for them .

We have a very happy family in our church, 2 dads and a beautiful blue eyed redhaired 4 year old charmer. Mick was the sperm donor, Charley's
sister was the egg donor and a friend was the surrogate who carried the baby girl. She's got DNA from both sides and lots of "aunts" along with the 2 dads.

Science marches on, making the impossible possible.

Anonymous said...

@9:28 So I have the opinion you are not a forgiving person. I said I was sorry didn't mean to hurt anyone but you can't let the Shame on you thing stop. Can we let it go and just say one wrong thing does not define you. Adam has always said not to let negative words affect you, so I will try and hope you can do the same.Thanks @9:26 for the kind words. We all say things we don't mean sometimes, foot in mouth,can't take it back but can apologize to those who were offended.So again I apologize.

Anonymous said...

Who in the heck is Thia Megia? It sounds like something your dermatologist would say to you,

"I'm sorry to tell you Abigail, but that rash is
thia megia, I'm going to have to do a biopsy!"

In fact I think I had it once!............JAK

Anonymous said...

Whatttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!! That's funny mother JAK!!!!!!

I don't know Thia as well He!he!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:51 AM
Thanks for that story..Its beautiful, and true that it actually happens all the time..Elton John and his partner used a surrogate and so do many other couples, both straight and gay..What's the big deal here??!!.

Honestly..what a big fuss over nothing..No one is suggesting that Adam and Sauli actually do that, and its no one's business anyway...For one thing, they are not that far into their relationship, and for another thing it was just a "fantasy" suggestion..I hate to say this, but give me a break!

Move on to something else. This conversation is going nowhere but down. The nastiness is ridiculous, mean spirited, and way more intense than it needs to be. I'm about to say something really out of character for me, but much more of this, and its happening. That "Hitler" comment was too much. I'm speechless..and that's unusual for me. Stop. (Please..)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

BTY...I have no problem linking to and voting on FUSE polls.........Bruno Mars is ahead of Adam at the moment!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bruno Mars and Adam have been up and down and it has been tight.I have had no problem with the Fuse poll, so if anyone is interested you can vote on that one. It is for celebrity with the best fans.If you just type fuse poll Adam Lambert vs Bruno Mars it will take you there. Know these polls are silly I can't help but still vote.

Anonymous said...

Thia is a cute little girl from this years AI and she has many fans already. I just had a JAK wart removed from my left great toe.

Anonymous said...

The initial story is about Adam, the new album, his ideas, etc. How did these comments get so off the topic. We know he is working hard on putting it together focusing on how he feels about experiences he has had since the first album. The interview is charming and articulate, so what is the reason for all this other nonsense? As I used to tell my students, stick to the topic!! Focus on the main idea and stay with it. Let's keep to that here also. I don't really want to read about someone else's issues or problems. Just give me Adam Lambert related info and pictures and I will be happy with that. That's the main reason I come here and all the other stuff is just a waste of time and gets people aggravated and upset. There is enough ugliness, craziness and hatred out in society and in the world so we don't need to read it here also. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of your day. Watch the Tony awards tonight; lots of great musical numbers and Neil Patrick Harris is a terrific host.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to so many inspiring writers on this site!

Glitzylady - always the great detective bringing us the latest news and a kind, effective writer
Coloforadam - always an intelligent and well-thought response
JAK - always cracks me up!

Anonymous said...

10:37 a.m.

First time I've ever been called a WART! ^o^
Good Shot!.....................hope your toe is better, but you should know warts sometimes return!......Pesky little things!..........JAK

P.S. Watched Idol once this year, only saw the top 4 performers left. No Thia.

Anonymous said...

I think we could be a little easier on the surrogate-suggestion person - we know it was just a daydream based on how amazing the 2 guys are.

I admit I sometimes look at a really amazing, good-looking person and think to myself - "Woah, they should reproduce". Of course, we all know that there is no way of knowing what the child would be like or what their parenting skills would be like. It's just a compliment on their style, nothing more.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady: You are great at trying to smooth the feathers of heated debates. I got that once and have not ID'ed myself since. How we say some things look different on paper, than what is in our heads. We know what we mean, but others read it diff in their heads. I think some people go beyond the " agree to disagree" theme. Name calling is a form of being a bully.

@JAK funny lady

Anonymous said...

There's always one who just can't help spreading negativity. I hope the one who kept shouting things about Hitler and shame on others (who really don't have any reason to shame, by the way - I'm sure any normal person can see that it was just a crazy thought) would sit down for a minute and think about what he or she posted. It is so easy to forget on the internet that you are interacting with real people with real feelings but yet, it is not an excuse. You were downright rude and went way too far with the Hitler reference.

As for all the others (the positive ones): keep up the good spirit! :) I've been a silent observer for quite some time and never thought I'd post myself, but it seems I can't shut up when I see great injustice being done.


tess4ADAM said...

Getting back to the original title of this thread ... I have been to the SOURCE of this story and left a comment ... the ONLY one so far ... so here is the url if you would like to leave a comment & give it some hits as well ... also for those of you who can't view the vid here ... maybe you can there ... am I making ANY sense? Well ... here it is ...

Lets all go there & comment about our Wonderful Glam Rock King ... THANX!! Love 'n Light


tess4ADAM said...

@Anon 5:42AM
I, too, can't understand the OUTRAGE directed at such an INNOCENT comment (9:50AM). I wasn't going to say anything and maybe I shouldn't but here goes. I don't think anyone should be offended by the comment ... at least ... NOT an ADAM fan ... BUT ... if you do take offense then at least be CIVIL about it ... a TRUE ADAM fan would NEVER turn on anyone for having an opinion which differs from their own in such a MEAN & BERATING manner! Do you think ADAM would be appreciative of your comment? Calling a fellow fan MAD & invoking the name of HITLER on this or any other thread is BULLYING!! Has anyone here responded to you with any form of REBUKE? That's what begs the question ... ARE you an ADAM fan & IF you ARE ... what has prompted this OUTRAGE? IF you are NOT ... please LEAVE this site & leave us FANS alone to communicate with each other in PEACE and LOVE!!


LP said...

Aparentaly, there are some people in here with bad memories, or are new to this site. Adam said one time in an interview about a year ago, if he thought he might like to have a child. and his answer was " maybe in about 10 years, My life has to settle down so that I could devote time to the child." I think he made a smart answer, it's not fair to the child for parent to be always on the road.
We don't even know if he will give Sauli up for the same reason, like he did with last BF.

glitzylady said...

@kady 11:31 AM
Thanks for your wise words..You are so right, and please jump in any time..

The first time I commented here, way back when, was in response to something similar..only it was directed at Adam by an idiot newspaper music blogger who was making snarky remarks about him when he was supposed to be announcing and promoting Adam's Glam Nation show after the Tampa Devil Rays game last year..I also calmly but firmly responded to the music critic/blogger, and I ended up in the newspaper...Ooops! Its important to stand up if we see injustice..silence is not necessarily golden. : ) Its just too bad it has to be said in the first place.

tess4ADAM said...

WELL ....

I'm off to VOTE for ADAM
The Wonderful Wizard of GLAM
At every poll WE'll keep in control
Which makes ME the Glambert I am!! (LOL)
(sung to "The Wizard of Oz" son

Haha!! Hope you don't mind ... just a little light-hearted nonsense to ease the tension!!
Love .. Light .. and PEACE!!


tess4ADAM said...

Oops!! Should be 'song' ... not son ... my keys stick sometime ...


Anonymous said...

^o^ light hearted nonsense is always welcome !
As for "sticky keys" in my case it's a sign of
age................mine, not the computors!
Love..Light..and PEACE to you tess4ADAM.....JAK

Anonymous said...

@9:50 And many other times. I am with YOU on this one darling, now, I don't have children unfortunely but I get what you were tryin to say in a fantasy world. Actually, it does happen with siblings ect and I do believe and I'm ashamed of some of the comments here towards you. I actually think you didn't say anything mean-spirited what-so-ever, it was just your love for adam , that you thought the legacy would continue. people give her a break,her intentions were good and some of you really took it to heart the wrong way! Peace and love glamberts


Anonymous said...

I listened to both of them interviews and it just warms my heart to hear Adam speak, so articulate and so honest, not pretentious but very straight from the heart. He does not make up stuff to answer the question but honestly answers them, so quick and precise. Love everything about this beautiful soul!!!!!!!!!!indigo

Anonymous said...

Thank you all who supported @9:50!! Peace and love to you all! Ronnie

Anonymous said...

Adam has said he probably wouldn't consider parenting for at least 10 years, so let's leave it alone.
Still, I'm always interested in seeing the offspring of people I admire. For example, I'm glad Elvis fathered a child. Even though she is not just like him, his memory lives on when we see her.

HK fan said...

@8.46 and 8.48
I'm with Glitzylady (as usual...), my birth parents gave me up when I was born and if they hadn't I wouldn't be who I am or where I am now.
People do give babies up for all sorts of reasons, and both straight and gay couple use surrogates all the time nowadays. The comment although fantasy wasn't that farfetched.

Anonymous said...

Now it's done!!!!

Please take a deep breath and relax your mind.

Folks we all have one intention here, to engage different opinions and not to hate each other...

We can write it in a civil way that's all we need to do and please don't use too much degrading words here that it can't hurt so much. Nobodys perfect indeed....

Anonymous said...


coloforadam said...

9:50pm, I wasn't reacting to your right to have a "weird" thought (weird - your word!) - it's just that mean, ugly trolls like to get on this site and make fun of Adam's fans and try to make us seem like an uneducated, aging bunch of desperate lame brains when nothing could be futher from the truth. I just think that some of those Adam-should-have-a-child commments, don't sound very well thought out. I guess we are all passionate about Sir Wonderfulness in different ways. I know I get defensive when I think we perpetuate something that makes us look dumb, like mass voting/calling without thinking of the outcome and I guess this recreate-Adam-in-an-unsuspecting-child thing, just got me today. Sorry, if I was rude in any way. It was my way of saying that there is no one like him and there never will be and that is OK. To have been present when he emerged and to have been the object of his efforts to touch us with his greatest love, music, is enough. I have a feeling it will be his greatest fulfillment also for many years to come. What I heard him say is that he would not want to be a father until he was ready to give 100% attention to that task and, thank the stars for us, that is a long way off. His personal life seems sweet and sustaining for him but, right now, music and performing, is his baby and THAT baby will be perfect. And it will look like him, sound like him and be inspiration and emotion enough for millions of us.

Anonymous said...

Attention all Dr. Watsons

5:42 am
8:48 am
8:54 am
9:28 am

All same person. Sanni's troll. Clues are there, check them out. There are a couple more I'm not certain about so I didn't list them.

Just call me SHERLOCK

Magiclady said...

Very cute!

Anonymous said...

SHERLOCK, I believe you are correct!

Anonymous said...

Elementary my dear Watson!

Bing said...

Another great interview, thanks so much for this 24/7. It's always nice to hear more about Adam's perspectives regarding his career and the music industry in general. He is really aware of the direction he is taking which gets me more and more excited with his second album.

As always, Adam is very articulate and he seems to have a ready answer for just about anything. I admire the way he carries himself in all his interviews.

Thanks to all the thoughtful and positive comments that overshadow the unnecessary negativity. This too shall pass.

Anonymous said...

@ Sherlock, Had the same thought. Saw another same troll comment on another thread and i've been ignoring them, as this person seems very fixated on Sanni and this site, saying negative things, just trying to feel powerful and creating an uproar. I consider the source, a very disturbed individual that can't discern a lighthearted, musing from reality, or just enjoys insulting others to make herself seem important. If every comment on this site was taken literally, we would all be in an institution or considered crazy cougars, when we're just having fun and do know the difference between fun fantasy and reality. Some people can't stand others happiness and are so envious because they're so unhappy or feel inferior they have to try to create ill will. Glitzylady beats me to the punch, saying what I am also thinking and I agree and ditto all of her above posts. @ 9:50, this one sick soul does not have a monopoly on this site, so don't pay her any mind and stop you from having fun. I totally got what you meant and let my mind wander in that direction with a chuckle. Alison Porter as a surrogate crossed my mind in fantasyland after seeing Adam holding Riff, but it'll never happen in reality, nor do I seriously consider what I believe a joke to happen. OK, troll, have at me for that one or go peacefully and aspire to joining a happy group instead of trying to be ridiculous and hurtful. Peace! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

2:34 I think those are the sick souls who calls others as a troll/venom/problem/fake/stalker SANNI+Ida

Anonymous said...

I'm late to the "party", but I agree, the response to 9:50's original comment was WAY over the top and mean. But her comment was ridiculus. If one is going to be completely honest about their Adam fanasies, expect reactions.