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Leila Lambert marching in the Gay Pride Parade for

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Adam Lambert's photo Look how sweet! My beautiful mother Leila marching in the Gay Pride Parade for (that's Ellen's mom to the left!)
Adam Lambert on WhoSay


Anonymous said...

Wow. Leila is a knockout for her age. Oh, sorry...lost myself for a minute. LOL!!!

Adam is proud of his mom and his mom is proud of him. Perfect. Just the way it should be.


Adamluv said...

Just commented about this on another thread. Ellen's mom is on the left! PFLAG is the group that our own "imb" works with. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

A snapshot of perfection personified

Anonymous said...

Leila seems like such a wonderful Mom, so supportive. She is beautiful, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She has great legs too.

Anonymous said...

Would be lovely if this is was a representation of the world view. Maybe one day, everyone will be thought of equally, and the bitterness and bullying can end.
Thanks to all of those who selflessly and tirelessly pave the way.

tess4ADAM said...

It will be a GLORIOUS day when we all march TOGETHER .. EQUALLY .. in any parade ... not SEPARATELY like the moms here are doing ... LOVE to ADAM .. Leila .. Ellen's mom & all the moms marching for this GREAT cause!! Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

That's what John Lennon was hoping for when he

wrote Imagine, sadly that day is slow in coming.


Anonymous said...

Leila is one pretty woman! wow!
Same with Ellen's mom.

Anonymous said...

@PRS @tess4Adam

Great comments. Right on!


Anonymous said...

She is a proud mom and I am very proud of her.

Anonymous said...

She's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

She is a very proud mom and I am proud of her.

Anonymous said...

sorry I posted twice above.

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert:
she so cute

Anonymous said...

The link to vote for the AIOTM is: James D is still gaining.): Thia & James' fans are voting more than Adam's.

Anonymous said...

We love Leila! Gorgeous person just like her son.

Anonymous said...

Leila is so proud of Adam and rightly so. We are so proud of Adam too and what he stands for....honesty, tolerance and acceptance. Adam is sooooo lucky to have parents like Leila and Ebert who have shown him unconditional love and support.

Leila is a beautiful woman. Looks like Adam got great genes from both his parents.


Anonymous said...

Adam retweeted:

Rocket Java
RT @RCAPromo: RT @runawaysu Please RT to vote for @adamlambert for a MMVA for his IIHY video!

So I guess he's sending all the Canadian fans to vote!

And something completely different - someone somewhere posted this game: Dress Up Adam Lambert. Silly and fun:


The Dark Side said...

This is a beautiful thing. Adam is right, his mother is beautiful, inside and out. She is also walking the walk and he can certainly be proud of her and she of him. Great family. Where's Neil these days? Harder to find than Adam.

Anonymous said...

Wow! She truly is beautiful!
And she has MY running shoes!!!
Wish I had HER legs... *SIGH* - LOL, lol, lol


GGD Gal - and greetings to you all at 24/7 !

Anonymous said...

women are beautiful Adam. that's how we all get here. Without women, there would be no LIFE. a beautiful gift for a woman to give birth. God is great and planned it that way.

Anonymous said...

Leila is a foxy lady. Adam has her face. And women are blessed to give LIFE. Men should appreciate that gift!

Anonymous said...

Adam's mom rock, she looks so young and Adam must feel so proud of her marching the parade.
Many women are beautiful to give birth without GOD.

Anonymous said...

I know most of you are sick of polls but please help! Please vote for Adam:

It's insane...James Durbin is catching up so fast. This morning he was 2000 votes away from Adam. Right now he is only about 950 votes behind Adam! He must have an army voting for him. He wasn't even on the page as a selection until yesterday and now he is passing everyone like a house on fire. Please, if you can spare a minute or so, vote and bookmark the page so you can vote every now and then. It's one vote per 20 minutes. and not Bot voting. Thank you so much.


Anonymous said...

Jim Cantiello tweeted this. I agree!

JAMBAJIM @adamlambert Adorable! Also#HotMomAlert

tess4ADAM said...

@ CT ...

Do you have Twitter or do you know someone who can put this on Twitter & get it retweeting or trending or whatever you need to do to get to ADAM's 1M+ Twitter followers? If so please do whatever you can to URGE everyone on Twitter to vOTE right from their Twitter every 20 min. It says so right at the tweeter.faxo poll site ... maybe that's where JDs votes are coming from & we can do the same thing with 1M+ WORLDWIDE!! THANX!! Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...


I just joined twitter recently and am a total novice. Don't know what I'm doing yet but I know how to follow Adam which is the only reason I joined.

I tried to go from (from the poll site to twitter but it takes me to something called twittermeme that I have to authorize. I think I failed ....I'll try to find out more. Sorry, I've been voting online all JD is 900 votes behind Adam.


Anonymous said...

my god you guys it is only a poll.

Anonymous said...

@anon 3:40

Poll or not, I don't like to see Adam lose, anything.


tess4ADAM said...

Especially NOT James Durbin or some other UNknown person. By VOTING for ADAM we the fans show our SUPPORT for him ... these polls may seem inconsequential but TPTB keep tabs on their artists & these polls give them an idea of how POPULAR or not their artists are ... so I shall VOTE far into the night ... if need be ... to KEEP ADAM at #1 b/cuz it is IMPORTANT to Me that ADAM is at his RIGHTFUL place on THIS or ANY other poll!!


tess4ADAM said...

@ CT

THANX!! dear ... just keep doing what you are doing ... all we can do is to VOTE & spread the word for ALL of ADAM's fans to VOTE as well ... ADAM even tweeted to his Canadian fans to VOTE for his video at MuchMusic Video Awards poll ... so even ADAM thinks these polls are IMPORTANT. Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

how fabulous is this way to go it and love Adam...beautiful gorgeous inside and out MAN!!! cannot wait for the new album...Adam has truly brought new life to me..forever grateful

Hk fan said...

Happy birthday to fan4fun.
I hope you're well on the mend and will be back home with Icon soon.

Anonymous said...

Loving that Eber too!

Anonymous said...


Don't worry, I'll keep voting! Also, this is the last 22 hrs or so for the Battle of the Fans Heartbreakers on the Fuse poll. Currently, Adam is behind Bruno Mars just under 1%. It changes constantly. You can vote as many times as you want and as frequently as you want.


Anonymous said...

On the AIOTM CONTEST,James is really getting CLOSE to Adam & will prob pass Thia very soon & maybe also PASS Adam tonight..I JUST HATE to see that happen,but it looks like it will ): Can any of you put the url on your twitter page( even better,tweet Adam that we're voting hard,& if he'd post that his fans are voting for him on this AIOTM,& ask him to PLEASE tweet the url & to ask his fans to VOTE NOW,PLEASE!!!Man,if he'd do that,you know how many fans & followers would vote.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Fan4fun!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I was hoping this would be posted. If you ever get a chance to support the LGBTQ community, I recommend PFLAG! Leila looks stunning as usual. I wish I could thank her personally someday for her honesty and bravery. This makes me speechless. PFLAG is marching for the first time in Carnation this year...the 4th of July parade. That is a rural area here and will be a little scary, but I know you guys will be cheering..if only from afar.I will hear it in my head. I am planning on wearing red, white, and PURPLE ;)


Anonymous said...


In Carnation? whoa. There's a stretch. Well, there are open minds in all communities. And those who don't have open minds will be challenged...and that also is good. lmb, I just want to acknowledge the great work you are doing in support of the LGBTQ community. :)


Your birthday today!? Happy birthday!


Anonymous said...

on Ellen today, they mentionned that her partner,
Portia, might go on Dancing with the Stars. She would dance with a female partner. There is more acceptance of the LGBTQ community in many places.

ps. I have also read in a few places that Leila has a female partner now. It's none of our business I guess, but does anyone know if this is true? or is someone just spreading idle gossip..

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comments. Well, the truth is that we may be booed in Carnation. We do have a PFLAG chapter there that has just started. I am up for it. If we change one mind, or give one person hope who is watching, it is worth it.
Adam and his family have helped to change many minds!


Anonymous said...

It's kinda like a known fact, but not talked about. Just like Adam was a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

No wonder Adam is such a brave and kind person, his Mom shows him the way by real actions...that's how it works. Adam's Mom is so beautiful. Same goes for Ellen's Mom, always tagging along at Ellen's shows. A big salute to all dedicated Moms.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Call me a troll if you want, but what's the point of these meaningless polls? Who know if Adam wins or not except for obsessed fans? Yes, I'm an Adam fan but maybe I'm not as obsessed as some of you and I don't want to waste my time on these polls.

Anonymous said...

Well,peeps,James passed Thia & is heading for Adam next..PLEASE VOTE NOW EVERY 20 MINS.Anybody who can post under the voting page,there are so many "vote for James" there..We need more "Keep voting for Adam" posts..I SURE HATE THAT IT LOOKS LIKE JAMES IS GONNA WIN THIS THING..DARN!!!I know we don't want that to happen,but how can we get the fans voting for Adam like James' fans are voting for him???Anybody have any ideas??

Anonymous said...

Hey CT knowing that clown he is probably voting for himself. I know that is mean;but I lost alot of respect for him when he deleted those tweets."What the Hell?" was he thinking. Oh that is the problem he wasn't thinking AGAIN!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Been voting for Adam all day. James is closing in and I'm sure lots of anti-Adam fans are voting for James, but not necessarily strong James fans. The thought that James might win this silly thing just makes me sick. These polls drive me nuts but I always support Adam.

Anonymous said...

James's rise is anti-Adam, not really pro-James. Sad. These poll are very devisive and don't really show true fan support.

tess4ADAM said...

If ADAM doesn't win this poll & Durbin does ... EVERYBODY will know ... that's a guarantee!! These polls may seem meaningless to some but these polls .. contests ... are also monitored by the 'suits' so they can keep a finger on the pulse of the artist's fans ... if WE are complascent & nonchalant about ADAM's popularity ... how do you think TPTB will look at it? WINNING these poll FOR ADAM is IMPORTANT .. whether WE think they are or not. So PLEASE participate at the tweeter.faxo poll ... ADAM has 1M+ followers ... if he loses it will be a DISGRACE for the Glamberts who claim to be so PASSIONATE in their fandom!!

PLEASE VOTE!! EVERYBODY ... especially after what Durbin pulled on ADAM on Twitter!!

We MUST WIN this one ... THANX!!


Anonymous said...

@anon 7;43 HaHa! Totally agree! He's been voting for himself! Ok, peeps, just an update for those of you are actually interested in this poll (for those not, pls don't read this post).
I've never seen any other Idol on this Monthly Poll gain such speed to take over from yesterday with nothing and today JD is 380 votes from taking over Adam. Adam has been #1 for several months in a row (I've been voting every month for Adam on this poll). It makes me really upset to see JD pass Adam. It's like I'm personally invested in keeping Adam #1 because he deserves to be #1. There are 4181 votes for Adam and 3800 for JD (in 24 hrs). Seems like there is no stopping JD. :(


Anonymous said...

poll people, you made your case so quit pressuring people that just aren't into polls anymore.There is no need to keep repeating one name over and over,the poll isn't just about one person. This is why I don't do polls because of hateful and unnecessary comments and they don't hurt me they only spill on to Adam.

tess4ADAM said...

@Anon. 8:43 pm
Really?? Do you think that James Durbin beating ADAM due to a well planned conspiracy to DEthrone ADAM is going to help ADAM? Even Thia, Scotty & Bucky's fans are in on it!! Durbinators indeed!! JD doesn't have enough 'fans' to beat ADAM alone & ADAM's fans who REFUSE to VOTE are also HELPING ADAM to LOSE!! Think about it!!

tess4ADAM .. a TRUE Glambert

Anonymous said...

It won't make any difference if James wins this poll - he still won't make a hit record because he can't sang! Do you think the record companies look at these sites and these polls when deciding who has actual talent?

Anonymous said...

8:52 Oh boy, things are worse than I thought.rolls eyes

Honey said...

tess4ADAM... the polls do nothing for Adam. He doesn't gain shit from them. The suits KNOW that it's just the same people voting over and over again. The polls don't indicate anything. It's not like those who vote for a thousand times would buy an artist's album a thousand times.
The only participant gaining is the site, using the polls as hit traps.

It's really getting annoying, with the comments threads AGAIN turning arenas for pressuring and pleading others to vote. You posting things like "So and so is GAINING! HELP! etc. etc. is getting really fucking annoying, and it makes the blog readers swear off voting altogether.

Also, it makes readers to consider not clicking the comment sections at all, and possibly transferring to read some other forums, with rules about voting plead spams...

So, please, voters, COOL IT OFF, before this blog makes you to cool off. Don't spam the comments with vote pleas/demands. One plead with a working link per post is enough. People really don't want to read your spam.

Also, voting doesn't make you better fans. Screaming conspiracy, other fans voting against Adam, and ESPECIALLY claiming that fans that choose not to participate in these voting scams would be less fans than those who let themselves to be conned to use their time to produce hits for websites... Makes others to resent you.

Honey.. a TRUE fan with brains and a free will.

Anonymous said...

Amen to Honey

Anonymous said...

MILF! I'd hit that!

Anonymous said...

Oh puleeze, quit already on the anti James sentiment. We really do look like Adam fanatics. Leave the guy alone already, Adam will do just fine all by himself. He is in a class all by himself. No one, I mean no one approaches him. Why do you let anyone else bother you guys?

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like his Mum - she's soooo gorgeous. <3

Polls - don't be resentful of those who vote for Adam and who want more people to vote for him. They are absolutely passionate fans who want to express their love for him in every way possible. If there are people who don't want to vote for Adam, fine but there's no need to be nasty about it.

Anonymous said...


Would I be able to buy a few of the PFLAG tee
shirts from a local chapter or are they available only in your locale? My daughters and I would wear them to the polls on voting days!
Is there a problem about non PFLAG members wearing them. If all Glamberts wore them, would it make any impact?

Other than making sure I'm voting for candidates who are pro equality I would like to help.......
and I look good in RED!

Hope your speech was a success! <3 JAK

Honey said...

"If there are people who don't want to vote for Adam, fine but there's no need to be nasty about it."

The problem isn't that the fans are voting. Vote away!! The problem is that in these threads, over half of all comments are out of topic vote plea posts that try to pressure people to vote. One prompt per post should be enough, anything else is annoying spamming, no more worthy than trolling.

Anonymous said...

Leila is stunning as always and Adam is as proud of her as she is of him. Ellen's mom is also a very attractive lady. They both raised exceptionally talented, decent human beings. They all strive to make the world a better place and I think it's getting better.Neil Patrick Harris sang a hilarious opening number on the Tony Awards."Broadway is not just for Gays." It was so clever and I've noticed more exposure that's not as over the top, painting all gays with the same perceived notion. Someone was wondering about Neil, maybe on another thread. He's back from South Korea and Thailand where I believe he was teaching a political science course. I'm guessing he's in San Diego with Eber, as he gave up his NY apt. when he went on the GNT with Adam and was staying with Eber before he left for Asia. I would think the Lambert boys will all be together on Fathers Day.Maybe we'll see some pics if they're out for dinner somewhere. As to the lesbian rumor about Leila, I heard it mentioned once on another 24/7 thread and have never heard it anywhere else.I really believe it's just a rumour to create drama. Leila has a lady friend with whom she's gone to some concerts, but so have millions of other women gone to events with their friends. Wish people wouldn't speculate about just 2 female friends attending an event without a man in tow. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I agree with funbunn40, speculation about Leila is silly.
I've been "going steady" with the same girlfriend since 8th grade, slept together at slumber parties and 30 years later shared a room and listened to her snore thru 11 countries. I held her head while she barfed in my makeup case on a twisty mountain road in that's love!

But if I woke up tomorrow as a lesbian I wouldn't choose her as a partner....she's not my type!............................JAK

Anonymous said...

Even if this site has turned ugly recently, you always make me smile. I would gladly barf in your makeup case if you held my head.


Anonymous said...

Like Adam ...she is wearing the red but rockin her own style.....Love Mombert

tess4ADAM said...

@Honey & everyone else that agrees with her: Don't WORRY!! I shall NEVER comment here or anywhere else AGAIN!! I thought I had found a site where everyone is supportive of EVERYTHING pertaining to ADAM ... a sort of cyber Glamily ... but I guess I was WRONG!! I stand corrected ... THANX!! for the lesson ... I guess the Glamberts aren't all for one, etc. Sorry ... my mistake ... I'll NEVER bother anyone again!! Love, Light 'n PEACE


Anonymous said...

tess4ADAM, I believe it when I see it...

HK fan said...

don't worry about what Honey and others think, just keep voting, as will all the others that want to. Just understand that not everyone feels the need to vote in these polls. It doesn't make them less fans.
And don't stop posting here, we're losing enough people due to a certain poster. I think generally people are very supportive of each other on here, I just think tensions are running a bit high at the moment due to the unwanted verbal diaorrhea!
we all know you are a passionate Adam fan and would be very missed if you left.

Anonymous said...

love your comment 9:34PM

Anonymous said...

7.14....just to let you know that the first time that 2 women dance together in dancing with the stars happend in israel ,where i came from,happy yo know that it will happend in usa because i know how conservativ the american people are...haleluya and amen for that!!!!!


tess4ADAM said...

@ HK FAN ...
Thank you for the kind words ... I meant no harm nor disrespect to anyone ... sometimes I get a little worried about ADAM & I guess I expect everyone else to feel the same. I will keep VOTING & supporting ADAM to the fullest but I shall do it in a more subdued manner. If I see anything that is of any importance I'll post it ... NO more urging anyone to vote. I'll leave that up to each fan to do as they see fit. Sorry ... if I stepped on any toes ... that wasn't my intention & it will not happen again ... Light 'n Love

tess4ADAM (a Proud Glambert shut-in)

Adamluv said...

@tess4ADAM, keep posting whatever you want and dont let the negative comments bother you. If peeps dont want to read it, they can scroll by! No fuckin' big deal!!!!!! I love your enthusiasm and adoration for our man, Adam! ... Adamluv

tess4ADAM said...

@Adamluv ... Thank you for your sweetness & your kindness ... but I have lost my enthusiasm for posting ... I cried myself to sleep thinking that I might be instigating any harm towards ADAM by my enthusiasm for him to win a simple poll. I stand corrected & will continue to support ADAM in any small way that I can ... I'm quite limited due to immobility brought on by strange swelling in my legs & feet so I will never be able to attend a concert ... they are all too far away ... but I shall continue to monitor ADAM 24/7 for all the wonderful news & pictures here & all the fantastic video & other links that you are all so generous to share here. And I LOVE reading all your sweet & informative comments ... thanx to ADAM ... my computer has become my eyes & ears to the outside world. Thank you for being my friend ... I shall keep you in my daily prayers to my best friend ... JESUS ...Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

Hi tess4ADAM, looks like we share the same Best Friend...Jesus. I love Him a lot; even as I type this now, my heart sort of flutters. I have this feeling too for Adam, maybe to a slightly lesser degree. And so we share a second best friend...Adam. I too could not attend his GNT concert when he brought it here to Singapore...what an honour to have him entertain us. 21000 people jumped with him when he wailed...JUMP! waving blue glow sticks. I enjoyed it tremendously even on video. I hope my chronic phlegm problem eases when he comes around the third time! The Singapore Glamberts are simply Crazy about him! They will tell everyone to vote and vote to keep Fever, Aftermath at No.1 on the Hot 30 music chart. And when they drop on the chart, they will tweet...bad news! Fever was No.1 for many weeks; Aftermath a couple of weeks and WDYWFM, IIHY and my favourite FYE too ( can't remember, these were earlier). They share your voting passion so you are not alone in this. Not mine so much; it used to be but to me Adam is too far ahead, by streets and miles, for me to even consider these polls but I do feel your passion all the same.
-Lam my

HK fan said...

@Lam my
didn't realise you were in Singapore. Nice city. We're practically neighbours!!! was there in dec, at a rugby tournament at the Polo Club - it rained...a lot.

Anonymous said...

Hi HK fan, I have talked about Adam performing here in Singapore several times on this site; doesn't matter. Anyway I like Hong Kong. The minute I get off the plane (been there once only) the PA system announces everything in Cantonese, touches my heart. Then everywhere on the streets, even at MacDonald's I hear Cantonese, a very beautiful language, my mother-tongue, for speech only, not the written form. Is it hon po pow for hamburger?
So you are into rugby! Can never understand what's going on most of the time, a lot of rough play and piling on top of one another. Yes Nov to Feb, heavy rain every day, now less but at least 3 times a week. Born and bred in Singapore. A lot of mainland Chinese come to the numerous universities here; several US and Australian Universities have teamed up with Singapore U.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Post away Tess4ADAM, it's all good, feel good girl, let the other crap go.

For crying out loud, you there up thread, EXERCISE YOUR FREE WILL AND USE THE GOSH DANG SCROLL DOWN FUNCTION!!!! What's the big deal? Honestly....

tess4ADAM said...

Once again my heart is full & my eyes are misty as I read all your wonderful posts, dear fellow Glamberts. I consider you my CYBER Glamily ... maybe a little corny but I LOVE corn. I am still VOTING for ADAM at all the polls as often as allowed ... but now I just vote ... I ignore all the comments. I said nothing against anyone else in my comments at tweeter.faxo ... just sang ADAM's praises ... I am SO PROUD of that Beautiful Young Vibrant Artiste and unfortunately have no one to share my enthusiasm with except my sweet loving & understanding husband ... he's also sympathetic when I get 'slapped down' on a message board b/cuz he knows I'm not trying to hurt anyone ... just join in the support & fun here. I LOVE you all so much for making this old woman feel good about herself once more & I will continue to post when I am addressed by name. Thank you all, dear Cyber fans of ADAM ... ttyl ... Love 'n Light


tess4ADAM said...

Hi!! Here are 2 sites that I visit everyday ...
and ... has all the Liam McEwan podcasts of ADAM Lambert Hour radio program ... all ADAM's music .. past & present .. is played on it ... I LOVE IT!!
Listen & ENJOY!! .. Love 'n Light


Hk fan said...

@lam my
I'm sure I must have seen you were from Singapore (knew it was somewhere in Asia), just obviously didn't take it in. I don't play rugby, my kids do, although I do like the game. and the HK rugby 7's are a must do each year.
Unfortunately I don't speak any Cantonese.

glitzylady said...

Please post all you want to. I think you are a wonderful fan and big supporter of Adam, and I'm sure he would appreciate your efforts. Each of us does what we can do to promote and support his career. He said recently in an interview that he knows that if it weren't for his fans, he wouldn't be where he is today..I think that is true of all performers but I honestly believe that is particularly true in Adam's case.. We have stood up for him, sold out his concerts, voted in the polls, and have not let the naysayers and the "unenlightened" have the last word on his career, or him personally. We all do what we can do, whether it's buying his music, attending his concerts,....... or encouraging people to vote for him. So pay no attention to those who would stifle your voice for Adam. I personally believe that as long as we spread nothing but love and light for Adam, we are doing him no harm, and in fact are reflecting his goodness and beautiful soul, not to mention helping HIS "Voice" to be heard, not only his singing voice but his example of how to live his life honestly. We wouldn't be there for him if he weren't something special. So please stay. : )

tess4ADAM said...

@glitzylady .. Thank you for such a wonderful & heartfelt post. You say things so beautifully & eloquently ... you seem to be able to put into words just what I'm feeling. I really do enjoy reading your posts along with so many others here & I would be a fool to deprive myself of the pearls of wisdom that so many impart on these threads ... I will definitely stay & continue to post what I feel is relevant such as links to articles, etc. Those here that don't like what I have to say will just have to grin & bear it ... just like I have so many times ... as one of you wise Glamberts said ... keep scrolling if something offends you. That's what I intend to do from here on in. That's what ADAM & my best friend advise us to do so I shall. Thank you again for your concern ... I'm all better now. Bless all of you here for your kindness ... Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

@ Tess4 Adam,I echo those encouraging you to stay and continue to post and share your links. All support for Adam is good, each in our own way as long as fans don't get abusive or annoying to radio or entertainment media. Keep on voting and posting a link on a thread. I vote when links are posted and those that don't it's fine too. We are all equal on this site and it's ok to not always agree. As always,the scroll factor is always there.Now I'm going to your link at the Flea and Adamquotedaily that are great sites that I also enjoy! funbunn40 ;)

tess4ADAM said...

@funbunn40 ... THANX!! for your words of encouragement ... it helps me to stay steadfast in my resolve to help ADAM even if it's only VOTING or posting relevant links pertaining to ADAM. I am so pleased that you like the two links I posted ... they are both in my favorites folder so I can click on them at will just like ADAM 24/7 & others. I am also a PROUD member of ADAM's new fanclub ... I joined the day membership became available but to tell you the truth I like this site & adamquotedaily better ... more pics & info ... well ... back to the old grind ... VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! ... all for the LOVE of ADAM ... Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM ... and ALL his FANtastic fans