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Adam Lambert: Happy 4th of July!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 4, 2011

Posted at : Monday, July 04, 2011

Check out these videos of Adam singing the National Anthem below!


Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July to you, Adam.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've had my celebration now, Adam sang for me....I'm signing off for the day, family calls.
I left an Adam Idol tour remembrance for you all on Twist the Musical anniversary...
2 years ago tomorrow!...Fireworks await.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th to the American Glamily, and a big hello to those of you outside the USA!


Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July from Finland to everyone celebrating today! Have fun!

Ronnie said...

Happy 4th of July to Adam&Sauli and you all in the US!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the day American neighbors!!!!!

Here in Toronto Canada, we just celebrated the Gay Parade and it was a big success as usual!!!!

Peace to all!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th to all.

Anonymous said...

Looked at Utube of first one, and there are some nasty comments---still

Bing said...

HAPPY 4th of JULY to Adam and Sauli and to everyone here at 24/7!

Adam should be asked to sing this National Anthem in very special events because of his most heartfelt renditions of the it.

@dinah-mite - BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY last July 1! Hope you had fun :)

@Fan4fun - i'm so glad that you are recovering well! Love and light to you.

Anonymous said...

Back at Ya, Adam! ♥

Anonymous said...

@anon 2:29 PM You know there is video when Adam was absolutely drunk and sang Star Spangled Banner. However, there are no comments about this video:):):)
Also, I didn't know that Adam sang National Anthem on Steven Spelberg Honoring Event!
It was such a good start, Adam!

Anonymous said...

I see you're still Sad AL. Better take a prozac.

Anonymous said...

New York and/or Boston should definitely ask Adam Lambert to sing the National Anthem next July 4th. Vocally, his renditions at Miramar and at the ADL event honoring Steven Spielberg were absolutely flawless and so inspiring. I'm not from the US, but I love hearing Adam sing that song. Also, tonight's fireworks in New York and Boston were out of this world!!

Anonymous said...

@anon 8:02 PM I tried prozac few times-doesn't work:)
However, I am sure as soon as Adam will perform on one of the big events or Awards, I'll never need any drugs:)


Anonymous said...

I hope Adam and Sauli enjoyed their first 4th of July together. I bet Sauli will really enjoy the noisey day and fireworks.I was thinking of them alot today.

tess4ADAM said...

HAPPY 4th of July ADAM & Glamily!!

So PLEASED & PROUD to announce that ADAM has been VOTED ... BEST ROLE MODEL in the BIZ ...
at the poll ... GOOD JOB!!! all you Glamberts that VOTED Faithfully to make this happen. Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

Ahhh! Adam singing the National Anthem revisited! This is a perfect end to a perfect day for me.
Some of you know PFLAG marched for the first time in rural Carnation WA today. First of all, we were marching behind a bunch of horses and I was so thankful that the pooper scooper guy was between us! But even at the beginning, I knew that things would be fine. We were waiting on a side street in front of houses before turning onto the main street. There was woman with silvery hair sitting on her porch wearing a straw sun hat. You could see her lips move as she read our signs, stood up (a little shaky), and applauded! That was going to be enough for me...but then people came from the sidelines and asked to march with us! Others gave standing ovations as we walked in front of the closet float. I have tears in my eyes as I write this. Today, I am so proud to be an American..proud to be part of this Glamily and an Adam Lambert fan! Now I need to hear that anthem from our Rock God one more time.
Hugs and rainbows to all!


Anonymous said...

lmb and tess4adam what good cheer you added to this'n light and Hugs and rainbows to all.

Anonymous said...

I just got back from the 4th of July celebration in Boston which of course is the best place to be, IMO. Martina McBride and the fireworks were simply beyound spectacular.

A young girl walked right by me wearing an Adam Lambert T-shirt which truly lighted a spark. My girlfriends thought I was a little crazy because I kept looking for her. I just wanted to have a discussion with another true fan. So if you are on this blog, Adam fan from MA, give a shoutout.


Anonymous said...

Adam won Flecking Award for Best Role Model!:

5th July, 2011
Adam Lambert voted best role model
By Frankie Genchi

Our readers have voted Adam Lambert as the best role model for young people.

A good role model isn’t always the best behaved or most conventional star out there. Truth is, no one is perfect, but there are celebrities who we can look up to because they don’t preach “do as I say, not as I do”, instead they are true to themselves and inspire their fans to be the same.

So what makes Adam a great role model? Could it be the fact that he’s pretty much the poster boy for being yourself? His charity work? His successful career?

Congrats to Adam for topping the poll – a deserving winner! Special mention to Demi Lovato, things we’re very close between her and Adam.

Check out the nominees in reverse order, below.

8. M Shadows
7. Andy Biersack
6. Robert Pattinson
5. Miley Cyrus
4. Selena Gomez
3. Tom Fletcher
2. Demi Lovato
1. Adam Lambert


Anonymous said...

@lmb, Your post and Tess4Adam capped off a perfect day!Wish I could have been there to march with you! It is getting better! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Daydreamin, Thanks for the info! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Sorry @tess4ADAM, I hadn't read all the posts and see you already posted the above!


Anonymous said...

@funnbunn40, thanks to tess4ADAM! Hope everyone had a great 4th!


Anonymous said...

Hope everyone enjoyed a fantastic 4th July and congratulations Adam on winning the Best Role Model poll. So well-deserved. <3

For anyone who may be interested, the Faxo poll for July is now underway .....

Anonymous said...

Sorry so late, hope everyone had a good 4th of July ! I worked , no fireworks cuz of fire ban here in Oklahoma where I live, but!, I got holiday pay!!
I hope Adam & Sauli had a good time too! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

@JAK left u a message on the other site.


tess4ADAM said...

Hi all!! I'm already diligently VOTING for ADAM at ... and ...

Come on all you lovely VOTING Glamberts &join me ... Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

No surprised about Adams being a good example for the young people and doing great for the community.

Well deserved indeed!!!! Continue the good work and congratulations to all.

tess4ADAM said...


THANX!! for embellishing my news about ADAM ... I'm somewhat limited on my posts ... takes so darn long to type with one hand so I don't give all the news ... just the Best Part ... so you go ahead & give all the details ... I don't mind ... Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

To All The Glamily!

So sorry I missed the party yesterday, 4th of July, but I had MAJOR, MAJOR PLUMBING EMERGENCY in my home starting in the morning (did I stress that it was super major??). I cannot believe such things can happen on a lovely holiday!:( So hard to get plumbers on holidays and the prices they charge! Well, I don't care even if it broke the bank, I'll still be going to Adam's next tour and buy all the CD's and merchandise no matter what....I think there's still time to start saving LOL! The good news was it got fixed by 9pm just in time to see fireworks! So belated Happy 4th of July to all of you and, Adam and Sauli, hope you had a wonderful time together.

Congrats to Adam for winning the Best Role Model Flecking Records Poll. Once again Adam is the most deserving....he's such an inspiration in our world.

@tess4Adam....Okay my fingers are ready for the July Tweeter Faxo Best AI of the Month Poll. Here I go again!


Anonymous said...

@daydreamin I agree with you about role models! They inspire, and they walk the talk. Adam is close to his family, loyal to his friends and has a generous heart. Top that with his sense of humor and "love for life"...that's the person to emulate!
It's July 5, but thought I would include this quote from a past President and son of a Founding Father:
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." John Quincy Adams


Anonymous said...

Adam is a leader..he has done all those things for me,,he is very inspiring

Anonymous said...

Anyone in show biz who is not tapping into the multiple talents of this guy (voice, personality, charisma, generosity, etc.) is really missing the boat. What a class act!