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Adam Lambert Retweets Sauli Koskinen's Tweet

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, July 3, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, July 03, 2011


Anonymous said...

Beautiful sunset and multi-patterned beautiful young man.......JAK

Anonymous said...

I'm at the beach, breeze making the hot day pleasant. Very much enjoying sunsets and sunrises over the shimmering blue and pink and gold Gulf of Mexico. Glad I brought DELL-A

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
URANUS said...

I'm going to the beach later JAK. Have a great holiday weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Yes Sauli is a beautiful young man. I just love him, hope he never loses his innocence and enthusiasm, I guess his boyfriend is OK too. lol

Anonymous said...

10:51 - Sauli is part of Adam's life. Get used to it.

Also, Adam retweeted this so this is Adam-related.

I'll send an email to the admins just in case this thread turns out like that other thread.

Anonymous said...

Boys watch sunset together? Maybe candle dinner later by the moonlight, so romantic. I love the purple sky.

@10:51 It is easy to skip the thread if you are not into this.

Anonymous said...

Agree that Sauli is a part of Adam's life and makes Adam very happy. In turn it makes me and many others happy to know Adam's heart is full. Adam did retweet this to his fans, so he wanted us to see this beautiful picture. Sauli is seeing L.A. through his eyes. Things maybe quite different from Finland. It is very sweet.

Anonymous said...

Is this how LA sunsets look? I remember a sentence about LA sunsets from some movie, and it went like this: "I hear the smog is what makes the sunsets so beautiful". Is this smog in the picture? (I almost wrote "the picture". sorry :)).
@JAK - so happy you're having fun on the beach. And the laptop is just the modern day book, you know...

Anonymous said...

10:51 AM The two first words above the pic are 1) Adam and 2) Lambert. So I think it's somehow Adam-related. As someone said "skip it if you don't want to see it". But I'm a Finn and I hope that ADMIN looks carefully if this thread is again turning to Sauli-haters battle field (of course people can tell their opposite opinions about that picture if they like). If S-subject is not allowed here and irritates so much, please do not put any S-related news here, please! The S-blog thread went too crazy at times!!!

About the sunset picture, wow! It's wonderful. Could be a poster.

Anonymous said...

We all know why You posted Your comment as anonymous, anon 10:52 ;)

sauli didn´t mention adam on his tweet, so this post is pointless.

Anonymous said...

WOW I still have to work on getting to LA.

Anonymous said...

That´s what I think, anon 11.22 AM, too, but admins got pissed and removed my comment when I said it. maybe I was too straight with my words, and they removed my comments as inappropriate.

So, where´s the freedom of speech, My comment was not inappropriate so will make one blog post about this.. ;)

Liva said...

This is relevant to this blog because it's SAULI. Sauli and Adam are dating right now in case you have been living under a rock.

I see a future ahead for these two. They seem very serious. Sauli will be a big influence for Adam's second album and I definitely want to know more about him.

Anonymous said...

admins should make another thread for sauli 24/news. as I said, sauli DIDN`T mention adam at all so..

Anonymous said...

about adam related things.. Admins won´t either post here eber´s or neil´s tweets if they´re not dealing with adam.. so why sauli´s tweet is here.. ? just asking.

Anonymous said...

I could even make a wager that You´ll intentionally misunderstand my point again, as you always do..

Anonymous said...

This picture is amazing.

The Dark Side said...

The fact that Adam and Sauli and enjoying this relationship out of the public eye, says the relationship is the important thing. Adam did not hesitate to go public at the Idol Finals holding hands with Sauli. He knew that would be seen around the world, and no words were necessary. Pretty sure Adam steering this ship, and he will let us know what he wants us to know. I'm good with that.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:51. Maybe because ADAM chose to retweet this tweet. ADAM thought it was worthy of getting the attention of his fans, so here it is, on his fan site. And it is pretty. :)

Anonymous said...

RETWEET BY ADAM LAMBERT- Adam retweeted Sauli's tweet and Sasha & others stuff are posted here as well from time to time.

The sunset was a beautiful pic just simply a beautiful pic what's the issue.

Thank you Admin for posting.

Anonymous said...

I want to get in here BEFORE this thread goes crazy! Beautiful sunset in LA! Wow. Yes, @Cassie, probably the smog refracs the sunlight which means that at least one can enjoy the beauty while coughing. LOL. I like the idea that they were enjoy a wonderful dinner, a glass of wine and looking at this scene.

This IS Adam related. Sauli is with Adam, his boyfriend or partner, and Adam retweeted it. Why make such a big deal over this posting. It is a beautiful sunset. Take a moment to breathe, enjoy the beauty that is our world and then if it still disturbs you, please head over to a conversation on another one of the postings on 24/7. Lots of good things to choose from that might suit you better.

For me, I love to let my Adam/Sauli imagination go on this one. Potentially, a very romantic moment.

Glad you took Dell-a! I don't know that we could have done without you for 4 days! :)

@Anon 11:54

Since you don't sign a tag name to your posts, I have no idea which one will be "intentially" misunderstood. Please tag your posts, so we can get to know you better. :) We really are a pretty good bunch of international Adam fans here.


Anonymous said...

so beautiful!! thank you for posting.

LP said...

Beautiful picture, hopefully seen by TWO of our favorite people Adam and Sauli.
I am sure that Adam sponsored Sauli for coming to USA, and he has to house him, until Sauli can afford a place of his own. I have been thru this since I imigrated from UK.He can also stay with Adam indefinitely. Someone said yesterday that you have to be a citizen to work here, not true, you have to be a citizen to vote. But you also enter USA legally, which Sauli did. Hope they enjoy many sunsets together. Adam loves beautiful things, and so does Sauli. This is like Adam gave his permission for picture to be here. Hope we see more of Adam and Sauli.

glitzylady said...

A few comments: My opinion only....

1. This blog is a privately administered blog and the admins can post whatever they choose. Period. It is NOT an "official" Adam Lambert fan site, and isn't up to a vote as far as I know. It is however, a VERY popular and well administered Blog and I appreciate the dedication that has gone into it on a daily basis since Adam Lambert first came into our lives. Stop complaining (please and thank-you) and take from it what is important to you, and skip the rest.. I'm just speaking for myself here.

2. If you don't like certain posts/topics, skip it. Simple. Just read the things you are interested in. No one is forcing you to read/see anything you don't want to.

3. If you don't like or approve of Sauli, or think he isn't "relevant" to this blog, skip this thread and any other Sauli-related topics and please don't ruin the mood and feeling of love and respect for Adam Lambert and the feeling of community of this blog by leaving nasty comments about him. You are insulting both Sauli and Adam. You are also insulting our Finnish friends. They are dismayed and saddened by the negativity expressed by a very few toward Sauli. I apologize to them for that.

4. Adam has expressed his love for Sauli, and ANYTHING Adam-related, including his boyfriend, his family, his favorite food,... his first dog, what he had for lunch, is relevant to the subject of Adam Lambert. Get used to it, enjoy it, and celebrate the fact that Adam is in love. At least respect it.

5. One of the recent threads on this blog became one huge ugly mess, filled with both love and hate. Fan against fan. I sincerely hope Adam and Sauli and their friends and family never get wind of things said there. Admins are reviewing and deleting the worst of the hate and ugly comments. Again, their prerogative and at their discretion. I would sincerely hope this never happens again. EVER. I suppose I'm unrealistic about that..I hope not.

6. If you want to talk about Adam's music only: Cool. That's a great topic in itself...and right now, pretty exciting.

Anonymous said...


I want YOU to answer this; why on earth You have been telling false things about Finland? Seen You doing that more then twice. just answer, WHY?

Anonymous said...

This picture and tweet can be found on other Adam-related sites as well (for example Adamquotedaily, Adamtopia). It doesn't cause any problems there. It's Adam related and many appreciate all Adam related stuff. Thank you admin for posting it and hopefully this thread stays respectful to Adam and his loved ones.

Anonymous said...

I never said I dislike Sauli @ glitzlady. and Not insulting adam or sauli if I´m wondering why that tweet is here. nothing rude with that. second, not very "safe" to tell your name here. some people will call you with bad names, that´s what I have heard.

Anonymous said...

to: LP.

Your behaviour amazes me very much. You´re telling False information and You´re not ready to give an explanation, why you´re doing do that.. :O

Anonymous said...

I don´t see if adam retweeted this. it showed up on adam´s timeline, but I think he did not retweet sauli´s tweet.

Anonymous said...

12:24 PM - I'm from Finland and I don't understand what you mean. What false things LP has told about Finland? I've been lurking on this forum time to time, but have not noticed such things. Today LP talks about Sauli being sponsored by Adam and housing him (that sounds a bit bad). I think Sauli has earned his own money (or borrowed from his dad or something like that) 'cause I believe he is too proud to be sponsored by his bf. I don't know his living arrangement; could be they try how it is to live together. Totally OT again, but this is how it goes.

Anonymous said...

Oh, OK 12:46 !! That was very good information about LP.! I didn´t see LP`s THAT comment at all, but thanks for this !!!
Now I think I´m getting the picture, because of You !!!!
maybe LP is doing it for purpose, trying to make some people angry with her false information. maybe she just hate Finnish people, who knows.

I believe LP saw my comment but is not answering because she just want to be mean. I have asked her to explain this some times before, but she doesn´t want to respond..

LP said...

I apologise for saying there was a 11 hour difference, when I should have said 10. I t wasn't a lie, just a mistake. I think the other thing you are referring to was the mistake I made about when was Fathers day, you corrected that for me. Thankyou. I have nothing against Finland, especially since I have been made aware of one special person who came from there, Sauli. Since he represents Finland right now, I would be happy to say that Finland is a wonderful country, because Sauli is a wonderful person, and I am sure there are many more like him.
Since you seem to have gotten your pants in a twist, they prolly are wrinkled now, so I will lend you an iron to straighten them out. Peace and love.

7788 said...

TO the Sauli complainer : STOP. Just stop. You're doing us no favor by complaining about Sauli in every single thread that is about him. If you don't like Sauli, then just don't read the threads on him. Give us all a break! It's the July 4th weekend for god's sake.

Anonymous said...

Man.I think I get why all these Sauli things are posted here.Seems to me that Sauli topics are HOT.Hotter than Adam topics at the moment.What gives?People fighting and trolling.Gives this site hits.

I don´t even understand why Sauli´s blog entry which had nothing to do with Adam and was written FOR FINNISH PEOPLE AT FINNISH WEBSITE was brought here.That thread went to shitters.Hopefully this one won´t.They need to moderate better.

Sauli is Sunshine..Sauli is kind and sweet.How come thread(s) about him turn ugly?

I really don´t think the boys give a damn what random people rant here.They are too happy to care.But come on.Put things in perspective.Sometimes it´s better to be quiet and let people think you´re stupid than open your mouth and prove them right.

That pic is beautiful.Just like the man who tweeted it.

Anonymous said...

People, please stop!!!

Fan from Canada.

Anonymous said...

I love that picture! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture.

Admin said...

Commenting disabled for this thread.

Anonymous said...

explain your rude comment, LP. If You like sauli so much, why would You tell stories like that. meaning that adam is sponsoring and housing sauli. Aren´t You aware sauli is earning his own money? he´s working not taking advantaged of adam. sauli is not that kind of guy, just for the record, LP.

I can see through You. You´re mean and nothings gonna change that. not even you apologized.