Adam Lambert on Ellen (01.19.12)
Filed Under (Better Than I Know Myself,performances,tv appearances ) by Admin on Thursday, January 19, 2012
Posted at : Thursday, January 19, 2012
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I mean really - is there a more likeable guy on the planet?
the outfit is sensational! His look phenomenal. He has to be one of the best looking men in the world!. Can't wait til album comes out. I hope he will get more sales from this appearance.
loved the whole version of the interview!! :D hey babe and all<3 adam is such and amazinf person!!<3 :) and love sauli too<3
LOVE LOVE Adam's performance.
However, can't stand that background noise - what is it? A synthesiser or something? It's friggin awful & just sounds messy....
Anyway, Adam looks & sounds great.
I love the intensity that builds throughout the song. the song reflects on alot of issues. It could be love, friends, and family. I really believe it will become one of his signature songs throughout his career.
I think I've died and gone to heaven and still haven't seen the entire broadcast yet! How can you not love this guy? Nice shot of Leila and Terrence Spencer's dance moves were another special treat! Adam is so genuine and honest, meeting the touchy questions head on with grace and saying just the right thing. He also honestly illustrates that gay relationships are no different dealing with bumps in the road than straight ones. His owning and taking responsibility for the mishap maybe will help to ease the fear and misconceptions that gay men are strange, dangerous Adam is such a great example of just being a decent, loving human being and hopefully, just by being his sweet, honest self will change some ridiculous conceptions. Hopefully he'll gain many more fans that were on the fence or had negative preconceptions. Now,3 more hours to wait for the complete Adam flail!
I forgot to add how fantastic Adam looked, casual and so appropriate for the afternoon, making him look so accessable and down to earth. He's just the best looking man I've ever seen. He glows from within, looks settled and like he's found his niche in life. I also notice a higher level of maturity that he's gained from all that he's experienced over the past few years.Thirty will look good on him!
I'm not watching Adam show off that Eurotrash famewhore on tv thanks but no thanks. Adam should have dumped him after causing all that trouble in Finland. He's lying, eyewitnesses saw them physically fighting. This ain't love its just stupidity and low self esteem on Adams part and greed on Saulis. I bet he tells Adam I love you every time he gives him money.
GEE 11:34am, Jealous Much?
More importantly: why the fuck do you care?
He is talking about his gay relationship and how they are the same as straight relationships.
Of course there is no difference, a relationship is a relationship.
Many styles of relationships are not easy. Father/Son Mother/Daughter and so on.
Get ready fans someday he will be in a hetero ship.
yes being from Finland, I know a guy who knew of someone who saw them get physical and it wasnt a so pretty site.
Police are not called unless they think something can be happen that would cause hurt. Holidays or not holidays.
It is a stupid thing to have happened and it did happen. A life does move on.
Wow, came on line to check show time to make sure for today's Ellen show which is still a few hours from now, and found the music vid on her site... and then here!!
Dynamite!! Adam again looks fabulous, handsome as ever. Neat casual outfit, minimal make-up (Is that the jacket worn to the Grammy's last year?)
Those BIG notes most of us love... even BIGGER and more to love this time. Wooohoooo! Amazing and just keeps getting better.
So glad they TALKED and he shed light on the "Finland" incident. He's so honest and open, inteligent and articulate. THIS is the Adam that we idolize and so many look up to. Glad to see he's learning and saying all the right things. Seeing him here it's almost hard to belive alcohol can cause such a rumpus, and SO HORRIBLE that the media just has such a field day with any indescretion. Must be so hard to be in the public eye and scrutinized constantly, but that IS his life now. Glad to hear him take responsibility and make changes for the better. With his new single out and what we hope is a mojor media promo blitz and lots of attention on him, THIS is the wonderful - charming side of Adam the world needs to see.
Stay healthy and beautiful Adam and keep up these wonderful appearances and performances... What's next?? =D
Wow, came on line to check show time to make sure for today's Ellen show which is still a few hours from now, and found the music vid on her site... and then here!!
Dynamite!! Adam again looks fabulous, handsome as ever. Neat casual outfit, minimal make-up (Is that the jacket worn to the Grammy's last year?)
Those BIG notes most of us love... even BIGGER and more to love this time. Wooohoooo! Amazing and just keeps getting better.
So glad they TALKED and he shed light on the "Finland" incident. He's so honest and open, inteligent and articulate. THIS is the Adam that we idolize and so many look up to. Glad to see he's learning and saying all the right things. Seeing him here it's almost hard to belive alcohol can cause such a rumpus, and SO HORRIBLE that the media just has such a field day with any indescretion. Must be so hard to be in the public eye and scrutinized constantly, but that IS his life now. Glad to hear him take responsibility and make changes for the better. With his new single out and what we hope is a mojor media promo blitz and lots of attention on him, THIS is the wonderful - charming side of Adam the world needs to see.
Stay healthy and beautiful Adam and keep up these wonderful appearances and performances... What's next?? =D
A jealous, bitter, homophobic and most likely Finnish male has found his way over here. Hope someone will erase his poisonous comment.
Suksi kuuseen luuseri!!!
What I think is happening with Adam is more of a problem than originally thought. If he didnt have such problems with these type of things that happened in Finland, he wouldnt be making such a great deal of it. Being he wants to talk about it, they do have a big problem. Ellen wouldnt just bring this up with out first asking him on the side.
Russel Brand told of how great he and Katy were doing one week before they split up.
Adams management is probably paying them big to be so nice.
Wow what are these negative trolls doing here. I want to say Adam's performance blew me away. Even better than Leno. He was more relaxed and looked stunning! Glad Adam and Sauli are happy and in love. All relationships have bumps. It takes commitment and hard work to keep them going, especially being in the public eye. I am proud of Adam in every way possible!!!
Damnit, sorry for the double post. This thing just seems to get stuck and nothing shows up... then double. Grrr
So then, DOUBLE hope Adam has reeaaally learned form this incident. Alcohol and Adam AINT a good idea. If his management is paying... hope the hell they are also paying PROMOTE him properly this time too.
Look to the bottom of the article, you can se a bit more of the interview on ellen :)
January 19, 2012 11:58 AM
Niinpä! :)
January 19, 2012 11:56 AM
Do you think that is what happened that night? Are you 100% sure?
We all have to let this "fight" behind us like Adam and Sauli have done.
I can´t wait Adam´s new album to come out!!!
I used to think Adam was more the man of this couple. I think Sauli is the man in charge. Things are seeming to go his way.
Sauli looks more of a masculine fellow than Adam does lately.
I'm so afraid he will walk out on Adam after he gets more famous than he is now. He is on his way.
We'll be here for Adam, he will always have his fans.
This is such a positive,thoughtful interview with Adam. Again,a bitter, tiresome jealous troll totally missing the point and trying to pollute a positive, great interview. Such amazing venom towards someone you don't personally know and whom Adam loves and chooses. Guess you can't bear to see Adam happy and in love and are starved for attention.Not the best way to win and influence people. Do you have any idea how envious, petty and nasty you seem. You're not succeeding insulting and putting Sauli down, just making yourself look small,mean spirited, insignifigant and unintelligent. Too bad you don't follow Adam's example and try to be a better human being.
Brilliant Adam , brilliant.
The man has what it takes to make it good for himself.
The way Adam SING BTIKM AMAZIIING!!! His voice is not from this world and he looks better than ever!
I saw also the hole interview, not just this part, and it's awesome <3
Whatever that 11:34am is...does not deserve any response or comment!
hahah i can only laugh at those negative and jealous trolls :D the real story is totally different than what they try to tell us. i believe what adam and sauli say :) they were the two 'fighting', so they tell how everything went even though they wouldn't tell the truth. (which i btw think that they are telling in this case, because i've read all the finnish magazines and stories about the 'finland incident', i'm really over it :D)
and i think they really are in love. no one would hang around for a year just because "fame and money" and sauli isn't that kind of an person AT ALL! he would have a lot of money here in finland too and he could live quite nice life. ofc not as wealthy as in LA but still :)
and sauli is that kind of a person who doesn't want to share his private life to the media or anywhere. and he's certainly not trying to get famous by this situation. he's not a douchebag, so please don't speak bs about him :) 'cause you are not in this relationship, if they are together, if they say they are happy, if they get matching tattoos and all i believe they are happy! :)
person's life is really only his business, we're lucky to get even this much out of their lives and i'm just happy to get a little piece of their life every now and then. i wonder how long they would have to be together that this all kind of bullshitting would stop? there are always haters, but these two don't deserve them :)
but of course you bully those that you envy, so maybe it just tells something. they have qualities that people admire so much that it makes them just angry and they try to progress it some way or another.
oh yeah, little opening but i really think that relationship is ONLY between two people. if they say they are happy and want to be together because of LOVE i think everyone should just accept it :) and not try to get them in a bad light. :/
Wow the interview, whole version of it, and BTIKM I'm in heaven!!
Adam never said "we didn't fight". He just said "there were no "punches" thrown, no one go hurt".
They fought, they were drunk, it was stupid. He admits that.
11:56....and all others who think they knew exactly what happened that night in Finland.
Your comment is so typical of how stories are distorted. "yes being from Finland, I know a guy who knew of someone who saw them get physical and it wasnt a so pretty site". By the way, it is spelled SIGHT.
Adam and Ellen, I love to see them together :)
12 :53 so sorry for my not so good english speaking spelling. Site or sight, now I will know from now on. thank you.
I would have to take a good guess and quite know that a person being there seeing a with his own eyes would know much more than a person as to living clear across the seas.
I do also to understand how Adam would want to have this in the most of gracious ways of explanations. He owes no one anything as he so thinks. Only himself and loved one.
Adam looks fantastic and another WOW performance! Nice to see his friends and family in the audience too. Love Ellen and her show!
I love Adam, his music and his voice. A singer shows his quality in live performances. In every performance Adam is better and better and demonstrates the high quality that he has. His voice touches my heart and thrill me.
Fantastic interview, Adam is awesome. I love when he says hey babe to Sauli, is very sweet.
And for all the trolls You are very annoying and not succeed in your purposes: Love always wins
Love to Adam and Sauli
From Barcelona
couples will fight like cats and dogs in private and smooth it out in public. That makes for good press. Some couples fight like cats and dogs no matter where they are at. Some couples will fight in front of the cameras. I believe AL and Sk did fight in the street and they got caught. They don't want the bad press. kiss kiss
Ok, I make it a point not to feed trolls, but just had to comment. Adam is a gift to us all. He realizes that his actions do send messages to younger people. I loved his explanation. You know those days of having to vote! vote! vote! will be over. He will get millions of votes (although we will STILL do our job)from new fans now. Just know it!
OT We only have one more vote in the WA state senate to pass marriage equality. State number we come!
Adam will go for the gusto one day, a Woman. He's got it in him.
Hey babe to you TOO Mr. Lambert
Ignore Anon @1:36 pm
Let's just be happy AFL is preforming live again!!!
I laugh at all the comments calling people trolls.
AL and SK are going way to way over the top on this subject and everything else. Its not common.
We will all see a few months from now.
On a positive note, celebrate his musice!
Laughing and laughing is this another act? He said he hasnt had a drink since Christmas in an interview. I saw drinks on their table on New Years Eve.
Fess up, it is okay baby!!
Issac got the guyliner it!
Maybe he meant "drinking too much"
A glass of wine with a meal is nothing.
Great show, Adam at his best.
Jealousy and drink were the key things to the argument. They were enjoying the evening with Niko and his beauty queen girlfriend. Sauli as most of you know had quite a bro-mance with Niko on Big Brother.They have worked together since then and maintained their friendship. As the drinking got heavier that evening,, so did jealously rear its ugly head. Thats where Adam lost his cool, he must learn how to trust Sauli. Not sure if Sauli would find it easy to except if Adam and him were in the same situation with Cheeks. They will both learn from this and move on. Prolly make their love for each other stronger.
Two more hours till Adam's on Ellen here in LA! Cant wait! Twice in one week is almost too much to handle! But I will try! Wish there was someone on this site that got into the taping of the show yesterday so we can hear all the nitty gritty! No one I know could get tickets. ... Adamluv
Wow! He just gets better and better. From what I read on twitter, people in the UK music biz who were invited to a private "listening" session of TRESPASSING all reported back that this album will be one of 2012's important CDs. They also wrote that several tracks could be HUGE!!! Come quickly March 20th!
Adam looked good on Ellen, its to bad he isnt with a girl.
What is also a shame is that he has to clean up any kind of act, he must know that alcohol brings out things deep inside him that bother him. Like he just cant go out and drink casually without getting into some kind of rumble.
Also while drinking he would make out with girls. Drink Adam Drink. The truth speaks.
I always smile when some negative people come on this site and say "I knew a guy who knew of a person who knew of somebody who may have known a girl who was inside but did not really see anything..." Trolls love Adam Lambert, don't they? I mean, spending all this time on websites talking about him :).
1:52 is Niko bisexual? Must be if he's with a beauty of a woman now.
So as I read this, Adam got jealous and next thing you know they are on a plane to L.A.
Adam couldnt take the heat. Running away doesnt solve problems.
They may be in that situation again someday.
Relationships,,,, go single Adam, just party and have fun, no worries then.
Gosh we waited forever to get a new single and hear Adam sing it live and all you guys or some of you want to do is talk about the stupid fight. I was in heaven hearing Adam sing and he looks beautiful and happy!!!So much to look forward to this year and people who listened to his songs had rave reviews!!!
Uh, this is simply a good day to die, all is perfect right now. Hi babe and a brilliant performance. Just love people, love.
Very well said 1:52
Seems like true most of us are...would just except Adam's support..and enjoy his amazimng talent and move on.Yes prety sure thats what we true fans will do.
Niko has never been known to be bi-sexual. Adam was said to have a bro-mance with Kris Allen, who was married at the time, and still is.
I imagine Sauli will always be a close friend of Nikos, just as Adam is close friends with many people, and a lot of his friends are gay.
@ 1:41 PM, how the heck do you know what was in those glasses?
You're just a sad little troll, aren't you. Come on, fess up.
720 HD video of Adam's performance on Ellen. Love it!
At this time we should all be focusing on Adam's music. He has this great new single, a fresh, clean, casual look and seems to be very happy. Adam is one celeb who has let us into his personal life, perhaps with more than we are entitled to. So just let it be, accept his explanation and move on. His new single is terrific and if it's any indication of the rest of his album, superstardom is within Adam's reach. He seemed very relaxed during the interview with Ellen and it was great to see his family and friends in the audience too. Can't wait for the release of TRESPASSING in March, but until then I have to be content with radio play of the single, and other tv show appearances. I wish that one of them would be on the Grammys to perform BTIKM. That would make the evening worthwhile.
RE The Ellen Interview: So proud of Adam for this. This is the 2nd time I've heard him mention "wake-up call". First was during a Twitter party a long time ago--pre-Sauli era. When asked where was the strangest place he found himself waking up (from sleep), he said under a bush in a city park without any memory of how he got there (due to drinking and drugs), calling it "a wake-up call". He was in his early-mid 20's, pre-Idol. I got this dreadful image of this beautiful creature laying under a bush like garbage. Heartbreaking. Love you, Adam
Kentucky Fan
Adam was so beautiful and very articululant as usually on Ellen and Leno. The song was so moving anyway you interpatate it. His singing is amazing I can not describe it, I was at one of his concerts in Minnesota, and before the concert I heard Adam warming up, singing thru the looked door. I just wanted to go in there. Stood there in ah, I could not believe my ears. His voice is so clear and many ranges. The concert finally started and I did not want it to end. Enjoyed talking to all the fans. Greetings from Fargo, North Dakota. Any one from Fargo?
Where is my HD 1080 video of Ellen's performance for d/l? I want it! The person who posted the Leno one, could you hurry up and post one for Ellen's?
Loved, Loved, Loved both performances of BTIKM thus far! GMA, Today, Talk, View please have Adam on your shows. Night shows, Connan, Kimmel, and others pick it up and have Adam on your shows as well. EPIC EPIC EPIC LIVE PERFORMANCE!
Additional comment: I am tired of Adam taking full responsibility (and brunt) for the "Finnish Incident". When is Sauli going to own up to his specific role in this? I am not taking Adam off the hook. But, he was provoked by something Sauli, his host, did or said. There were reports Adam was crying. There is more to this story. We may never know--not the point. Because Adam has had to deal with this publicity (i.e. right now--today, right when his new album is coming out), he IS the only one taking the brunt.
P.S. was also disturbed to see the video of Adam coming to the airport in Finland by his lonesome and having to call a cab. If you had invited your boyfriend to your home for the holidays, would you not have met him at the airport?(or had your family send a car for him?) Maybe there is an explanation for this. Would be glad to hear it.
Kentucky Fan
From Barcelona
Another high quality video:¤t=EllenAdamLambertBTIKM1-19-12ViaScorpioBert.mp4
AMAZING!!Adam did it! He improve the Leno performance, can almost "touch" the feeling that flows from him when he is singing BTIKM.I can't imagine how I would feel watching him singing it Live....I'll die...I NEED to go to a Adam's concert!!!
BTIM moved up from over 1000 mark on iTunes pop to 94 and I still haven't watched Ellen here in West Coast. WOW!!!
Check out this new JustJared article. It has a gorgeous picture of Adam in a green sweater and his Ellen performance video:
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? We have 24/7 news in the Seattle area about our snow! No Ellen show for his promotion in this are!
Glitzylady...any suggestions?
@lmb What? Snow in Seattle! I thought it only rains there! That's not good! Hope they'll show it at a different time!
Another great quality video. Ellen DeGeneros just posted it on her YouTube page. Watch it and give it some hits:
Awesome performance
Adam needs our votes on KISS108 for ultimate idol, he's losing with 43% if someone could tweet this it would probably help
I think a few other posters mentioned this already, but the FULL Ellen interview is actually great. Look for it if you haven't seen it already, worth it.
He owes us nothing, yet gives us much.
Seattle has had double the annual snowfall (5,9 inches) in ONE night..between 10-14". But where are our priorities here people!!
Thank God I can go to 24/7 here and see his Ellen interview and performance.As long as the power holds out, anyway.
What's going on here? I hurried to my comp. to weep, wail and lament in friendly company and find so many spiteful people!
I missed the show! Got stuck at hospital 5 hours! Was trapped and couldn't get away. While my B.P. was soaring 199/95, they asked me "are you stressed about anything"????? STRESSED????? It was 4:00 P. M. and Ellen was starting!
I told a half truth......I said "well, my B.P. has been hovering at 200/100 for 2 weeks that's pretty stressful!" That part's true......I neglected to mention Adam and that they were 3 hours late starting my ultra sound!
Please please does anyone know if there is anywhere I can find the whole interview???????
Damn, it's going to take more than my 6 current meds to drop this next reading!
Poor pitiful me...I'm grateful for the bit at beginning of thread, but I want more! Naturally!
JAK /. .\
Dear, I hope you're taking good care of you,better not to mention Adam about the stress don't want that they "take him away"from you...ssshhh....LOL!!
About the whole interview...sorry! I can't find any damn web side to watch it on line!!So I'll wait to watch it here 24/7 (I hope) tomorrow.I have no idea if they repeat the show there, in the US.
Get well!!!
Just finished watching the Ellen Show! What a joy to watch Adam perform and then to top that, the interview! He is the classiest, most articulate and charming man ever. He looked gorgeous as always and relaxed and having fun. Sauli looked so cute! The camera gave him a lot of face time I thought. I also loved seeing Terrance dancing before the show started....he's so talented too.
Adam handled the "Finland Fight" question with honesty and sincerity, once again taking responsibility for his actions. We'll never know the real truth about what happened that night but I really believe it should be left alone now. Adam's gone public with his version of the story(never heard Sauli's) and exclaimed his love for Sauli on national TV....all's good and peaceful now. I just want Adam to happy and fulfilled...we all deserve that.
I love BTIKM so much and can't get it out of my head. Just bought some more digital copies on iTunes to gift to others. Trespassing is gonna be so amazing! Bring on more live performances Adam!
Just watched Adam with Ellen and it was very obvious she was not feeling well at all. When she was introducing him there was no excitement in her voice IMO and I know she really likes him, therefore the conclusion about how bad she must have felt. Has to be difficult being all chatty and happy when you just want to be home in bed (again IMO). Isaac looking good with the guyliner and cutie patootie Tommy as always looking so fine. Ashley looks very edgy and I like that. Kevin with the mohawk and tats - yeah! Fun seeing Terrance dance his cute butt off, Sauli, Neil and the same woman next to him that was with him Tues. on Leno. All positive. ... Adamluv
Is it just me, or is everything ALWAYS about Poor Pitiful JAK. Rather put up with 10 bad trolls.
Oh gosh! Just saw @lmb 's post..hope she found out that Ellen is on another channel at 5 PM... so @lmb, if you come back here... go to Channel 6 (106) KONG at 5PM... We Seattle area Adam fans were getting a little nervous about being able to see Adam today...and to make it worse, the power in my area was off for awhile..but came back on in time for Ellen....phew!! Nasty weather here in Rain City...Watching the show right now...Rob Lowe is on right now...another very good looking guy : ) ...
Another raw blow for Adam having to follow the ever beautiful Rob Lowe.
@ 5:26 P.M.
^o^ I hope it's just you! What power I wield, worse that 10 bad trolls. Did you lose or ever have a sense of humor? Haven't heard from you in awhile....How have you been?
If you don't like the negative comments on this thread please REQUEST your radio stations to spin BTIKM. Find out more here:
Hope he can be on Ellen sometime when he does not have something to defend and just be relaxed and funny and sparkle. He seemed stressed and a tiny bit unnatural. Too bad. Loved the performance, the song is cool, Tommy looked adorable, Adam was tall, dark and handsome and his voice is impeccable. Can't WAIT to hear the dance beat, sexy tracts he mentioned. The love ballads are lovely but that's not why I'm a hopelessly entangled fan.
This is why I love this man since the first time I met him. He is a wonderment to the world and an international superstar. (Thanks Ellen for the 'international' mention!) Beautiful, super talented, classy Adam! Love you!
@JAK & Glitzylady YouTubes are still up for both interview and performance. Go into YouTube search and type Adam Lambert interview Ellen 01.19.12 for close to full interview.
There is also a YouTube of Terrance dancing on Ellen today that is delightful. (She was impressed with him :)
Kentucky Fan
Adam was perfect.
Kentucky Fan
Here you go! Full interview.
Also, here is one of Terrance dancing
Does this help bring the blood pressure down now? Hope so.
Take care of yourself will you? I always look forward to seeing what you have to say.
OMG cut the troll stuff! Just ignore the riduculous comments. Don't waste your time even reading them.Adam Lambert is one hell of a fantastic guy and should be given respect in every sense of the word. Moving on......
Kentucky Fan at 3:31, Adam is has been a world traveller since the age of 20 and could probably negotiate his way around an airport with his eyes closed. If he had wanted to be met at the airport he would have been met.
He's a grown-up, not a little kid. Don't project
your own inexperience and fear of "the foreign" onto a much more sophisticated person.
OMG! Adam, you are beautiful, genious, and very honest person(I hope trolls read my comment)
And he respects Sauli and talks about him as Sauli is love of his life. Adam is lucky to have such a great relationship.
Wow!!! I watched the whole episode of Ellen this afternoon and it was fantastic. When they showed Sauli and a bit of Neil on his side olalaaaaaa!!!
They are all gorgeous indeed!!!
Lovely and extra magnificent voice indeed!!! It's not easy to cover Adams song it's out of this world......
Just ignore the trolls because I just promise them that we are nice people here He!he! They can suck it up as long as they want:))))
The more they hate Adam and the relationship the more it will grow...
6:04 thank you. now i don't have to waist my time typing out a "get-the-fuck-over-it" response to such a REDIC comment by the K-fan. but I will waist my time typing out a response to his/her other comment about Sauli taking ownership cause OBVIOUSLY it was all his fault cause "Adam was crying." Honey you don't know what the fuck happened that night. You have NO CLUE... just like the rest of us. So stop SPECULATING over who did what and why he was crying and who needs to say what in public. Those boys have handled this minor shit storm beautifully so get your panties out of the twist you have put them in. just sayin.
Do you think Tommy is jealous? I think he is a little bit. His fans know it and that's why they don't like Sauli.
I watched Adam this afternoon on the Ellen show---he was perfect as always; seemed a little more relaxed and glad he had more "air" time than on Leno (I believe they cut him off on Leno; ran overtime I guess). His voice was wonderful,;the song is great and needless to say Adam looked so handsome. Adam, your fans love you--just keep being YOU! 2012 is going to be the best year yet, I just feel it! Love you much!
Adam just tweeted this:
adamlambert Adam Lambert
Here is a preview of the upcoming video "Better Than I Know Myself"
Isaac is a fantastic drummer. He really is.
i'm amazed that Sk isn't getting jealous of all the beautiful women in the world of Lambert. He has his pick of the litter if he wanted. so many beautiful and talented ladies from all walks of life. Lambert has it made and SK knows it.:)
I could probably name on 4 hands the women that would date Lambert right now. such a variety
ot, can someone tell me how to get the format of this site back to the dark background.
@Anon 7:35 PM
Go back to the original thread, and click on the TITLE of the Thread, above the video in this case "Adam Lambert on Ellen (01. 19. 12)". That will take you to the thread AND comments in the "black background format". This white background comes up when you click on "Comments" at the bottom of the post..and is the place you must go to leave a comment of your own..
Hope that is clear and helps... : ))
oh pitiful one, you're smarter than anyone else on this site in your own mind, so help the rest of us out. When you post something, instead of choosing anonymous, choose name/url and type in your three initials. Warn us ahead of time....thanks
Yes, it was nice interview with Ellen. However, if you google news about Adam Lambert, you can find only one part of this interview! I coudn't find any review of ADam performance. There are only comments about Finland!!!
@6:52 thanks for the link.
Ahhhhh warm and comfortable and cozy instead of dark and stark and modern.
Adam retweeted this:
Electroqueer EQ Music Blog
Album Review: EQ's Thoughts on Adam Lambert's New Album "Trespassing"
9 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Retweeted by adamlambert
I love Adam's BTIKM performance on Ellen show much more that on Jay Leno.
It seems that he was little bit nervious on Tuesday.
WOW! Another awesome performance of BTIKM. I think I like this song more when he does it LIVE, those notes he hits!! Nobody else can do that! The way he sings this song reminds me a lot of "Can't Let You Go". Anyone else feel that vibe?
About Sauli, I would luv to see an interview with him. I have a feeling if we saw n heard Sauli, speaking in English, we might just fall for him too. Hope that happens!
OK, now I need more Adam!!!
AdamLuvr in Tx :)
OK, now I need more Adam
11:56am and 1:12pm: Nyt kannattais olla hiljaa noista jutuista. Siita saa vaan muutama Saulia vihaava idiootti jotka hengaavat taalla seka twitterissa lisaa vetta kiukaalleen. Onhan se niista poliisiraporteista nahty mita se juttu oli, mutta taalla USA:ssa asenteet on noihin asioihin tiukempia ja kaksinaismoralistisempia kuin Suomessa. Jollet varta vasten halua kaivaa maata Adamin ja Saulin alta.
Kentucky Fan: About the airport. Adam arrived at 4pm on a Monday. Sauli was working right then, and so was most likely all of his friends and family. Adam has said he doesn't like any fuss. It definitely would be fussing if he asked Sauli not to work or have any of his family or friends take time off from work just to get him. Everyone in Helsinki speaks English quite well, and the taxis are safest and nicest in the world. Plus, if Sauli had been there, there would have been just more fuss. Then people would have said that he's making it into a show and riding on Adam's coattails or some other crap.
About Adam "bearing the brunt" of the Finland incident. He is the famous one in this relationship. he has absolutely more to lose than Sauli. He needs to talk about this, not Sauli. Interviewers are interviewing Adam, not Sauli. If Ellen had interviewed Sauli today, I am sure he would have taken part of the blame publicly. But if Ellen had interviewed Sauli, there would have been again the same talk about him being a famewhore and just using Adam. In the eyes of some "fans", they just can't win!
@ Kentucky Fan and @ LS
Thank You...Thank You !
I've seen the interview...seen the song (sigh)...seen the dancing Terrance (he can really move!) I've
missed him.
I'm still trying to analyze why...
but for some reason...the band looks "just right"! Joy.
My topsy turvy day has been turned just right.
I posted this under Q102 thread but seems like a crowded thread here so I'm posting this Q102 almost 18 minutes interview with Adam:
GL, thanks it worked!!!! Just wanted to mention I am digging the band alot too.
@8:29PM I thought Adam was a little nervous on Leno but still he was amazing on Tuesday night. Yes, this performance today on Ellen was incredible. He was more at ease with his performance. We know Adam with his every performance he surprises us with different version. Never kareoke on his own songs. LOL!
@ Anon 7:52 P.M.
You are such a joke. You drop your little hate bombs, but I
notice you leave no name, no tag,
just what seems like a faint whiff of jealousy. Unless maybe your name is Anonymous, no, I think Pitiful would be perfect for you.
You can call me Jessie Lynn.
I ADORE Adam, he looked FABULOUS on both shows but I hate the screaming. BTIKM is an emo song so surely it doesn't require screamed notes.
No one knows what went down in Finland except Adam, Sauli, Niko and his g/f and perhaps a few bystanders. IT'S NONE OF OUR BUSINESS WHAT HAPPENED! I hope Adam doesn't have to defend/explain himself in every interview from now on. Maybe it was decided that he should be the spokesman for the incident, rather than Sauli or both of them, as he is the one most in the public arena.
Why Adam, do you look and sound so gorgeous ?
Thanks 8:45. How does anyone know that Sauli hasn't taken responsibility privately? He's not the celebrity in the public relationship. His accountability is between the two of them and, knowing Adam's upfront, honest approach to all matters, does anybody doubt he has been short-changed on this discussion?
I doubt Adam wants Sauli running around and talking about the incident. It impacts both of their hearts but Adam has a special vulnerability and he has to be the one discussing this publicly.
I love the Ellen performance . Adam sang it with full power and intensity with a killer voice. What a show and I like this better than the Leno show. The band is excellent especially Hastings backup vocal and the drum. The new bass player Ashley looks cool and pretty.
About Adam was alone in Finland airport: It doesn't matter who or how capable Adam is ,never leave a love one alone in a foreign country, show some love!
Adam is madly in love. <3
I prefer Adam's recorded version of Better Than I Know Myself than his live performances.
Adam is correct . The universe is indeed sending him a wake up call , but he's just not getting it Priorities Adam ,or soon we 'll be seeing you back at the Upright Cafe and I bet your "partner" wont be there cheering you on
Oh, Jessie Lynn, how precious. hiybpn
And just what is Adam not getting, in your eyes?
This is hilarious! There was an excellent performance and lovely interview and all you (mostly) talk is the incedent that happend a month ago.
Sauli apologized right after the incident in his blog. Adam has been telling about it when asked. They owe us nothing. They have moved on.
And Jan 20 6:50AM: You don't know anything about the airport -arrangements they made and how they wanted it to go. You have not heard them talking about it (if you're not a fly in Adam's ceiling). So don't assume things. I believe that they both mean when they say that they are happy and in love. Period.
In my opinion Adam's voice in Ellen when saying twice "I did, I did" (Ellen saying that then he fell in love)and then Adam waving "Hi baby" is the most beautiful moment in that interview.
And as said, the performance was fabulous!
Jan 19 11:34AM
I'm a bit late and maybe you don't read this anymore, but BS! You sound ridiculous. Are you some God who knows what people think, how they feel, what they have done etc.? How on earth has your precious Adam been so stupid and blind for over a year? Not seeing that the man who lives with him does not love him at all, but wants fame and money etc. I thought Adam Lambert was an intelligent guy but maybe I'm wrong. The poor thing smiles stupidly and says "I'm happy, I'm in love". And Sauli must be a very good actor because he has fooled Adam's family and friends too. He'll deserve an Oscar. Or maybe Adam deserves an Oscar if he lies about his feelings so trustworty.
I know I should have ignored this person's comment but it's so funny. He really thinks he lives in Adam's body and knows what's best for him. Adam himself does not now it. Silly boy. LOL
And Admin: This place has become crazy. I don't think this is his fan site (is it?). There is so much negativity and hatred (always concerning Sauli). People seem to know other people's personal life Better Than They Know Themselves.
January 21, 2012 7:48
You're absolutely right! I totally agree with you! To say that Sauli took advantage of Adam, it's also saying that Adam is stupid! I think Adam is smart enough to see who is using it or who does not!
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