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Adam Lambert Wants You To Stare At This Picture!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 3, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, July 03, 2011

Adam Lambert's photo Stare at this
Adam Lambert on WhoSay


Anonymous said...

I have been staring for 3 minutes but I see nothing.....

Am I just...dumb? lol

Anonymous said...

I see a scarey face in both pictures on the right hand sides.

Anonymous said...

I see faces too. The most clear one is on the lower left side (in my opinion). I stared first intensively and saw nothing. Then I just took some glimpses and saw the faces (is that what we're supposed to see?). It's weird what we do for Adam... :)

Anonymous said...

At first, after staring a while, I thought I saw a skull face (left side of each image in the dark areas) but then I read on another site that if you stare cross eyed it becomes 3D! Didn't work for me LOL!


ItsJuliaZet said...

3D!!! oh yes i see it at a google maps!!!

Anonymous said...

Couldn't get the 3-D effect, but then can't watch 3-D movies due to serious eye problem.

Anonymous said...

I feel like something's wrong with my eye site or maybe it's just my computer monitor but I can't see anything.

tess4ADAM said...

Worked for me ... don't know if I'm right or not but it looks like two dogs on the right side of each division & if you stare cross-eyed they morph into 3D & multiply into four dogs ... am I wacky?? LOL ... ADAM are you playing a joke on your adoring Glamberts? especially this Grammabert??? LOL


Anonymous said...

Adam has to much time on his hands. It must be time to get another tour going.

Anonymous said...

I am not seeing much...maybe the side of a face, a mushroom, a monster tucked in next to a mountain. No dogs. No skulls. I think I will go smoke something and come back to it. LOL!!!! I certainly am not able to see it unassisted!

Adam is sitting back and laughing right now thinking about all his fans. This picture is probably just a picture of a canyon. ha.

Can someone call him and ask? :)


Anonymous said...

I see faces, heart, dogs and maybe one bull ?

Anonymous said...

@ Sister Yup all million plus fans staring at this picture eyes crossed trying to find something to see! Adam is probably getting a kick out of it or maybe I am missing something deep. Can't cross my eyes well or see anything. But Adam, your wish is our command lol Does he realize the power he has over his glamberts?

Anonymous said...

I don't know why Adam tweeted this picture lol. This is fun. I'll save the picture and then zoom in to see it full screen.

I'll post another comment if I see something interesting. I like games like this.

Anonymous said...

try to open this link

Anonymous said...

i see jesus and the virgen mary lol

Anonymous said...

At first I saw just a canyon, then after reading posts, a face, a skull, but haven't tried the crosseyed effect .
Regarding as to why Adam tweeted this? I'd say with all the hating,bullying, trolling, of course he's lurking, he's getting us to focus , taking our minds off of unmentionable subjects, such as his personal life. Just my opinion!
Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

yesss !! i can see faces!!

Anonymous said...

I finally see a skeleton face with the help above, otherwise I won't be able to see anything at all.

Anonymous said...'s like those books that came out years ago where if you stared at the pattern long enough you could see a picture...this is similar to those...they were very popular at the time

Anonymous said...

I see a face with hair that looks like it is parting in the middle.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Adam we love you!!!! Your fans are really trying to be patience indeed!!!!! Ha!ha!ha! This is fun and good for the brain!!!! Faces indeed!!!! but I can't cross my eyes for long he!he!he!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 12:46 PM - thanks for the link! I followed their instructions and saw it 3D right away. The effect is especially strong in the middle pic (which is the one Adam tweeted). But it doesn't work without the instructions (not for me, anyway).

Anonymous said...

WOW! I am so impressed with Admin! They have disabled the comments on the latest Sauli thread!

Way to go Admin!!!! I am so glad you are taking control of the lunacy. :)

Now, let's keep this a happy place everyone. :)


Anonymous said...

i see a phallus ;) am i the only one who see that?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Admins' decision to disable the comments on "controversial" threads (even though it wasn't really controversial but some commentators overreact a lot when it comes to Sauli). It would suck to see another great thread turn into a fighting thread with people throwing insults at everyone, including Adam.

Anyway, I think this picture is really strange when you look at it for a long period of time. I have seen a lot of these kinds of pictures. There was this ballerina girl dancing picture that I saw - it turned out to be very freaky. She was dancing even though it was a still photo. This world is full of strange and fascinating things.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:34

I think I called it a "mushroom". ;)


Anonymous said...

@Cassie,you're welcome.I also couldn't see it without the instructions.

Anonymous said...

I see a bunch of rocks mountains and more of the same on the left except it is just moved slightly. It is very high up so it looks very fossilized. If I were closer, which I am not I may be able to make out actual things. I agree with 11:59 he has to much time on his hands. Maybe this is part of the creative process?? LOL? I hope it translates into a hit no doubt. Is this what "In the deep" is?

Fan4fun said...

@ Sister

Just left you a message on thread «New Sneak Peek Pictures of Adam...» you know which one, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I can see the 3D effect, thanks to the instructions - i use the fore finger instead, moving in slowly from the screen to the eye... just wow what Adam can do to us!!!

Icon (and Fan4fun) said...

- Mommy! Mommy!!!!!!! Why does uncle sweet Adam want me to stare to THIS? I have all fresh sand I need on my own toilet box and I don't have to peepee or poopoo now...

- Icon!!! Not a word any more! Turn off the laptop and come to bed. Now! I'm warning you!

Anonymous said...

This is obviously an arial view of The Planet Fierce - our Alien Adam's home planet.

Anonymous said...



I replied.


Anonymous said...


Is Adam going to tweet to tell me when I can stop staring!?!?!



Anonymous said...

Oh I love the Planet Fierce comment. I agree and we are about to enter phase 2 with him. What will we call ourselves them Glamberts? ?Any ideas? Adam is so 3 dimentional.

miki criscoe said...

Adam, ur a fuckin' trippie/hippie just like ur Dad...Eber is the one person i have on my bucket list to (hopefully) meet & enjoy a good high...u have THE BEST PARENTS...and i know u know that...Neil , what the fuck do you do??????ILY...peace&love...

Anonymous said...

I see two ghost faces from Scream.

Anonymous said...

@anon 1:34 No, ur not the only one who sees the phallus;) Then I thought, nooooo, Adam wouldn't ask his 1,000,000 and more fans to stare at that, would he??? So now I agree with Sister @1:42, it looks more like a "mushroom" ;) LOL!


Anonymous said...

i see dead people I mean mountains ha ha Steph

Anonymous said...

I look at this that our BB see's something none of us are able to see. One more reason why he's destined for GREATNESS!!


Anonymous said...

Go to this website (mentioned above):

After staring at the series of four pictures for an hour, I was able to see Adam in various stages of undress!

Anonymous said...

@anon 4:15 PM I wish you never gave me this link and undressed Adam idea. Believe me, I have good imagination, actually I have sick imagination.
I hope, when you said undressed Adam, you didn't see anything what I saw staring on these photos

Anonymous said...

Looks like a man standing with a dark robe on, in front, and to the left side a face of a man. You can really see the nose.

Anonymous said...

But did you get to the one where he takes the robe off?

HK fan said...

I don't see anything, just a brief glimpse of a 3d mountain range, then I blink and lose it.

Happy 4th July to all the Americans on here.

The Flecking Records poll for the best role model is due to end shortly. You can only vote once an hour. Don't know whos winning but its currently close between a guy and a girl.

Flecking records is always very supportive of Adam, so would be good to see him win this.

Anonymous said...

there ia a side view of a man, just the head, the nose really showes, this is located in the front to the left.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 4:15

Pictures of Adam in the 4 stages of undress?

I only see a GIANT mushroom!


OMG, did I just really write that? ha.


Anonymous said...

Holy Molly!!! When I stared for few minutes I end up imagining Adam and it's getting hotter and hotter until we end up in my room!!!! So Mr. Adam you can laugh but seriously what u r doing to us is wanting you more and more.... Hmmm!!! GDI that's all!! I need my boyfriend right now!!!!

Anonymous said...

I may be crazy, but it looks like two pictures of Adam with his minions staring at him!
Happy 4th of July everyone!

Anonymous said...

it looks like a man with a long nose and a weird hairstyle!

Anonymous said...

The awe of 3D!

Anonymous said...

After reading the ridiculous and just plain rude comments on 24/7 regarding the Hollywood Sunset picture, taken by Sauli, and shared by ADAM...I'm done with this site.'
Strikes me the beauty of ADAM hasn't reached these people yet, because they obviously don't know the man at all, because if they did they would never write such utter trash!
Give the man privacy and concentrate on the music people!

Anonymous said...

With people posting under anonymous, the detracters are spoiling it for the rest
of us regulars and scaring newcomers away. I really dont know the answer to this, is it registering (which people dont want) I dont know. Do we just need to ignore the negative comments maybe? Why come here if you dont love Adam and his friends, family and Music etc, I dont know I am mistified, why some people are so full of hate and negativity, dont they have something better to do?

Anonymous said...

Stay with us 6.29 and ignore the baddies, give your self a nickname, and you will become one of us goodies. LOL

Anonymous said...


I agree.

@6:29, it only gets crazy once in a while ... when the evil minions come out to play. :) Most of us are pretty nice. We need more "goodies". :)


Will you PLEASE tell me WHAT we are supposed to be seeing?!?!?! Is there a place to get the answer!?!?!? This is driving me nuts! o_o


Rebecca said...

yay finally i can comment the last couple of post wouldn't let me. this pic totally messed with my mind

Everyday Life

glitzylady said...

Okay...its a 3-D picture..go to the website @Anon 12:46 PM posted: There are helpful hints.....

This should explain everything... : )

Anonymous said...

I see erosion and a definite need for irrigation.
In fact since I've been staring I have developed a terrible thirst for a pina colada or two.
"Room Service"............JAK

Anonymous said...


I'm having email problems.....did you hear from me yesterday the 2nd?.......JAK

Anonymous said...


I have already been to that site. Followed the directions. I am a hopeless failure! LOL.


Anonymous said...

I see 6 faces... are there more???

tess4ADAM said...


I'll try to explain ... these two pix when placed side by side in this manner are just that ... two pix ... but if you stare at them & use the cross-eyed method ... the two one-dimensional pix become ONE 3D picture ... nothing more .. unless you have a dingbat interpretation of seeing dogs or whatever like I THOUGHT I did. I don't know WHY ADAM wanted us to do this ... maybe he wanted to see how many 'different' interpretations he could get from us .... maybe like someone said earlier ... he just wants us to think of something other than his personal life & quit asking WHEN the album will be finished ... which he has addressed a number of times ... I'd like to think it's just an 'experiment' that Mr. Wizard thought up for us ... Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...


OH MY gOD! Really? That's all? I have spent all this time looking for something, and it is just a 3D pic?!?! *scream heard round the world* There. Better.

Thanks for the explanation.

Well, thank you Mr. Wizard. LOL. :)


tess4ADAM said...


I'm picturing Glamberts all over the world sitting at their computers STARING at these pix & wondering WTH?? are we looking for ... change scene ... ADAM in LA ROFL with a mischievous GLEAM in his eye!! LOL


glitzylady said...

@JAK 7:30 PM
Yes, I did get it! Thanks looks like it worked fine! : ) Will be replying soon..Hope you are having a great time on vacay!

Anonymous said...

I just watched Lady Gaga Illuminati Icon part 2 and recommend it for you too.. :)

glitzylady said...

I have thought all along he is just playing with us, and giving us something to do so we'll quit bugging him about the new music, etc..etc...He's thinking "This should keep 'em occupied for a while!" Also he was probably kept entertained with all the answers posted on Twitter: rather like here..We entertain him too! ; ) I expect we'll be getting another "assignment" soon! LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...


When I get a meet 'n greet with Adam on his next tour...we WILL have conversation about this. LOL


Anonymous said...

In the original photos, I see faces, flying birds and a mushroom. I'm not doing cross-eyed for anyone!

I don't remember seeing these things when I visited the Grand Canyon. LOL

Anonymous said...

@JAK .... July 3, 2011 7:26 PM

Ha! Ha! Love the way you think! :D

Anonymous said...

@9:07 PM

Thanks .... Lady Gaga Illuminati Icon part 2 might be less challenging than this!

Anonymous said...

I see one giant bird with flapping wings and a mushroom or is the mushroom something else???? lol Oh, now I see 2 faces.

That's it .... can't see any more.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so now my eyes hurt.

@Sister, I am with you, don't get it and am giving up!

@Jadam I agree with you, I think we should have tags. It keeps us honest.

Just my opinion.


Anonymous said...

I think Adam is doing research for a cool 3D cover for his new CD and we are his guinea pigs.


Anonymous said...

My eyes won't cross, but I saw several faces, a white mummy on the right, a White Egyptian Queen nestled between the big pink rock, a dark profile of a man's head above the queen that reminded me of Will Rogers and a baby in a long dress in the center with a white thread like circle around it. Adam probably thought he needed to give us something to do to keep us occupied and out of his hair! haha funbunn40

Fan4fun said...

@ funbunn40

I left you a message (answering about my golden couple)in the tread «New Sneack Peek Picture of Adam Lambert...»

Anonymous said...

I once had a look at this kind of pictures put very close together, but I also had a pair of special lenses mounted on a small stand which you can place on the two pictures. And tada...they merge as one 3-D picture. I have a feeling Adam has a pair of these special lenses, and maybe he could also see the 3-D effect by just staring hard at them. If anyone has a pair of these lenses, place them against the pictures, you would probably get the 3-D effect...mystery solved.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40

I'm worried about you......if you truly saw all those things in those pictures......first thing tomorrow morning hurry to a neurologist's office for a brain scan!!!!!!!! Will Rogers? Really? LOL
Happy 4th!.........JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam is definitley keeping us entertained in this quiet patch! Stop us from idol gossip as well. His talents now extend to teacher and educator.. yes can't wait for our next piece of homework. Lol.


Anonymous said...

@JAK Haha The picture from Adam's twitter was much clearer than the one above. Will Rogers usually wore a hat, but not in my perception of this pic. My special arts teacher always said I had a very creative mind! lol My kids and I could always find objects in the clouds and they can spot as many as I can. I really got my husband fired up when we would visit Rock City in Tenn. and would always find objects in photos of tobacco leaves! As crazy as it sounds, my family and I can always make something out of nothing. Cheap entertainment in the early lean years! funbunn40

Lilaclaura said...

I see a lovely woman smiling with her arms outstretched. She seems to be wearing a white wrap or gown. She has a peacefulness and grace like no other. She is mother earth with her arms opened to all of her worldly children. Beautiful! Thanks Adam! You are peace and love my darling. P.s. I haven't been smoking or drinking or sniffing anything! Lol!