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Adam Lambert's Friend Carmit Bachar Is Going To Be A Mom

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, July 3, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, July 03, 2011

Adam's good friend Carmit tweeted that she is going to be a mother soon and Adam said she'll be a great mom.

Watch a video of Adam + Carmit from April 2010 below:


Rebecca said...

so sweet

Everyday Life

Anonymous said...

Carmit has lived life to the fullest, she has gone from child gymnast to The Pussycat Dolls,
then actress, singer and dancer on many star's tours and videos. Then became the co-producer of The Zodiac Show with Lee and Scarlett Cherry.
The three of them gave our Adam a stage to sing on and let him fly!

Now she's going to be a Mom in the same year as Scarlett, those babies will have a lot of people who will love them. Adam seems to be surrounded with all kinds of family! Congratulations to Carmit!........she also works for my favorite charity Operation Smile!..It's all good!...JAK

Anonymous said...

I wish I could read these new posts but the last one blinded me. lol, I know there is a special reason behind her favorite charity. Does anyone know when she is due? thanks.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a new life. Best wishes to Carmit and her family. This has been said time and time again, but Adam is so lucky to have so many talented and close friends. If the children grow up to like their parents and their friends, we will always have talent in this world.


Anonymous said...

That should be "to be like their parents etc"

Anonymous said...

I remember this video of Adam and the two ladies clutching his arms; right about after the AI tour which I followed so closely every day; thanks to Suz526. At that time i didn't know he was already such a stage veteren and wondered where all these ladies emerged from, clutching so tightly his arms.
All the best to Carmit and her newborn...and the feedings and sleepless nights and all the rest...gratifying.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

This reminded me of a video from way back. Some of you may remember this. It scared the CR*P out of me and made me think of Princess Dianna. I hope Adam is always safe no matter what. I am happy that Adam is able to evade the paps lately, at least around his own home.


Anonymous said...

I think Operation Smile performed surgery on Carmit as a child. My nephew is a medical naval officer on board the USS Comfort ship that is performing surgery for Operation Smile children with facial deformities. He'll be traveling to 12 countries until Sept.with Haiti being the last stop. He said he's forever changed and frustrated that they can't treat all that need their help. They also leave the ship if it's safe to teach sanitation and post-op care. They weren't able to in Columbia, as it was too dangerous. It really is a wonderful organization that changes so many children's lives. So happy for Carmit and hope she has an easy pregnancy. She and Scarlett have a great support system. Does anyone know if she has other children? Adam is really getting a taste of little ones. It may inspire him! lol funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Hey daydreamin, yea I remember that car-chase, the link you just posted. Wow, Adam is actually a really fierce driver, swerving 90 degrees into an adjacent street so swiftly and in and out of the traffic; even the car-chaser was taken by surprise. I bet he made some money on this car-chasing Adam video.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Lam my, I am sure they made money on the video too.

Drive safely Adam.


Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July to all the American glamsisters!
BIG happy 4th to the admin., who does such exceptional job (under such tough conditions)...
Have a great day y'all!

Anonymous said...

New picture of Adam with someone.

Anonymous said...

That pic is with Tamyra Gray, another Idol alumni. Terrence Spencer, Adam's dancer from GNT, Wicked and also a very good friend is also in Debbie Allen's "Twist." Adam looks a little sleep deprived! lol funbunn40

Anonymous said...

HAPPY JULY4th, EVERYONE! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th July America !!
-Lam my

Hk fan said...

This is a good new fan video, nice choice of photos.

HK fan said...

Also the cutest pic of Riff

(note his vest)

also this is worth a look

Anonymous said...

Report from beach side...what a 4th! Woke up and took my hot tea out to sit on balcony....4 floors down on high tide edge is the biggest flag I've ever seen. Hotel staff worked thru the night laying out 975 red, white and blue beach towels into a flag. There are 13 white towels in a circle representing the 13 original colonies. During the day children of the guests will take turns lying on these with arms and legs outstretched to make star points.

It was so beautiful seeing that sight in the early quiet "rosy fingered dawn" * salty tears were dripping into my mug of tea. I am such an old softy!........................JAK

* P.S. I give the ancient Greek poet Homer his due credit for "rosy fingered dawn".

Anonymous said...

JAK, that is such a pretty picture you painted with beautiful words; you are always so poetic. Actually I like all your poems. You should compile them into booklets under different genres, as a legacy to your grandkids.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anon 2:35 AM for the picture of Adam supporting his friends at "twist". First photo of Adam and friend, in long time.

Adam doesn't have his black nail polish on, nor eye liner, and very little if any make up. He looks fantastic, even if a little tired.

Sounds beautiful at your beach. Florida has so many nice beaches, some with that black hot as hell sand, and some pure white sand. Burnt the bottom of my feet on that black sand. I was warned, but figured I could handle it. Wrong.


Anonymous said...

@ Lam my

I'm glad you like my poems, I have a huge bound book of them which I call "Musings of a Restless Brain"......mostly family ones......some during my kids teen years are a bit brutal (sitting up waiting to pounce on them past curfew I wrote furiously to make the time pass). But most are happy ones over a period of more than 50 years.

Now I'm writing for yet another generation.....
the 4 and 7 year old great granddaughters......
Yesterday was a "sticky" day (snow cones, icecream, sand and salt water) so I wrote......

.........Sweaty hugs and sandy kisses..........
.........From these loveliest of misses!.......

Anonymous said...

@ P.A.S.

Are you sure you don't have FLA mixed up with Hawaii? I've never heard of any black sand beaches in volcanos or black volcanic rock or sand.....this state is flat as a pancake!
One of the many features I don't like about it, that and lizards, snakes, giant toads, bugs and the ever present alligators!! The alligators slow up a lot of my husband's golf games.

As you can imagine I no longer work for the Chamber of Commerce!......JAK

Anonymous said...

Very nice title to your book of poems, there must be hundreds of poems in there.
These two lines are really pretty.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@JAK....above....Lam my

glitzylady said...

I love those beautiful sugar sand beaches in FL..and agree, the bugs could take a hike. I was sitting on the beach on Sanibel Island about 12 years ago, at sunset (gorgeous..postcard picture-perfect scene) on a sand chair in my swim suit, enjoying a "beverage", and thinking "Does it get any better than this?". All of a sudden these little black specks started appearing on my legs, obviously some kind of little bugs ("no-see-um's" I hear they're called..) and feeling little pinpricks of bites..I was thinking, well, heck, they're so tiny, what harm could they do?? Next morning, woke up to giant bright red spots all over my legs, which stayed with me for two weeks...Looked great with my shorts. Lesson learned. Other than that, loved our vacay in South Florida.

Anonymous said...


Yes it was Sarasota beach, hubby and I went there for a Sunoco trade fair. Went to Ringling Brothers Museum. They have the beach with black sand, I forgot what chemical caused it.
Cape Cod beaches have sand fleas that bite. They are hard to see, and a lot of flies. But is is so beautiful and peaceful by the ocean.
Rome, Italy has beautiful beaches, and are so clean. I love the ocean.


Anonymous said...

I love the white sand beaches of Southern California. No bugs, no sand fleas, no no-see-ums, just wonderful smells and then there is the beautiful, cool Pacific Ocean.

Anonymous said...

@ P.A.S.

Coincidentally....Sarasota is where my husband and I went on our honeymoon and we "did" the art museum for me and the "Circus Hall of Fame" for him......since I'd never heard of a dark beach sand I checked it were walking on fossilized ancient shark teeth, sea turtle and ancient horse teeth! Yuk! Next excursion down that way I want to see it! I have lots of LARGE black shark teeth fossils I've collected over the years. It's a good thing I like fossils since I've become one!.....................JAK


Sanibel is noted for sand fleas, we Floridians avoid that area even though it is beautiful....
.....St Petersburg and Clearwater beaches are flea free!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

@ Lam my

I left a new Adam poem on the Adam Lambert....
Twist the Musical thread.......JAK

glitzylady said...

Now you tell me! It WAS gorgeous tho! We were there just two days, the rest of the time was spent on the Atlantic side..the coast from Ft. Lauderdale to Palm Beach..didn't run into any sand fleas there thank goodness! Loved it all...

Anonymous said...

OT...Love the beaches in Ft. Lauderdale. haven't encountered sand fleas, but they do bothersome people. I used to scuba dive in the Fla. keys. Beaches there are very rocky. The Tampa, Clearwater beaches as I remember had white, powdery sand. Really missing the beach and ocean right now!The closeat NC beach for me is 4hrs away, but seem to have more shark sightings lately than Fl.Watching Josh Groban now on "A Capitol 4th 2011." Another great voice, as Adam. Wounded vets and their families reminding me not to ever take their sacrifices for granted. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Wonder where Adam and Sauli will be to see the fireworks. Something new for Sauli to experience in America. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40

This will be Carmit's first child.......JAK

Anonymous said...

@ JAK Thanks! Happy 4th with your family! funbunn40

Hk fan said...

I posted 3 new links earlier in this thread and now I'm sulking as no one commented on them, even the really cute Baby Riff picture!!

Anonymous said...

Hk fan:

Adorable pic of Riff who is growing sooooo fast.

Fabulous pics of Adam in Russia. Never seen many of them before. Thank you so much. You're really great to take the time to post them. Thanks again. *bowing to the greatness*

Anonymous said...

Hk fan

The pic of Baby Riff is just adorable.
The pics of Adam in Moscow are new to me and rather fabulous I might add.

The Fan Video was AMAZING. I love that song, and I really love the pictures. From the present back to Zodiak and Upright Cafe. So many made my heart almost stop realizing how absolutely beautiful that man is.

Thank you so much for making my day.

Hk fan said...

@anon 3.08 and 3.24
wasn't really sulking... I know that sometimes links get missed when reading through comments, it was just a kinda sarcastic, gentle reminder that they where on there. I hadn't seen them before, and thought maybe others hadn't.

Anonymous said...

@HK Fan,I did go and enjoy your links! Thankyou! Sometimes I'm up so late, viewing all the good stuff it gets late and I mean to let all know how much I appreciate all f the wonderful videos and articles. You are VERY much appreciated! ;) funbunn40