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New Picture of Adam Lambert at Twist The Musical!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 4, 2011

Posted at : Monday, July 04, 2011

Tamyrgray: "Look who was at @TwistTheMusical 2nite.@adamlambert. Thanx 4 supporting us!!!"



glitzylady said...

He has suspenders! And bit of info: Terrance Spencer is in this musical..Adam supporting his friends, as usual. And looking good doing it!

glitzylady said...

Just saw this picture from the Maxidrom concert: Adam walking with a group of people. I was just thinking that he is just "It": The way he carries himself is just so Rockstar! No wonder he is who we see in any picture and on stage..the eye is just drawn to him instantly every time.

Anonymous said...

OMG, glad you pointed out the suspenders, so cool. I love tamyr Gray too. Hi Sauli!!

LP said...

Love these pics where everyone is smiling and happy.
HAPPY FOURTH to everyone, hope you all have a happy day. Love and Peace :)

Anonymous said...

ARRRRH! Adam does not wear any nail polish, love his hair. Hope the boys enjoy their first July4 together. <3

Anonymous said...

I love looking at this man. I think it has something to do with the veins of his hands, the freckles on his chest, and the fan of hair at his temples.

LP said...

I came accross this , it so funny. you tube "two of the best and their dingalings..MJ and Adam. I don't think you can watch it without laughing. Some may have seen it before, but it's still good for a laugh.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Its not your grandpa's suspenders. Its the Skingraft harness thing-a-ma-jig.

Anonymous said...

would love to go and see Terrence, he was such a good dancer on GNT.I get to notice the dancers more watching the GN DVD.

glitzylady said...

Aha!!! Thanks for pointing that out! Stylish AND practical! I see the attached pouch under his arm now..

Anonymous said...

I think Adam has silver nail polish on...he looks oh my

Anonymous said...

Rock star gorgeous at Maxidrom

Anonymous said...

@LP 9:45 AM I think I will laugh till the rest of the day! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! LOL
Both of them have fantastic "dingalings"!LOL

Happy 4th of July, everybody! Hope you have a lot of fun today!

Anonymous said...

AND ...first picture for us with Sauli since his return!

Anonymous said...

@LP Sorry, I meant 9:49AM

Anonymous said...

Portland,Oregon...July 4, 2009...anticipation
First show of Season 8 Am Idol tour in 24 hours

..July 5..Memories Light the Corners of My Mind

In the dark, music began with a rocking beat
Screaming fans were already on their feet
Lightning flashed and his name appeared
In higher decibels they all cheered
Out he came looking so divine
Leather gets to us every time
Faster than a cobra strike
He stepped up and grabbed the mic
A WHOLE LOTTA LOVE was what he was selling
You could hardly hear him above the yelling
Then MAD WORLD calmed them down
In many eyes a tear could be found
STARLIGHT for me was a celestial treat
A beautiful song in a voice so sweet
Then Allison came out and by his side
They proceeded to take us on a sassy SLOW RIDE
Next, off came the jacket in a shrug so bold
We were warned we'd better grab hold
Strutting out for the Bowie set he was the best
And oh! oh! oh! looking good in that vest
With waving arms and pumping fist
He began to bend and twist
Mercy! He was looking mighty fine
Then he started to body roll that spine...THUD
DON'T STOP BELIEVING was the group's final act
But I only saw and heard Adam and that's a fact!

Critics please be forgiving
Obviously I don't do this for a living!!!!! JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam's friend Cassidy on the 4th

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July to Adam, Sauli and all you friends here on this site. The pictures of Adam walking at the Maxidrom had my heart pounding. What a presence he is indeed!!!! BTW @JAK you are a wonderful music reviewer, that is exactly how I felt when seeing him then and he keeps getting hotter and more fabulous!

Anonymous said...

@12:26 Casidy is also wearing the same suspender bag as Adam, above, but in blue.

Ronnie said...

Great pic! Adam looks so MAN in it. And Happy 4th of July to you over there with family and loveones!

Anonymous said...

Adam <3__<3 love his hair!

The Dark Side said...

Lovely to see Adam and Sauli out together after long absence. Went back and checked and Tamayre was in Seson 1 of Idol. Also Terrence in the play, and Adam seems to keep up with the musicals in LA and New York. It's in his blood, so to speak.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see "laser-eye"-Sauli again out with Adam.;) And happy 4th of July from Finland for everyone who's celebrating!

Anonymous said...

JAK very good job.!!

Anonymous said...

It's my birthday and this indeed was a present!!!
Adam & Sauli just fills my heart with happiness.

Kelowna Fan XXX

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kelowna Fan, and like you, seeing Adam and Sauli together makes me happy.

@JAK Very good writing. To me you can write as good as a lot of people who get published. I read poetry, but only if it is short. Not my favorite type of reading.

Hope everyone had a great 4th.


Dinah-mite said...

@URRRRIIIII! OK Gurl,you sure have a keen eye for LEATHER, uh huh...
So good to see Adam lookin fine(as usual) and Sauli back in the saddle(figure of speech people).
All is well, hope everyone is having a great 4th with family and friends.
24 days till I see Adam F Lambert!! YEAH BABAY!!!
He's a firework is right!!!

Anonymous said...

@To all regulars that sign:

I left a message on the New Sneek Peek Pic's thread. It comes from the heart.

@Dinah-mite you have a way with words. LOL Lucky you getting to see Adam up close. Have an extra good time for me.


Anonymous said...

Hey, that's exactly 2 years; you mean you actually saw Adam on AI tour on 4th July; and you recapitulated the concert sequence so clearly, the next day. I wached the Portland Adam AI concert on video and was captivated by the slit-tailed beautiful jacket. I loved Starlight especially, at the end...I just wanna hold....Very good poem! JAK.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@ Lam my

No I have never been lucky enough to see Adam...
I knew when the summer tour began, July 5th, so I looked up the videos and watched all the ones from that Portland performance and "imagined" myself there!!!!!Not nearly as good as being there. I had scribbled a poem about Am Idol and GNT so I figured this would be the proper date to scribble one about the tour where he first began to let the real Adam out!.......WOW
Now my goal is to be around to write one about his next tour!.........JAK

Anonymous said...

I particularly like the "body roll" and the "bend and twist"....sooo sexy and handsome!
-Lam my

tess4ADAM said...

@JAK .. LOVED the poem ... brought back a lot of happy memories for so many Glamberts!

OT ... ADAM has WON the poll for BEST ROLE MODEL in the BIZ!!! THANX!! to all the Glamberts that VOTED to make this happen ... HAPPY 4th of July ADAM & Glamily!!!!
Love 'n Light ... <3<3


Anonymous said...

How can one man have so much hotness? And how can anyone not notice him? How did he stayed under Radar all this years? How can one human being with so many qualities of a super human being stayed unnoticed by so many big producers in show biz. It is just mind boggling....indigo.

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way, just watched AI* vid with Carlo Santana, Adam is doing salsa dance, wearing all black with red tie,his hair emo style,so cute when ha was dancing with Allison on the side. Just don't know how to post it here....indigo.

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th July Adam! :-D

Where I come from, the name we have for "suspenders" is "braces" (nothing to do with teeth!!). What hold up stockings are called "suspenders".

Anonymous said...

I like Adam doing the salsa dance to Carlo Santana's music. I'd like very much for Adam to dance the cha cha...the twists and twirls ooooh!
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

I think the Twist Musical is playing at the Pasadena Playhouse. I saw it there last week. Had I known ADAM would be there, I would have waited! Drat!!

Hk fan said...

Happy birthday @kelowna fan

and @Dinah-mite
I did wish you a happy birthday a few threads back (1st july isn't it?), not sure if you saw it, but happy birthday anyway.

HK fan said...

@anon 10.49
Are you a Brit?
Yep definitely braces.....had to do a double take when someone mentioned Adam was wearing suspenders.....

Anonymous said...

11:43 PM

Hi Brit fan - no, I'm a Aussie with British ancestors.

I'd love to see Adam wearing suspenders (i.e. a suspender belt) to hold up fishnet stockings or at least a photo of one. Maybe there is a photo already!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday @Dinah-mite and @Kelownafan! Hope you both had terrific days!

@indigo, I think this is the vid of which you speak with Santana:


Anonymous said...


I love your poem. Please do more and do a collection. Unfortunately I have not seen him live and love to hear about his shows in any form.


Anonymous said...

A little off topic, but I ran in to a couple of lovely videos of Adam and Sauli (for anyone who's interested).

First one is "Adam's Love"

And the other one is "BB-Sauli".

I thought these videos were quite beautiful. I hope those links work, they worked fine on Firefox & IE9 (copy&paste).

Anonymous said...

Wow! I was away for a week without a computer and I come home to this fabulous pic! How great is that! Adam just keeps lookin' better every day. It seems like he's such a friend-magnet. People just love him. Can't wait for the new cd! And so glad to be home so I can keep up on the news!

Anonymous said...

What is "Big Brother"? Is it like a reality game show? Also what did Sauli Koskinen do before that show?

- Abby

Anonymous said...

@Abby. Big Brother is a reality show. If you want to know more about Sauli and about what he's done before BB (and about his family etc.), check out

That link can be found also at

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that last link (Anon 8:33) was supposed to be

A little typing error there...

Anonymous said...

@Lam My

YES! One of my favorite Adam moments was when he comes down those stairs with the group, then sings & dances with Santana to Smooth on the Idol Finale. Not only is he wearing black with suspenders & looking great, he started off the singing, which was fabulous--very sultry! He did miss the lyrics a bit, singing "12 inches IN the noon day sun" instead of "12 inches FROM the noon day sun" in reference to the hotness of the day, which can give a whole new meaning to the song! LOL. I loved how Santana was anticipating Adam, reaching his hand out to him (not Kris) as though to personally acknowledge & show his respect to Adam. Then Adam dances with Allison Ireheta and the group. Adam does Latin extremely well & wish he'd do more--especially given his incredible sense of rhythm. I wish Adam had been able to sing the entire song with Santana.

Maybe on a light day, someone could post this video. There is a long one with all 3 group numbers he was in that night, along with cutaway shots to hometown fans cheering on Adam & Kris. I did not get home in time to see 1st half of Idol finale, so when I recently dicovered this YouTube video I was in heaven.

Cannot wait till Adam is up on some stage performing again!!!!

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

@11:43 LOL

Kentucky Fan

glitzylady said...

@Kentucky Fan
Embarrassing fact: I still have the Season 8 Idol Finale on my DVR. Husband: "When are you going to delete it??" Me: (vaguely....) "Someday....." (Real answer: "When hell freezes over"....or when I finally figure out how to copy it to my DVR recorder, that I bought after the fact....even then it won't be in HD..GOTTA have the HD "When hell freezes over" is still my final answer!) ; )

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan
Hey Kentucky Fan, missed you! Sharp as actually heard the miss in the lyrics? Both ways one will be scorched or is there a more saucy interpretation...on inches? Yea, loved that salsa dance to Santana's electrifying guitaring. Till now I am still puzzled about Santana's hand gesture after Adam came down the stairs. I thought Adam was handing him a new guitar-pick! Lol. So you are saying Santana was extending a hand-shake to Adam instead of to Kris? See, when you come back, I bombard you with questions...or were you here all the while.
-Lam My

Anonymous said...

That's Sauli in the background on the right, correct? Adam is drop-dead gorgeous, as usua. Thud.

Anonymous said...

Anon July 5, 10:06. Yes, that's Sauli in the background on the right. And I agree, Adam's gorgeous. How does his hair stay like that?? Amazing. Thud. LOL

Anonymous said...


How could you possibly delete the Season 8 Idol Finale?! It was one terrific show! Adam singing with Kiss. Adam singing with Queen. The only awful part is the very end when Seacrest says Kris Allen instead of Adam Lambert, which I can hardly bring myself to watch to this day.

I goofed above on the Adam lyrics to Smooth. In rewatching it he sang "Well, it's a hot one. Like SEVEN inches IN the midday sun." (I obviously got a little carried away with the 12 inches LOL.). It is still actually supposed to be FROM the midday sun to emphasize the heat--but Adam's version works, too :).

I'm link impaired. But, if you YouTube Adam Lambert-American Idol Final (group performances) under LexieeLambert you'll find the long 9 minute plus version. Santana section starts at 4:56. Last number, all the guys dressed in black suits & ties in a line singing "If You Think I'm Sexy" starts at 8:25. Guess who you can't take your eyes off. Adam sings the glory note at the end & introduces Rod Stewart.

Darn we got spoiled by seeing him every week. Season 8 was the only time I really ever watched Idol--just because of Adam. Because of usually not getting home in time, I mostly just YouTubed Adam's performances afterward. Then YouTubed Adam in general. Just wow. I was a gonner :). He had me at My Conviction from Hair.

Love the photo above. I adore Adam's wildchild hair. Who has hair like that?! And, the topic of suspenders... :) Very fun.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

@11:55 PM I was laughing at you! Loved your comment(got my times confused). With those legs of his, I wouldn't mind seeing that myself! Actually there IS a photo floating around of Adam dressed in drag wearing fishnet stockings. Since he tends to overdress, the only way I got to see how gorgeous those legs are is because of another "drag" shot in which he has on a short silver dress & huge white or silver afro wig in some kind of contest. There are also some photos from Burning Man, where you can see them as well.

@Lam my I don't know. Maybe he was handing Santana a guitar pic. Will have to watch again to do more research :).

Kentucky Fan

glitzylady said...

The video compilation of America Idol Season 8 Finale Group Performances by LexieeLambert: that Kentucky Fan talked about above:

As far as I was concerned, and still am, they could have just followed Adam with the camera the whole time.. : )

Anonymous said...

I have limited internet access right now, came in here real quickly to peek and then see the picture of Adam at the musical Twist. Sauli just beaming with Love and Lust in the background!!!! Whohaaa!

Lizard Eyes

Dinah-mite said...

P.a.s., H.K.Fan and daydreamin:

Thanks so much for Bday shout out!It was a good day. And hey Daydreamin- thanks so much for posting Santana clip! VERY KEWL!!! I never watched AI so this was totally NEW to me! ( I know what your thinking out there " And Dinah-mite is THIS crazy about Adam and she never even saw AI??"
To which I would scream a RESOUNDING HELL YEAH!!)
That's right....

Oh yeah, @GlitzyLady:

I went online and got the whole Adam CD of AI Season 8. So then you can tell your hubby you erased DVR.... Problem solved...

LUV all Glamberts and CAN'T WAIT to see Adam in 23 days!!! MAJOR FLAILING>>>>>

Anonymous said...

I think Adam singing "seven inches" was on purpose. We all know our boy always tells the truth and twelve inches would be stretching it just a bit. LOL

Anonymous said...

Lol, dear 3:52, the same thought went through my mind...terrible, aren't we. And that's why I got back to Kentucky Fan, who confirmed a more realistic length. And before that, a horse came to my mind and in the sun! Lol, looks like Adam didn't miss the lyrics, he always changes it up. :)
-Lam my

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