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RCA Moderators Comment on the Legality of J. Scott's "Live The Life"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Listen to the song below:

Source: AdamOfficial


Anonymous said...

woah, glad I have't had a chance to get it but many have.

uninformed and in the dark said...

What is this? Please? What's happening?

Anonymous said...

Glad I waited and did not purchase 'til I heard if Adam approved this. Apparently, according to RCA/'s not okay. I won't purchase it 'cause Adam won't get a dime from it.


Anonymous said...

lol @7:45pm I feel the same way.

Anonymous said...

Who IS J Scott,(or J Scott G.)anyway??

Urethra_Franklin said...

Im I the only one who has had this thing for about 2 years? And I didnt pay for it so I dont feel bad about it.

Anonymous said...

It seemed strange that such an old song from pre idol days would be put on i tunes, so it felt like something was off. Soon Adam's new single will be on i tunes for us all to buy like crazy and make it #1 !!! Just hope people who are not hard core fans will think this is the new single, ugh. Wonder why RCA couldn't have put a stop to this.

Anonymous said...

I will boycott this the same way I did with Take One (which also sucked to me). Adam is getting ripped off.

Anonymous said...

I heard this ages ago, now I know it may not be ligit, will hold off till further notice, Its not on NZ itunes anyway.

Anonymous said...

Illegal, whatever, same complaint from me, want to hear him Sing! His voice must be forefront otherwise it's irritating. There are several beautiful Adam high notes, smothered. This song has a great dance boom boom beat and will sell, (illegal?). Why would someone risk doing something like this; so desperate. Can be damaging, people may just buy it, it's actually good. Just hope people don't think this is Adam's new single.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Don't love it anyway so wouldn't buy it if it were available but anything Adam has done for fun or support of a friend in the past, you can bet, people will want to get what they can from it.

Waiting to hear what Adam has to say about it.

glitzylady said...

I just saw this on Twitter, posted by @Lambertlust. This is an article from 2 years ago in MJSblog (July 8, 2009): Background about the song: Apparently Adam met with producer J. Scott G. and collaborated on this song, "Live The Life", and the producer is now releasing it on iTunes.

From MJ's Blog in July '09: (More info in the full article)
"Before J. Scott G. had a chance to do anything with it, Adam signed a contract with American Idol, and asked the producer to put the song “on hold.” He “gladly obliged,” finishing the edits on the song at around the time Idol wrapped up in May. The producer believes his meeting with Adam was destiny, and that he totally hit the motherload:"

J. Scott G.:
"I never doubted Adam was going to do well in Idol from the moment he told me he made it, because of my underlying belief that the universe brought him into my life for a reason. But I mean, come on’ ¦ seriously what are the chances of something like this happening? One in a million? One in ten million? I might have had a better chance at winning the *actual* lottery to be perfectly honest (thank god I’m not a gambling man). So I challenge you all to ask yourself these questions. Are Adam and I just incredibly lucky? Or is there, perhaps, some truth in the concept of manifestation through positive thinking?

You be the judge. In the mean time, you’ve got to live the life. Man I can’t stop friggin smiling. (again, so grateful)"

So, that's where the song came from. Wondering if Adam will eventually say something about it. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Completely OT- (There is no appropriate thread to post this on, so it will be here.)

Sister here. I am not sure how this post is going to go. I am just going to start writing and see what evolves. Bear with me.

I have taken some time to think about this site and everyone who comes here to share in “all things Adam”. Adam is an example of someone who walks the talk. He believes in love, respect, honoring diversity, and a live and let live philosophy. He is a beautiful old soul. His voice is a gift from the heavens, but more so his kindness and beautiful spirit is, or should be, an example for all. Rare beauties like him don’t come along often.

I was so excited to have found 24/7 some time back. I was an Anon long before I took the tag name of Sister. Once I began to identify myself, connections were made with others, who also chose to be more “visible”. It has been wonderful to get to know all of you. You know who you are. I can’t list you all. The bantering has been a blast. The sharing of each other’s lives and supporting each other through some tough times is what friends do, even if only virtual. And I feel like so many of you have become friends. I thank you all for that. I originally came to this site to share “all things Adam” and it became more. For that I am truly grateful.

I ranted yesterday. I surely did. It was not directed at any one person. It was directed at what I consider to be the ridiculous on-going criticism of anything and everything on 24/7. What has happened to our world that we feel that, because we are hidden behind computers and are virtually unaccountable, we can cut other people down in whatever way we choose? Adam’s sweet Sauli constantly gets ripped apart from head to toe, literally. People from different countries, especially the Finns on this site, are often offended by all of the unnecessary critical comments, and that is not OK. Really…NOT OK. Honestly, I have had enough. It was not one person’s comment that caused my little rant. It was this on-going lack of empathy for others. It was thread after thread of anger at each other, and criticism of “someone” that only gives Adam joy.

As a result of my rant, I have been called rude, entitled, mean, and told to seek help...not a general comment, but directed at me personally. On the flip side, I also received appreciation for my rant (clearly someone else who tired of the endless ripping here) and, also, one wonderful marriage proposal. LOL.

I love the banter. I love the crazy, ridiculous, fun threads. I enjoy learning about others. And I even enjoy a “generalized” rant by others once in a while. But I do not appreciate direct, mean spirited, verbal assaults that are not justified.

So let me just say that I am not rude, entitled, or mean. I am impassioned about human rights, equality for all, honoring diversity, respect for our global community and being kind to each other. I spend my days providing quality healthcare and listening to people whose lives are filled with pain, both physical and emotional. I train educators in bullying prevention and work hard to make this world a better place. I do my best to stay positive in my life and about life in general.

Anonymous said...


I come to 24/7 to celebrate all things beautiful…Adam, Sauli, Adam’s friends and family, his music, his career, love, diversity, and the global community. Here I find a bunch of beautiful posts, fun posts and kind posts. There are some really quality people who come to 24/7 that live from the heart. But there are also angry, intentionally hurtful posts. I don’t need to come here and read people’s comments who are intentionally hurtful, be it regarding Sauli or to other posters. It is simply uncalled for.

I just want to let those of you who I have been sharing time with on this site, laughing and bantering with, that I am taking a hiatus from 24/7. I am not leaving because someone called me rude or mean. I am taking a hiatus, because it has become less than fun…and it should be fun. This is an Adam site after all. We should be celebrating. We should be sharing joy. We should be supporting each other through the love and kindness that Adam models so well for the world to see.

I never have intentionally attacked or tried to hurt anyone on this site. If anyone has felt they have been directly attacked by me, I apologize, never my intention.

I could easily just disappear into cyberspace and never comment again, but I wanted to honor our time together with this closing comment.

Try to be kind to each other. The world is too difficult already.

I am off to “Live the Life”.

Peace and love,


Unity Street said...

I work hand in hand with Scott and have personally seen the contract with Adam regarding this. This is legitimate, it is authorized, and Adam does get a percentage of sales from it.

Unity Street said...

If Ed or any of the RCA mods wish to contact me regarding this, please feel free to.

Anonymous said...

Adam is always promoting others, why is this J Scott any different? He worked with him, I love the song, it's Adam's voice, I;m buying it! Entitled fans or money seeking labels aint gonna stop me! For me, it's all about Adam! Not sure why Fonzerrli's remix;s on itunes or Citizen Vein;s songs with poor production & overpowering guitar riffs are any different than this song! Why are they accepted and not this? Wish people would just live and let live and enjoy the music!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe you Unity Street. This is not how Adam wants his new music to be presented. DO NOT BUY!!!

A bunch of crooks who want to associate their name with Adam. Eat shit you losers and users.

HK fan said...

I really hope you don't disappear for good, and will come back to us after a little break. This site would not be the same without you.
I also don't like the way some of the threads go. It seems to be the same couple of people just repeating themselves. I've been choosing to not join in those threads, it just seems to encourage them.

glitzylady said...

@Unity Street..
Thanks for stopping by..Hoping to hear something from Adam to sort this out. So many fans would love to buy the song or have already joyfully done so. A word from Adam would be all of us still on the fence would need to download that song ASAP, without guilt, and with gratitude (speaking for myself here..). All the better if Adam gets a percentage.

Anonymous said...

because this has not been endorsed by adam creatively (yet) so therefore it is not all about adam that is the point! Because this one is not going to probably bring him any financial renumeration.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sister Boss, please don't leave. I love bantering with you every day!
"We all need each other." - Leo Buscaglia
"A single rose can be my garden...a single friend, my world." - Leo Buscaglia

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

There is a fan video of the song at the link below.....they used a mashup of film from IIHY and FYE. When you go to site the info next to picture says you need Adobe flash....??? I have no idea what that is but I saw it clearly and added it to my favorites. No Charge :)

Anonymous said...

@ Sister

What will I do without you? Please just take a short rest from us. You know the angry words directed at you had no validity, I know that and your other friends do also. I can understand the "fed up" feeling ,I took off at one point after being slammed, but after 4 days I said "What the hell, why should I leave??? It's their problem not mine. I missed the companionship I'd found here.

I need you to be silly with....come back soon.
<3 <3 .....JAK

Anonymous said...

@UnityStreet The confusion stems from, why release this now? Why it wasn't released 2 years ago? That's why we feel there might be something fishy with this release today because Live The Life is an outdated project of Adam that resurfaced today for some odd reasons. We got the validation of not buying these tracks from RCA and Adam's A&R. Thanks for checking in with us on this site!

Anonymous said...


Don't let the "few" hurtful comments made force you of this site. Don't let them win. The truth is, people who take enjoyment over cutting people apart such as hateful remarks to Sauli or other posters on this thread are in general very unhappy in their own lives.

The real issue is treating each other with respect. I think we can restore the light heartedness and joy we used to ALWAYS have here on 24/7.

We can start by following Adam's lead of acceptance, humor and keeping it real. At times, things get blown up way out of propotion over something insignificant.

Being a true Adam fan demands we embrace Adam's choices that make him happy. We also follow Adam's lead and find a better way to communicate by avoiding insulting confrontation.

So, sister stay on this site. You belong here and your posts are thoughtful and humorous.

That is the winning ticket IMHO.


Anonymous said...

Sister please.. don't go away! By doing that you give more space to the mean people.

Anonymous said...

I understand why Adam & Co. doesn't endorse this. Sounds like those Idol recording quality songs. Not a great production arrangement but it's got nice beat. It's not a hit song. It's only a good remix for parties or listening while exercising. Most people don't care for remixes.

Anonymous said...

Well it got posted here as not to buy and now it's up on iTunes at no. 27 under Electronic. This is called negative advertising promotion.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this will inject some laughter to an otherwise rather gloom and doom atmosphere here. I just heard from Singapore Glamberts, our Mandarin radio stations which do not play English songs at all, are playing Adam's If I Had You!! LOL! :)

So Sister, what do you say...Stay!
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Listen to this Adam Lambert interview on CNN Talk Asia where he talks about what led him to do his AMA performance:

I hope he doesn't get any wrong impressions from us for his second album. Cause he worked his butt off to recover from that event which we were somewhat the cause of it.

Anonymous said...


I haven't posted in a long time. I have kept up on Adam, read the comments, and found some made me angry, frustrated, & some made me laugh. There is diff. a few here that don't understand that this is Adams life, it is not just about his music, but all who and what he is associated with. Diff of opinions are what makes the world go around, but the attacking of Sauli is so hateful. The Finn's have stopped commenting, and that is understandable. Someone was even taking stabs @JAK. My God, she is witty and entertaining.

I also have been busy unpacking, meeting old friends and family, since my move from Las Vegas. There are some great people on this site and they use tags, which help ID them. But I noticed when the topic turns hateful, no tags are used and it becomes a battle. I have never been a fighter, I don't like to be nasty.

I can understand where you are coming from my dear girl. Taking a step back is hard, but sometimes we get to invested, even with being on a site. You will be missed, but you know what is best for you.

I will miss your comments.


Ronnie said...


You gave me a total shock! Understand the reasons though. You are one of the most honest and fearless person here! And those people usually get all the hate.

Haven´t seen Eva for a while and Elli left as well. Sad.

Take a break, and come back later. There´s so much LOVE in you!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear 1:02, I watched Adam's interview on CNN Talk Asia 3 times on TV; one of his very eloquent discourses.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@Sister, I understand completely where you are coming from. I feel bad cause I don't post often & I don't stand up to the bullies with you & others who are really good people here at 24/7. I will try harder , Sister, I will try harder.
I don't understand why every time when Adam's bf is mentioned , things get crazy! @KentuckyFan can you figure this one out?
I left one site because of separation of fans , I don't want to have to leave because of this or for some other reason. But I am not going to let the bullies win! I have every right to be here just like everyone else , we know how to be civilized & kind. We know where the line is drawn!
Step down to those who can't be kind, step down from the big stage where Adam Lambert stands. Adam deserves everything good coming his way because he is a good human being! & the Best darn vocalist in this whole freaking wide world!!!

Anonymous said...


I totally understand why you take time-out from this place but I will truly miss you. I lurk here sometimes but not so often as before. I read the tagged comments not the Anons because they often make me feel uncomfortable and sad. I thought this was a place for us who enjoy the awesomeness of Adam Lambert, his music and loving spirit. A place where we can be as silly as we please and no eyes are rolling(my boyfriends eyes are for ever glued at the back of his head:D)but it is not that place anymore. People who have no reason to be here are here, talking to themselves, agreeing on their own comments, bashing Adam´s boyfriend, bashing Adam´s fans and spreading ill will.
We have lost many friends like Sanni and Elli (I miss my kultamussukka). When I tried to stand up for Sanni I got all the crap from this cray, and every time I said something, a load of shit hit me. The advice was: scroll and ignore!! Well it´s not worth it.
@JAK you are a trooper, the funniest and sanest lady ever. I love you dearly and agree with all your liberal views. JAK for president!!
@Glitzylady, it´s sad that you have to "sort things out" here, but you´re so good at it. I really enjoy your posts.
@Urethra_Franklin, superbitch. Never stop telling the crays to fuck off! You´re needed here.


Anonymous said...

Just saw that you missed me :D.
Bless you, sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

Why "Live the life" release so close to Adam's new single, it may not confuse the diehard fan but definitely confuse the casual one. And there are 7 remix of the same song on itune, will Adam get any money from all of them? I won't purchase it until Adam say so.

don't give in for negativity, just take a break and come back when you feel comfortable. Negativity will never break my spirit on Adam instead it make me stronger. I have been here for a very long time.
Fan from Canada.

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda glad this song isn't the 1st single from Adam's next album. Too electronic. I want to hear his voice.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully Adam will come out with a tweet soon to clarify where he stands on this peculiar release.

@sister, please hang in. That thread was so crazy--I just started laughing. Threads where Sauli gets mentioned (in any way) blow up into crazy messes. One thing is clear: no one can ever acuse Adam's fan base of being non-diverse!

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan
Hey Kentucky Fan, the thread you mentioned was so crazy, like you say, I barely dared step in; everyone was yelling, no one was listening. By the way, you still remind me about the 12 inches from the sun! Now that Sister is leaving, I'll probably need to look for another sparring partner. :)
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@ Sister

You gave me a rough night, I sat and thought about the people who have gone from this site.
In many cases we don't know why....Where is MOM from TORONTO? We should have been hearing from her.....Adam's going to be in Canada!! She should be boiling over with excitement. Why did Elli leave? I liked her so much and she was so interesting!

Of course we all know what drove Sanni away and it's still here! I miss that girl and her sweet disposition. @ Eva thank goodness you showed up, you were next on my list of "Where are they now"? I was hoping you and your boyfriend were just on a yacht somewhere in the Greek Isles getting a golden tan and would be back soon.

I can understand we might have bored some people away and they just drifted off, but the fact that some are run off is definitely distressing.

And now @ Sister, that is a blow! Intelligence,insight,compassion,appreciation of even small victories in a big cause,and always, always wonderfully witty. I can only assume that there are some here with NO sense of humor.
Not many thank God! Sister, I felt a bit panicky last night when I read your Farewell Address and lay in bed mourning your loss, hopefully that will be of short duration.

I'm announcing now....the pool party is off till you return, it just wouldn't be the same without you.......Since I had no sleep last night, going between sadness and anger, I'm taking today off
to be contemplative (is that a real word?).
Don't stay away too long, remember I'm old and who knows.....I could go at any time.....I'm feeling weaker and slightly dizzy (well, that part is normal)...........Love ya!.........JAK

Urethra_Franklin said...

Just wondering if anyone loses sleep when I take my little hiatuses? BAH!!!!

Such drama...

Now back to the actual topic............dont i recall that he didnt do anything with it 2 years ago because he had reached out to Adam and Adam asked him not to release it "at this time" because he wanted his first album to be reflective of..what it wound up being. But that he would get back with him at a later time to release it. Im pretty sure thats what happened.

Anonymous said...

@Lam my LOL That was so embarrassing! I'm usually much more careful with my quotes! LOL

Maybe on a slow day, the administrator wouldn't mind posting that YouTube video of the group performances of the Season 8 Idol finale show, so we can re-reflect on Adam's interpretation of the lyrics to Smooth with Santana.

Re: the Crazy Thread, I even felt sorry for Urethra Franklin who got acused of getting Sauli's pants comments going, when he clearly didn't. And the one who dug into JAK's politics out of the blue? Heck, I coudn't let that go LOL (Actually, that may have been the same person who did both?) Sure enough, as predicted, I eventually got slammed, too, for my anti-smoking comments. How can anybody be for smoking?! LOL I must admit, I enjoy chaos at times. Overall, it was kind of like a good French farce.

Kentucky Fan

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

I miss you too,Eva!!
Peace and love from Norway

Urethra_Franklin said...

Kentucky Fan

You noticed that huh? lol Thanks for pointing that out cause I didnt think anyone noticed or cared. Probably cause I go straight into attack mode when someone comes at me like that.

Re: the i dont think anyone is "for" smoking. I think it has more to do with the fact that hes a grown man and he can make his own decisions. That AND there is this constant "mothering" of Adam that makes it seem like he is not capable of making his own "good" decisions which is just beyond annoying. That AND the constant idea of Sauli "victimizing" him----> this from the haters. Its just too much. So when you look at this BIG picture, comments about Adam being around a bf who smokes is just worthy of a good stiff eye roll. And yes I was one of the ones who eye rolled thru the whole spliff in Amsterdam saga.

Not attacking you........just trying to explain it.

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan
Congratulations on the opening of your clinic, must be really interesting what you are doing. Do you get those really difficult cases, eg suicidal, psychopaths etc. Wouldn't such cases disturb your own peace of mind?
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Hey Folks,

Why don't we just wait for Adam to comment about this and we decide right???? It make sense indeed.

I want Adam to say yes it's ligitimate and then it's a go!!!! I don't like these people use Adam to make profits!!!! If Adam will get something from this, then we celebrate indeed!!! What do u think folks????

Anonymous said...

First of all, I don't intend to buy the song. Don't know if it's a legit song or not, but I really don't like it anyway. Too tinny sounding, too over-produced, not enough of Adam's voice. Not good quality. As for the family on this site, I always feel bad when things turn ugly, either through misunderstanding or plain meanness. I love Adam so much and want to ENJOY, I repeat, ENJOY being a fan. Sure, we can discuss serious, controversial things, It doesn't ALWAYS have to be butterflies and rainbows. That's not real life. But our disagreements should be expressed with at least a little tact and consideration. I've vented myself here a few times, but I have tried to keep it civil. Glad to keep you on board, Sister! The Glamily is strong and healthy and ready to rock!

Ronnie said...

@Eva 3:47 AM!!

Another Norwegian here? @5:39 AM?

Anonymous said...

@sister- That was a very heartfelt farewell. I understand what you were sayin but could never put it into words so beautifully. You WILL be missed, come back soon- Hopefully you made us all think before we speak so negatively next time.


glitzylady said...

Re this topic (the song): Yes, it seems that's the case, that Adam asked him to wait to release it. Its a valid song, Adam apparently approached him before Idol, they produced it together, and from what I've read, Adam has most likely agreed that he release it. It would be good if Adam would perhaps let us know tho. Then it would be clearer to everyone. The statements at the top of the page are confusing the situation I think.

To those reading this blog: another piece of info:

This is from J.Scott G.'s Facebook yesterday:

J. Scott G.
J***s people... yes Adam and I split "Live The Life" 50/50. If you don't wanna buy it then don't buy it. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it and neither will Adam. You're all making a much bigger deal about this then it needs to be. Lol.
10 hours ago

So at this point, I guess its up to each person whether they buy it or not.....And hoping to get a little more definitive answer from Adam's people or Adam himself...

Personally I don't think its going to confuse too many people about it being Adam's new single, which is what some are worried about..Its just a pre-Idol piece of music that we can most likely add to our Adam Lambert music collections and it sounds like Adam will get something out of it too, monetarily...

Hoping this is cleared up soon. : )

glitzylady said...

Here's a post from "The Real Steve Grey" re the song and a quote from J. Scott G.

The Real Steve Grey:
"Just as I thought. RCA were keeping quiet because they make no money out of the project.
And they probably want to keep all the attention on the album.
I like the song.
So, anyway, this…..":

J. Scott G.
"Here’s the deal… RCA doesn’t get any of the proceeds from this release (because it was written before they signed Adam). That’s why they’re saying to not buy it. Adam actually DOES get proceeds from the release according to the contract that him and I signed last year. Believe what you want… it’s still climbing the chart though. #23 today. Woot!"–-j-scott-g-ft-adam-lambert-adam-gets-50/

brometz said...

If this DJ spent his time and money on a pre-Idol Adam he deserves to reap benefits from his investment rather than be pilloried by a bunch of fanatic Adam fans. Adam is a grown man. He entered into many agreements and tried to collaborate with other musicians to make profits. Unless he wants to be an ungrateful douchebag, he can’t credibly disown absolutely everything prior like it didn’t really exist no matter what RCA or his over-sensitive fans want.

glitzylady said...

Please do reconsider returning after you take a break from here...I understand what you are saying and I have also been more than dismayed with some of the comments recently. I am personally sick of the anti-Sauli sh... um...crap that appears every time anything about him is mentioned in a thread, obviously from a very few people who troll the blogs for Sauli mentions. I am also embarrassed that our Finnish friends sometimes feel that Sauli should just go back to Finland to escape the criticism, although I know it is also very true that most Glamberts like Sauli very much and are so glad he is living here now. I am so thrilled that Adam has found Sauli (and Sauli, Adam), and that they make each other happy, which is what matters most to me personally, and obviously is what is rocking Adam's world right now.

I also have to say that I "got" what you were trying convey in your earlier "rant", about going to someones house and critiquing their home, their clothing, their "significant other" etc... I'm sorry not everyone understood what you were saying. I remember awhile back you said the same thing, in a different context, that it made you so sad to see Adam being criticized by his fans: his clothing, his hair, his make-up, etc..., when he has lived with that and worse much of his life, because he is "different" and currently because he is openly and proudly gay. The gossip blogs can be horrible to read, and I have to say I avoid those because they can make me very angry and incredibly sad at the same time, with the obvious homophobia that you often find there. Adam lives his life honestly, honorably, courageously, with a loving heart, and has shared his deepest thoughts and his wise "old soul" with us from time to time, and sometimes the negativity just gets to be a bit too much. One of the things I greatly admire about Adam is his ability to be diplomatic in just about any circumstance and to get a point across without insulting people. I think if people on this site, and in the world in general, would follow his example, the world would be a better place. The majority here do just that, but those that don't make it hard for everyone else to stay.

After all, we're here to celebrate Adam Lambert and his contributions to our world. Really what the creator of this 24/7 blog had in mind to begin with. I hope we can get back to that purpose without the nastiness that has crept in recently. Gotta go to work now. Hope "It Gets Better" here too.

Please come back soon! I'll miss you. : ) (((HUGS!!!)))

Urethra_Franklin said...


that sounds about right. So now that hes under contract with RCA, CAN HE speak about it or endorse it?? thats the question I guess and might explain his silence.

Glamitup said...

Im freaking buying!!!! Yes MAAM I AM!!!!!! WOO HOO
GO ADAM!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Urethra you have a good point. I wasn't going to buy it but I think I am now. Pretty nice song.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam doesn't want to draw attention to this old song anymore when his new, current music is so close to being released? That could explain the silence too.

glitzylady said...

My thoughts exactly re Adam's ability to speak about this song..He may be contractually unable to talk about it..Guessing we'll see.

I'm off to work now..but will follow the story..

Anonymous said...

Yes,Ronnie.I have been here for a long time:)

Peace and love from Norway

Anonymous said...

Lighten up, peeps. Y'all take youself and Adam way too seriously.

Anonymous said...

Everybody wants a bit of Adam; his demand is gathering momentum. I guess since Adam's new single will be released soon, it is more profitable to release this 'old' remix now than after Adam's new single is released. Actually, it is quite good except Adam's voice is swallowed up by the electronic accompaniment, can barely hear his beautiful voice.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Frankly I love all of Adam's up bit songs on his FYE album. IIHY, Voodoo, Fever, Sure Fire Winner, Strut, PUU, Master Plan, etc. This is more like a remix. The only remixes I love is FYE by Brad Walsh. The rest are just fine. Nice for dance clubs, parties, and listen while exercising. Live The Life falls into this category. I predict it'll sell probably around 2000. Most fans heard it 2 years ago and don't care to buy it. I think it's better for Adam not to say anything about it since this was an old project of his before Idol.

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way I love Aftermath Remix too.

Anonymous said...

Yuk, Hope he doesn't do anything like this on his new album. No Michael Jackson sound please. I want to here THE VOICE, pure and simple, no electronics.

Anonymous said...

Roll Call in Honour of Sister

Present: CT, Urethra Franklin, Jadam, glitzylady, Unity Street, HK fan, JAK, P.A.S, Ronnie, Eva, Fan from Canada, JB, Kentucky Fan, DRG, Norwegian fan, brownie, brometz, Glamitup, Lam my, Sister, dear anons.

Thank you on behalf of dear Sister :)

-Lam my (sad)

Anonymous said...

I love this fan video on Live The Life:

Anonymous said...

Will miss you Sister and I really appreciate your sincere and heartfelt message above. I appreciate, too, your passion and love for all things Adam, as I do, and as most of us here do too. So, hopefully, after some time, you will come back and join in once again, so we can all revel in the wonder of Adam Lambert.


Anonymous said...

Stupid lyrics; typical techno crap; no real focus on voice. It could be anyone singing. It is THAT indistinctive. I doubt this will make any more money than that other thing that was released just as Adam was coming off AI. Everyone wants to make a buck off of him, whether legit or not.

Anonymous said...

I think the teen fans will play this to death to satisfy their fix for this summer. Already they're making videos on this song. It is catchy and upbeat.

Anonymous said...

This what the guy wrote on his fb:

J. Scott G.
Jesus people... yes Adam and I split "Live The Life" 50/50. If you don't wanna buy it then don't buy it. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it and neither will Adam. You're all making a much bigger deal about this then it needs to be. Lol.

Anonymous said...

@Sister: I would like to join in as one of your many friends on this site. Your thoughtful and passionate comments about our hero, Adam Lambert, will certainly be missed. I am saddened by your heartfelt farewell. Perhaps after a time you will want to join this site again. We all need a break sometime. Take Care Friend. nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

If you like it and you can buy it, buy it. Of course RCA is not promoting it because it's not their release. Also I think this is different than the Take One case.

Anonymous said...

@Anon July 19, 2011 10:24 PM

I experienced the same thing awhile back on this blog when I disagreed with what was evidently a group of zealots. Since then I rarely comment, but when I do I comment anonymously instead of announcing who I am.

LP said...

HI Sister, hope you won't be gone long, I will miss you. I have been bashed also, actually called a liar, and making up lies about Finland, so I know how it feels. I come here to catch up on any Adam news, and that includes his family and BF and close friends, to me they are all part of Adams life.
Didn't Adam join some kind of business that protects him from not getting royalties that he is supposed to have, I forget the name of it, but they are supposed to watch out for him. If he actually has a real contract that he signed, he is up a creek without a paddle. Ha ha ha I watch Judge Judy, and she is always on about signed contracts. It is most unfortunate that they released it just before his first single is released, but in the long run it may all be good, I can't imagine him signing anything where he would not get any of the profits.

Urethra_Franklin said...

9:55 yep yep totally different. and much better than take one...that thing sucks ass!

glitzylady said...

If you read upthread the info I posted earlier today, it you will see that J. Scott G. Has stated that he and Adam will split the profits 50/50. I like to think that's true. I see no reason to disbelieve it. Adam and he have an agreement.. Adam is a smart man..and would leave nothing to chance I would dare say.

To the commenter who said they hope this is not reflective of Adam's new music ; this was recorded before Idol, so has nothing to do with the new album...

Anonymous said...


I completely understand. Your letter is more articulate than I had the energy to even try to be, but echoes my heartfelt thoughts about this situation and site.

This site used to be a huge source of JOY for me. I still come and lurk sometimes, but the energy really has changed.

Many, many, many times, I've wanted to rant about how being an Adam fan should mean we be inspired to and act like Adam as much as possible. Two years ago, it seemed we all did. I adored the feeling of connection and love that we shared then.

Fan4fun recently mentioned some of the original regulars that she missed. Her nostalgia was contagious, and I add Emmaline, Glitz & Sparkles, and Aquarianfan (not sure I'm remembering her tag correctly) to that list. It has felt like losing many dear friends all within a fairly short amount of time.

Wishing we could gather those original Adam lovers, the new true Adam lovers, cleanse/clear the yukky energy residue off the site altogether, and rekindle the JOY and LOVE that used to radiate and shine from this site.


Anonymous said...

I don't like tags because anyone can use them pretending to be someone else.

If dedicated Adam fans have these issues, can you imagine what's going on in Congress????

Someone wants to leave, it's OK. They clearly need a break. Don't pander to them. Let them go and take time.

That recording is clearly/obviously/unequivocally not endorsed by Adam or his management. Can't you all see that it's pure remixed crap. Please don't download. Someone/s are out to hurt Adam, and once again, putting out this stuff to confuse his fans right before the release of the most important album in his career is clearly not in Adam's best interests.

Urethra_Franklin said...

10:59 Oh really??? so why did Adam just tweet this? "Check out J Scott G's "Live the Life" feat Me! We wrote and recorded this a year before Idol. #manifestation"

Just ANOTHER case of this fandom going bat shit crazy over NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

11:39 I still stand by my 10:59 statement, and I'm not going bat shit over anything.

Adam was legally forced to acknowledge this. It was PRE-IDOL for god's sake. Do YOU or anyone else think this represents the type of music Adam will introduce in his album.

AND, why didn't Adam mention himself in his tweet? Look between the lines and don't be so naive.

Anonymous said...

11:45 AM
adamlambertAdam Lambert

Check out J Scott G's "Live the Life" feat ME WE wrote and recorded this a year before Idol. #manifestation


Urethra_Franklin said...

11:45 you are fucking rediculous...BSCrayCray honey.

1. I never said it represents ANYTHING of what hes doing now...doesnt have to to be released!

2. "Legally forced"---cause apparently youre his attorney and know what his contracts say...

3. Um he did mention "me" maybe you need reading lessons as well.


Ronnie said...

@7:37 AM! Hello to you another Norwegian Glambert! I was just surprised. But nice to have you here!

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted this tune is legit and invited fans to check it out. He recorded it a year before idol.

Anonymous said...

Once again Adam handles a potentially awkward situation with class and with one tweet. He is a peacemaker by nature. He also started to follow J Scott G on Twitter.

Anonymous said...

Bought it. Love it. Live The Life. Life is too short. Live it and enjoy it while it lasts.

Check it out:

Anonymous said...

Adam's tweet:

adamlambert Adam Lambert
Check out J Scott G's "Live the Life" feat Me! We wrote and recorded this a year before Idol. #manifestation
58 minutes ago

Anonymous said...

When thing gets so confuse and Adam clears it through twitter. Now it is up to us if we want the song. Of course I am going to purchase it as I want to collect every single song that sung by Adam in the universe and support him. Off to itunes!

glitzylady said...

So happy Adam clarified the situation so those of us who wish to buy this new/old song recorded by Adam can now do so with a clear conscience. Adam is a sweetheart and a gentleman.

@Anon 11:45 AM Adam said to check it out: that's enough endorsement for me.

Anonymous said...

@11:45 Relax honey! Aftermath Remix sounds way better than this. Seacrest presented it as a worldwide release. Adam performed it on Idol. He promoted it heavily on twitter. #AftermathRemix was a top worldwide trend for couple hours. But sadly it didn't make a huge hit.

Just relax. It ain't a big deal. Buy it or don't buy it. That's your choice. This won't make a dent on Adam's 2nd album. As a matter a fact it sounds better than most of the craps I hear every morning on my top 40 radio stations.

I bought the whole EP to add it to my whole collection of Adam's songs cause it has Adam's voice on all the tracks and it's his work. Now 'Live The Life'.

glamitup said...

Bat shit crazy!!! Haha made my day!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Ive had it for almost 2 years but I think Im gonna buy the album just to piss off the people that dont think we should buy it. ;)


tess4ADAM said...

OKAY!! This is tess4ADAM here ... I haven't been posting much lately ... just monitoring the threads here @ ADAM 24/7 b/c I can't type very fast w/one hand. That being said ... the DIRECT TWEET from ADAM about J Scott G & ADAM's **COLLABORATION** on Live the Life is legit & on the #DSAwards on Twitter @ the VOTING site ... check it out. I DON'T think ADAM would Tweet about this issue in this manner if ADAM was against us buying this song. TWO words stand out in this tweet ... ME & WE ... which indicates to me at least that ADAM is IN FAVOR OF these sales & if he wasn't .. ADAM wouldn't be telling us to **CHECK OUT** this song. ADAM would definitely TELL us to IGNORE this song. ADAM is ouspoken enough to tell it like it is & would do so IF he was against these sales. A COLLABORATION certainly means BOTH parties benefit from the sales unlike the THEFT of ADAM's session songs on TAKE ONE!! ADAM openly stated in the media that he had no part in that album EXCEPT that HIS VOCALS were used WITHOUT his permission or sanction. ADAM was quite upset about that FIASCO!! ADAM's Tweet leads me to believe that he DOES want us to feel free to go ahead & BUY Live the Life if we so choose ... no pressure!!

@Sister ... I just want you to know that I will sorely MISS your posts ... you are among the sane posters on these threads ... you are INFORMED ... LIKEABLE ... FUNNY & FIERCE ... like some others here on this site ... these are the QUALITIES that are SO NEEDED in today's society & SO LACKING on the internet. PLEASE ... COME BACK to our cyber Glamily after you have had a chance to "HEAL" ... (I, too, had a near 'leaving' sometime ago & you were one of the dear posters who urged me to stay & fight & not let anyone chase me away) ... so I, too ... dear @Sister ... urge you to 'stay & fight' as well!! We need you here with us @ ADAM 24/7 ... let the haters & detractors be the ones to leave NOT YOU!! Sending you all the Love 'n Light of the Universe & my prayers ...


Anonymous said...

It's good if this remix ep is not targeted to Adam's fans only. The cray, spoiled attention seekers already complaining to Adam that this is too overproduced for them. Well, who cares.

Anonymous said...

I just posted on another thread, but I'll repeat. I think Adam got caught in a difficult position with this guy and rather than start a huge controversy with him, he decided to just let the song get out there. I don't love the song, but it IS Adam's voice, if you listen real hard. HA.

Anonymous said...

I am a huge Adam fan and have lurked here for quite a while but never posted. I feel compelled to post after seeing all of the soul searching going on here about the negativity on this site. To be honest, I appreciate coming here to 24/7 for the Adam news and updates, but oftentimes the comments make me cringe because there is so much bickering, negativity, and judgment toward Adam, Sauli, and other posters in the comments. Too many people seem to jump on other posters all too easily, fall into name-calling and disrespect, and don't give others any benefit of the doubt. All of this negativity is really antithetical to all of the positive energy that Adam puts out in the world. And with so many people posting anonymously here, it's hard to get a sense of community.

I really think that one of the solutions is to require people to register on the site and sign in under a username, and not allow people to post under "Anonymous." When people have a unique username (that no one else can use) then you get to know each other better and it builds community. In addition, everyone is then accountable for what they said under their username.

I remember seeing a poll here a while back asking for opinions on whether to continue with anonymous posts or require registration, but I don't know what happened with that.

Another part of the solution might be for the Admins to create and post guidelines for what is acceptable here and what is not acceptable. Then when posts violate those guidelines (like, say, insulting other posters), they can either get warnings or be deleted by the Admins, and repeat offenders can be banned. This might make people think twice before they post something nasty.

I am a regular at a different online community of Adam fans where these features are in place, and I think that they have really made a big difference in helping to create a positive community, foster respectful interchange, and reduce the negativity that is all too rampant on the internet.

Them's my 2 cents.


P.S. I tried to post under my WordPress username/profile, but it didn't work.

Anonymous said...

I am a huge Adam fan and have lurked here for quite a while but never posted. I feel compelled to post after seeing all of the soul searching going on here about the negativity on this site. To be honest, I appreciate coming here to 24/7 for the Adam news and updates, but oftentimes the comments make me cringe because there is so much bickering, negativity, and judgment toward Adam, Sauli, and other posters in the comments. Too many people seem to jump on other posters all too easily, fall into name-calling and disrespect, and don't give others any benefit of the doubt. All of this negativity is really antithetical to all of the positive energy that Adam puts out in the world. And with so many people posting anonymously here, it's hard to get a sense of community.

I really think that one of the solutions is to require people to register on the site and sign in under a username, and not allow people to post under "Anonymous." When people have a unique username (that no one else can use) then you get to know each other better and it builds community. In addition, everyone is then accountable for what they said under their username.

I remember seeing a poll here a while back asking for opinions on whether to continue with anonymous posts or require registration, but I don't know what happened with that.

Another part of the solution might be for the Admins to create and post guidelines for what is acceptable here and what is not acceptable. Then when posts violate those guidelines (like, say, insulting other posters), they can either get warnings or be deleted by the Admins, and repeat offenders can be banned. This might make people think twice before they post something nasty.

I am a regular at a different online community of Adam fans where these features are in place, and I think that they have really made a big difference in helping to create a positive community, foster respectful interchange, and reduce the negativity that is all too rampant on the internet.

Them's my 2 cents.


P.S. I tried to post under my WordPress username, but it didn't work.

[sorry if this is a double post; something happened to my first post and it disappeared.]

Anonymous said...

I just posted on another thread too. You have missed the most important word in Adam's tweet.
#manifestation. An appearance of a disembodied spirit, in other words a ghost.

A ghost that has come back to haunt him!

Anonymous said...


You always talk how people left this site because of bullying.
Not so long ago, certain girlie found this site and what happened..
Swedish mature woman called Eva started to bullying her and didnt see anyone defending that girl. Where were the good regulars then.. ?

The same thing happened when a preson called Brian commented.. regulars attacked and started to call his as a troll. I saw only some people defending him.
It seems You all hate newcomers; You cant bear it if someone will find this website. You don´t welcome them. You start to bully and want newcomers to leave this site.

You don´t like foreign people, as You don´t like sauli either because he´s not from U.S.A. You keep defaming him because he isnt´American.

You all talk like You were the good people here, but the truth is, certain regular people are the worst bullies in here.

This comment section should be removed for good. so much OT comments, hatred towards others and especially Sauli, who is sweetest person ever.

Anonymous said...

@ sister you know that many of us here likes you and I don't care what other fans think as long as it's not below the belt I kick butt!!!! He!He! Don't leave because I usually get good information from you!!! Beside I don't care about Adams lovelife that his and my only concern is his music indeed!!!!

Pretty, Pretty please don't leave us now!!!!!

Anonymous said...

LP, Don´t beg for mercy, We have seen Your nasty Sauli-comments and how You´ll make your "mistakes" too many times. If You don´t know anything, why´d You bother to say something rude or untrue things. << That is called Bullying..
We can see through You that You for sure don´t like Sauli. Your anti-sauli comments have been seen too many times before..
Shut Up if You are not sure of something. wrong information is just deliberate bullying and I quess that´s what You want to do with Your comments.

Anonymous said...

I don't care if Adam tweeted about it or not, it's still crap. I won't be buying it. It is beneath Adam's talent.

Anonymous said...


i'm heartbroken and hope you return soon. i LOVE your clever, intelligent, often funny posts. you are such a gift to this site and to the glamily as a whole. what will we do without you.



Anonymous said...

We might as well pack up and leave this thread, she is here, there will be nothing but rants against Eva and LP and imagined criticism of Sauli. Same old story.

Anonymous said...

very, very weird Anon 5:01Pm. So, You accept the Bullying done By Eva and LP.
Seen lots of negative commenting about Sauli´s rípped jeans and his smoking habit and how Adam is housing sauli said by LP. These things are not imagination.
You just refuse to see the truth.

GLb said...

Ok. Waaay after midnight here. Time for me to haunt some ..Berts! I mean... to suck the life out of them with my n-th rant!! I might fall asleep in the process, still, I cannot help myself to try... :-)

Sister, dear, you made me go back to see what the heck happened there and, right now, I am low on.. vital energy. I barely see what I’m writing. I read your ’departure speech’ and, as an advocate of the ‘exit interviews’ and an extremely curious... bat, I had to think this through. (You should know, the best way to keep me around is to make me... think). And my lonely neuron is pain right now. He needs rest... (and blood from the ..Berts, of course).
I’ve told you I come here mainly because of the familiar tags and let me tell you, Sis, even though I don’t always agree with you, I’ll miss you... for a while, then forget about you, I guess. Anyway, I have a bad memory. Others here will remember and miss you longer than I will. If this is what you really want to do, you'll be, indeed, missed by some and forgotten by many. So would be all!

I’ve also thought about this ’virtual friendship’ feeling that we get here and I think it’s an illusion. One might use this place to meet people in real life and become friends out there. I believe that happened already. Yes, we do share some (very) personal things on this site and ’befriend’ the tags, but you must know this isn’t ’friendship’. I don’t believe in...’never-looked-into-each-others-eyes’ kind of friendship.
Also, I don’t look for ”all things beautiful” in anybody and anything, here or in real life. Not even an ongoing celebration or joy. I don’t think there is such a thing. I have a feeling that I could discover something beautiful in Hell and something very wrong in Heaven. But this is just me. My life motto might be ”Hope for the best and prepare for the worst”. Might be the best way to have lots of pleasant surprises and very few unpleasant ones (from people and life in general).

GLb said...

I’ve always spoken my mind in here (always using my tag) and I don’t think I’ve ever really felt bullied or attacked although it must have been some attempts. (For God’s sake, I’m annoying to myself sometimes too. You should witness the ‘me-on-me’ fights! :-) I can’t ask for more from some ‘consequential strangers’ or even from my friends). You see, I’ve learned from The Glammed Shepherd that one might use the attacks to improve his/her skills (whatever form of attack and kind of skill are we talking about). I love ‘him’ for making me see things this way.
Someone (smart!) also said "Life is a game and you have to have a strategy". :-) I would say: life on 24/7 is a ‘war’, I’m sort of a loner, don’t really have a strategy but... I keep my custom-made (glittered) dog tag close to my heart... and my good mood. :-) I couldn’t care less about the bull..Berts with or without a tag. I do care about my fellow glam buddies though and when I charge at the ..Berts I try to do it in a Cyrano de Bergerac way. I’m ready to teach you how to dis me... with style, if you’d like! I don’t always understand why some of you are so easily offended by others or take the mean comments so personal instead of playing with the poor bastards with smooth cerebral cortexes... or just ignore them.

I came here more then a year ago after lurking for several months on a UK fan site. I followed Adam’s promotion tour on that site and listened to all his interviews. However, those ladies scared me to death with their ’love’ for Lambert and I’d never said a word while I was there. Meanwhile, I’d found out what Neil was talking about on his site and what the words ’rabid’ and ‘batshit crazy‘ mean. Then, I ’saw’ those ladies doing the most unselfish gestures in the name of their love and (totally!) forgave them for scaring the shit out of me. Here, I found some very funny ladies with the right amount of craziness to match mine, but also there were bullies from the start, that’s for sure. Only it was a less crowded place and, therefore, less bullies... Also, far less nice people! Now it’s like my little coffee shop was... McDonaldized. Like the Glitter Rush of 2011! The globalized version! A few dreamers and poets, many prospectors and wives, lots of miners and... whores!

My dear Sis, the world (and life) is... like it is. Like 24/7! I would say, don’t leave on your enemies’ account, stay for your friends. And “Live the Life” in any case. Indeed.
Geez... Am I wise or am I wise? A pile of ...somnambulistic eloquence! I’m muttering because I left my fangs... somewhere... In someone’s neck? I see the morning light already... :-))


Anonymous said...

This site is for everyone who has an opinion as long as it's not below the belt. We all grown up people here and hopefully it will stay that way pls.????

I know sometimes we say something that is unpleasant to some people here. We all one when it comes to Adam and we continue the good work indeed....

Thanks to everyone indeed.

GLb said...

Btw, I really don't care about the song...

Anonymous said...

I really admire Adam like my own son and I'm so happy that he is in a good place with wonderful people around him. To all the fans who really loyal to Adam, please continue your support because this young man deserve to be happy and be acknowledge in the music industry. He opens the door for every young people who are different in our society.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused, what's a regular? Someone who uses a tag? And that's bad?

Anonymous said...

11:57 you are very rude and insulting. It is not necessary to use obscene language. Thank you to all who are respectful to Adam and his friends and his music.

My thoughts are if you like something and can afford it, buy it. If you don't, then don't buy it. really simple.

I am in shock that Adam would allow this type of "music" to be released when he's given such emotional heart felt interviews about his upcoming music that will be much different. I think he had no choice and was honoring a bad decision he made in the past.

Certainly it is no surprise the download would be significant off itunes as people are curious and want to support Adam. Don't think the curiousity will last. We well see.

Anonymous said...

@Urethra Franklin I'll take it :)(what you said.) The anti-smoking issue is selfish (vs. motherly) for me. (1)Lived with 2nd hand smoke 19 years w ex-husband--now can't tolerate it and (2) I want to hear that glorious Adam voice for as long as I can. Great source of joy for me. Honestly, do you think Adam knows me from a hole in the ground? lol I don't have any influence over adults in general, let alone Adam. Adults make their own decisions. Who would know that better than me? :) (I work with 18 yr olds & up--and I AM one.)

@Lam my I am a solo practioner (Like Adam, Love not having a boss & love what I do!) Yes, all those kinds of cases. Sometimes my job feels like the most precarious on earth, when someone's life is in the balance (if suicidal or dangerous person in client's life)--but I do what I can to the best of my ability & ethically (unlike Dr. Drew or Dr. Phil LOL).

Some of the trauma cases get really grotesque--but I never have night mares or take it home with me. Have worked with extreme cases. But, very rewarding. Also gifted & talented (great fun). MOST of my clients have been bullied at some pt. in their lives for being different in some way. I am beginning to believe that's the norm! Thanks for asking.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

I think quite similarly along the same lines as you, based on your post. I feel too the adverse comments are not totally a bad thing but I guess when one lashes out at another, they need to do it more subtly; some are more sensitive to outlashes; direct attacks are not necessarily the most effective methods of argument. Also regarding virtual frienship, I have thought a lot about it; that it is not friendship at all. But Sister seems to have changed this perception somewhat for me. We sparred every day in a quiet corner, lots of laughter and diggings at each other. I still go back to check if she has left any cute tidbits for me; alas no. I feel virtual friendship can be quite real depending on how close one is with the virtual friend, even if you don't know that person at all. It can make one feel a sense of loss when the person you talk to every day suddenly 'disappears'.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan
Question: Is homosexuality hereditary or prone to heredity?
You are passionate about human issues, any chances of you running to be next governer of Kentucky?
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Sister of the world!!
you represent exactly, they chose Identification, "united by the same feelings or opinions" beautiful!
I always follow their insightful and generous comments attached to give life to others 24/7. I received your verbal hug, supportive, fraternal, how well I felt. Thank you.! You are a loving and faithful follower of Adam, giving unqualified support, sharing with fans, with sincerity, emotion, strength and grace, refreshed life is the goal of entrentenimiento, Your participation is very important because you are a Glambert filled humanity and sensitivity, to create and implement respect for human rights and solidarity with others. We highlight the positive situations to participate in the musical history of Adam and minimize as much as possible, the negative incidents that may occur, hoping to stop teaching, help us to improve the relationship within the blog. Learning to respect inter alia occasions different views without emotional injury to others.
Sister has a warm greeting of peace and love, hoping to keep in touch on our adventure through the creative world of Adam Lambert.

Cordial greetings to Eva, ever present!

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone pick on Sauli? I don't get it. He makes Adam happy at this point in time. Isn't that all we Adam fans should want for him? I am so glad I've never heard negative remarks. That's like mom not liking the guy or gal you bring home. Too many moms on this site.

Anonymous said...

Did RCA ED every follow up on his last remark talking about the legality of thie recording. I know Adam was forced into saying it was ok because of a earlier contract he signed, but doesn't RCA has exclusive rights on what Adam puts out in terms or recordings/ Industry too complicated for me. Need to read that book and get educated.

Anonymous said...

@ Sister, Please include me with the many that will feel the void while you take a break. You bring much to this site along with the meaningful info you share with us, such as the opportunity to sign petitions for our voices to be heard for equality for all. I've gladly supported them and your thoughtful comments. I also remember how friendly this site was until the past 6 months or so when personal attacks and obvious button pushing became so prevalent. I addressed it many times, hoping for some peace and then ignored them, hoping the lack of attention would no longer feed their negativity or really outragious remarks. Lately I've just felt, "what's the use?" and was too disgusted to repeat myself and also had to take short breaks. It was just too illogical, draining and repetitive. New fans have always been welcome, especially those worldwide. I consider all of them to be gifts,looking forward to their comments, especially positive ones about Sauli and what a quality man that he is. I like hearing differing opinions from mine. It provokes thought and can show another side. That doesn't mean name calling, saying something obviously not true just to provoke or be disrepectful. I've enjoyed many a debate and not loved every Adam hairstyle,harem pants or "car wash"(to quote Adam)poncho, but poking fun or not loving every single song sometimes isn't being disloyal or "not being a true fan," which has been too often thrown around. I care about the earthquakes that happened in NZ and Japan and was concerned for those on this site and the safety of their families. The UK, Finnish,Portuguese, Canadian, Asian and South American, German Israeli, Iranian and Egyptian fans being on this site have made my world a smaller place. How awful to have lost them to snarky, bullying behavior from a few that monopolized so many threads. It's been a sad loss and a bigger one if you leave, Sister. Eva, so glad that you still lurk here. You contribute so much and hope you will say more when you feel comfortable again. It's just incredibly sad that a few disgruntled, unhappy souls caused so much ill will, taking away the light-hearted banter and repect that was once the core of this site. I hope we won't lose anymore really nice people that I've come to appreciate. Please keep checking in Sister, Eva and any that once were a part of this site and got disgusted and discouraged. Think it would make Adam sad...funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Admin: the person who is always stirring up trouble is anon 4:07 - 4:19. Their rants, topics and victims are always recognizable and predictable. Please trace their email address and block it, and/or whatever else you can do to keep them from commenting. They are the cancer on this site, and will continue to chase people away. Rid this site of the scourge, so we can continue to enjoy each other's company.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The "LIve the Life"controversy has been addressed by Adam and hopefully put to bed. Not a Take One situation. Adam will be compensated and those that like it can with a clear concience purchase it. It has a good dance beat, wish Adam's voice wasn't buried and more in the forefront, but can see it being played in clubs, excercise facilities and hope it's successful. I would clean my house and listen to it while walking the neighborhood. Hope the glamberts were't too quick to attack and get ugly to J. Scott. It always makes sense to me to get the facts from the parties directly involved first before pulling out the guns. It doesn't help Adam in the long run, just can be an embarrasment, even tho' the intent was to look out for him. Peace, y'all, not fun today..funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Admin: and Anon 11:57

Amen to that! This person moves in and poisons a thread, one after another. Repeating and repeating. I just leave and go to another thread and then when they show up there I give up and leave the site completely. Chased away by this person who has caused us to lose REGULARS
as she calls us, and they don't come back at all.

Isn't there anything that can be done? I'm about to give up and move on for good as well.

Anonymous said...

On a happier note, Sister sent me a smile on the Twitter Party thread where we abruptly left off. No name, no words, just this :) but it is very obvious to me it's Sister.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Why all the nice people are leaving. Something must be done.

Anonymous said...

Hold up.....The Master has now spoken!

Anonymous said...

If You so hate this bullying thing, why are You defending certain regulars who are doing that, too ? is it ok for regulars to bully new people here. ? Just asking.

Anonymous said...

If you will quit, we will quit. Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

I first came to this site to get the latest news about Adam. I thought I was a fan. But then I read some of these comments, and I simply could not believe the level of obsession expressed in some of them. Some of you guys are so dramatic and take this so seriously. Don't let it bother you so much. This is supposed to be fun. If someone's comment bothers you, skip it. Respond only to the tags and anons that you like. Because, if you don't know Adam personally, how is anything in his personal life going to directly affect your life and happiness? Why is it so tragic if someone else either likes or doesn't like Sauli or anything else in Adam's private life?

Anonymous said...

i like adam lambert and sauli non-stop i like alla dma lambert music and all his friends and all his fans all over the world.its makes me happy it makes all over the world happy fans; were all rejoice.

The Dark Side said...

WTF! I like it and I'm gona buy it. So sue me! Anything Adam does, I will buy. Been off site for 4 days and come back to all the excitement. Adam tweeted to buy it, but would anyway. I LIKE the beat!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon @4:22, switch to

PS: glad you're happy though

Anonymous said...

@The Dark Side
If this song is represent Adam's new CD(Iknow this is pre-Idol song), however, there is so much attention to this songthat make me very confuse!
Anyway, I don't think I will buy Adam's new CD if I will listen something like this stupid song on preview:(
Sorry, call me a troll, never care about this name.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I was gone while the "thread" from hell happened. I am glad I didn't read it, but really sorry to lose Sister. Yet again, another family member gone by the wayside. I too have been disheartened by the negativity that creeps in here, but try to ignore those comments.

There are too many posters above that I wanted to comment on that have said things beautifully. I will instead say this; I love, love, love that we have posters from all over the world! I really hope that newbies don't think that they are not welcome. I only wish that everyone would use a tag so that as I've said before and as cwm also said above, I think it is time to sign in for the sake of owning what we say. It just puts in that extra measure of thinking before you might say something hurtful. I have tried to go to other Adam fan sites, but haven't been able to get in to those other sites like here Here is where I have found my glamily to be-old, new, anon etc.. The only thing that would make me leave is real life.

There are so many different personalities on this site that it is impossible to make everyone happy. I believe we can follow Adam's advice and be respectful of one another and just agree to disagree (respectfully) when we have a difference of opinion. I have enough negativity in my life to last a lifetime! We also should not even comment on the negative posts! It's like when a kid is being chased at school and I stop them because they are running where they shouldn't be and the one being chased says they were running because they were being chased. I tell them "If you don't run, they can't chase you and then YOU don't get in trouble too". Don't fall into the trap. I know some comments can be unnerving, but we don't need to fall into that trap. Invariably it leads to someone like Sister and Eva leaving.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but this site is an example of the nature of free speech. You're always going to get the bad with the good.

Anonymous said...

I think the main disgruntled person spreading the ill will and button pushing is easily recognizable by most of us, even tho she sometimes uses a very transparent tag. I agree with Daydreamin and agree that ignoring and not responding to those posts will no longer feed the attention seeked, which IMHO is her sole purpose, along with enjoying a sense of power in driving many away. It's pretty obvious and off center and obsessive. I plan to consider the source and not waste any more time, thought or effort. It's like talking to a tree. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Funbunn40, I agree with the approach Daydreamin and you do, focus on the essential value of each thread, disrutarlo fully and analyze rationally, without fixing our attention on the comments with the intention of creating controversy, with attitudes negative or altering reality, we go through on them and hopefully serve as an example this respect, on the understanding of free opinion. We value our emotional health, concentrating on the primary goal of the blog 24 / 7, which is to give our unconditional support for Adam Lambert with love, admiration and respect in return to the wonderful gift, which provides us with his art. Please change in attitude has to come, this place to celebrate and share in harmony despite the differences. Cordial greetings to you!

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