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Adam Lambert Likes JoJo's new song

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, September 11, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, September 11, 2011

JoJo replied to Adam below:

Listen to JoJo's new track below:


Anonymous said...

good voice. glad to be introduced to new artists by Adam. If it wasn't for him I would never have known Cassidy Haley, Ferras, Scarlett, Alisan and others.#enjoying

Anonymous said...

Nice to see an artist thank Adam for his kind words...Adam's so supportive of others in the industry.

Anonymous said...

I think I should just quit listening to new music, I'm hopelessly old fashioned, at least my ears are. I changed earphones twice trying to get rid of background noise.....and then realised the noise was the band and whatever they were doing in the sound room. I thought the girl had a pretty good voice what I could hear of it, but she seemed to be battling to be heard! I have to face the fact that I like a clear vocal.

Alisan can be heard clearly and her band supports her voice, doesn't seem to be in competition.........JAK

HK fan said...

I quite liked it. not amazing, but pretty good.

Anonymous said...

She is sooo lucky to have Adam comment on her voice. I am SURE it means alot!
Can not wait for his new album. Glamnation getting worn out in my car.
I just can't stop listening to that BEAST of a voice.

HK fan said...

Adam is on twitter at the moment, says he's working hard for the next 2 weeks finishing off stuff, and he's 90% sure new single will be released next month(ish), and new album beginning of 2012:((((
Everywhere's been saying Nov for months now, and now its suddenly next year! what am I going to put on my christmas list?

daydreamin said...

Wow HK. Really? We have to wait even longer???? Argh! Oh well, it'll be that much better...have to think positive, positive, positive!

OT a pic Neil posted of himself in college with LOTS of curly hair (University of CA Santa Cruz)

daydreamin said...

OOPS! Here's the pic of Neil:!/negativeneil/status/113145121104601088/photo/1

Anonymous said...

This girl sold about 5 millions for her first 2CD. The song is OK, most songs sound the same on the radio nowadays only with a few exception. For Adam's CD, at least we may have lots of his promo coming, keep finger cross.

Anonymous said...

Adam also tweeted having a listening session with Sauli, Neil and Eber. So probably listening to new songs. Lovely that he can share them with his closest people.

I can't wait for #2 until next year....or I can, but...Well, the single next mont will help a lot...

Anonymous said...

pull more strings to come?????? Well it's ok as long as Adam is happy indeed....

Patience......... a bit more.....


Anonymous said...

So album out in 2012. O.K. at least we know, and should still get a single around October. This will actually give Adam more time for promo here and internationally. I guess Adele's and Katy Perry's 2nd albums were released in early winter and they did really well. Patience, hard but will try.

Anonymous said...

She sounds like a combo of Britney and Aussie singer Jessica Mauboy except Jessica's voice is better.

Adam's 90% sure his 1st new single will be released next month. Not holding my breath but the exciting is mounting!!

'All good things come to those who wait'. :)

Anonymous said...

ot. how did thaf MTV program with Adam work out last night? did they show it? I had to work.

Anonymous said...

Wonder how this potentially later release of the new CD will affect Adam's eligibility for a Grammy? Don't CDs have to come out before a certain time? Most everyone else is releasing new CDs in November. Maybe if his comes out at a later time, it will stand out from the crowd more. I dunno about that. All I know is that I NEED NEW MUSIC FROM ADAM! FYE has become part of my DNA, and I'm ready to broaden my gene pool. I'm sure all this extra time will be worth it. And at least he's talking more about the single. His new management better promote the HELL out of this single and CD. ADAM, ADAM, ADAM. You are driving us all crazy.

Anonymous said...

Grammy deadline is end of Sept . But if Adam's single is out and chart well , anything could happen. I only know Adam will not sit quietly and wait for something to happen. He will work his way.

Anonymous said...

Adam will not make the cutoff date for the Grammy, but 2013 will be his huge Grammy year IMO. He'll have released a few singles off the new album, so keeping my fingers crossed. Hard to wait but I have total faith in Adam. Meanwhile lets give his videos more views and try to get GNL dvd to gold.

Anonymous said...

Listened the song twice and nope, does nothing for me, sorry. So many young women, so much meaningless overproduced (dare I say) music...
In Youtube everybody's saying Jo-Jo is BACK!
How can you be BACK, when you barely 20 years old??? LOL
She put her first CD out in 2004... at the age of 14 and sold over 3 mill copies worldwide...Second CD 2006 and sold 2 mill copies...This is music world today...(sad sigh!)
I googled her, cause I’ve never heard of her BACK in 2004 or 2006 - Have you?

I can wait as long as needed - as long as I know his new CD is DEFINITELY coming!!!

GGD Gal, pissed of at the (music) world… lol

Anonymous said...

she thinks he is a beast? she better tame that beast while she's at it. heckle

Anonymous said...

8:45 good idea,let's give Adam's music videos more views. All his other videos are interesting and fun too.

Carlos said...

LOVE Jo-jo such a sweet girl and with a great voice

Anonymous said...

All the young girls sound the same to me, not unique. She flaps her lips way too fast in this song. Good first song but I just do not like all these frantic young-girl sounds.
Adam, the first 3-month album was GREAT, why why sooo looong on this one??? You don't want "regular" people forgetting you do you.
Fans are forever of course! Love you Kelowna Fan XXX

Anonymous said...

Watch Adam pull a fast one on us and drop the album in early December for Christmas gift giving.

Anonymous said...

While on the subject of young girl singers, on The View today they had Victoria Justice ?????
I don't know who she is, but she sang. She was horrible. Is she an actress on a teentype show? And is she a recording( I won't say artist) "star"? She just yells. She's a very pretty girl, but come on! a singer?

Anonymous said...

She is a cutie, her and Adam would make pretty babies together, if only.

Anonymous said...

What is going on with Adam? He compliments any song which just been released even it is boring like this one.
@anon 8:19 AM They give Grammy's for previous year. Adam got nom for WWFM which been released on 2009. As far as IIHY didn't bring Adam such a sucsess as WWFM I don't Adam will get any noms on the next Grammys

Anonymous said...

A BEAST? A Sexual Beast maybe...

Anonymous said...

Jessica Mauboy has a real manfactured sound but not a huge amount of talent. Much prefer this.

Anonymous said...

No Grammys for us next year now. Soooo looking forward to the album.

Anonymous said...

I truly think Katie Perry is adorable and her videos are so cute and tween-agey. But, what's she gonna do in ten years, cause she sure can't sing?

Adam's gonna be here forever, thank the stars and the Universe.

Anonymous said...

Not fussed on this voice/song - it's overproduced and sounds similar to other songs.

Anonymous said...

Jessica Mauboy is great – and she’s the most successful female Australian Idol contestant. To each his/her own.

Anonymous said...

HAL Adam complimented her voice, I don't think he said man that is a great song. I think Adam is more concerned about putting out a great album than just cranking one out in time to get a grammy nom.

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