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Adam Lambert & Sauli Koskinen Date Night At Little Door

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Source: socialitelife

Thanks glitzylady and danilo85!


Anonymous said...

I just can't get used this shaved haircut on Adam, he looks nice though. Sauli doesn't look his usually smiley happy self.

Anonymous said...

Sauli's coming out first! Usually it's always Adam first just a bit in front of Sauli. Hmmm, lot's of pictures of Sauli too. Sauli's looking very glam these days. Wish Adam would let the hair grow back on the sides above the ears. Still love Adam no matter what he wears or how he wears his hair. I know it won't be permanent.

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks HOT!!! And was just his usually smiley happy laughing self on Tuesday (the same day when these pics are taken)morgning when Tutka was taped. So, no worries!

Anonymous said...

10:58 AM
Look at the car pic! Sauli is smiling as usually and looks happy.

Anonymous said...

I just can't understand how fashionable Adam can look at that hairstyle and think anything buy "Ick"!

Anonymous said...

loving the pictures!! I just visited the link on that restaurant and now that one is on my ever growing list.

The Dark Side said...

Sauli is looking very glam these day, and why not. He is a very good looking guy. While I am sure that Adam likes his head shaved and doesn't care what others think, I personally am not crazy about it. But that's just my opinion. Let your hair grow Adam, it's your crowning glory!!!

Anonymous said...

ah hah, trying to sneak out the back door are we? caught!! The guys are looking fine as usual.

Anonymous said...

I still HATE the shaved sides..sorry,but don't understand why BB thinks they look good.Sauli's silver pants are pretty glam,I think.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks happy walking behind Sauli though. Love the car pic.

Anonymous said...

is Adam wearing a glamoween shirt?both are looking happy and content, I couldn't ask for anything more. EXCEPT THE FREAKIN SINGLE. lol

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:43 Well said!

Anonymous said...

The hair isn't growing back do he is shaving it all the time. Depressing. Otherwise he looks great.

Anonymous said...

ot: the Ama's just announced this years performers. Same old same old, but alot of people are tweeting them for adam. I believe they have acknowledged this! Don't know if they care or not but they are aware!

LP said...

Nice to see Adam looking happy and very contented. Sauli is very HOT!!! and glam. The guy holding the door open(owner/manager?) looks very pleased and happy that the papps were there. Nice little ad for the restaurant. Wonder if Adam still opens the car door for Sauli? LOL

Anonymous said...

Classy couple.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks gorgeous! Can't get enough of his eyes.Love the jacket and I really like the hair, I think I'm getting used to it. They seems happy and relax. Adam should get paid for all this ad of all the places he goes to. Car pic..WOW!!

glitzylady said...

Guessing the paparazzi hang out at "The Little Door" anyway..This place is known for celeb sightings..

"As you enter The Little Door, you’ll discover a hidden paradise, colorful crowd, romantic courtyard, and elegant displays of rustic Mediterranean cuisine. Winner of the "Best Romantic Restaurant of LA" and the industry’s favorite secret garden has been unveiled naturally over ten years.
Everyone deserves to unwind from the city’s buzz, and drink the finest wine-by-the-glass listening to birds chirping as delectable dinners are shared with friends, families or lovers amongst movie stars and luminaries of the world under the Southern California open sky."

Anonymous said...

Sauli looking gorgeous! and sexy.
Don't love the shaved sides, looks so 80's OR those big ole snow boots but adore Adam Lambert what ever he wears!
He is wayyyyyyyy SEXIER WITH MORE HAIR!

Anonymous said...

I'm curious, does Adam get many "Why the shaved head" or "Please let your hair grow"

Anonymous said...

Two good looking guys out for a nice romantic dinner. Both look happy, smiling a lot. I like the fact that Adam seems to have none or very little makeup on. It's a very fresh,clean look. Don't like the shaved sides of the hair either on Adam or Sauli. But it's just another style for each of them and I am sure it will change in the near future. The two of them seem to be going out more frequently lately since we are seeing these pictures. Good for them because once Adam's new single comes out and then the album, I am sure their time together will be less because of all the promos Adam will be doing for the new song. November is almost here so I hope that the new song will be released then as hinted.

Anonymous said...

You can't say that it was a date. They live together and they were out for a dinner.

Anonymous said...

Glad Adam got Sauli into the guyliner...looks good on him...Adam looking hot too!...I too don't like shave look but if they're happy I'm happy....

Anonymous said...

Yes he shaved the sides again because I notice it was growing back in and now whitewalls. . .
Love ya anyway AFL

Anonymous said...

Ugly haircut Adam,grow some hair please.we need fashion police for his hair.

Anonymous said...

On the first picture the middle aged guy in suit is looking at Adam and telling himself: man I wish I was bald on sides of my head instead of top of my head. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Look at the picture where he looks out his car. Do we love Adam or do we care more about the hair? This is the same gorgeous Adam Lambert we fell for almost 3 years ago. His beautiful eyes, his smile. I feel nothing but Love coming from him right there.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

@Lizard eyes Agree with you. Also Adam tweeted that in his 2 radio interviews he talked about us a lot and adores us. He doesn't know how we all look, hair outfits,etc. So I adore Adam back no matter what his hairstyle is at the moment. Just want a tweet soon about the single!

Anonymous said...

Perez said he's not friends with Adam. Why the Glamberts still want to attack him. What's the point?

Anonymous said...

That haircut makes him look a little bit like Boy George. People will stare at them, even if they don't know who they are.

Anonymous said...

Let me guess, it's the cockberts who hate Perez. They like Adam to make trouble and sleep around, cheat Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Gaga is not friends with Adam.

glitzylady said...

@Lizard Eyes
Absolutely true: Adam is a beautiful man in every styles are a personal expression. My only objection would be if he ever shaved his whole head as I'm REALLY not a fan of that..but it has no bearing on what I think of him as an artist and a human being. I guess we all have our preferences.

As long as Adam is happy with it, and he appears to be for now, its all good. As long as he can keep his sweet and loving personality, his sense of humor, largely intact through all the tension, drama, stress, and the constant scrutiny that is his life now, that's really the important thing. And the love of his partner Sauli of course. Hair grows.

Anonymous said...

celebrities put on fake smiles for the paps all time. Hollywood is all fake. I would bust up the cameras.

Anonymous said...

Hollywood is backward.

Anonymous said...

All the whiners are just getting more wrinkles!!! Ha!Ha!Ha!... Instead of having fun here, you are just giving yourself a headache.....

Just enjoy the view!!!!!!! It's free!!!


Anonymous said...

Of course they can have a date night. I have four married children and they all have a date night. It helps to keep their marriage healthy. It seems to work for them, they are all married 16 to 30 years.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Sauli is really stylin' this time. I wish he'd lose the mohawk, though. And then there's Adam's hair...but I digress.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it, my husband watches TMZ every night and doesn't know ANYONE and keeps saying "Who's that?" and I have to admit I usually don't know...tonight I left him alone and went to my room and am watching Rosie. He just stopped by and with a smirk said "Your boy was just on TMZ!"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Anonymous said...

OT. Adam is really good friends with Stacy Francis.

funbunn40 said...

@ Jak & all,I rarely watch TMZ, but caught Adam on it & was so grateful for backup feature on tv! Adam was asked (seated in his car)if he ever cried on stage, after TMZ said JLo cried on stage. Adam said "Yes., sometimes singing a very emotional song." He then asked if she was alright, looking happy, smiling and charming as always. Sauli looked very sharp! Loved his silver pants,top with scarf and very cool boots! Adam had a cute Halloween looking T shirt, looking fine except for scalped shorn hair sides. Love Adam, music is most important, but can't wait for him to get this unflattering look out of his hairstyle4 gallery.Hate to see him mess with perfection! lol Have no intion of tweeting him, just an opinion among us friends.:)

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli both look gorgeous and happy.

LOL at Adam's boots. No doubt they are currently the height of fashion, but when I was growing up here in Newfoundland, Canada (40 years ago) my dad had a similar pair of boots that were called "gaiters". They were rubber with a zipper up the front. Men wore them over their shoes in winter but, like Adam, most didn't zip them up.

I've gotten used to Adam's hair and I thought he looked EXTRA gorgeous, hair and all, on the recent pics with the grey suit and beauty mark.


Anonymous said...

Little Sauli has certainly changed.......

Adam still makes me smile


funbunn40 said...

OT..Whoever thinks you don't date if you're living together is really missing something! My 2nd husband and I were married 30 years and we had dates just about every week. He opened my car door every time until he physically became unable. I always teased him about loving our "fun, romantic dates." He once took me to a fine private dining room restaurant in Ft. Lauderdale, had a huge bouquet of flowers sent to our table,( which underneath had tapestry footstools)and had a woman playing Clare De Lune (a song that had special meaning for me)on a harp at tableside. Living together doesn't take away your adventurous, loving spirit. It can strengthen it.Life is what you make it. I think Sauli and Adam are living it to the fullest!

funbunn40 said...

Oops! Please excuse typo errors in my 5:08 comments. Brain and hands out of sync!

donnaw said...

HATE THE HAIR.......ugh!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:06 PM
I believe Adam's close friend Alisan Porter is a good friend of Stacey Francis, but he said he saw her in a production of "Hair" and is a fan..She said she wished she knew he was a fan: they could have been friends sooner!

Anonymous said...


stacyfrancis stacy francis

OMG I was away frm twitter for the past couple of hrs and a war has ensued! @adamlambert is defending my honor! Against @perezhilton.. whoa

Anonymous said...

Adam looks very happy. Love in the air!
P.S. Love these boots:)

Anonymous said...

To 5:15 pm - haha yes I can totally relate. My dad and all the men at that time had those exact same boots in rubber and wore them in the winter and to shovel snow. With that memory, I just can't feel those boots are high fashion for clubs!

Anonymous said...

Girls/women are wearing those high pattern rubber boots for fashion...I've been wearing them for years for gardening...go figure..

Anonymous said...

bring back the medgies Adam

Anonymous said...

Bring back the pythons!

@ funbunn40........our guys were much alike! Everytime we go out at night and pull in driveway, he turns off the ignition and says "you wannna go right in or do you wanna get in the back seat for awhile?" An empty offer since the back seat would cripple our arthritic knees, but a girl does like to be asked!

Anonymous said...

Not that my opinion matters, but I'm not a fan of those boots. However, I read that they cost $1950!!! So, guess Adam wants to gets his money's worth out of wearing them! Ha!

Anonymous said...

I hate paparazzi! Adam poses for so many pictures - there is no need to invade his privacy to get these shots. Let him have his privacy and enjoy these moments with the ones he cares about.

Anonymous said...

@anon 8:50PM. How do you know how much money ADam paid for these boots? May be he bought them at Nordstrom Rack! Or at Bloomingdale on Columbus Day sale:):):)

Anonymous said...

Don't like Adam's outfit. It seems that he's gonna wear black and grey till rest of his life. This haircut terrible. Also, Adam gained some weight. Doesn't look good at all. This boots look terrible!
And orange tan-silver pants boyfriend of yours looks stupid like usually.
Like this comment that Adam's haircut reminds Boy George!HA HA HA

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I had to say "silver pants-orange tan-silver hair"
Don't like the combination of this colors.
Anyway, stay at home boys. Fashion police works 24/7

Anonymous said...

wow...yesterday Adam was too he's gain weight....people it's the know zoom...leave them alone.

Anonymous said...

Sauli . . .TGL or is it GTL??

on his way to Jersey shore maybe?

Anonymous said...

Sauli shaved sides don't look too bad . . his ears are closer to his head . . Adam's white walls... his ears are bigger and stick out more . .you know like the glambukge . did I say that so early in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Anyway . . grow some hair boys . .both of you!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the closeup picture of Adam.
Just soooo Adam!

Anonymous said...

Again we beat you to the medgies Adam but yours were a little more expensive. Love them!

Anonymous said...

Again nitwits on the site. Get a life people.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the shaved sides!!! ALways have! I think he looks extremely hot and sexy and bad ass!!:) So lovin' the current hair cut and Sauli looks awesome in those pants:)
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

BTW, why are you people so negative??!!! This sight had changed so much. I've been coming here for like 2 years and the first 1 year was fantastic, the next half year ok and NOW... All you guys do is criticize his hair, his outfit, if he's gained weight etc. Whatever happened to supporting Adam? Isn't that why sites like this are created in the first place? It's really sad how you guys are behaving lately. Love, tolerance and happines. Adam's message. Remember it.
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

5.26 what a nice story. I think Adam & Sauli are doing in their own way, the same thing. It's always necessary to spice up relationships, try to never get bored. They are doing it great 'cause they look really happy and in love.

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks sooo sexy.

Anonymous said...

Haven't been on this site for months. Very strange Sauli is now looking very glam, very blond and toned (must have plenty of time and money to spend on himself). check out his smile even his teeth look better (Veneers?) Adam is not looking so good as he used to, it almost looks like things have reversed. How odd. Like someone posted noticed Sauli walking in front of Adam like he is the Star and actually the way he looks and dresses he def looks the part. Could it be Adam is working like a dog on his new album and the other one has the time to take care of himself.

Anonymous said...

Meow! Not nice!

Anonymous said...

Strange haircut. It makes his forehead look very broad and I guess Sauli has become more attractive in a Jersey Shores kind of way. I'm disappointed that Sauli appears to be the star and Adam recedes into the background.

Anonymous said...

both of the guys look great!! this site is so infested with trolls.

Anonymous said...

No matter what pictures are shown of Adam with or without Sauli, there will be negative and positive comments. You cannot satisfy the public one hundred per cent of the time. Adam Lambert just seems to be one of those individuals who constantly draws attention and then comments. I guess when the press doesn't write about you or show your picture at some event or restaurant, then it's time to worry. Just look at the closeup of Adam in his car. Isn't that the best, freshest, happiest face you have seen? That smile certainly melts me. We may not always like the way he looks or the cut of his hair, but he is never boring. Now is the time for him to enjoy life and his music career as he is on his way to super stardom. Hope he and Sauli had a great evening out together.

Anonymous said...

7:47, Sauli's boots are probably one tenth of the price of Adam's boots.

Anonymous said...

9:59 I just say it like it is. A guy picked up from a bar is living the good life. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be living like this in good old Hollywood. Dinners out, clubs, the red carpet, trips to Bora, Bora and on and on. I would still like to know who pays the bills????? But in all honesty doesn't the romance go out the window if its all one sided?? Not that I blame Sauli, good for him. If Adam get bitten on his you know what its his fault. You go for it Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Once again the thread police feel it's necessary to remind us that we are not allowed to have an opinion if it doesn't reflect blind devotion to the Adam can do no wrong club. Get it through your pea brains that an opinion on a particular hair style does NOT constitute treason. Good God, people. Grow up!

Anonymous said...

4:17, good old Hollywood? What about the gay attacks?

Anonymous said...

4:17 4:18 Who said opinions are like assholes.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:17
Adam was taking a chance by picking Sauli up in a bar. But he had been looking for someone all last year, and I think he found something different and special about Sauli. I am sure Sauli told Adam that he had no money for the high life of Hollywood. We don't know if Sauli cooks at home for them both, we know he can cook, and Adam not so much, unless it's an omelette. Adam likes to treat him every so often, like any couple. I think Bora Bora was one of the gifts that Adam got at one of the Red Carpet events. Also he wanted to get to know Sauli better, without any papps around, perfect opportunity for them both to find out what makes them both tick. Adam said himself he would be the dominant one in the relationship. Every where he takes Sauli, he would have gone anyway, with one or two of his many friends.He is so in love with Sauli that is lovely to see. I hope he doesn't diaspoint Sauli. That is a two way street. They have both bloomed in this relationship.

Anonymous said...

4:55 you've said this very well. People who do not understand gay relationships, hopefully will get what you're explaining. Sauli would be like the girl in a couple. No dissing to us women but, Adam is the dominate one , he wines and dines and takes care of his lover. If Sauli didnt have the money to come over to HW to live, Adam falling for him is like the ultimate love story. I love you, come live with me. I will take care of you. Sauli is like the homemaker at home while the man goes out to make the bacon.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:17 PM

"Who pays the bills...doesn't romance go out the window if it's one sided?" Not understanding that reasoning. Each half of a couple give to make a relationship. My husband has supplied all the money in our house, I have created a warm, inviting home filled with art and books. I plan social engagements, do all bookwork, checks, ins. policies, raise children, care for his and my own parents, and made sure that we have saved for retirement. I'm fairly sure that without me he would still be alone in an eff. apt. with recliner, tv and bed ,spending each week's paycheck
as it came in. He seems to think I've enriched his life and I haven't contributed a cent.

We don't know the circumstances of Adam and Sauli's life, but Adam sure seems happy.

Anonymous said...

Photo #9 - Forrest Gump?

Anonymous said...

Love him whatever he does with his hair. I will be happy to see him have some drawings/tattoo around the shaved hairline. He looks cool! <3<3<3

Anonymous said...

It's a bit funny that Brad and Tommy are still jealous about Adam, but would Adam cry for them, I don't know..

glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:17 PM
Regarding Adam's relationship with Sauli: None of that is any of anyone's business but Adam's and Sauli's. Their happiness is evident, Adam has publicly expressed his love. He has not asked for our advice in his personal life, and in fact has strongly suggested we butt out. Everyone has to meet somewhere, and meeting in a place where single people congregate happens all the time. So what if it happens to be a "bar". The nightclub in which they met in Helsinki was very nice from what I hear, not that it matters. One never knows when two lives may come together, even those who may live half way round the world from each other. I'm so happy that he has found someone to love and share his life with. Everyone deserves that. My best wishes to both of them.

Anonymous said...

None of us really knows what goes on in the relationship between Adam and Sauli. And Adam has chosen not to discuss it publicly. Good for him. They both seem to be happy and enjoying each other's company in the pictures we get to see. Who pays the bills, who cooks, who does the laundry,etc....that is something they have to figure out as any two people do living together. Time will tell if this relationship will last. As we see in Hollywood, most relationships or marriages don't seem to last for very long. It's the nature of the business, the stress, the rumors, the constant travelling,etc. that put pressure on two people involved in a relationship, straight or gay. I think we all want Adam to be happy and in love and whether it is with Sauli or someone else, I wish him the best because he certainly deserves it.

Anonymous said...

Are there too many temptations or is it the nature of people who choose to live in Hollywood the reason why relationships don't last. Who knows Sauli may have a few admirers too.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:39- Sauli is like the homemaker at home. Are you kidding me? That was a very demeaning, ridiculous comment to make. And the man goes out to bring home the bacon? I think if Adam read that he would be insulted by those comments. Or maybe he would get a laugh out of it. We don't really know anything about their relationship since Adam has said he will not discuss it. They both seem happy, suited for each other at this time and everything else is strictly speculation. No one close to them has discussed their relationship at all and that's a good thing. For me, it's always been about the music with Adam and his personal life is just that. He has already told us more at times than we are entitled to know and that's why I suppose any details about his relationship with Sauli will remain private. You can interpret every move, every gesture, every smile any way you want, but the truth is known by only those involved.

Anonymous said...

At times I feel I know more about Adam Lambert than I do about some of my own family members or friends. He has revealed so much about himself and his music through interviews and twitter. But the relationship with Sauli has not be discussed and here we are all commenting about what we think about it either in a positive or negative way. And this is just from seeing pictures of the two of them together. I am sure we could all write wonderful scenarios about what we see or think we know. The truth is that we don't know much at all and that's exactly the way Adam wants it to be. I hope he is happy at this time in his life and whether it is a lasting relationship, only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

@4:17PM this is bull sh......f.....comment!!!! Nobody never can touch anybodies privite live and pocket!!
When I critisize Adam's haircut or boots (which I just but in 5th Ave sale for $200:) it's doesn't mean anything compare the little but very and only important thing about this blog "TACT and RESPECT"
Unfortunately, some people were born without these these important human behavior accessories and never can get it.
My Mom was born without any since of tact. So, I know very good what does this mean.
You can talk and make comments about shoes, makeup, or haircuts, but never mention anybodies expenses or very privite life. This is the reason I hate biography movies.

Anonymous said...

@October 27, 2011 7:47 AM

Please read what Alisan Porter (Adam’s friend) answers to jealous people like you:

polishedwood asked:

“You're close to Adam. Maybe you've figured it out. What does his bf actually DO? Adam has such skillz and charisma but he seems to have acquired a leech with no discernible talents and just a desire to be famous. Now he's all excited about his 'fans' on twitter and his public fc page. But they are only there for Adam. Does this guy even know he's no one? What do we do when we see our friends getting used?”

Alisan Porter’s answer:

“I have never met anyone sweeter and more kind than the man you are talking about…..I also think Adam is highly capable of making these kinds of choices for himself… are judging a situation before asking yourself…..why am i so invested in someone else’s life…..and so quick to judge something i know nothing about. When you can have the pick of the litter… aren’t likely to pick the runt. Have a beautiful day.”

Anonymous said...

Haha, to some of Adams fans, it seems he has picked the Runt. Regarding Alisans statement.

Why do so many fans waste so much time on Adams personal life anyway? Sick people, I guess.

I can only imagine the rath a woman would take if Adam dated the ladies. Oh my God, with all the jealousy going on from fans, a girl wouldnt have a chance with him, without being called a whore, money grabber, attention wanter, and the list would go on and on.
She'd be hung no less.
Adam has his own mind and I'm pretty sure he will have many loves in his young beautiful life.

Anonymous said...

6:56: Forrest Gump in photo 9!! That's exactly what I was thinking!! Dead ringer for Tom Hanks in that picture.

Anonymous said...

Sauli was living a good life in Finland. He had an apartment in the centre of Helsinki which is the most expensive place to live in Finland. I think thats why he was wondering that rents in LA are not so high. He comes from a prosperous family and was working in their family business besides doing freelance.

Anonymous said...

Anon 27 8:02 PM Of course he has like Adam. They both are attractive men. How to deal with temptations when you are in a relationship its the guestion. Time will tell.