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Kelly Clarkson: I love Adam Lambert!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 2, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, October 02, 2011

Kelly Clarkson talked about Adam Lambert in her new interview. She says he's the male "Pink".


Carlos said...

YAY you noticed my post hah!

Well that was quite flattering for Adam I hope he gets to see it.. I know Adam's gonna deliver us a top-notch album. I'm not sure if it'll be bigger than FYE but the quality and the mesmerizing voice will be there I'm 100% sure.

Anonymous said...

and I like you too Kelly! She has a spunky personality.

Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted this:

adamlambert Adam Lambert
Glamberts! “@MTV: Is it gonna be the Little Monsters, Barbz, Beliebers, Lovatics, or another fan army? VOTE!”

24/7 can you post Adam's tweet? Come on Glamberts vote for Adam or yourself on MTV. Vote until you get a message that you completed your daily vote.

Anonymous said...

Adam really wants the MTV Fan Army award. We have to make this happen! Love Kelly. Her voice is a powerhouse and love how she is so enthusiastic about Adam's talent.

Anonymous said...

MTV has an award show on Oct. 31 and he wants to be there. So please vote for him or us. Don't you want them to say that Adam has the best fans in the world?

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to hear Adam's colleagues praise him. I liked Kelly from the beginning, and she seems like such a cool girl with natural talent. She's my second favorite Idol...of course Adam is my all time favorite everything.

Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted this article and he wants us to vote for him for the MTV O Music Awards:

Anonymous said...

Vote until you get this message:

Hey Super Fan,
You have maxed out your daily voting limit.

Anonymous said...

Love to hear artists praising Adam and Kelly is one of the best. :)

I hear you, Adam .... voting!

Anonymous said...

This vote is important cause, it will show who is the fan base are more loyal indeed!!!!!!

Vote! Vote! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Kelly Clarkson should've won World Idol and if World Idol were run again, Adam Lambert should win it.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that Kelly Clarkson loves Adam, but I don't get her comparison to Pink. He's the male Pink because he has a raspy voice like hers? I never thought of Adam as having a raspy voice. His voice is so pure and clear and pitch-perfect - not to mention that awesome range and unbelievable breath control!

And then I could go on about his great looks, fasion sense, charisma, and sexy dance moves!


Anonymous said...

Adam is the world Idol for me he!he!

Anonymous said...

It is nice of Kelly, hope the UK get to know Adam's music more!

HK fan said...

Talking of UK, Flecking Records (always very supportive of Adam), have another article on him and his 1 million charity money. And one of the comments has a link to a breakdown of all his charity donations, which is worth a peek.

Anonymous said...

on MTVOMA, i read someone said use vote & share = earns 13 points, but i only get 8 points. Is there a special way to get that 13 points?

Anonymous said...

Will the award show on Oct 31 only be shown on line?( Is that what the "O" stands for?)I don't understand why it can't be shown on MTV also.

Anonymous said...

The cartoon character's hair on this MTV video kind of looks like Adam's with shaved lines on the side and emo hair:

I have a facebook profile just to use it to vote for Adam's polls and I get 13 points with each vote. I'm at level 5 now.

Anonymous said...

Nice to read that another artist is praising Adam since he seems to praise or recommend an album or song from other performers often on Twitter. The only comparison to Pink I see is that WWFM was originally intended for Pink but she passed on it and her loss was our gain with Adam's performance of that song. Otherwise, I don't really see them as being similar. Adam Lambert is the best vocal talent in the music business today and the only other singer I would put up there is Adele. She is also an artist with a great set of "pipes".

Anonymous said...

Adam can make his voice go a little raspy on purpose and then other times clear as a bell He has the amazing gift of being able to change his voice up. Not many artists can do that. Pink's voice is always raspy. Did you see Adam changed his avi to the rolling stones cover. Wonder why. Is he hinting something IDK

Anonymous said...

hey 24/7, aren't there some new lyrics from 3 of Adam's new songsthat Adam tweeted out there in the blogosphere?? Are they posted here yet?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Ms Clarkson, Adam is not the male Pink. He is Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Tonight on NBC Sing-Off a group by the name of Delilah will cover Adam's WWFM. Read these articles:

Check them out here performing Bruno's Gernade:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kelly, I think it's a wonderful compliment that the best female singer Idol brought us thinks Adam is the best male. Obviously she is a big fan of Pink's and of Adam. I liked what she said about his character and personality. Smart girl!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

9:23 when I vote after midnight tonight I need 26 points to be at level 4. 1:30 thanks for the info. about the group singing wwfm tonight on the Sing Off. will deff be watching.

Anonymous said...

testing, testing, 1 2 3

Shiggles said...

OK Here I go. I'm testy today; something I am not very often. I hope I don't offend anyone, but lots to get off my chest.

1. Kelly C said she loves Adam's "raw and raspy" voice. Is she listening to the same Adam I am? Couldn't be my Adam because his voice is perfection. #irritation

2. Went to vote on the 102 site for the hottest guy. Everyone is in alphabetical order by first name EXCEPT Adam who is stuck in the middle second row. Voted any way, of course. #confusion

3. When watching X Factor last week, Simon told a male quartet: I think you could be the world wide star that America could be proud of. I felt it was a direct slam at Adam. #anger

4. I hate, hate, hate using google chrome although I found it was the only way I could post a comment on this site. Admin, please DO SOMETHING!!! #reallypissed

Whew so glad I got that off my chest.

I am so looking forward to Adam's new single along with everyone else. Thanks @Glitzylady for all your posts. @JAK Hi ya Stretch. @Carlos Please post more often. It's good to hear from the male perspective.

@Everyone...Has there been any news from Fan4fun lately? I hope she is ok and recuperating, but would like confirmation.

@Admin: There are so many of us Adam fans who love this site and come to it daily. I can't help but wonder how many have given up on 24/7 because they can't post any longer. Please see #4 above and help us.:(


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Shiggles, I know where you're coming from. I don't get the "raw and raspy" reference to Adam's voice, and now Simon is telling several people/groups that they're going to be world-wide stars. It feels like Simon gave up on Adam, while the Glamberts know that Adam IS a world-wide star, and it's just going to take a little time until the rest of America realizes it!


Anonymous said...








Anonymous said...

I love that Kelly loves Adam Lambert, but I almost thought she had the wrong singer. Her "raspy and raw" comment about Adam's voice had me stumped. Adam's voice is the opposite - smooth and polished. But when she spoke about character and like ability, I knew she did mean our sweet Adam. It's good to know people in the music industry respect Adam. How could they not?Really!!!!!!! nancdruuu2

HK fan said...

I hear ya!!
as to Simon, Adam heavily hinted in several interviews after Idol that he had had no contact with him at all since Idol. I think the only one he vaguely keeps in touch with is Paula.

Shiggles said...

Referring to what Simon said to that quartet on X Factor last week: "I think you could be the world wide star America could be PROUD of." I took that to mean America and/or Simon is not proud of world wide star, Adam Lambert. I don't speak for all of America, but I am an American and I am so proud of Adam I could burst.

Anon @ 3:12 GLAMSHIT! I thought you were yelling and I was cheering you on. Sorry about your keyboard troubles you've mentioned

I forgot to add:

5. I HATE Bing, not our Bing who posts here, but the search engine that supposedly lets you be interactive. I don't want to interact and have to jump from site to site to see the information I am looking for. I want it to be there when I click on it. #timewasting


Shiggles said...

@HK fan -

I agree with you about Adam not being in touch with Simon. However, Kara co-wrote Strut with Adam. Randy Jackson has had several interviews where he praised Adam and a couple where he was sort of mheh.


Anonymous said...

It's business and I understand what Simon was telling to everybody at his show. He is giving them positive notes and it's a strategy indeed to get peoples attention with the kick.

Simon will never forget or over shadowed Adams exceptional talent indeed. He knew from the moment he heard Adams voice, he was the one will rock the world. American Idol was over after Adam and Simon left the Show for good......

I'm not affected of what Simon is saying right now, because when he said that we found the world wide star therefore, it's clear to me that Simon was right indeed.


Anonymous said...

ya know I am surprized anyone even mentions Adam anymore the way his fans over analyse every little comment. They are doing a cover of his song WWFM on the Sing off tonight, let's report back tonight after the show and start a thread on how everyone on the show dissed him.

Anonymous said...

Simon doesn't gush much at all about any ex-Idols, really. Adam is no exception. I don't think it's any big thing. I'm kinds over Simon and his whole schtick anyway. I am a little puzzled by Kelly's description of Adams' voice. He can do a great rock n roll rasp as well as anybody, but it's not his signature sound. Don't know what she's thinking about. As for Adam's fans over-analyzing everything and seeming to take offense at every little thing, well, I can't think of any other current artist who is quite as polarizing as Adam is. He's got his lovers and haters. I think we lovers get our defense mechanism going because of the vitriole we face, most of it unfounded and cruel. We don't think of Adam as just a singer. There is nothing superficial about our feelings for him. That's why we sit up and take notice at every comment. If Adam was a blah, middle of the road performer, we Glamberts would have it easy. But Adam is not for the timid or faint of heart. Being his fan requires some guts. So here we are, pouring over every word we can find about our boy. I call it being a true fan of someone who is so much more than "just" a singer. BTW, this running from one computer to another in my home to post on this site is a real pain. Sorry, mods, but this new set-up ain't good.

Anonymous said...

I agree with JB, I don't think Adam is like Pink at all, he is so much better, I heard Pink sing WWFM at one of her concerts and it came no where near as good as Adam's version of the song. Adam's voice is unique the best in the industry and I just hope he gets the recognition he deserves with his new album.

Anonymous said...

Please everyone don't forget to vote for Adam for the O Music Awards. He's asked us to do this for him.!!

Anonymous said...

Just watched GNT dvd this afternoon (again) I get what Kelly means about Adam singing raw. His voice is powerful and raw in several songs, SFW and Strut even parts of Sleepwalker. It's
the sound he's going for-fierce. Also he uses a raspy tone occasionally for a sexy growl, so I see what Kelly hears and admires.

As we have all commented, he can do anything a voice is capable of, I'd love to hear him sing a bluesy song.

Anonymous said...

RE Simon's comment about "proud to have a worldwide star" or something to that effect. I think Simon meant there are so many groups you could not be proud of and this group seems to have some pretty classy guys in it. At least they have good harmony and no curse words. I know Simon always loved Adam and I find it hard to believe he would disrespect him in this way.
Adam is King of the World!