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Summary of Adam Lambert's NYC trip

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 21, 2011

Posted at : Friday, October 21, 2011

Via @lorismile1


Adamluv said...

Cute upper left side photo!

LP said...

That first pic is an old one. Seen it many times.

Anonymous said...

Why Adam working with guitarist and producer of Bowie,madona and prince?

I hope he docent bring past to now?past is gone.

Bring something fresh Adam,

Anonymous said...

hey, I just caught on to these pictures. Priceless!! for sure.

Anonymous said...

I read on twitter that there is this one lady fan who follows (or stalks) Adam every time Adam goes to New York. Yuck! I live in L.A. and I drive everyday through Hollywood to get to work and I never ever seek out for Adam. She sort of looks like that lady who ran Selena's fan club. Looks kind of creepy. Yuck again!

HK fan said...

Here are Nile Rodgers tweets for those that haven't seen them, they're so great. He seems to have fallen under the spell too.

I really wouldn't say it if it weren't true-working w adam Lambert was one of the most organically perfect jams I've had since Bowie.

@MsSamaraMarie The dude (Adam lambert) SANG the paint of the walls- Respect

And he was humble and cool-he treated the fans so nice when we rolled out, not to mention he was immersed in funk so deep

YOU KNOW I don't throw out compliments lightly and don't have a horse in this race.He's the real deal and wants to b BETTER!

I really respect artists with that type of focus and determination-Luther,Bowie,Prince,Freddie Mercury etc

@Sam_Sparro BTW Sam-you sound f-ing amazing on the track that I played on and Adam has much admiration for you -Thanks for the linkage

Anonymous said...

@HK Fan
Thank you for posting the tweets from Nile Rodgers for us who do not use twitter. I've read the last few threads and have been dying to see what he said.
I love reading comments from people who have worked with Adam for their first time, especially those who say they don't normally post anything, or "throw out compliments lightly". He's earning alot of respect by the people in the biz and that makes me happy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks HK for posting!! LS, I couldn't said it better!! That is really good for Adam.


Anonymous said...

Just imagine how excited he must be, dreams coming true. I'm as happy for him as if he were my sweet boy whose excitement I get to see in person when one of his bucket list desires is fulfilled...
Happy :) Happy...JAK

Anonymous said...

So happy for you Adam.....

Just don't listen to all the craps and focus on the prize....

For all the fans who hates your outfits from the last thread, they are just jealous indeed ha!ha!. You can war anything and still u rock and handsome.... Your sex appeal makes them crazy ha!ha! Including me of course!!:)))


Anonymous said...

Oops!!! I meant wear...


Bing said...

@HK fan - you really made me soooo happy with your post, putting this very big smile on my face. What a fantastic way to end my day and may i say the best birthday gift for me teehee. Thanks so much for this HK fan :D

@Adamluv and @daydreamin thanks too for the advance greetings in an old thread, don't have time to go there anymore as i'm in a hurry to post. I can't contain my excitement with the tweets from Nile Rodgers and i can feel that the long wait for his new album with be all worth it. I miss you guys and i hope i can find more time for 24/7. Thank you so much again Adamluv and daydreamin :D

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

Yes! Comparing Adam to Bowie. Hope this tweet ends up in the news, not just comments about his leopard pants! Its funny how ridiculous things can become more discussed than this epic collaboration! Niles is now part of the Glamily!

Anonymous said...

Complete detail questions and answers of Adam's interview with The Advocate magazine. You must read this article cause it's in more detail than the prior one:

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy about the collaboration itself. Nile Rodgers has changed the game, influenced the music style, in a chic way and that's why he is called a legend. I just don't get why fans want Nile to be berting like a fan.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if this has been posted yet or not but here is Adam and Nile with Adam "chair dancing", The first part is muted but then you hear them talking.

Anonymous said...

Clever take off of the Master card ad, love it, so happy with the Niles thing.

tess4ADAM said...

ADAM has his own style of singing/dressing/music ... so have no fear ... ANYthing ADAM produces will be Fresh & Unique!!

BTW ... hope all you Glamberts are voting for ADAM here ...
and @ the MTV O Awards Fan Army FTW polls ...

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Magiclady said...

Love the leopard tights!

funbunn40 said...

@ BING,HAPPY,HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You deserve the best! Hope you had a happy, fulfilled day!

funbunn40 said...

@ HKfan, Thanks so much for posting these tweets. Made us all feel good and happy that adam is so respected as an artist. Adam is steadily building credibility with other talented creative artists which will hopefully give him the respect and visibility that he so well deserves.